I am Really an Insider

Chapter 600 597: Smashed the bird, blocked the shot, warmed up, and it’s not over yet (4.5K votes re

James and Wade stared at Wayne eagerly.

Who can talk trash like you?

It’s so heartbreaking!

Well, with the Heat's current lineup, only Haslem and Wade have won championships, with a combined two championship rings.

It’s true that the whole team’s rings combined are not as many as Wayne’s alone.

They were already angry enough after being messed with by Stephenson before, but they were scolded by Wayne just now, and the two of them almost vomited blood on the spot.

The key point is that when Director Zhang said this to the two of them, he was still smiling.

It adds a bit of humiliation to this sentence.

Director Zhang was also sweating profusely after sitting on the commentary desk.

He has not been interviewed once or twice in the NBA. It has been 16 years since 1996.


He has never asked such a shameless question!

"Wayne said that he alone has more championship rings than your entire team combined. What do you think of that?"

Looking back now, Director Zhang doesn't know how he could have said it just now.

Is this human language?

How else to watch? I'm so angry!

Although it is shameless to ask, but...

But unexpectedly exciting!

Watching Wade's smile suddenly disappear, I have to say it was quite interesting.

Director Zhang now knows why Wayne loves to talk trash to his opponents so much.

It’s just endless fun~

The referee's whistle sounded, and Wayne personally won the ball for the Trail Blazers.

The Heat's starting lineup is still the same, Chalmers, Wade, James, Battier and Bosh.

One large and four small, pursuing space and liberating Janeway.

Of course, although Battier plays the fourth position, he does not guard Wayne.

The task of defending Wayne is taken in turns by James and Bosh.

Wayne stretched his hips so much in the last game, which naturally strengthened Spoelstra's determination to continue using this lineup.

In the first attack of the game, James pressed Wayne very fiercely.

But as soon as he got close to Wayne, Wayne raised his hand and elbowed Mousse directly away!

Mousse glanced at the referee in disbelief.

I'm not bragging about this! ?

Why are you bragging? Stern said, don’t brag if you can’t.

If you have the ability, you can move your elbow back.

James burst into tears in pain, Brother Wei, it’s not that I don’t believe you, but Ning is really riding a horse with the strength of his elbow, and he doesn’t look like a person with a fever!

After separating the pressing James with an elbow, Curry also passed the ball to Wayne.

All the fans stood up, and Curry felt the wooden floor beneath his feet shaking.

The game has just started, and the atmosphere is already so high.

Although Curry also experienced the baptism of the finals last year, the finals against the Pacers was relatively friendly except for Wayne and Big Bird bickering with each other.

But this year's finals, this atmosphere, this smell of gunpowder, and this battle formation truly let primary school students know what war is.

James didn't dare to slack off and concentrated on it.

The decibels at the scene made Wayne's head hurt, but he didn't care now.

After making two triple-threat moves, Wayne suddenly pulled out a jumper!

James reacted quickly and indeed interfered with Wayne's shooting.

But this level of interference is not enough.


"Hit a three-pointer! Wayne, he's back! The number one active player, he's back!"

Mike Breen's voice was accompanied by the deafening cheers of the fans, which made Sharapova sitting on the sidelines get goosebumps.

So, she shouted even harder: "Come on, dear!"

All the fans within five meters of the surrounding area covered their ears. This lion's roar was incredible.

James swallowed, what was going on with this familiar feeling of being dominated?

Just when James was stunned, Wayne smiled and waved from him: "Did you miss me? Baby."

James is so angry, are you the one who called me baby?

Sister-in-law Zhan: That’s right, it’s me, baby

Di Wei: Madam, please give me permission. Yes, I called you baby!

In the first round, the first attack, Wayne started talking trash.

It's not difficult to see Wayne's attitude today.

The Heat attack, and James wants to beat Wayne like he did yesterday.

After all, Wayne's mobility was greatly affected yesterday, so he was a little embarrassed by Mousse's sudden attack.

Mousse was about to break through when he saw Wayne lower his center of gravity and lift up his trousers.

LeBang smiled disdainfully, who are you trying to scare?

Put it in gear and go, go, go!


Wayne directly guessed the direction of Mousse's breakthrough. At the moment of the collision, James was surprised to find that he was still a little unable to hold on and almost dropped the ball!

Under normal circumstances, it would be difficult for Wayne to directly force James to stop.

But because the crab walk badge was triggered by lifting the trouser legs just now, the confrontational effect of this step was strengthened, so even monsters like Mousse found it a bit difficult to resist.

"That's it? You're as soft as toilet paper! Oh, sorry, I forgot you had a cold, so it's normal for you to be unable to push forward."

Before James could adjust, Wayne's trash talk took the lead.

"Wipe!" James bit his lip. He couldn't imagine that anyone in this world dared to call him soft!

