I am Really an Insider

Chapter 579 576: Brother Wei is asleep and Adu is insomnia (5K votes requested)

Klay Thompson made a long shot from beyond the three-point line, officially opening the score to double digits.

After the goal, Thompson pointed out three fingers to the stands, then put it to his mouth and blew hard.

Well, the young man has many tricks up his sleeve.

Let’s not talk about whether this shot is brilliant or not. Anyway, the show off at the end was quite brilliant.

On the bench of the Trail Blazers, all the idiots were jumping up and down, so happy.

Wayne just sat on the bench and applauded lightly.

After all, he is a big boss, how could he collude with these idiots?

Wayne applauded, not because of Thompson's goal, but because of his celebration.

As expected, I have been with Wayne for a whole year, and I am really good at pretending.

That’s right, I didn’t embarrass you, Brother Wei.

In Wei Ge's team, I can't guarantee anything else, but the pretentious atmosphere is very strong.

Only in a team with such an atmosphere can your playing skills improve.

Right, these are the soldiers brought out by Wayne.

Unlike a certain Fensen, it will only ruin my reputation!

Thompson's three-pointer made the Jazz basically lose hope of winning.

Trailing by 11 points in the last 45 seconds, it was indeed difficult to get the game back.

Today, the reason why Thompson has such a rare opportunity to pretend is mainly because this is the last regular season game of the 11-12 season!

Because it is a shortened season, there is only one day of rest between the regular season and the playoffs.

Therefore, Carlisle did not let the main players play at all today.

The Jazz's starting players were all replaced not long after playing.

Because for both sides, winning or losing this game can no longer change anything.

Currently, the Jazz's record is 35 wins and 30 losses. If they can win this game, their record will become 36 wins and 30 losses.

The Mavericks, eighth in the Western Conference, also had a record of 35 wins and 30 losses. It stands to reason that if the Jazz win this game but the Mavericks lose, the Jazz still have a chance to enter the playoffs.

This is also the reason why the Jazz sent their main players to play in the beginning.

But not long after the game started, the Mavericks had already defeated the Atlanta Hawks.

Even if the Jazz win this game, their record will only be tied with the Mavericks.

According to NBA rules, if the record is tied, then it depends on the head-to-head record between the two teams.

The Jazz's record against the Mavericks this season is 1 win and 3 losses.

Therefore, even if the Jazz win this game, they will not be able to surpass the Mavericks.

In this way, not long after the game started, the Jazz also replaced all the main players, and the two sides started a battle of novices pecking each other.

As for the Trail Blazers, they don't care about winning or losing because...

Invincible, too strong, Dugu seeks defeat!

In the last month of the regular season, the Trail Blazers continued their style this season and maintained a super high winning rate.

The Trail Blazers won 13 of the previous 15 games.

Among them, one was lost to the Thunder and one was lost to the Bucks.

In the game they lost to the Thunder, it wasn't because they were whistled by their godfather, but because the Thunder shot a super high percentage from beyond the three-point line in that game.

Even a player like Gui Shao who missed the layup shot 4 of 5 from beyond the three-point line in that game.

Facts have proved that without the hot-headed Turtle Shao, the Thunder would not be in a desperate situation.

Agui is really a stumbling block on Xiaoshuai's road to success.

Except for Agui, almost every three-pointer in the Thunder game was accurate.

Durant, Sefolosha, and Harden all hit three-pointers.

Ever since, Du Xiaoshuai finally felt proud.

But Wayne didn't feel angry. After all, who hasn't played sister-in-law once?

Moreover, even though the Thunder shot like this from beyond the three-point line, they only beat the Trail Blazers by 8 points in the end.

This is enough to illustrate the gap between the two teams.

Of course, the joke is quite happy with this result.

The Trail Blazers and Thunder tied 2-2 in the regular season. What a great relationship!

Isn’t this so hyped that it takes off?

But after that game, Joke's mental state can probably be described with an emoticon - the smile gradually disappeared.

Originally, the Thunder defeated the Trail Blazers, and the joke was very happy.

