I am Really an Insider

Chapter 580 577: Using the cover of mental retardation to show off muscles without leaving a trace (

The regular season will be completed on April 26, with a day off on April 27, and the playoffs will begin on the 28th.

However, as the first team in the Western Conference, the Trail Blazers have two days of rest.

Because the first place in the Western Conference won't start the playoffs until the 29th.

The introduction is the noodles!

However, everyone has not been idle these two days. They are all preparing for the playoffs with the Mavericks.

Although the Mavericks are only eighth in the Western Conference this season, they were the team that reached the tiebreaker with the Trail Blazers last season.

Therefore, some Blazers fans are still very nervous.

It is not completely impossible for something like Black Eight to happen.

Wasn't the old Vic player hacked last season?

Old thief: You've said so much about the co-author, just to spite me?

But Wayne himself is not particularly worried about this series. After all, the Mavericks in the original history were swept 4-0 by the Thunder.

This also made the Mavericks the second defending champion in NBA history to be swept in the first round.

Who is the first defending champion to be swept in the first round? Of course it's the Miami Heat!

Wade: Hey!

And who is the first defending champion in the 21st century to make it past the first round of the playoffs? Of course it's the invincible Spurs!

Popovich: Hey!

Anyway, in the original history, even the Thunder could sweep the Mavericks 4-0. So with the strength of this Trail Blazers, there should be no problem in taking down the Mavericks.

Durant: What does it mean that "even" the Thunder can sweep the Mavericks? Our regular season record is 2-2. We are a team of the same level. Please show some respect!

During these two days of training, Stephenson was surprisingly serious.

After all, he once said that he would help Brother Wei clean up the Heat.

But how can we deal with the Heat if we don't kill the other opponents first?

Seeing Stephenson's serious look, Wayne was very pleased.

If Stephenson can really make a difference this year, it will undoubtedly be a lot easier to beat the Heat.

But Wayne thinks you should stop practicing football and practice how to develop a mousse mentality.

after all

In fact, your football skills are not the most valuable thing about you, Finson!

April 28 is the first game day of the playoffs.

In today's game, the Warriors and Heat took the lead, and both played extremely efficiently and won the game.

When the Warriors faced off against the Nuggets, Paoer scored 32 points and 11 assists.

Master Huo also had a good meal and scored 21 points.

Today, the creation battle between Master Huo and Mikey is simply a mindless and unhappy real-life version.

George Karl probably regretted letting McGee bring his talents to the Denver Plateau.

Since Big McGee came to the Nuggets, George Karl feels like he will lose two years of his life.

He is always going to be pissed off by Big Mackey's slutty tricks. How can the elderly withstand such anger?

For example, today, when Faried was taking a free throw, McGee did not stand under the basket to grab the board. Instead, he stood directly in the backcourt and waited on the grounds that he was too tired.

A teammate took a free throw, but McGee, as the center, stood in the backcourt. Which coach couldn't be mad at this?

Moreover, McGee is not standing seriously in the backcourt.

He stood like a socialite, with his hands on his hips and his legs crossed. God knows what he was thinking!

After a timeout, George Karl asked McGee why he didn't go to the basket to grab the rebound.

McGee's answer almost made George Karl suffer from cerebral thrombosis.

"Anyway, I can't beat Howard in this situation. I might as well watch out for their counterattack~"

After saying that, he still had an expression like "Coach, do you think I am smart?"

Good guy, this logic is impeccable, George Carl almost died on the spot.

Lose your life!

Howard kept a straight face throughout the game today. He didn't know who he was, but he thought someone owed him millions.

This mind-numbing and unhappy drama ended with a victory for the Warriors.

On the other side, the Heat VS Magic, the Big Three even scored a morally bankrupt score of 100 to 67.

Although before the game started, everyone knew that the Magic and Heat were not on the same level.

But to be like this is something the fans never expected.

What is the concept of scoring 67 points in a single game?

Since the 21st century, 67 points in a single game is the second-lowest single-game score in the playoffs in this history.

You ask, why should we emphasize this historical NBA? We dare not say it, otherwise we will be warned by Pao Quan.

