I am Really an Insider

Chapter 583 580: Mr. Turtle’s big baby, Brother Wei can easily get in and out (6.7K votes requested)

On May 12, when the Nets finally eliminated Green Kai in the tiebreaker, all competitions in the first round of the 11-12 NBA playoffs have come to an end.

Speaking of which, Lu Kai probably didn't even expect that they would be eliminated by the Nets.

You know, the Nets didn't have Deron in the first two games.

However, Hard and Carter's determination far exceeded Lu Kai's imagination.

Although Hard Te has a good relationship with Pierce, he disgusts Angie!

I, KG and PP, we were originally a perfect couple, but we were torn apart by you, the green devil!

So whenever you play against Green Kai, hard specials are played very energetically.

Not to mention Carter, he will do his best as long as he plays.

Although he already wants to hug his legs, it does not mean that Carter has given up on this season.

He was still willing to give it a try.

On Green Kai's side, only coaches Pierce and Long are left struggling to support the team, and the overall lineup is not very strong.

So in the two games that Deron was absent, he actually lost one game.

After Deron comes back, Green Kai's best winning window has passed.

Just when everyone thought Deron was back and the Nets were going to teach Lu Kai a lesson.

The Nets were unable to attack for a long time

It's like these two teams are joking, they don't win when they should win.

It’s even more confusing than Aunt Qiong Yao’s TV series.

At that time, Wayne really wanted to borrow a Nets jersey and go up to help the hard special for two days.

Damn it’s so ink!

Do you know how uncomfortable it feels when you desperately want to hit Du Xiaoshuai but can't do it? ?

So after the Nets finally won today, Wayne was about to be relieved.

Tomorrow, the much-anticipated Western Conference semifinals between Wayne and the Thunder will begin!

The four matchups in the conference semifinals are the Heat VS the old rival Pacers.

The Bulls VS Nets barely got through until the tiebreaker.

In addition to the Trail Blazers VS Thunder, the other matchup in the Western Conference is the Warriors VS Spurs.

The Spurs faced the Grizzlies again this year and finally got their revenge, kicking the Grizzlies out of the playoffs in the first round.

The main reason is that this year Duncan finally has Split as an inside helper, and the old Veach thief has also found a way to break the Grizzlies' defense-crazy pick-and-roll!

The Black and White Bears lack the ability to defend pick-and-rolls.

Therefore, the Spurs' crazy pick-and-roll gave the Grizzlies quite a headache.

Just like that, the Spurs avenged their humiliation 4-1 and advanced to the Western Conference semifinals!

The old thief in Vicky has to laugh out of his dreams, because facing the Warriors in the Western Conference semifinals, the old thief feels that he is also a sure winner.

It’s better than meeting Wayne early!

By then, in the Western Conference finals, if Wayne is dealt with, the Spurs will be considered a successful turnaround!

Well, even the old thieves don’t know how much Wayne actually supports him.

On the day the Warriors and Spurs both advanced, Wayne sent a text message to Paoer.

"It's a brother, come and kill the old thief!"

Wayne said, old thief, I can only help you so far!

After all, only by defeating warriors with full firepower can you highlight your stabbing strength.

In order to let the whole league know that the Spurs are very powerful, I, Godway, also used such a layer of connections, which can be said to have taken great pains.

Wayne believed that Pao'er would definitely respond to his call, because the two sides had already made an appointment to meet on the stage of the Western Conference Finals.

Therefore, Wayne is also quite serious about playing against the Thunder.

If he advances more slowly than his own son, how can he still act like a father?

Besides, beating Thunder is almost like making a joke.

Wayne was even more enthusiastic.

Why is the game between the Trail Blazers and Thunder the most anticipated of all four-round matchups?

Just because the joke is building momentum, he wants to make the game between the Thunder and Trail Blazers a focus battle.

In this way, Du Xiaoshuai can get the most attention.

If Du Xiaoshuai still wins, wouldn't it be better?

What Wayne has to do is to make this high-profile game a failure!

The day before the game started, all major TV stations were talking about the feud between the Thunder and Trail Blazers.

Most people feel that this series may be quite tense.

Because the Thunder are the only team this season that can tie with the Trail Blazers 2-2 in the regular season.

This evenly matched duel is bound to create sparks.

In addition, the outstanding performance of Westbrook and Harden in the playoffs is also the reason why people think that the Thunder can open a 55-5 game with the Trail Blazers.

