I am Really an Insider

Chapter 601 Chapter 598: Public execution data comparison, new goal will be achieved soon (10,000 wo

Wayne insulted James, and the two top superstars in the league faced each other and exchanged trash talk.

Rough elbow strikes, explosive matches, and scenes of people falling on their backs

The last time such a rough finals was back in 2005.

That summer, the Pacers and Spurs launched a life-or-death contest.

The term "life and death competition" is not an exaggeration at all. If you don't believe me, ask Guijiaobao if he almost died on the basketball court.

In that round of the finals, in order to restrict Duncan, the Pacers almost asked O'Brien, Wayne and Artest to take turns fighting and wrestling the idiot.

Both sides are also full of gunpowder, and both teams advocate rough and muscular defense.

It can be said that that was the last glimpse of rough basketball.

Since then, due to the further improvement of HC rules, rough confrontation is no longer the mainstream. In addition, the finals showdowns are always quite disparate in strength, so this kind of war-like finals has almost disappeared.

In 2006, the Heat VS the Mavericks, let alone a fierce confrontation, did the Mavericks dare to confront Wade? Not a single drop of rain will kill you.

In 2007, the Trail Blazers VS Cavaliers, swept 4-0, how can you be so fierce? For that year's finals, people's only impression is Wayne's words "The future is yours."

In the 2008 yellow-green battle, the scene was quite rough, but the total score of 4 to 1 made the intensity a little less intense.

2009 Trail Blazers VS Magic reference 2007.

In 2010, the Lakers still won relatively easily, Los Angeles General + Great Wall of China. At that time, they were called invincible.

In the 2011 Trail Blazers VS Pacers, the showdown between the two brother teams even gave people the feeling of a friendly competition.

Finally, this year's finals allowed fans to see the matchup they expected.

Two top superstars in the league directly attack each other. This kind of scene is very rare now.

As we all know, most of today's stars have very good relationships in private.

Therefore, they rarely fight each other directly on the court.

Even if you are dissatisfied with the other party, you will not do anything too drastic for the sake of face.

But between Wayne and the Class of 2003, there is no face-impairment.

From Wayne's first year in the league to now, he and the 2003 class are destined to be lifelong enemies.

Wayne never cares about personal relationships. Enemies are enemies and friends are friends.

Wayne blocked the shot successfully. Although the ball still belonged to the Heat, this chase undoubtedly boosted the morale of the Trail Blazers.

On the Heat bench, Haslem and other veterans are ready to make a move.

They really want to go out there and help James out.

But who asked you to cook?

Why can't I play? I don't have any idea?

Spoelstra's lineup basically beats the Big Three, playing eight or even seven-man rotations.

In this area, although Thibodeau is the most famous, Spoelstra has always been underestimated during this period.

The Heat resumed their attack. Seeing that Mouss could not attack for a long time, the team's younger brother Wei couldn't bear it anymore and took charge personally in order to save face.

Although the South Coast big-cheeked man has a championship in hand, his desire for the championship is no less than that of LeBron.

As a super giant of the generation, how can he get a mere ring?

Not to mention five, six, or seven, but at least three, four, and five.

However, Wade faced Wayne's capable general, the first-defense defender General Tony, how could he easily break through the defense.

Wade changed direction and accelerated as fast as lightning, but Teacher Tony's judgment speed was also amazing.

Although the Heat Soul still surpassed Tony by half a body, he still couldn't reach full speed with Tony hanging on him.

But now I can't control that much. Wade forced the frame without getting rid of Tony completely.

Even if you can't score, you should be able to get a chance.

But as soon as Wade jumped up, Wayne's big hand appeared between him and the basket.

One minute of rain? The Qing Dynasty has died, and it’s already 2012 AD. Why don’t you let this rain go?

My lord, you eat poop!

Because Tony kept hanging on to Wade, he was unable to fully pick up the speed, resulting in his insufficient take-off.

Therefore, even Wayne, who was suffering from a low fever, could easily block the ball from the front.

Wayne showed no mercy and waved his hand - his second consecutive block in this round!

Thanks to brothers working together, the spirit of the Heat team must be firmly established.