After the game, Orlando fans were so angry that they complained wildly on the Internet: "I have never seen a 67-point playoff game!"

Magic was very arrogant: "Hey, you saw it today."

Zhan, who entered the playoffs, scored 32 points, 4 rebounds and 4 assists in the three quarters. He made 10 of 14 shots and hit 71.4% from the field.

The Magic's defense is useless. The inside line composed of big baby Davis and Ryan Anderson is completely unable to resist James' impact.

Turkoglu also did not put enough pressure on James on the defensive end.

James was even curious, how did he lose to such a thing back then!

Throughout the game, the Magic's performance on the defensive end could not be overstated to describe them as helpless.

On the contrary, it was the Heat, because Spoelstra had made sufficient preparations before the game, so he defended Monta Ellis perfectly.

In the whole game, Ellis made only 3 of 15 shots and only scored 11 points.

As an offensive kaleidoscope, he only scored 11 points in a single game.

For comparison, the Heat's tool point guard Chalmers also scored 11 points in this game.

People joked that the Magic could give Chalmers a max contract to start rebuilding.

The score of this game was so outrageous that all Chinese fans ridiculed it online.

"Ellis, stop playing basketball and find a factory to work hard!"

100 to 67, the Heat easily defeated the Magic.

Wayne watched the live broadcasts of these two games. Damn, you are playing so hard against a weak team. You two are just showing off your muscles for me.

Then Wayne must not be outdone, he looks like no one has any muscles.

So the next day, the Mavericks were brutally beaten by the Trail Blazers.

In the original history, although the Thunder swept the Mavericks 4-0, the scores in three of the games were very tight.

In Game 1 of the series, the Thunder even relied on Durant's buzzer-beater to win the game.

But now that the Trail Blazers are here, they won't have as many bells and whistles as the Mavericks.

Make clear arrangements directly for Mavericks!

At the beginning of the game, Wayne, as the star player, scored 6 points in a row on Dirk.

Dirk's pace this year is much slower than last season, and Wayne feels that the Mavericks' overall defense is not as desperate as last season.

Of course, defense has never been Dirk's specialty.

Last season, Dirk's defense against Wayne wasn't that good either. But the reason why the Mavericks can live so long is mainly because Dirk and Wayne can compete with each other.

Just one purpose - I can't guard you, and you can't guard me.

But this season, Dirk has been unable to score false goals against Wayne.

Dirk's first shot after coming up was directly blocked by Wayne.

Later, Dirk used his signature Golden Rooster independent step back.

Although Wayne couldn't block it, Dirk couldn't make the shot despite Wayne's interference.

Seeing Dirk's lips clenched together, Wayne could clearly feel the unwillingness in his heart.

Now, he is really exhausted.

The Mavericks' other sharp knife, Terry, also lacked the magical performance in last season's Western Conference Finals.

Last season, he hit all kinds of top shots.

But this season, his performance is quite consistent with his worth.

After half the game, the Trail Blazers led the Mavericks by 21 points.

So much so that by the third quarter, Carlisle was already starting to make rookie plays one after another.

Thompson, Green, Stephenson and Giba all got opportunities to play.

Although the Mavericks have been crippled, this is still a serious playoff game.

It is better to let young people go up and experience the experience in advance than to rush the duck to the shelves at the critical moment.

In the first half of the second half, the Mavericks put up some resistance.

As a result, in the seventh minute of the third quarter, the Mavericks narrowed the point difference to 15 points.

At this time, Carlisle called a timeout and replaced Stephenson and Wayne at the same time.

Going to Stephenson is hoping that Finson can adapt to the rhythm of the playoffs.

As for Wayne, there is no doubt that he wants to stabilize the situation and maintain the double-digit advantage until the fourth quarter.

Before appearing on the court, Stephenson also patted his chest in front of Wayne in a serious manner.

"Don't worry, Brother Wei, there will definitely be no problem with my performance!"

Wayne chuckled, doubtful.

The more you say this, the more worried I become.

However, Stephenson's performance in the first round after coming out really did not disappoint Wayne.