Just one day ago, the NBA officially announced that Harden has become the best sixth man of the season.

Westbrook's efficiency in the playoffs also made fans think about it.

With both guards performing better than in the regular season, it shouldn't be a problem for the Thunder and Trail Blazers to have a 50-50 tie, right?

Therefore, after a random analysis, most media believe that the Trail Blazers and Thunder will play a close series.

Wayne: Haha!

Every time Wayne sees the word "evenly matched" used between the Trail Blazers and Thunder, he wants to laugh.

I was so evenly matched!

Well, if you think that 4 of 5 three-pointers by Turtle was also a true reflection of the Thunder's strength, then I, Godway, have nothing to say.

I thought that the two big wins against the Thunder in the regular season were enough to explain the problem.

But I didn't expect that some people were still so stubborn.

In this round of the series, everyone must see what the Thunder are like!

On May 13, the Thunder generals came to the Rose Garden early to start preparing for the game.

Having just eliminated the Lakers, Harden won the Sixth Man of the Year award again, which made the youngsters on the Thunder team feel a little dizzy, feeling that they all had the No. 1 spot in the league.

When Du Xiaoshuai got off the team bus, he kissed the reporters from a distance.

In his imagination, his kiss exuded confidence, handsomeness, and superstar temperament!

But in the eyes of reporters


Ning this is going to cost us our lives!

Mr. Gui did not hesitate to give in. He walked out confidently wearing a fluorescent vest and orange overalls.

Facing the cameras that kept clicking on both sides, Mr. Turtle held his head high and walked out like a fool.

It’s time to become a model!

Well, Mr. Turtle probably doesn’t even know how well his outfit today matches Durant.

Wayne would like to call them construction site masters!

After walking into the visiting team's locker room, Du Xiaoshuai couldn't help but laugh: "Damn it, I just saw a female reporter who was blown away by a kiss!"

He didn't know that after seeing him blowing a kiss, his blood pressure soared and he fainted.

"Hey, my outfit must be at the forefront of fashion." Mr. Turtle looked at his construction site clothes and was secretly proud.

At this moment, Mr. Turtle took out a transparent thermos cup from his locker and waved it in front of Du Xiaoshuai.

"Adu, let me show you my big baby!"

Du Xiaoshuai looked disgusted, "Who doesn't have that stuff like yours? If you have the guts, the two of us would like to see Ibaka."

Because not everyone has his stuff!

Seeing that the eldest brother's expression was not right, Mr. Gui quickly explained.

"This is the big treasure I'm talking about!" Turtle Brook then shook the thermos cup in his hand.

"What is this?"

"Hey, do you know why Wayne never gets tired on the court? Do you know why he lasts so long? Do you know why he's so capable?

I finally found the secret to Wayne’s golden longevity!

This is it, something called wolfberry water!

I observed carefully that Wayne would drink a glass of wolfberry water during the game whenever he had nothing to do.

This mysterious oriental drink is definitely more powerful than Gatorade!

I asked a nutritionist, and he said he didn't know that this stuff has the function of supplementing physical energy, but it doesn't do any harm.

How about it, brother? Do you want to try it? "

Turtle Shao instantly transformed into Dr. Turtle, with a smug expression on his face, as if he had discovered the secret of the universe.

Du Xiaoshuai took the thermos cup and looked at it curiously.

The color looks similar to Gatorade, but the red particles filled half of the thermos cup look a little unsettling.

"What does this thing taste like?"

"Oh, who knows, it's definitely better than Scarlett's foot washing water! Uh... I mean, it shouldn't taste bad. Otherwise, would Wayne be so fond of drinking it?"

Mr. Turtle wiped his sweat. My eldest brother probably didn't hear that I was teasing him, right?

"I think this thing is reliable, so you share half the bottle and I share half the bottle. You and I, brothers, will fight until dawn!"

"Brother Delu, I will find you an empty bottle right now!"

Seeing Mr. Turtle obediently find the empty bottle and prepare to share the big treasure with him, Durant became even more excited.

Wayne, Wayne, today is the day when I, Du Xiaoshuai, will become famous!

Before the game started, both sides were warming up. The reporter interviewed Wayne and asked him how he would deal with the Thunder, an evenly matched opponent.

Wayne really feels that enough is enough, don’t let this close match go unnoticed!

If you say this, I will feel ashamed!