But in order to promote this round of the Western Conference's pinnacle battle, a 2-2 tie in the regular season is not enough.

The Thunder have to meet the Trail Blazers in the Western Conference Finals, and that's called a peak showdown.

But the Thunder's record is really not something they can support.

Not to mention chasing the Trail Blazers, the Thunder were even overtaken by the Spurs.

Currently, it has been determined to rank fourth in the Western Conference.

In other words, the Thunder will most likely meet the Trail Blazers in the Western Conference semifinals.

This gimmick is undoubtedly a big discount compared to the Western Conference Finals.

What makes the joke even more infuriating is that Du Xiaoshuai faced MVP competitor James twice at the end of the season and lost two games in two games.

Consecutive defeats in head-to-head duels basically eliminated Du Xiaoshuai from the competition for MVP.

The current situation is that Du Xiaoshuai is no longer the MVP, and his regular season ranking is only fourth in the Western Conference.

The joke means that I am too difficult. How can I praise this? I cannot be praised!

As for the Blazers' other loss to the Bucks, no need to think about it, the Bucks broke out and the Blazers were upset.

After all, who doesn’t want to play sister-in-law once?

Sister-in-law: Didn’t you just say this? How many times in the hell am I going to be played in a season!

After all, the Bucks have the true King James of the league.

LeBron? No, it's Brandon Jennings!

Although this guy is tepid this season, he is still a genius who can score 55 points in a single game during his rookie season.

It turns out that as long as he can smoke, he is a killer.

It just so happened that that day, James was on fire and scored 37 points in the game.

In the end, he helped the Bucks defeat the Trail Blazers.

Wayne said that when it comes to James, I don’t obey anyone but Jennings.

James? He is a fake King James!

After these two games, the Trail Blazers have never lost again. To this day, their record is directly ahead of other teams, and they are truly the only team in the league.

This is probably Wayne's leadership ability at his peak.

At this time, when Thompson hit this three-pointer to ensure the victory of the game, the Trail Blazers also confirmed their record of 59 wins and 7 losses this season.

This is the first time in NBA history that a team has lost single digits in a single season!

Although this has something to do with the shortened schedule of the shortened season, after all, the total number of games has been reduced, so naturally there will be fewer losses.

But even so, the Trail Blazers' record still stands up to scrutiny.

First of all, a record of 59 wins, even last season when 82 games were played, was enough to rank among the top three in the Western Conference.

If compared with other teams this season, it will highlight the strength of the Trail Blazers.

This season, the Bulls, number one in the Eastern Conference, had a final record of 50 wins and 16 losses, a full 9 wins less than the Trail Blazers!

Although the Warriors, who are second in the Western Conference with 52 wins, are still 7 games behind the Trail Blazers.

The horror of the Trail Blazers' record this season is evident.

Such a huge gap also means one thing - Wayne has basically determined his position as MVP this season!

When his record far exceeds his opponents and his personal statistics and influence are not bad, the MVP is basically stable.

Mousse is really in tears. The AMVP is gone, and the regular season MVP is gone.

We promised to harvest honors this season, but found out that I had become a leek and was being wildly harvested by Wayne.

I’m still struggling so much, just lie down!


The electronic buzzer sounded, and the Trail Blazers finally won the Utah Jazz 98-87.

Thompson scored 18 points and was the most handsome player in the game today.

When being interviewed after the game, Thompson was in high spirits.

When a reporter asked him if he was excited to be able to rush to the first place in the league with the team in his rookie season.

Thompson raised his head proudly and narrowed his eyes, his expression as disgusting as that.

Do you think I care about you? ?

You should say that the league's number one team is so lucky to have a dribbling genius like me, hahahaha!

Wayne stood up and hugged his teammates one by one.

This shortened season is going very smoothly.

Not to mention the best record in the league, he has not experienced any serious injuries.

As soon as this game ended, the playoff matchups became clear.

In the West, first to eighth are the Trail Blazers, Warriors, Spurs, Thunder, Lakers, Grizzlies, Nuggets and Mavericks respectively.