In the first offense after returning from the timeout, Stephenson confronted Terry outside the three-point line.

Using his taller and stronger body, Stephenson pushed Terry into the penalty area and forced a layup.

After the goal, Stephenson slapped his crotch wildly towards the Mavericks bench.

Fensen thought to himself, I am pretending so well that I don’t embarrass Brother Wei!

What other sand sculptures know, I can do!

In fact, Wayne quickly ran away silently covering his face.

Damn it, if you don’t know how to pretend, just stop pretending!

If you do this kind of celebration, I won’t be able to help you if you get beaten!

It's also thanks to the fact that most of the Mavericks are composed of veterans who know that Stephenson has no ill intentions, but simply has a brain problem.

Otherwise, there will inevitably be a fierce battle today.

Well, although Stephenson's celebration stretched his hips a bit, the goal just scored was indeed beautiful.

Dare to play hard in the playoffs, this is the kind of newcomer the Trail Blazers need.

Following the beautiful goal just now, Stephenson contributed another outstanding defense.

This time the Mavericks attacked, Dirk was completely covered by Wayne, so the old Kidd could only hand the ball to Terry.

Terry faced Stephenson with the ball. Looking at the rookie's wise eyes, he suddenly became angry.

Damn it, I am a big jet, and I was bullied by such a mentally retarded child just now.

This is simply humiliating to me!

So Terry made a decisive decision to hit Finson.

Terry started dribbling alternately with his left and right hands, and then suddenly brought the ball back to his waist with one hand.

Finson saw that Terry was about to pull out, so he quickly jumped up to block it.

"Humph, a retard is a retard!" Terry smiled slightly and dribbled past Finson.

He just made a fake gesture of worshiping Buddha, and someone even bit him on such a straight hook.

Terry easily entered the penalty area and raised his hands for a layup.

The sister-in-law was stuck tightly by Heywood and could not move.

Wayne was pulled outside the three-point line by Decker, and it was difficult to get back to the penalty area no matter how fast he was.

It seems that as long as Terry does not miss the empty layup like Tony and Turtle, the goal is basically stable.

Tony, Mr. Turtle: Haha, are you kidding? Are you so eager to learn when you miss a layup? As the number one active player, Wayne can't even learn it!

Terry jumped up lightly and threw the ball towards the basket.

But as soon as he threw the ball, he felt a huge impact behind him.

The next second, a big hand appeared above Terry's head and pushed the basketball onto the backboard!

In the Trail Blazers, the one who is best at making big shots is undoubtedly Wayne.

But Terry was convinced that the ball was not taken by Wayne.

Because that hand is dark!

What a black hand!

Terry fell heavily off the baseline, turned around and saw Stephenson holding a basketball in his hand, grinning at him.

Well, although Finson tried hard to look fierce.

But he has no idea that his current expression has zero intimidation and is full of bullshit.

A certain Fensen failed again in pretending to beep!

What was even more embarrassing was that he didn't know that he had failed to pretend to beep, and he kept staring at Terry.

Terry sat on the ground. Although he was embarrassed by being chased, he almost couldn't help laughing when he looked at Stephenson!

But just like before, although Fensen's disguise was not very good, this one was really beautiful.

After seeing Finson being knocked away, Wayne had already accepted the fact that Terry scored.

Unexpectedly, Fensen was very active in chasing back, and he was even more desperate when he blocked the shot at the end.

"Lance Stephenson, a beautiful chase! In this year's playoffs, these young people of the Trail Blazers will definitely play a huge role!"

The fans were cheering and the commentators were shouting.

This is Stephenson's first highlight moment in the playoffs.

Wayne looked at Finson and nodded silently.

Well, in this state, it should be enough for you to torture Mousse.

In embarrassment, Terry pretended not to care and hurriedly got up to defend, while Wayne also approached Finson.

"Quick, give me the ball, we should fight back!"

Hearing Wayne's shouting, Biffenson recovered from his narcissism.

He was still secretly proud in his heart: "Hey, with this offense and defense, I have established my status as the strongest rookie of the Trail Blazers! That old boy Terry must be scared!"

