I am Really an Insider

Chapter 590 587: Brother Wei: Keep your voice down, it can easily make people jealous (4k votes requ

Wayne received his MVP trophy at the press conference after training.

David Stern came to the scene in person and handed the MVP trophy to Wayne.

After receiving the trophy, Wayne just smiled at the camera and was not particularly excited.

After all, this is not Wei Ge’s expansion. But Wayne had already confidently believed at the end of the regular season that he was the MVP this season.

Under normal circumstances, MVP is basically stable as long as the star of the team with the best record has good statistics and efficiency.

What's more, Wayne's record this time is the only one in the league.

The first place in the Western Conference leads the Eastern Conference by more than 20 games, which is like the distance from Los Angeles to Boston.

If you are not familiar with the map of the Beautiful Country and don’t know what the concept is, then let’s give another simple and easy-to-understand example – this is like the distance between Carter and Portland Carter.

With such a record, it would be unreasonable not to be awarded the MVP.

Because he had long thought that this MVP must be his, Wayne was indeed a little less excited today.

Wayne, who won the MVP, was very calm, but Mousse, who lost the MVP, could not stay calm.

Since losing last season, Mousse has been playing this season with a revenge mentality.

At the beginning of the season, he and his brother Wei made an agreement to sweep away all the honors this season.

Brothers working together can cut through metal.

But now, Wayne has taken the first place in the league and the AMVP.

Even the regular season MVP, Mousse's first choice rate is less than 20%.

Big failure!

Now, the only honors left for Mousse are the championship and FMVP.

But these two things, championship and FMVP, are sold together and are not sold separately.

Therefore, if you want to win FMVP, you must win the championship.

To put it bluntly, Mousse has no way out now.

He doesn't want to win nothing for two consecutive seasons and must win this year.

Otherwise, not only this season, but the value of his entire career will be greatly reduced.

Entering the league with the aura of being the pride of heaven, forget it if you fail to lead the Cavaliers to win the championship. After all, in Cleveland, it can be said that Mousse doesn't have any particularly strong helpers.

But if we can't win the championship despite being in a team, it would be really shameless to show off to others.

Mousse was very stimulated because the outside world was also discussing the possibility of Wayne's FMVP.

As soon as Mousse turned on her cell phone and TV, she was flooded with news related to Wayne.

After all, this wave of Wayne winning MVP and DPOY at the same time in a single season has indeed made history - he has become the third player in NBA history, besides Olajuwon and Rascal, to win the MVP and DPOY in the same season. MVP+DPOY player!

Old hooligan: Yes, this kind of record, I will be everywhere, trouble!

Of course, there is no need to say more about the status of Olajuwon and the old gangster.

Therefore, this wave also greatly improved Wayne's historical status.

Even so, this is not Wayne's ceiling this season.

If Wayne wins the championship and FMVP again this year, he will become the second player in NBA history to win MVP+DPOY+FMVP at the same time in a single season!

Old Rogue: Yes, even if Wayne did it, he would only be the second one. Because the first one... well, this time it wasn't me, it was my good-breasted brother Dameng.

Well, Dameng is the only player so far who can take away all three honors in a single season.

Moreover, this record has not been broken over the years.

Just think about it and you will know how difficult it is to win these three major awards at the same time.

If you want to become an MVP, your team's record and statistics must first pass, right?

Therefore, your offense must be very powerful.

While playing the league's top offense, you must also have the energy to achieve the league's top defense, otherwise DPOY will be unable to start.

In the end, they tried their best on both offense and defense in the regular season. After working hard to win these two awards, they still had to work hard to lead the team out of the siege in the playoffs.

This is just like a dream!

It’s just like dreaming, so only Da Meng has done it~

It's sad to think that Olajuwon was so stupid back then, but a few years ago he was almost pissed to death in the training camp by Howard and McGee.

If Howard and Johnson traveled back to the 1990s and became teammates with Dameng, then these things would have nothing to do with Olajuwon.

Because maybe after a few years of playing, Dameng will retire due to cerebral hemorrhage.

Closer to home, if Wayne really wins the FMVP in the end, then he will not only tie with Dameng, but will surpass Dameng!

Because so far in NBA history, no player can win the MVP Grand Slam and also have the best defensive player at the same time.