Pao'er kept his word and led the team to second place in the Western Conference. If everything goes well in the playoffs, then this year's Western Conference Finals will most likely be the Trail Blazers VS Warriors.

The Spurs overtook the Thunder to third place with a record of 50 wins, and also avoided the possibility of meeting Wayne in advance in the playoffs.

Of course, whether the Spurs can pass the Warriors level remains to be seen.

After all, the Spurs' opponent in the first round of this season was the Grizzlies, who suffered the humiliation of Black Eight last season.

After being seriously injured by the Grizzlies and then facing the Warriors, the Spurs were really in trouble.

Naochi is the most unlucky. In the first round of the playoffs, they will face the Thunder, which is highly favored by the league.

If you can't beat the Trail Blazers, beating the Lakers will count.

After all, the Lakers were also one of the rulers of the last era.

The Thunder defeated the Lakers, which can be regarded as breaking an era.

And in terms of the hard power of both sides, Wayne estimates that this round of Naochai will be a disaster.

A round trip is likely to be the final outcome of this season.

There is no way, the end of an era is always sad.

The Blazers' opponent in the first round was the Dallas Mavericks.

Last season's Western Conference Finals, the series between the Trail Blazers and the Mavericks was very impressive.

But this season, that fierce rivalry will no longer exist.

Because in the regular season this season, the Trail Blazers have won three games against the Mavericks.

The Mavericks' record of barely making the playoffs this season is enough to show their regression.

Therefore, if nothing else, the Blazers' first round of games shouldn't be too difficult.

Wayne is also confident of getting through the first round cleanly.

In the East, the top eight are the Bulls, Heat, Pacers, Celtics, Nets, Hawks, Magic and Knicks.

It's true that the Bulls were able to win 50 games even though Rose was injured for a period of time.

The Heat are playing steadily and are more stable than last season.

However, unlike the past few seasons, the Heat have almost no opponents in the playoffs this season.

For the Pacers, because they have lost their core Roy this season, it may be difficult to threaten the Heat with Aldridge, Granger and Holiday alone.

Black Yao Ming: Well, I don’t even deserve a name.

On Lukai's side, due to Junzi Lei's early departure, the combat effectiveness is also very limited.

Although Bynum has played the best performance of his career this season in Greenwich, he and Pierce have never been able to urinate in the same pot, and the team's chemical reaction is not good.

For the Nets, Deron Williams will not return until the third game of the playoffs. By then, it's hard to say whether the Nets can pass the first round, let alone threaten the Heat.

As for the bulls, it’s still an old problem. Their offense is completely inadequate in the playoffs.

The remaining Hawks, Knicks and Magic are simply not capable of competing for the championship.

In particular, the Knicks, eighth in the Eastern Conference, are simply the most disappointing team this season.

There is a Chinese saying that goes, "Mud cannot hold up a wall." This is used to describe "rotten" people.

Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens this year, Mousse will most likely reach the finals!

It’s not easy, I finally have the chance to be the runner-up!

It's really embarrassing that we didn't even qualify for second place last season.

Even if they only take second place, it can be regarded as a breakthrough for the Heat's Big Three.

Wayne and Mousse will inevitably have a peak showdown!

Wayne also hopes that the Heat can enter the finals this year, not because of anything else, but because he wants to kill the Heat with his own hands!

Wayne has not forgotten the conflict between the Trail Blazers and the Heat during this year's regular season.

Although Pittman was beaten to death, Wayne was not satisfied.

This is not something that can be done just by casually killing an unknown person.

At the press conference after the regular season, reporters also had a lot of questions.

Most people are asking whether Wayne is confident of winning the first consecutive championship in his career.

After all, this is an even year.

As we all know, Wayne is invincible in odd years. Last season, he counterattacked all the way and finally won the environment even when he was not favored.

But Wayne in even-numbered years is hard to describe.

This year's Trail Blazers have played so vigorously in the regular season. If they fail to win the championship in the end, it will undoubtedly be a failure of the season.

