I am Really an Insider

Chapter 589 586: Blocked shot, irreversible Wayne storm (4.7K votes requested)

Wayne held the jersey in his mouth and threw the key ball that killed the game on the heads of Ibaka and Durant. This made Perkins and Du Xiaoshuai join hands to become the most lethal human beings in this year's playoffs. .

There is no doubt that even after a few years, this ball will still be repeatedly used by TV stations to criticize it.

Ibaka and Du Xiaoshuai looked at Wayne, who was pretending to be yelling at them, and felt as if they were being restrained, frozen in place and unable to move.

This goal was a huge blow to them. They worked hard against the Trail Blazers for a whole game, but because of Wayne's goal, all their efforts were in vain.

Who can bear this!

At the Rose Garden, the fans continued to cheer.

Although there are 4 seconds left in the game, the Thunder theoretically still have a chance to kill the game.

But for some reason, Trail Blazers fans believe that this game must belong to the Trail Blazers.

Wayne's cold-faced jump shot basically completely destroyed the Thunder's confidence.

On the big screen at the scene, Wayne's goal just now was replayed over and over again.

After close-up replays, fans also discovered that Wayne originally shot the ball with his jersey in his mouth, and found that he did not show any emotion on his face from beginning to end.

The wise Chinese fans also immediately invented a word to describe this shot - it exploded!

It can be said to be a vivid image and an apt description.

The Thunder used up their last timeout with 4 seconds left in the game.

Wayne sat back on the bench and took a sip of water.

Paul Allen, who was sitting behind the bench, stretched out his hands and massaged Wayne's shoulders.

"I knew you could do it, Wei, great job! Relax and help us keep the fruits of victory!"

While pressing, he also gave Wayne a boost.

It is very rare for a boss to give a player a massage. This kind of thing is very rare in the NBA.

But this just illustrates Wayne's status in the team.

Wayne turned and smiled at Allen, then patted the back of his hand.

Just call it Pai Noodles!

The elementary school student sitting next to Wayne kept looking at Wei Ge and giggling.

So handsome, so handsome!

When he almost cried after being beaten, Wei Ge stepped forward and repaid the opponent with a heavy punch.

You are indeed my good big brother!

Wayne: What's wrong with you? Call daddy!

On the other side, Brooks was nervously arranging the tactics for the final attack.

He kept telling the players that this game was not final yet, and they still had the opportunity to create miracles with their own hands.

Well, anyway, those are the few words I keep repeating over and over again.

If it were normal, Brooks' bowl of chicken soup might still have some effect.

But when Wayne had just scored such a domineering goal, this chicken soup was as plain as boiled water to the Thunder players.

How did the Thunder get through today's entire game?

Every time they were about to take the initiative, Wayne would stand up and use various methods to ruin their good deeds.

Over and over again, like an invincible Xiaoqiang.

Just now, when Harden had clearly killed the game, but was destroyed by Wayne again, everyone on the Thunder team had already felt a kind of fear in their hearts.

Again, when you use all your strength to punch hard, knocking the opponent to the ground again and again, but the opponent gets up every time.

You will know what fear is.

After all, the young people of the Thunder have never fought such a tough battle. Today is their first experience of the cruelty of the playoffs.

This is how the playoffs are, with both sides fighting tooth and nail and fighting to the last minute without mercy.

This is not only a physical and muscle damage, but also a great psychological damage.

You have to withstand pressure and respond to various situations at any time.

You must remain calm at the most critical moment and make the most correct decision.

This is completely different from the regular season, where Durant can win with just over 30 points.

In fact, in the last round of the series, Kobe has used practical actions to explain to the Thunder what the playoffs are.

It's just that the Lakers failed to put real pressure on the Thunder from beginning to end.

Today, Wayne and his Blazers taught the Thunder a good lesson.

Wayne - an outstanding basketball player, fighter and educator in the 21st century.

For such a big scene, the young Thunder still need to spend more time to adapt.

When the timeout ends, the Oklahoma City Thunder will execute the last 4 seconds of offense.

Just now, the exchange between Harden and Wayne has allowed fans to experience Avery's quasi-win and anti-kill.

For neutral fans, they don't mind seeing another counter-killer.

Durant walked onto the court and faced the cheers of the fans and the 1-point difference. He admitted that he was very nervous.

Brooks arranged for Du Xiaoshuai to finish this attack.

Harden has just made a key shot, so he will definitely be tightly guarded.

Therefore, the burden of this offense falls on Durant's shoulders.

On the Trail Blazers side, they adjusted their lineup for the last defense.

Now, the five people on the field are Tony, Matthews, Wayne, Sister-in-law and Angry Birds.

All can be defended.

Wayne was pushed to the third position, which also meant that he would personally defend Durant!

Carlisle has considered all possibilities. Since Hajishi's performance in the fourth quarter today was really hot, Carlisle did arrange heavy guards on him.