Wade fell down in embarrassment under the man-on-man attack from Tony and Wayne. Wayne stood next to Wade, raised his right arm high, and shook his finger at the fans.

One is lying down and the other is standing. One is embarrassed, the other is domineering.

Combined with the scene of Wade imitating Wayne's cough the day before yesterday, this scene simply made Blazers fans relieved.

Wade lay on the ground and looked up at Wayne with his arms raised high. Although he was not trash-talked, he still felt full of shame.

"Beautiful assist defense, Wei's defensive awareness is very good. In one round, he blocked James and Wade consecutively. In one round, he blocked the Heat's two superstars! The Heat have not broken the scoring drought. This is simply Incredible!”

As Mike Brin said, the scene footage also showed Apo.

Two of the Big Three have been compromised, so wouldn’t the next one be

Bosh: What are you looking at me for? ? I won't be fooled! absolute!

Isn't that right? Bosh doesn't dare to take action now, so of course he can't be taken advantage of.

After all, it was Liu Bie, the wave giant, who directly strangled Wayne's blocks in the cradle.

As long as I don't shoot, you'll never catch me!

Wayne caught both James and Way in one round, which was a slap in the face of the Heat.

Barkley started mocking: "I wrongly blamed them. They didn't pretend to be sick to mock Wayne. They were really sick! Otherwise, how could they have been blocked consecutively?"

The Heat once again sent a sideline ball, and this time Bobby Battier executed the shot.

Unfortunately, Mr. President's shot also missed the target, and the Heat failed again.

Wayne continued to attack with the ball. The moment he got the ball, all the fans at the scene shouted something that Mike Breen and the Heat generals couldn't understand.

Director Zhang, who was behind the other live commentary desk, blushed after hearing this.

Who taught me how to ride a horse? ?

All the fans in the stadium were heard shouting the Chinese word "fvck". It is said that the leader of a certain fan organization learned the Chinese meaning of the word "Fvck Miami" on the Internet.

Then, he taught members of his fan organization.

At first, only a small group of people from the fan organization were shouting, but because the pronunciation was very simple, more and more people gradually followed.

Until now, all the fans in the stadium are shouting this Chinese sentence.

The Chinese fans all laughed and cried, and the CCTV live broadcast was a bit embarrassing. Is this a silencer or not?

Don't silence it, it seems a bit uncivilized.

But silence it, it’s a pity.

after all

This size can be considered a cultural export!

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." The whole rose garden was filled with such shouts.

Although the Heat generals don't know what the fans are beeping, they can feel the momentum.

Wayne was also so fucked that his blood was boiling. Dare I ask if there is another home court in the NBA that is so down-to-earth?

Facing Mous' defense, Wayne also attempted a breakthrough for the first time today.

But it should be said that this mousse is not something that can be achieved casually.

Wayne's change of direction failed to get rid of James directly. When he reached the mid-range, the wave giant also double-teamed him at the right time.

Wayne was forced to stop under the double team. At that moment, Boss Bo's nose felt sore.

Eight easy!

The anti-Wei campaign finally achieved a staged victory!

Although he was double-teamed, Wayne remained calm in the face of danger, thinking quickly about how to deal with it.

Kobe, who was watching TV, also taught his daughter: "When you have a great opportunity like this, you have to shoot directly! It's just a double team. If you pass the ball, isn't it nonsense? Remember, you have to play like this in the future!"

Naochi is teaching everything he has learned throughout his life to Gianna, who loves basketball the most.

What could six-year-old Gianna understand? She must feel that what her father said is the truth.

Afterwards, Wayne's actions confirmed Gianna's thoughts.

Facing the double team, Wayne first looked in the direction of the bottom corner and made a passing motion.

James thought Curry or Matthews ran out to catch the ball, so he rushed out and turned around to prepare for defense.

But when James turned around, he found Curry staring at him and smiling. The point is, Curry doesn't have the ball in his hands at all.

"I'll wipe it!"

Mousse knew that she was being played!

He then turned to face Wayne again, which was equivalent to being tricked into spinning around in a circle by Wayne's fake pass.

Wayne - an outstanding basketball player, fighter, educator and dance teacher in the 21st century.