Wayne did not shy away from reporters' questions.

"You are right, this is a new era. You always say that the previous era was the era of the Lakers and Trail Blazers.

Then this era is the era that belongs to the Trail Blazers team!

We're not just going to win two, maybe we're going to win three, four. "

Mousse: Is it interesting for you to talk like this? Is this interesting! ? How nice would it be if you read my ID number directly!

Joke not only shuddered after seeing Wayne's answer.

If Wayne really wins three or four, then what's the point?

Wayne is certainly not bragging. If the Blazers continue this virtuous cycle, it is possible to create a dynasty.

While they are already capable of competing for the championship, there are still several potential newcomers who are growing up.

This is probably the healthiest team development path.

Of course, what Wayne has to do now is to first stabilize his chances of winning two consecutive championships this year.

Winning the championship this season is not as difficult as last season's battle between the gods, but it is not easy either.

The Trail Blazers played against the Warriors three times this year and had a record of 2 wins and 1 loss, but the points difference in all three games was in single digits.

It's not like you can easily pass their level in the playoffs.

By the time they reached the finals, the Heat in the 11-12 season could be considered the peak Heat.

The entire team has a strong desire to win, and there are also key shooters like Ray Allen and Battier.

Di Wei's state has not completely deteriorated, but Mous has truly reached his peak.

In addition to the 2003 class and Wayne, the Heat and Wayne already have stories, and the Heat will not give up.

Wayne then silently opened the system interface after returning home. After saving for so long, it was time to add a wave of points before the start of the playoffs!

The last time Wayne had an extra point was last year's offseason.

That time, Wayne used up the remaining four points-adding opportunities after the system upgrade.

However, Wayne has not yet spent much on the opportunity to redeem his honors.

Mainly because I can’t afford it.

The growth points needed to add a little now are too many.

In this playoffs, the main opponents are the Warriors and Heat.

When playing against the Warriors, the main thing is to guard against Paul and Howard's pick-and-roll.

When playing against the Heat, the most important thing is to limit Peak Mousse.

If you want to win the championship now, the requirements are different from before.

In the past, Wayne either had to carry Duncan or Yao Ming, otherwise winning the championship would be empty talk.

But now, there is no need to hold on inside. Instead, we have to guard the outside.

As a result, Wayne increased his agility from 80 to 85 in one breath.

As a result, whether it is offense or defense, the speed of Wayne's movements is not much different from that of the outside.

Whether he is defending Mousse on the outside one-on-one or switching to guard Paul, he will not suffer too much.

In addition, Wayne also increased his jumping height from 75 to 80.

Peak James, peak Howard, and peak Pao'er who haven't been seriously injured are all masters who can fly into the sky and escape from the earth.

If you want to guard against them, you have to have some height.

Wayne didn't want to be the backdrop.

After adding 10 attribute points, Wayne found that his points were no longer enough.

There are only 15 opportunities left to add points by redeeming honors. But it doesn’t matter. Once this season is over, you can continue to redeem it~

Well, in the past, the opportunity to add points could not keep up with the growth points, and you could not add empty points.

Now the growth points cannot keep up with the opportunity to add points.

Anyway, after using this system for so many years, it just doesn’t let you add it all at once.

But being able to get a 10-point improvement before the start of the playoffs is already very good.

What's the scariest thing about Peak Wayne?

Yes, he can continue to grow!

After finishing the extra time, Wayne lay on the bed early.

Win the championship in even years? It's really an experience I've never had before.

Whether a new era can begin depends on this year's playoffs!

Wayne slept peacefully, but Du Xiaoshuai, who was far away in Ocun, was tossing and turning and couldn't sleep.

He was eliminated by the Trail Blazers last season, and he won’t be the same this season.

At this time, Mr. Gui sent a text message to Xiaoshuai.

"Good night, big brother, I will definitely perform well in the playoffs!"

Looking at this text message, Xiaoshuai became even more worried.

You've already shown off like this, why don't you still perform well?

Please let me go!

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