I am Really an Insider

Chapter 572 569: Who should I explain to? Who should I answer to when I come out to fool around? (5.

Wayne and James broke into a physical fight. If you want to talk about this, reporters will not be tired.

Okay, let’s call it a conflict, but it was just Wayne pushing James.

Moreover, strictly speaking, mousse also has an acting component in it.

It can be seen from the slow-motion replay that Wayne actually pushed the mousse without being particularly hard.

However, Mousse leaned back very skillfully, then crazily stepped back, and finally sat down on the ground, sliding on the floor for a meter or two.

The whole performance is very systematic, and it looks like an old Jianghu at first glance.

Mousse's performance makes people wonder if he stayed up late the night before and memorized the driver's masterpiece - "The Actor's Self-cultivation".

Anyway, when the fans watched the replay, nine out of ten people laughed out loud, and one had facial paralysis.

Although the conflict between James and Wayne has no real substance at all, it is just a presumption.

But after all, they are the two top stars in the league.

There was physical contact between them, which was already big news.

Pittman, who was knocked out by Wayne with one punch, said he was very embarrassed. I was knocked unconscious directly. It would be better for Lao Zhan to act and become popular faster.

This big brother is different. He knows how to get the maximum benefit at the minimum cost.

You don't have to get beaten, and you can still win sympathy.

High, really high! My little brother has learned a lesson!

The conflict ended, and James was still standing on the court.

Although this conflict was not directed by Spoelstra, Spoelstra said that this wave of play was beautiful because he was able to use a substitute center to defeat the opponent's star player and a rotation player.

As for Comrade Xiaopi, the organization will remember your sacrifice, and I’d rather go all the way!

Pittman was directly carried down by a professional team, and receiving a punch from Wayne had the same effect as eating a poisonous mushroom.

You can see the little people dancing, so you can't walk at all.

Stephenson and Wayne were sent to the locker room by security personnel. Stephenson still looked very angry and wandered around the locker room unable to settle down.

"Damn, this coward! That's it? Is this the Chosen One? Damn it!"

While wandering around, he also yelled and cursed.

Stephenson is like this, he is not afraid of anything. Even if the old gangster came out and stood in front of him, he would still dare to fight.

Of course, you don’t know what will happen after you quarrel with him. For example, he quarreled with Lao Zhan today, but he was quickly retaliated by the Heat.

But Stephenson will not hold back just because he has suffered a loss. Even if he has suffered a loss, he will dare to continue to fight next time.

To describe him in Chinese terms, he is a tough guy.

Except for Wayne.

After all, the elbow that Wayne gave Stephenson was his first growth in society.

Therefore, the junior brother is blaming the sky and the ground, but he just doesn't dare to confront Wayne.

"Okay, sit down and rest for a while." Wayne yelled angrily. Fenson just couldn't get up from the ground for a long time. He must have suffered a concussion.

If something goes wrong with this, wouldn't it be worth the loss?

After Wei Ge spoke, Stephenson sat down obediently.

At this time, the game is still going on.

After Wayne came off the court, the balance of victory undoubtedly tilted directly towards the Heat.

If without Wayne, the Big Three can't handle the Blazers, it would be a shame.

The main reason is that without Wayne, no one on the Trail Blazers can compete with James.

Although Teacher Tony is a strong defensive player, he often kicks, punches and beats the handsome boy.

But his effectiveness in defending Mousse has never been good. Tony is more suitable for defending technical players rather than tank-type players like Mouss.

Although Tucker is strong enough, his defensive judgment and skills are not as good as Tony's, and he is still close to containing Mousse.

Mousse was completely stunned in the few minutes when Wayne came off the court. He was seven in and seven out of the Trail Blazers' penalty area.

Although Curry tried his best to resist, he was unable to defeat four hands with one punch.

In the end, the Miami Heat, which had exploded since losing to the Lakers, defeated the Portland Trail Blazers 104-97 at home!

Kobe angered the Heat, but Wayne suffered the consequences.

This is probably called the butterfly effect.

The moment the game ended, the American Airlines Center cracked.

James pressed his hands down, then patted his chest and took his signature domineering step.

Can you not be domineering? Winning this game is really important to James.

Finally, the Heat defeated a championship-level Western Conference team!

Lao Zhan finally felt proud.

Everyone on the Heat team rushed to hug Lao Zhan, scoring 37 points, 12 rebounds, 7 assists, 2 steals and 2 blocks.

Without James, the Heat would not have won today.

The victory in this game gave the Heat real hope of winning the championship.

The Heat players were excited. They felt like they were already the kings of the world and could already embrace the trophy.

James was also very happy, but after the game, when James faced reporters again, what he got was not praise.

"LeBron, in that conflict in the fourth quarter, people thought you were suspected of diving. How did you respond?"

This question immediately extinguished Mousse's surging mood just now.

What a god.

I finally beat the Trail Blazers once, and you just ask me to introduce myself?

Be a human being!

But for fans and reporters, the clash was indeed more exciting than the game.

Just winning or losing in the regular season, what does it mean?

Fighting is still fun~

Although James was unhappy, he still approached the microphone patiently: "I won't dive. I play an aggressive game, but I don't dive.