That kind of male god and I are really not the same person!

On the other side, Du Xiaoshuai expressed extremely strong self-confidence.

"The Trail Blazers are a veteran team in the Western Conference, but so are the Lakers. No matter who the opponent is, we will not back down!"

Kobe: OK, remember what you said. Next season, I will be the first to bite you to death!

After the warm-up, Du Xiaoshuai sat back on the bench and took out the bottle with the number "35" written on it.

Looking at the red-yellow liquid, Du Xiaoshuai unscrewed the bottle cap, tilted his head back handsomely, and drank half of the bottle in one breath.

A real man should drink wolfberry water like this!


After Durant drank, his expression gradually lost control.

He frowned in pain and looked to both sides in confusion.

Damn it tastes awful!


More bitter than bile!

Damn it, you got this stuff from the sewer, right?

Well, I don’t know where the wolfberry from Turtlesbrook came from. The water after soaking it tastes bitter.

And because he put in half a cup of wolfberry, the bitter taste was terrible to Du Xiaoshuai.

"What the hell is this?"

Durant looked at the bottle, looking at the red and yellow color, and felt as if he had dried a bottle of urine!

"Ugh, vomit!" Du Xiaoshuai retched twice and almost died on the spot.

Just as he was about to question Turtlesbrook, the referee signaled the starting players from both sides to step into the center circle and prepare to start the contest.

After Wayne stepped onto the court, he immediately focused on Durant.

But he found that guy frowning in pain.

Damn it. Hemorrhoids?

Thunder coach Brooks' expression at this time was not exactly the same as Durant's, it could be said that there was no difference.

Of course, he is not suffering.

Brooks discovered that the Trail Blazers' starting lineup was actually different from before!

The Blazers' starting five for this game are Curry, Tony, Matthews, Wayne and...

Fat-ass handsome boy Tucker!

The Trail Blazers lined up a starter with one senior and four juniors.

Gasol, as the Trail Blazers' third giant, did not start this game.

"The Trail Blazers have changed their lineup and Gasol did not start. Is he injured?"

Not to mention Brooks, even the on-site commentators were confused.

Not all coaches have the courage to change their lineup in such an important game.

But in fact, this change of lineup is the product of Carlisle and his assistant coach and lineup construction master Billy Donovan weighing the pros and cons for a long time.

In order to defeat the Thunder as quickly as possible, Donovan suggested moving Tucker to the fourth position and letting Wayne play center.

The advantage of this is that it can completely clear the Thunder's penalty area.

Wayne's breakthrough, whether it was Durant, Perkins or Ibaka, could not be contained.

The Thunder's only solution is to help defend.

For example, let Durant lead the defense and Ibaka wait for opportunities behind him.

But now, after Tucker comes on the court, one of Ibaka and Perkins must be stretched beyond the three-point line.

Without double-teaming, Wayne can suddenly kill the Thunder.

And if double-teamed, Tucker's stable three-pointers will also make the Thunder pay the price.

The most critical thing is that both Ibaka and Perkins have poor scoring abilities.

Therefore, no matter who Tucker encounters among them, he will not suffer too much on the defensive end.

Without weakening the defense, they also strengthened their offense.

Donovan felt that as long as he used this move, Thunder would be wiped out!

In fact, this trick has been proven to be effective during the regular season.

This is the first time the Trail Blazers defeated the Thunder in the regular season this season.

It's just that Donovan has to turn this strange trick into a regular tactic for the Blazers in the playoffs.

Gasol is also willing to temporarily give up his starting position for the team, which is not a problem at all.

However, before making a decision, Carlisle had another concern: "Your idea is very good, but Brooks will also change his formation according to this! If you start this way as soon as you start, then there will be no variables later on." Yet?"

Faced with this question, Donovan just smiled.

"Brooks? Change the formation according to our changes? Haha!"

It's not that Donovan is inflated, Brooks is just a chicken soup maker. Does he understand tactics?

It turns out that Donovan's guess was correct.

Judging from Brooks's reaction at this time, his eyes were full of confusion.

The young people on the Thunder team didn't think much about it. Young people are full of energy.

No matter how you change the formation, I will cover you with water and earth, and I will stop you with soldiers!

The game officially started, because today it was Wayne playing the fifth position, so he easily defeated the big meat shield Perkins in the jump ball stage.

After Curry held the ball through halftime, he immediately handed the ball to Wei Ge obediently.