"Quick, pass the ball!" Seeing Finson standing there and giggling, Wayne shouted again.

"Okay, Brother Wei has caught it!" Stephenson then passed the ball to Wayne with both hands.

But when he saw Terry standing diagonally behind Wayne, waiting for an opportunity to steal, Finson wanted to play a trick on Terry.

So Stephenson temporarily changed the direction of the pass and made a fake pass towards Terry.


During this process, Stephenson suddenly slipped his hand, causing the basketball to really fly out.

However, because Stephenson's pass was in an arc, the basketball did not fly directly to Terry, but also made a half circle in an arc and flew directly out of the baseline behind Stephenson!

Banana pass!

"Fuck!" Stephenson hurried over to chase the ball, but it was too late.

The referee stared at Stephenson with his whistle in his mouth and was stunned for a long time before finally blowing the whistle to signal Stephenson to go out of bounds.

Can you not be stunned?

The referee has never seen such a sloppy turning pass in his life!

It was obviously a pass forward, but the result was that the basketball could turn around and pass behind him.


Beckham cried when he saw it.

Just now, people were saying that risk-chasing was Stephenson's first highlight moment in the playoffs.

Who would have thought that he would immediately create a second highlight moment, and it was even more exciting than the first one!

Wayne looked at the basketball on the ground, lost in thought.

Why would I expect such a mentally disturbed person?

I want you to practice and torture Mousse, not me!

Du Xiaoshuai: Hahahaha, you know how it feels to be tortured by your teammates, right? Hahahaha!

Stephenson turned around and looked at Wayne innocently: "Brother Wei, listen to my explanation."

"Stop talking, I would like to call you Brother Fen. You can go down and rest. Don't be tired!"

"Hahahahahaha, you Sabi, hahahaha!" Terry laughed so hard that he covered his stomach. If you push this ball forward 50 years, no one will be able to tell it 50 years later!

Isn't that right? He can make mistakes in such a short-distance pass. You will definitely not find anyone else in the NBA.

"Shh~ You just got blocked by a Sabi!" At this time, Stephenson appeared in Terry's ear leisurely and said something unexpectedly.

"Hahahahaha, yes, yes, I was fooled by Sabi, and I was glared at by Sabi, hahahahaha!"

Finson was very puzzled when he saw Terry so happy.

Is my trash talk not trashy enough?

Wayne: No, your trash talk is so trash!

Stephenson's episode also surprised Carlisle.

Fortunately, Finsen returned to normal after that, and he was able to do all three things in defense, scoring and organization.

However, no matter how good he performed, he could not restore the reputation of this game.

Mousse, who was paying attention to the game, also laughed until his stomach ached. If the Blazers had a few more people like this, the game wouldn't even be played.

Well, Mousse doesn’t know yet, but this Sabi in his eyes will bring him an extraordinary gaming experience.

A person who can torture Wayne until he goes crazy, wouldn't it be easy to torture Mousse?

Lao Zhan thought his opponent was Wayne, who was too small and had a smaller structure!

With the embellishment of Stephenson's exquisite pass, this unsuspicious game is not so boring.

95 to 79, the Trail Blazers easily defeated the Mavericks at home, leading the total score 1-0.

As soon as the game ended, the reporters wanted to interview Wayne, but found that Wayne and Finson were happily chasing each other and playing.

The on-site commentator smiled slightly: "Look, Wei is celebrating his victory~"

Fensen: Happy sister!

Well, people only remember Finson's ghost banana ball, but they all ignore Wayne's 31 points, 10 rebounds, 6 assists, 2 steals and 1 block in three quarters, and his shooting percentage was as high as 73.3%.

Beat the mousse!

He also only played three quarters, but Wayne's statistics in all aspects were better than that of Mousse yesterday.

These muscles are so flexibly displayed that there are no traces at all.

But it doesn't matter if you can't see it now. When the fight actually starts, the Heat will know it hurts~

Some people's IQ is everything.

And some people’s IQ is just a cover~

The first update is here, Lao Ge is begging for a guaranteed monthly ticket!

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