I've never been one of those guys to dive, I didn't even know how to do it. So... well, whatever, it doesn't mean anything to me. "

James shrugged after finishing speaking, "Well, I, Mousse, am the kind of person who is afraid of being slapped in the face?"

Obviously, Mousse's answer could not satisfy the reporter, so he continued to make trouble: "So, how do you evaluate Lance Stephenson?"

"Haha, you want me to evaluate him? I'm sorry, I don't want to waste time on him." James chuckled slightly, showing his disdain for Stephenson, saying that we are not at the same level.

This answer is extremely humiliating.

Now that all the random questions are over, Moussi thought, should the reporter ask some questions related to the game?

Now, you should ask me what it feels like to beat the Trail Blazers, right?

Quick, ask quickly!

I will definitely have a good chat with you about this!

Just as Mousse was about to show off, the reporter nodded: "Thank you LeBron, that's all I want to ask, goodbye."

Mousse:? ? ?

What a god.

You are really a serious basketball reporter! ?

Good guy, you can’t even ask a single basketball question!

Playing so hard, you don’t even have a chance to show off?

James was aggrieved. Sure enough, in the Heat, if you win, it's natural, and if you lose, everyone will laugh at you.

But all of this was Mousse's choice.

Since you choose to take shortcuts, you naturally have to take other risks.

Adults must be responsible for their own choices and bear corresponding risks.

If Wayne chooses to box, he will have to bear the cost of losing the match.

If Mous chooses to join a group, he will have to bear the price of being ridiculed and hacked.

If book friends choose to post pictures of young ladies in the group, they will have to bear the price of Lao Ge's malnutrition and discontinuation of reading.

This is the adult world.

So I advise all book lovers, rat tail juice~

Mousse was very unhappy, even though she won the game.

He thought that as long as he beat the Trail Blazers, he could vent his unhappy emotions.

Who knows, but it is getting deeper and deeper.

After returning to the locker room, Mousse found that several veterans of the Heat seemed to be discussing something.

"No, the young guys from the Trail Blazers are too insignificant."

"Yeah, who does he think he is? What kind of onion is he? He dares to provoke us Zhan Zhan."

"This is our territory! Let me tell you, I need to ask him for an explanation! Otherwise, he will be even more lawless next time!"

"Well, I need an explanation!"

Haslem, Juwan Howard and James Jones hit it off with each other and are about to go out.

"What are you doing? Don't be impulsive!" Mousse finally heard it, and the three of them were preparing to go find Stephenson.

"Don't worry, we will seek justice for you!" Haslem nodded to Mousse, and then walked out of the locker room door.

In the Heat's locker room, Haslem, Uncle Huo and James Jones all have great status.

Let’s not talk about the Harbin team. Because Uncle Huo is a veteran, he is also the anchor of the locker room.

Although James Jones is not the main rotation player, he has always been the most dedicated person in the team, so he is also highly respected in the locker room.

Even Mousse couldn't stop these old guys from speaking. As team veterans, they feel they have an obligation to protect their star players.

We can't let a brat like Stephenson act recklessly.

In addition, the Heat won the game today, which boosted everyone's morale and gave them some confidence.

The group of people walked toward the Trail Blazers' locker room in a hurry. Wayne was still changing clothes in the locker room when he suddenly heard a rapid knock on the door.

Wayne thought to himself that the reporter's interview time had already passed. Who could be so short-sighted?

Seeing that Stephenson had already changed his clothes, Wayne shouted: "Open the door and tell them if you have any questions, we'll talk about it at the press conference!"


Stephenson obeyed obediently, but as soon as he opened the door, he saw three ferocious old black men staring at him and a pitiful little old black man.

"Ah this."

Stephenson ate a lot and was about to slam the door shut, but before he could react, Haslem grabbed him by the collar and forcefully carried him out.

"Okay, just right! I'm warning you brat, if you dare to do these things to LeBron or any Heat player again, I will definitely beat you to death, I promise!"

Haslem began to threaten Stephenson, while Howard and James Jones sandwiched him to the left and right.

Wayne was a little angry when he saw Stephenson didn't open the door when he opened it, and didn't close the locker door after leaving.

Damn you idiot, look at what you can do every day?

You can't even do such a small thing!

He must be fooling around with the reporters at the door again now.

So, Wayne carried a stool and walked towards the door of the locker room.

Don't ask Wayne why he brought up the stool. He said he just wanted to sit outside. Believe it or not, Curry believed it anyway.

"Damn it, Lance, I'm telling you to shut the door!"

Wayne pushed open the locker room door and yelled.

Then, he found four big black men outside staring at him.

Haslem looked down and saw that Wayne was actually holding a bench in his hand, and he immediately put Stephenson down.

"What are you doing!? You don't bring any equipment!"

The Heat trio suddenly became nervous. Who would have thought that Wayne could be so strong!

"What? Are you looking for something with Lance?" Wayne understood instantly that the Heat were coming to block the locker room door.

Damn, that's too much!

I've always been the one to take the lead in blocking other people's doors. When have I ever been blocked?