But what's even more helpless now is that because the ball just dropped, James had to hold the ball with both hands.

So now Mousse can no longer dribble.

He either forced the ball or passed the ball, there was no third option.

Although she really wanted to have sex with a sexy old man online again, Mousse knew that doing so in front of Wayne was tantamount to suicide.

Therefore, under the pressure of Wayne, Mous passed the ball to Bo Dino in the mid-range.

After Bosh got the ball, he was ready to help. At this time, James ran towards Bosh unwillingly, preparing to get the ball back.

In this way, James and Bosh played hand-to-hand. In order to delay James' breakthrough, his sister-in-law directly switched defenses.

Seeing this situation, James gave the ball to Bosh again, and called the big picture!

Director Zhang: "Let's see, James and Bosh are acting as a duo!"

But Mouss did not expect that Wayne did not pursue him, but stayed by Bosh's side.

Wayne believes that Gasol today will not let James do whatever he wants. Therefore, just now he chose to guard against Bosh just to guard against this one-handed pass.

As a result, Wayne really guessed it.

Seeing that the attack time is almost up, Bosh has no more ink, he wants to beat Wayne alone!

I am a giant after all!

Although Bo Dino was accidentally injured during the Eastern Conference Finals, he was still in good condition after returning.

In the last game, he scored 21 points and 8 rebounds, showing his true nature as a giant.

Bosh holds the ball frame, lowers his center of gravity, and then sprints forward!


There was another muffled sound, Bosh tried his best to suck the milk, but

He didn't move at all!

And what about Wayne? He didn't even make any defensive moves, he just stood there with his arms hanging naturally and let Bosh hit him, with a relaxed look on his face.

The scene was very embarrassing at one point.

"Brother Long, if you push inward, I can't even feel you."

"Do you believe me when I say I've exerted all my strength?"

After all, Wayne was the one who crazily strengthened his ability to fight in the penalty area in order to deal with Chairman Yao. Isn't it easy to stand up to Boshner?

When Bosh didn't react, Wayne took out his hand and stabbed the basketball away.

The elementary school student picked up the basketball with quick eyes and hands, and the Blazers successfully defended.

Bosh was so embarrassed that he couldn't help shouting in his heart: Why is it always me who gets hurt?

Every time Zhan Zhan makes Wayne angry, it’s me who takes the blame. It’s not fair!

Mousse: We are all giants, so what’s yours and mine~ You’re welcome, this pot is yours.

The Trail Blazers counterattacked, and the only ones the Heat could catch up with were Wade and James.

Because James and Way were also very angry by Wayne's words before the game, they were also very explosive and ran extremely fast.

As soon as Curry rushed to the penalty area and raised his hand for a layup, Wei's sneaky hand arrived in time and slapped the ball onto the backboard.

The basketball hit the backboard and then fell, hitting Curry's head and popping out of bounds.

Curry hates that, is it fun to bully elementary school students? ?

Suddenly, the primary school student's secondary soul burst out, and he jumped out of bounds, completely throwing his center of gravity.

Regardless of whether he will fall down, just to save this ball!

He caught the ball in the air and his body began to fall.

But at this time, Curry had no passing angle at all and was about to hold the ball and fall into the crowd. Curry looked at Wade and smiled.

Wade: Oh no!

The experienced Wade knew instantly what Curry wanted to do. The elementary school student wanted to hit the ball on himself!

If the ball goes out of bounds again, the Heat will go out of bounds.

Sure enough, Curry hit the ball hard at Wade. Wade reflexively reached out to block, but he blocked his upper body. He never expected that Curry would hit the lower three!

A fatal chicken from a primary school student!



Wade couldn't help but scream. Just now the ball hit Curry's big head. This time Curry hit the ball on Wade's small head.

Tit for tat!

The basketball hit the head and bounced out of bounds, the Blazers have the ball!

"I'll wipe it!" Wayne was stunned. Looking at Wade who was kneeling and covering his crotch, Wayne couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

It hurts to look at this horse riding!

Curry's tricks are quite dark!

The primary school student was lying on the ground with a guilty look on his face.

No...I was clearly aiming for the feet, why did I hit the small head?

This is not how I usually pass the ball!

"Are you okay!?" James hurriedly ran up and helped Wade up.

Wade covered the bird's nest between his legs and shed a stubborn tear.

"Don't cry, brother Wei!"

"No, I'm just sweating, really."

The elementary school student felt embarrassed to see Wade in so much pain.

He walked up and was about to explain and apologize, but as soon as he reached Wade, before he could speak, he was pulled away from behind by Wayne!

"What are you doing!? Don't talk to bad people casually!"

"Huh? But..."

"But what? Think about Fenson's knocked out teeth in the last game, think about the elbows you received, and think about his actions of mocking me. Do you still think he is pitiful?"