When Lao Zhan faced Wayne again, Wayne had already shot a fadeaway jumper.

Just now, after getting rid of James, Wayne fell back.

Bosh tried his best to reach the ball, but Wayne's backward angle gave Bosh no chance to block the shot.

Just like that, Wayne's fadeaway jumper hit the net. He outsmarted the double-teams of the two giants and scored all the Trail Blazers' points since the start!

Really. Double double team with wide open space!

"Okay~ Uncle Wei played your way and actually scored. Dad is so awesome!" Gianna clapped her hands as she watched Wayne outwit the double team.

Don’t ask why you have small hands, just ask because it’s a flaw in your genes.

Nachai looked proud: "That's right, I taught you Uncle Wei the trick of double-teaming the wide open position!"

Shame? what is that? Snakes change their skins often anyway.

Wayne had no idea that Kobe Bryant could pretend in front of his daughter. On the court, he just laughed and pointed at James, laughing at his behavior of being teased and spinning around.

Do I, Da Mousse, have no face? I turned around to look at you because I trusted you. I didn't expect you to be this kind of person, Wayne.

You have to pretend to pass the ball. You are not sincere at all!

A harmonious society A harmonious society cannot be built because of talents like you!

James turned his head and happened to see Bosh, so he said angrily: "Wayne, how can he laugh at you? Leave him alone, Abo, I know you tried your best."

Bosh:? ? ?

Holy shit. Why are you laughing at me? ? Wayne is obviously laughing at you!

Although Bosh knew that he might have been dumped, he really couldn't refute it, because Wayne did score the goal under his defense.

Damn it.

Wonderful! Bulbasaur is not even that good!

Therefore, when Zhan is about to confer a big responsibility to someone, he must first work hard on his will, his muscles and bones, and throw away his iron pot.

I don’t know whether Wayne’s goal to play with James was a mistake or not, but it made the Blazers fans happy.

After that, thanks to Apo's breakthrough and layup under the defense of his sister-in-law, the Heat's scoring drought was finally broken.

I thought this was the beginning of a counterattack, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be just a consolation prize.

After eight minutes of the first quarter, the Trail Blazers led 20-12 by 8 points!

James has not scored a point in the first quarter so far, and Wade's efficiency is average.

On the contrary, the wave giant, who has the least sense of existence, is currently the best performing Heat player.

At this time, the game entered a pause. Spo looked at Wade and Mousse and decided to fight to the end!

In the last game, Wayne was replaced after playing only six minutes in the first quarter.

Although Wayne's condition has improved today, he is still suffering from a low fever.

So Spoelstra estimates that Wayne will definitely be substituted at this time!

This is the Heat's chance to equalize the score!

With a big wave of his hand, while keeping Janeway on the court, he replaced two shooters, Junzi Lei and Miller, and paired them with the tough guy Haslemha to consolidate the defense.

With such a lineup, wouldn't it beat the Trail Blazers?

The Trail Blazers also made substitutions. Dragic, Stephenson, Green and Birdman replaced Curry, Tony, Matthews and Sister-in-law respectively.

Only Wayne wants to keep fighting!

This was also requested by Wayne himself. He knew that Janeway's playing time was very long, and he basically only rested for one minute in one quarter.

It would be too cheap for them to just let the Heat close the point difference.

Although James and Wade have been sprayed to the point of being autistic, although James and Wade have been covered, even though James has just been teased again.

But Wayne's anger wasn't over yet.

Then play music, then fight!

After the timeout, James and Wade hugged and stepped onto the court, preparing for a counterattack.

But as soon as they came on stage, they discovered that rich and handsome Wayne was still unwilling to give in!


If you have a fever, you should rest more and drink more hot water. Why don't you know how to take care of your body?

Did you know that the body is the capital of revolution?

Wayne was still present, which made Janeway's mood suddenly not beautiful.

The fish pond game that was agreed upon, and the result was a match, who could be happy?

However, the Heat's first offense after coming up was very smooth.

Wade broke through and found Miller who was ambushing in the corner. The latter shot through the heart and helped the Heat narrow the point difference to 5 points.