As we all know, there are only four players in history who can achieve the MVP Grand Slam, that is, win AMVP, regular season MVP and FMVP in a single season.

They are Jordan, O'Neal, Wesley Reed, the king of New York in ancient times, and Wayne in the 2006-07 season!

Among them, the old hooligan has two MVP Grand Slam seasons in his career.

And if Wayne can win the championship this year, he will be very likely to tie this record, making the old gangster no longer feel so lonely when he is invincible.

In addition, Wayne will also become the only player in NBA history who can win the MVP Grand Slam and also take away DPOY!

What is this equivalent to?

It's equivalent to all the major personal honors in a season being won by the same person!

Such dominance is definitely worthy of the title of number one in the league.

Even if you play the career mode of the game, it is difficult to get all these awards in one season, let alone reality.

That's why the discussion among fans is so intense.

To sum it up in one sentence: If Wayne wins the championship and gets FMVP this year, he will rewrite many records and elevate his historical status to unprecedented heights!

By then, Wei Ge will not only be the number one active player. But in the entire history of the NBA, there has been a number one like Wei Ge.

Joke looked at the records that Wayne could possibly break and covered his chest.

I almost didn't have a myocardial infarction.

This shit happens one after another!

Brother Wei, please let me go!

If this championship is really taken away by you, it will be in vain for me to promote anyone in the future.

With so many records and blessings, Ning's status may not be easily shaken.

Luo Dan is autistic and thought this MVP was the end. Unexpectedly, it was just the beginning of Wayne's reign.

Wayne: Oh, don’t blow so loudly, you’ll make you jealous~

Mousse: Look at what I do! ?

That night, Mousse, who was not jealous of Wayne at all, got into a bad temper during the game.

Really, you can tell from his irritable state that he is really not stimulated at all, not at all!

In the last game between the Heat and the remnant Pacers, although they were pressed throughout the game, the score difference was not big.

But today, Mousse struck hard as soon as he came up.

At the beginning of the first quarter, Mousse got a dislocation to hit Holiday.

Good guy, it turned out that Mousse pushed Holiday directly towards the basket.

Holiday didn't lose his position during the entire ball and stayed directly in front of Mousse.

Can it be lost? Mousse didn't make any fake moves at all.

He just followed Holiday directly without turning.

Under normal circumstances, if the attacker is blocked by the defender, it means that the attack has failed.

But here in the little emperor, this theory does not apply.

Because even if Holiday blocks Mousse's front, he can't stop Mouss from forcibly inserting himself.

This rough man caused Holiday so much pain.

Mousse just forced his way in, forced a layup, and forced a score.

The on-site commentators all laughed: "It seems that against Holiday, LeBron doesn't have to play with his skills."

Subsequently, Mousse's performance in the game was as crazy as possible.

Various three-pointers, breakthroughs and blocks were all arranged for the Pacers.

On one occasion, Hibbert volunteered to defend James, who had already picked up speed. However, instead of successfully defending, he was dunked directly by Mousse.

Even Yao Ming couldn't control the angry Mousse!

After half the game, the Heat directly led by 15 points.

During the midfield interview, the reporter asked Mousse: "You played so hard today because the fact that Wayne won the MVP stimulated you?"

Mousse shook his head quickly: "I congratulate Wayne, this is nothing to be excited about. No, absolutely not!"

Then in the second half, Mousse became more brutal.

How cruel is it? He was so cruel that he started attacking his teammates directly!

In the fourth minute of the third quarter, Mousse controlled the ball outside the three-point line.

At this time, Apo was near the free throw line, ready to pick and roll for Mousse at any time.

Wade got rid of Holiday and cut inside.

Seeing this situation, Mousse gave Wade a look, preparing for Janeway to connect.

But Apo might have misunderstood. He thought Mousse was calling him.

Therefore, Bo Dino actively rushed over to set up a screen for Mousse. Just as he was approaching Mousse, Mousse was just about to pass the ball to Wade.

"Ah this." Mousse wanted to stop at that time, but it was too late.

Just like that, fans saw Mouss slam the basketball into Bosh's face.

Disown your relatives!

Because Mousse was very manic today, he passed the ball very hard.