Pierce: Yes, yes, Godway is great, don’t mention it again!

"Wei, don't get excited. I'm here just to give him an explanation, you know."

Haslem thought that Wayne would give him some face, after all, there was no need for him to get angry for a small role like Stephenson.

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, Wayne was so angry that he threw the chair at their feet.

"Who should I answer to? Who the hell should I answer to when I come out to fool around!?"

When Wayne roared, the three leaders of the Heat, who had just been in a rage just now, were all stunned.

After hearing the noise, the brothers from the Trail Blazers also rushed out.

"What are you doing? What happened?" Wu Sheng immediately squeezed his way to the front of the crowd.

Come to work, come to work!

Seeing this battle, the three leaders of the Heat couldn't help but take a few steps back.

They found that their prestige did not work with the pioneers!

The Portland Trail Blazers players only buy into Wayne's account.

As for Wayne, he doesn't buy anyone's fault!

It's not a good idea for the Heat's three leaders to leave now, or it's not good not to leave.

Let's go, I can't live with my face. It was obvious that he came to teach Stephenson a lesson, but he was frightened and sent back. What a big deal.

Why don't you leave? The scene is a bit dangerous.

After the reporters heard the news, they swarmed over like ants who discovered a cake, and the flashlights were on for a while.

The three leaders of the Heat knew that they had failed in their attempt this time.

Seeing that Wayne didn't give in at all and had no intention of handing Stephenson over, Haslem still gave in.

Before they came, they really didn't expect that Wayne would fight with a prestigious veteran like them for a small role like Stephenson.

Wayne doesn't care who you are, if you want to bully my teammates, I will do it to you!

No way, who made Wayne's first team the Pacers? At that time, the Pacers only had one person suffer a loss and the whole team went out.

Even if the relationship between Xiao Ao and Artest was not good at that time, even if Wu Sheng knew that the consequences of this fight would be serious.

But so what?

First, they are teammates. They need to protect each other, go out together, and then face the problems behind them.

Influenced by that atmosphere, Wayne has always had the mentality to protect his teammates no matter what during his career.

Although Fensen is indeed a little brainless today, it’s me, Wayne, who wants to educate, so it’s your turn!

"Let's go now, see you in the world!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Haslem left in embarrassment with the other two people.

Wayne is really angry. Why did Stephenson provoke Mousse? Don't you have any idea?

Besides, Finson has also been educated by Pittman's big elbow on the court.

Damn, after the game, you still come to cause trouble. What a shame!

"Let's go back." Seeing the Heat players leaving, Wayne waved, then turned and returned to the locker room.

Everyone first made way, and after Wayne walked in, they all followed back.


The subsequent press conference was lively. Reporters asked about Wayne's conflicts during the game and what happened in the tunnel after the game.

Wayne, who was annoyed by the Heat, didn't hide anything: "On the court? I just want to protect my teammates. He can elbow my teammates in the head, and I can punch him in the head. This is called everyone's equality."

As for what happened in the tunnel, you'd better ask the Heat players, after all, this is their territory. "

On the Heat side, Mousse was speechless on this issue.

How to say?

Said that his teammate went to block the opponent's locker room door, but was scared back?

Was it actually an act when he said he was pushed by Wayne?

How can you say this!


By now, no one cares about winning or losing this game. The grievances and conflicts between the two sides have transcended the game itself.

But everyone cares more about the win or loss of the Trail Blazers and Heat this season.

Why did last season's finals lack some flavor?

Because there is no grudge between the Trail Blazers and the Pacers. Not only are there no grudges, they are also quite friendly.

Nothing more than Wayne and Bird playing off each other.

This reduces the feeling of tension and the smell of gunpowder.

Therefore, although the Pacers played hard and the game was exciting, the ratings just couldn't go up.

But now, after tonight, the Heat and Trail Blazers are truly rivals.

If these old rivals can really meet in this year's finals, fans will definitely make the ratings of this year's finals explode!

What will happen when the two teams meet again?

Will they fight? Can you talk with the ball?

What will happen when James and Wayne meet again?

Will they clash head-on? Or will they use basketball to blast each other?

No matter what, there will be a loser who has to bow his head.

No matter what, they have to step on each other's corpse to get the crown.

The battle for this year's championship will surely be filled with blood.

Perhaps, the result of this game is not satisfactory.

However, this became the best foreshadowing for the final ending of this season.

They may not have distinguished themselves, but both sides succeeded in making each other hate the other.

Trail Blazers, Heat.

James, Wayne.

First consecutive championship and first championship.

The road to rivalry between the Heat and Trail Blazers has already begun.

Although Stern was very unhappy with the fight between the two parties,...

It has to be said that he is satisfied with this result.

Isn't this more interesting than joking about using a godfather whistle to fry an old enemy?

Boss Si decided to continue building momentum!

Let both sides be filled with hatred, and the finals will be exciting.

After Naochi withdrew from the championship stage, and judging from the current situation, Mousse is about to start having an affair with Wayne.

The February monthly ticket sprint event has started! The old rule is, reply in the comment area to participate, the more you vote, the more you get, first come, first served!

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