In the 2012 Finals, a piece of trivia is that the Heat's three-point shooting percentage was actually higher than that of the Thunder, which seemed to have better shooting!

Although James' three-point shooting percentage in the Finals that year was only 18.8%, he couldn't stand up to Wade, Bosh, Battier, Miller and others who were all three-pointers.

Especially Battier and Miller, the former shot 57.7% from three-point range, and the latter shot as high as 63.6%!

At that time, many Thunder fans were bitter: "If Battier and Miller were in the Thunder, the championship would be us!"

In today's history, Junzi Lei has joined the Heat in advance. The Heat's three-point threat is very big.

This is why Spoelstra is still full of confidence. He can use three-pointers to chase points and a few shots to settle the game.

Miller's three-pointer was a good start for the Heat, but before the Heat had time to be happy, the Trail Blazers made an even worse move.

Now, when Wayne catches the ball again, the Heat go right into a double team.

Well, double-teaming a star who has a fever is already full of shame.

There is no way, Wayne's previous performance was really good, showing strong dominance on both offense and defense.

James and Miller sandwiched Wayne, and Wayne passed the ball to Stephenson, who was temporarily free.

But the Heat's defense will never be so stupid, leaving no one waiting for Wayne to get assists.

Wade was already leaning toward Stephenson before he caught the basketball.

If you want to defend Stephenson, Wade will not be tired.

Wade would probably be happier if he could throw in a few concealed elbows while defending.

Stephenson saw Wade running towards him, and he knew very well that if he honestly caught the ball and passed it, the Heat could still plug the hole.

The best solution now is to pass a ball that can break out of the screen and catch people by surprise.

So, Stephenson jumped up at the free throw line and received Wayne's pass.

Wade has already locked up with Stephenson, and no matter what he does next, the Heat can handle it.

However, to everyone's surprise, Stephenson didn't even wait for the ball to land. After catching the basketball in the air, he passed the ball directly behind him.

Pass from behind without looking at anyone in the air!

Wayne admitted that he was nervous when he saw Stephenson pass the ball behind his back.

After all, it was the elementary school student's back pass that caused a psychological shadow.

But this ball was indeed unexpected. Stephenson didn't even look back when he passed the ball. It was purely a blind pass, so that the Heat could not react.

One thing to say, although this pass is very creative, it is of poor quality.

Let's put it this way, the schoolboy sitting on the bench thought he was about to get hit in the head again.

But fortunately, Stephenson made such a transition and sent the ball directly to Green on the weak side.

Although the pass was inaccurate, Green took a big step and still caught the ball.

And because the pass is so sudden, the weak side is completely unguarded, so even if Green's catching movement is a bit too big, he still has time to adjust.

This pass was so thrilling. Even if Green's reaction was half a beat slower, the elementary school student would have been shot in the head.

Finson is indeed a man who can switch between the top five and the top five at will.

That is because Green and Finson have played together since the Development League and won the Development League championship together, so they have such a tacit understanding.

This ball needs to be picked up by another person, and I can't understand it.

Green raised his hand and shot, the basketball hit the net, and the Blazers responded quickly!

The saucy is still the saucy of his junior brother, Wayne is willing to call him the king of saucy.

"Oh, that's great!" Stephenson praised Green in his accent.

Green just smiled and immediately returned to defense seriously.

Look at this, all Wayne needs to do is defend well in these few minutes.

Leave the offense to superstar Finson!

The Trail Blazers fans were still commenting on the ball just now, but Junzi Lei returned another one with lightning speed and the ability to steal Jingle Bells!

Before Dragic could react to this ball, James accurately found Thunder's thigh.

Zhujiqi was still thinking about guarding against one, but he didn't know that before he could get into a good stance, Renjun Zilei just shot.

As expected of a top shooter, he never misses any space.

Just like that, Zhujiqi was scored a goal amidst the shouts of "Ah? This!? Fuck!"

Daleizi V587!

CPR depends on me, Junzi Lei.

He is usually invisible, but when it comes to saving lives, he appears automatically.

Director Zhang also praised him, saying that Ray Allen is an old man who has great ambitions and can kill people regardless of his age.