The first goal of the defense this time is to prevent Harden from catching the ball.

But in this case, Du Xiaoshuai will definitely get a chance.

So, Carlisle asked Wayne to keep an eye on Durant.

To be the defensive scoring champion, DPOY is enough!

As the game started in the last 4 seconds, Harden was indeed surrounded. He ran several tactics but was unable to come out and catch the basketball.

Just when Harden was pulling most people away, Du Xiaoshuai suddenly raised his hand for the ball in the mid-range position.

Wayne didn't dare to grab the ball forward, because if he didn't grab it, the defense would be completely out of position.

Wayne chose to defend the ball head-on!

The moment Du Xiaoshuai got the basketball, the number on the timer on the backboard started to beat.

With only 4 seconds, Xiaoshuai had no time to adjust.

Fortunately, the Thunder were only behind by one point, so even if he scored a two-pointer, he would have won the game.

Facing Wayne's close pressing, Durant lowered his center of gravity and took a step toward the baseline.

He wants to break through!

Wayne immediately moved sideways, but the next second, Durant turned in the opposite direction and successfully passed Wayne!

"Fuck!" Wayne admitted that he had made a mistake.

He didn't expect that Du Xiaoshuai could connect this turn so smoothly.

After passing Wayne, Durant immediately made a layup with one position ahead. He had to put the ball in before time ran out!

The basketball was thrown toward the basket, and Brooks had raised his arms to celebrate the goal.

Durant actually passed Wayne, which he didn't expect.

If this goal is scored, it will undoubtedly become Durant's god-like goal!

Du Xiaoshuai's heartbeat accelerated wildly as he looked at the orange basketball that had flown above the basket.

This ball looks like

Go in! ?

But just before the basketball fell, Wayne's long arms appeared in Durant's field of vision.

Although Du Xiaoshuai unexpectedly turned around and passed him just now, Wayne turned around and chased him back just as quickly.

Moreover, because this is considered a counterfeit pursuit, the counterfeit pursuit badge is also triggered.

Coupled with the shot-blocking bonus obtained by wagging his finger before, Sir Bar's helicopter jumping badge and Wayne's outstanding wingspan, he has made up for his position disadvantage.

Wayne soared into the air with incredible bounce speed and height, and before the basketball fell, he slapped the ball away.

Even though he was passed cleanly, he still completed the block!

The moment Wayne touched the basketball, a red light appeared on the backboard, and the game time ended.

Wayne blocked the shot!

"It's over, it's all over! Kevin Durant's passing and layup were very beautiful. If someone else had to defend him today, he would have definitely killed the game.

It's a pity that the person guarding him is Wayne, the best defensive player of the season!

Wayne used one attack and one defense to end everything with his own hands! "

Durant's heart "thumped" and was completely broken.

A game-winning shot that grabbed the jersey + an incredible block, Durant, truly the essence of a human being being shot.

Wayne stabbed Durant twice in the chest in less than 30 seconds, which was extremely cruel.

To be honest, Durant's shot just now was perfect.

If you look at Wayne's entire body, how many people in the league can do it?

But in the face of the terrifying defensive ability, a position doesn't matter at all.

Everyone has seen a lot of buzzer-beating shots, but buzzer-beating blocks are really rare.

After the game, Wayne stood under the basket, with his back to the basket he was guarding, and shook his fingers at the Thunder generals.

How many times do you want me to say this? This is a no-fly zone!

Well, since the game is over at this point, Wayne wagging his finger won't give himself any bonuses anymore.


This is purely for show!

105 to 104, Wayne completely killed the game with a shot and a block in the last two rounds.

With a total score of 2-0, the Trail Blazers will take over Oklahoma City with an overwhelming advantage!

Brooks was in a mess alone amidst the cheers of tens of thousands of fans at the scene. Wayne's performance in the key round was simply too abnormal!

Damn it.

This can be played! ?

Brooks really doesn't know how to beat the Trail Blazers. Now he just wants to shout: "Go and invite Michael Jordan!"

Well, I guess the only way to fight Wayne is when the old gangster at his peak comes to an end.

The Thunder players walked off the court dejectedly one by one and got into the tunnel.

Last season, they were eliminated by the Trail Blazers in the first round.

They thought they were strong enough to take revenge on their own.

Who knew that he would still be like this bear in the end.

Durant was really psychologically affected by Wayne. He couldn't think of a way to defeat Wayne.

Wayne is such a pervert, will he really lose?

During the regular season, Durant still felt that he could surpass James and Wei.

But in the playoffs, he realized how big the gap was between himself and the real top stars.

Wayne's dominance at critical moments made Durant feel desperate.

After walking into the tunnel, Durant saw his parents waiting for him.

Suddenly, he didn't hold back, hugged his parents and started crying.

There were many people beaten by Wayne, but this was the first one who cried when he was beaten by Wayne.