The Blazers will use this breakthrough tactic as soon as they come up!

Because the Thunder had not had time to switch defense, Perkins was still guarding Wayne at this time.

Ibaka wanted to help defend, but he also knew that Tucker's three-pointer was not in vain.

Just like that, he had to be pulled to the other side.

Wayne looked at Perkins and smiled.

Come, be happy!

Because Perkins is extremely slow, his perimeter defense is almost nothing.

Wayne used a simple acceleration to break through Perkins easily.

The whole process is no different from crossing a wooden pile.

Ibaka saw Perkins being broken through and prepared to quickly return to the basket.

But Wayne's breakthrough speed was faster than his return speed. As soon as Ibaka ran to the edge of the penalty area, Wayne broke into the basket and dunked with both hands!

The Trail Blazers' second dunker gave the fans an extremely exciting performance right from the start!

What? If you ask, Wayne is only the second player on the Trail Blazers who can dunk, so who is the first?

Portland Carter: Yes, right down there!

As soon as Wayne came up, he crushed the Thunder's defense into pieces like a ball of waste paper.

Durant has not yet been freed from the bitter taste in his mouth, and his heart is bitter again.

How could Wayne score so easily?

Fortunately, you have me as the scoring champion!

After Turtle got the ball, he suppressed his desire to beat the primary school boy and gave the ball to his elder brother.

He knows that he can only exert force when it is time to exert force.

As soon as Du Xiaoshuai received the basketball and was about to show off his skills, he realized that the person guarding him was not Tony, but Wayne!

Furthermore, Wayne strutted solemnly and lifted his trouser legs.

Najia, who was watching the game, suddenly stood up. Could this posture be...

I don’t know why, but Nao Nai seemed to hear Lao Yu’s voice: “Hey, this young man~”

That's right, Wayne decided to test the power of this new badge in the first round of defense.

With such a domineering name, the effect must be equally domineering.

Wayne watched Durant's dribbling carefully, preparing to block his first step.

As long as you can determine the direction of the first step, the badge effect can be triggered.

Du Xiaoshuai didn't know why Wayne was pretending to stand on his horse and pull up his trousers.

But he knew that as the leader of this team, he had to stand up and respond immediately!

Du Xiaoshuai then leaned his body to the left, as if preparing to break through from the left.

But the next second, Durant changed direction and rushed to the right.

Just as Du Xiaoshuai was about to speed up, he bumped into Wayne's body with a bang.

Wayne predicted the direction of Du Xiaoshuai's first step in breakthrough!

Because Du Xiaoshuai is not yet proficient in dribbling skills, he will most likely choose to break through with his right hand.

Moreover, Du Xiaoshuai’s fake move to the left just now was really fake.

Sure enough, it is not particularly difficult for Wayne to see through Du Xiaoshuai's dribbling.

The moment Durant bumped into Wayne, he felt an unprecedented impact.

And this huge impact caused him, who already had poor ball-handling skills, to lose control of the basketball!

The badge works!

After Du Xiaoshuai dropped the ball, he was about to turn around and pick it up, but Wayne rushed forward immediately, grabbed the ball with his long arm, and held the ball firmly.

Wayne's reaction was as quick as if he knew Durant was going to drop the ball.

Wayne: Who said I knew? Believe it or not, I will sue you for libel!

After getting the basketball, Wayne sprinted towards the frontcourt.

Du Xiaoshuai lost his center of gravity because he was squeezed away by Wayne, so he fell to the ground.

Just like that, there was no obstacle between Wayne and the basket.

Wayne sprinted one step inside the free throw line and jumped directly.

In the air, he glided a long distance, then raised the basketball with his long arms and dunked it in easily.

He is worthy of being the dunk king who saved the dunk contest. He is also among the best in the league in terms of actual dunks.

After Wayne dunked the ball in, he looked at his hands with joy.

This badge is so cool!

It really works!

Although there is no chance to trigger it again in this section, you can still try again in the next section.

Wayne scored 4 points with two consecutive dunks as soon as he started, which undoubtedly demoralized the Thunder team.

After the next goal, Turtle was ready to force Tony and break through to score.

This lineup of the Trail Blazers is not without its shortcomings, because after Wayne went out to defend Durant, the Trail Blazers themselves also lacked frame protection points.

Donovan and Carlisle certainly thought about this problem, but they felt that this shortcoming was acceptable.