The primary school student then thought about it. Damn, that seems to be what happened!

So, the primary school student puffed up his chest and patted his chest: "I'll tell you a secret. In fact, I just aimed deliberately. How about Brother Wei? Am I great?"


You can really turn your head faster than turning the pages of a book.

Although the save was painful, the referee still ruled that the Heat was out of bounds.


Doesn't it count as out of bounds if the little head goes out?

Wade is so angry, he thinks the elementary school student did it on purpose!

It's too immoral to capture the third route. How did you get into elementary school!

The Trail Blazers re-issued the sideline ball, and Curry quickly passed the ball to Wayne in the low post after receiving the ball.

Wayne posts up Mousse!

To be honest, it is very difficult to eat mousse with your back.

Mousse's body is now at its peak, and there is no problem at all in carrying the inside.

In addition, Wayne has not recovered 100% today, so a confrontation with Mousse is not the best option.

So Wayne turned around outside the three-second zone and made a hook shot.

We have the technology, why do we have to fight hard?

In fact, Wayne's goals today were quite gentle, a shot and a hook.

But as long as it scores, it’s a good goal.

James looked at the basketball and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Damn it. This is cheating!

If you want to fight like this, how can I play?

Even if Wayne turns over and makes a jump shot, James can interfere with it.

But with the hook, Lao Zhan could only watch.

Wayne successfully scored with an extremely classic trick. Not long after the game started, Wayne had already scored two goals on Mousse's head.

"5-0, Wayne was very strong today. Although the Trail Blazers officially announced before the game that Wayne still has a low-grade fever, he is still unstoppable today!"

"I'm sorry, I don't want to abuse sick players. But for work, I can't help it."

Wayne was still chattering, and he hadn't stopped talking all day.

Veins popped out on James' head, and his and Wade's anger had been ignited to the highest point!

Mousse's eyes became extremely focused. This was the look he had during the battle of Tianwang Mountain in the Eastern Conference Finals.

Mousse: Don't force me, I'm going to turn on the Eyes of Death!

But Wayne's heart was full of disdain: "Isn't it just a roll of the eyes? Who are you trying to scare? My daughter can do that!"

Wade stepped forward with the ball and started a pick-and-roll with Bosh.

Because the Flash was very fast, the sister-in-law was not able to switch defenses immediately.

Wade was just about to attack the frame directly when he found that Wayne had rushed back to the penalty area in time.

Wayne's recovery speed today was much faster than yesterday.

Although Di Wei really wanted to dunk Wayne, the bird's nest is still aching, which affects his strength.

Therefore, Wade just jumped up slightly, attracted Wayne's defense and then distributed the ball to Mousse outside the three-point line.

Mousse caught the ball and was about to shoot, but when he saw Wayne jumping out again, Mousse changed his mind and thought of a more humiliating method.

After he feinted a shot, he lowered his center of gravity and accelerated past the charging Wayne, and then suddenly jumped up to attack the frame.

Isn’t this better than shooting a three-pointer?

It's time for you to shut up now, Wayne!


There was a loud noise from the basket, but it was not James who dunked, but Wayne who fanned the ball to the basket from behind!

To be honest, with Wayne's physical condition today, if Wayne blocks this ball head-on, he may not be able to block it.

But after receiving an additional counterfeiting badge bonus from behind, Wayne's palm could just touch the basketball.

Because Wayne rushed so hard, after covering the ball, Wayne also directly knocked James out of the baseline.

Wayne landed firmly and stood just in front of the emperor, looking down at this proud man.

"I'm sorry LeBron, I was wrong, and I want to apologize to you. I just said it wrong. You are not as soft as toilet paper. You are as soft as shit. You can only imitate me in coughing."

After that sentence of words starting with F, Wayne arranged words starting with S.

This is equivalent to directly breaking the skin, and really fighting like a mortal enemy.

James was so angry that he immediately got up and stood in front of Wayne.

But Wayne refused to give in, staring at James with no fear at all!

The two were nose to nose, chattering away.

"You've gone too far, Wei, you've gone too far!"

"Too much? So is it too much for you and Wade to imitate my coughing?"

"You will regret this."

"I've been waiting for you to make me regret it. If you have the ability, try touching me! Anyway, I don't dare to touch you. After all, as long as I touch you, you will fly to the stands." Wayne did not forget the connotation. James' exaggerated dive.

"We saw that Wayne and James seemed to have a little quarrel. It was really full of tension today. Not long after the game started, they were already at odds.

The referee quickly separated the two, and it seemed that Wayne and James were still calm. "

Director Zhang could see that his palms were all sweaty, but fortunately the incident was resolved without any danger.

Wayne looked at James and Wade who were angry and raised his fingers at them.

Don't be too quick to get angry, the more irritating part is yet to come.

The number one player in the league was just warming up.

Today’s 10,000-word update is here~

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