On the court, the Trail Blazers players hugged Wayne, and No. 99 once again led the team out of trouble.

Even with the explosion of all members of the Thunder, they can still lead the team to victory.

If there is no superstar in the team, can this situation be stabilized?

After the game, Wayne felt a lot more relaxed.

To be honest, when he was passed by Durant, Wayne felt that he was going to die with a chicken in his hand.

Fortunately, he successfully blocked the ball in the last critical moment.

Wayne believes that after this battle, the Thunder's mentality basically collapsed.

After all, the Thunder are young, unlike the Lakers and Mavericks last season.

Their ability to withstand pressure is not as strong as that of the established teams.

What's more, today's defeat is indeed a bit too cruel.

What a pity, what a pity.

But don’t blame Brother Wei for being ruthless. If you want to blame, blame the person who held you up so high.

Just now, when Wayne slapped the basketball, Joke felt as if Wayne's slap had hit his own braised egg.

You know the joke, this series is over.

After all, the Trail Blazers have never been overturned with a 2-0 lead since Wayne joined the team.

Now, not only are the Thunder unable to come back, they may even collapse directly in the next two games.

At that time, it will undoubtedly do huge harm to the ratings.

He carefully planned the focus game throughout the season, but it was ruined by Wayne's shots and risks.

As high as the Thunder had been praised by the league before, they fell miserably now.

Wayne's shot-blocking in key rounds made him once again the hottest star in the league.

Wayne is on fire again.

I’m so sad about braised eggs. Why is it so difficult to promote a local brand?

However, I never expected the braised eggs. A beautiful victory in this game was just the beginning of the dominoes toppling.

The day after the game, when people were still discussing Wayne's dominant performance in the final moments, something happened that made Wayne's popularity even higher.

That morning, the final voting results for the 11-12 regular season MVP were finally released.

When Joke saw the final results of the MVP voting, he pinched his middle to prevent him from fainting.

Because Wayne actually became the regular season MVP in the 11-12 season with a super high first choice rate of 70.2%!

The first rate is 70.2%!

This means that Durant and James, the two biggest competitors, each have a first-down rate of less than 20%.

What a disastrous failure!

There is no way. First of all, in terms of record, the Trail Blazers' record of 59 wins and 7 losses this season is beyond the reach of the Heat and Thunder.

The Heat's record is 13 fewer wins than the Trail Blazers, and the Thunder is 12 fewer wins than the Trail Blazers.

With such a huge disparity in record, unless James and Durant produce extremely exaggerated personal data, there is a possibility of counterattack.

What is extremely exaggerated personal data?

For example, averaging a triple-double per game is called exaggerated personal data.

In this regard, Mousse and Xiaoshuai still have to learn from the three pairs of strong men.

However, the personal data of Mousse and Du Xiaoshuai are not exaggerated, but are slightly worse than Wayne.

Wayne averaged 27.8 points, 11.8 rebounds, 5.8 assists, 1.2 steals and 2.8 blocks per game this season, which is quite explosive.

For comparison, Mous's statistics this season are 27.1 points, 7.9 rebounds, 6.2 assists, 1.9 steals and 0.8 blocks.

In terms of statistics, Mouss is only slightly better than Wayne in assists and steals.

But he was completely blown away in terms of rebounds and blocks.

Du Xiaoshuai won the scoring title with an average of 28 points per game, but his 8 rebounds, 3.5 assists, 1.2 steals and 1.2 blocks were not as good as Wayne.

Only steals will be tied with Wayne.

Although his personal data is slightly worse than Wayne's, the team's record is much worse than Wayne's.

The 70% first rate is actually not an exaggeration.

Many Chinese media even believe that if Wayne were not an international player, he would probably be the first unanimous MVP in history.

The news that Wayne became the MVP again after two years, combined with his magical performance yesterday, undoubtedly allowed Wayne to further consolidate his status as the number one active player, and he was in the limelight for a while!

The joke was that the entire season was spent trying to praise someone who could outdo Wayne, and the joke ended up being lonely.

Instead of being suppressed, Wayne is getting more and more angry.

At the same time, this is also Wayne's third MVP trophy in his career.

This makes him, together with the three legendary superstars Magic Johnson, Big Buzz and Moses Malone, the fourth person to win the most MVPs in NBA history!

The first few are Zhang Dashuai who has won 4 MVPs, Russell and the old gangster who have won 5 MVPs, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar who has won 6 MVPs!

But because Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and others are already ancient beasts, when he won the last MVP, Wayne was not even born yet.

Therefore, it is generally believed that the ceiling of modern basketball is the five MVPs of the old hooligans!

To this day, there is still no hero who can do it.

But when Wayne won his third MVP, a new challenger emerged.

When fans began to compare Wayne with the old gangster, Joke knew that he had completely lost.

The Wayne Storm this season can no longer be reversed

The first update is here, begging for votes

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