After all, it was impossible for Mr. Turtle to compete with Wayne without falling behind.

Tony's defense is not a vegetarian.

Another thing, Mr. Gui, once his brain gets hot, he can defend himself!

Anyway, it’s just one sentence – I’m not afraid of you being a loser!

Sure enough, under Tony's tight defense, Turtle Shao's first attack ended in failure.

Tony couldn't stand up to James, but he could barely stand up to the current turtle.

The Thunder missed again, and the Trail Blazers had the opportunity to further widen the point difference.

Seeing Wayne holding the ball again, this time, Ibaka stepped forward and defended in front of Wayne.

Well, the Bacca brothers' perimeter defense is not even a little better than Perkins'.

But Wayne is not helpless.

When it comes to breaking through Perkins, all you need to do is hold down the accelerator key.

So if you want to break through Ibaka, you may need to use it in conjunction with the dagger key.

However, will Wei Ge, who has the dribbling badge and high dribbling attributes, be impressive?

I saw Wayne making a very exaggerated breakthrough stance to the left, and then immediately changed direction to the right.

It looks exactly like what Durant did just now.

Durant snorted, "There's no difference between you Wayne and me!"

Ibaka also correctly judged the direction of Wayne's breakthrough and moved sideways in time to block it.

But just when their bodies were about to collide, Wayne turned around to the left in a dashing way!


Ibaka felt a breeze blow by, and he was passed by as if he were on the early morning road.

"Beautiful turnaround, Wei's ball-handling skills don't match his height at all! I have never seen a 2.11 meter player! Any 2.06 meter player can be as flexible as him!"

After Sir Ba finished speaking, he slapped his mouth. It was so dangerous that he almost spilled the beans!

Wayne broke through Ibaka. At this time, Sefolosha, who was supposed to be marking Matthews, actively defended.

He couldn't just watch Wayne get his third consecutive dunk.

But after Wayne broke into the basket, he used a beautiful no-look pass to Matthews who was ambushing in the right corner.

The timing of this pass was perfect. He waited until Sefolosha had shrunk to a very deep position before he chose to pass the ball.

As a result, there is no possibility for Sefolosha to defend back.

Matthews caught the ball and shot, and he was originally preparing to celebrate by shooting his own arrow.


The basketball hit the right side of the basket and bounced out, leaving Matthews with a wide open three-pointer!

Matthews: Hey! How come my touch was infected by Tony?

Tony:? ? ?

Is it true that people are making soy sauce and the pot comes from the sky?

Wayne doesn't blame Matthews. Even if it's an open three-pointer, it's impossible to hit it 100%.

As long as it is a reasonable move, it is worth encouraging.

Curry: Wei Ge, when you say fast break dunk, is this a reasonable shot?

Wayne: To others, yes, but to you, you should shoot three-pointers on fast break!

After the basketball bounced out, Wayne was planning to grab the offensive rebound himself, but unexpectedly the ball bounced far away, beyond Wayne's rebound range.

Just when everyone thought the Trail Blazers' offense would fail, the fat-assed handsome boy Tucker rushed in before everyone else and pocketed the rebound!

He is worthy of being the person who has inherited Jazz's legacy. Tucker is really hard at grabbing offensive rebounds!

Tucker: You can shoot whatever you want. If I can’t grab the frontcourt board, I lose!

After Tucker got the rebound, he gave the ball directly to Wayne under the basket.

Wei Ge turned and hooked under the basket, hitting Ibaka without any reaction.

Carlisle smiled slightly. Even though our lineup is short, our rebounds are not inferior at all!

6-0, the Trail Blazers pressed the Thunder to the ground and rubbed like crazy as soon as they came up.

Wayne spread his hands and shouted at the live camera: "Is this called a close match?"

Wei. Never forget to show off. Yeah!

Durant looked at Wayne, who was unstoppable and was jumping in and out of the Thunder at will, and shook his head.

No, it’s all an illusion. The Thunder and Trail Blazers are evenly matched!

But now besides Wayne, Du Xiaoshuai has a bigger worry.

Just before the game started, he drank a little too much wolfberry water and drank half the bottle in one go. As a result, he now feels like

My bladder seems a little full.

An update of 10,000 words is provided, so there is no need to round up tomorrow. However, the update time may be a bit late in the past two days. I hope you can understand~ In short, Lao Ge will be done with it.

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