As a result, Apo was knocked to the ground on the spot and was in such a state of embarrassment.

The American Airlines Center became quiet for an instant, and it seemed that a few crows could still be heard faintly.

Anyway, the whole place was quite embarrassed at that time.

"I'll wipe it, Apo, are you okay?" Mousse hurriedly helped Bosh up after being knocked to the ground.

Apo's eyes were filled with stars. What appeared in front of him was not one James, but four James!

"Zhanzhan, promise me, don't pass the ball so hard next time, please be gentle!"

After saying that, Apo burped and was directly helped off the field by Mousse.

"It seems that LeBron is really manic today. He will not let anyone stand in front of him, including his teammates!"

The on-site commentators were all happy. Although Apo's situation was very pitiful,...

After watching the replay over and over again, everyone still laughed unkindly!

Well, although this silly mistake changed the tense atmosphere at the scene, it did not stop Mousse.

In the following games, he was still wreaking havoc, bombing the basket and driving the Pacers to pieces.

Big Beep, who was watching TV at home, even smashed the TV remote control and almost called Vogel: "Bring me my jersey!"

Watching the team being trampled by Mousse, Bird felt quite uncomfortable.

Your MVP has been robbed. If you can, go beat Wayne!

What's going on if you hit me as a walker?

I admit that Wayne is pretending to be so cool now, and I, the big beep bird, must bear some responsibility.

I was young and frivolous at that time and did not set a good example for the younger generation.

But we have severed the master-disciple relationship for many years!

In the fourth quarter of the game, Bosh returned to battle after a good rest.

Although the Heat are already far ahead, it is the playoffs after all and there is no room for sloppiness.

Therefore, Spoelstra also plans to let the main force play for another half quarter. If everything goes well after half a quarter, everyone can clock out and get off work.

Bosh was really scared. He didn't know why the coach would replace him.

After taking the field, Po was fully focused.

He only does one thing - keep an eye on Mousse!

If you find that Mousse is about to pass the ball, evacuate immediately!

So, in the fifth minute of the fourth quarter, the live camera captured Abo's exaggerated expression.

At that time, Abo was fighting with Hibbert under the basket.

After Mous broke through halfway, he followed Bosh and prepared to pass the ball.

Good guy, Bosh's eyes widened at first, then he stuck out his tongue in horror, turned around and was about to run away.

Fortunately, the ball was accurately passed to Bosh, so the Dragon King was not hurt twice.

Although the ball was passed, Bosh's expression has become a classic.

It is indeed an NBA walking emoticon.

In the end, the Heat defeated the Pacers 115-83 at home.

At the end of the game, Director Zhang just said that "the Heat achieved a big victory," but he did not dare to say how many points they won.

Because he feels that as long as he says numbers, he will definitely make mistakes!

Let’s not talk about numbers at all.

Mouss scored 35 points, 10 rebounds, 8 assists, 1 steal, 1 risk and 1 Dragon King.

The data is pretty gorgeous.

Mous thought that as long as he finished the game well and rushed once, he would feel comfortable.

However, after finishing the rush, looking at the walker who was beaten to death by himself, Mousse entered the Sage Time and felt that everything around him had become boring.

What's the point? Just like looking at pictures in the group, they are all fake!

Even if you rush the Pacers ten or eight times, you still can't change the MVP selection result.

There is only one way to make Mousse feel comfortable - compete with Wayne with real guns!

Light rush can no longer satisfy the desire for mousse.

After the game, people interviewed Bosh and asked him how it felt to win a big victory.

Apo didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He didn't feel anything at all, but his face hurt a little.

As for Mousse, he only said one thing to reporters: I just want to get back what we lost last year as soon as possible!

Reporter: What was lost last year? Oh, does Ning mean the Eastern Conference champion?


Your layout is too small!

What I, King James, want right now is the championship and FMVP!

Wayne watched Mousse on the TV and braced himself.

This year, the overall runner-up is for you!

Of course, first of all, Thunder must be dealt with~

I shouldn’t encounter any resistance on my next trip to Oklahoma City.

4 to 0, given to the CEO of Braised Eggs!

Let’s stop here today. I’m missing more than a thousand words and will make up for it tomorrow~

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