But after I finished the compliment, I always felt that something was missing. I thought for a few seconds and then casually added: "Oh, by the way, James' passing vision is really good~"

All the Chinese fans were speechless. Ning's tone was too perfunctory and he just praised him.

At this time, Spoelstra felt that the Heat's offensive was unstoppable.

Before the end of the first quarter, the score was 100% equalized.

Be bold and go ahead!

The Heat's defense next made Spoelstra even more confident.

After Wayne broke in on this ball, he was directly double-teamed by James, Miller and Haslem.

Based on today's whistleblowing standards, Wayne estimated that the probability of him being deceived into committing a foul was not high.

Therefore, Wayne chose to pass the ball to Finson.

But the Heat fought really aggressively, and Miller immediately chased out again, blocking Stephenson's space.

Finson made a fake shot and then bent down to make a strong move, but as soon as he took a step, he was accidentally tripped by Miller.

Stephenson fell to the ground, lying on his side and rolled the ball beyond the three-point line.

Well, Wayne has seen ground balls before, but this is the first time Wayne has seen ground balls!

After watching Stephenson play too much, I feel like I don’t know how to play anymore.

As a result, Green had to bend down to pick up the basketball that rolled out.

When passing the ball to a shooter, you usually pass the ball to the most suitable and comfortable receiving position, so that the shooter does not need to adjust and can just pull out the gun after getting the ball and get a shot in the face.

But Stephenson doesn't care so much, what's the right position? It would be great if I can pass the ball in that direction!

The ball just passed by Finsen was crooked, and this ball rolled directly from the ground, which was even more outrageous.

Green bent down and picked up the basketball on the ground. After this series of processes, Wade has also posted it.

The Heat's defense has been perfect so far.


Green didn't give up shooting because Wade blocked it. He only saw that he didn't adjust at all after picking up the basketball, or that his adjustment speed was amazingly fast.

Facing the rushing Wade, Green made a jump shot!

Wade was a little panicked when he saw this situation, so he sped up and rushed forward. He didn't stop the car and knocked Green down.

The referee's whistle sounded and Wade committed a defensive foul. Just as Coach Zhang was about to shout "Three free throws", he heard a "swipe" sound.

"What!?" Mousse looked at the basketball in shock, in disbelief.

Danny Green faced Wade's defense and got a 3+1 opportunity!

At this time, the players on the Trail Blazers bench rushed forward to help Green who was knocked down.

After Green stood up, he did not yell, but calmly high-fived his teammates in celebration.

Wade on the side immediately shut himself up, this guy is crazy!

Two three-pointers in a row!

Stephenson was so complacent that he assisted Green on two consecutive goals, giving him the illusion that he passed the ball like Nash.

He rushed forward excitedly, wanting to get close to Huang Ama. As expected of brothers who have been playing all the way from the Development League, they have a tacit understanding!

Unexpectedly, Tielin rolled his eyes at Fensen.

"You think of me as Jordan's ambassador!?" Green said angrily.

Fensen froze on the spot and scratched his head.

Brother Tielin, are you praising me or hurting me?

You should be complimenting me~

Watching Green stand at the free throw line, Sposabi was stunned.

Did you say that we were going to take off?

Green's two three-pointers were so heartbreaking!

After the extra free throw was made, the point difference became 9 points.

The Heat's point-chasing plan is a lonely one.

One thing to say, in these two rounds, the Heat's restriction of Wayne was actually successful.

But the Blazers bench couldn't stand the sudden explosion.

After all, everyone wants to stand up for Wei Ge and beat the Heat violently, so they all have a strong desire to win.

On that shot just now, Green originally wanted to cause Wade to foul before he chose to take the shot.

Normally, he would never shoot like this against others. But not only did he shoot, he also made Wade very embarrassed.

Green's calm expression after being helped up was also a way of expressing his contempt.

This anti-Zhan artifact is really easy to use, and it can really make the world peaceful!

In the next few rounds, not only Green, but also Finson and Zhujiqi also performed well.

Wayne, on the other hand, could defend with peace of mind and disrupted two attacks by Mousse.

After the first quarter, thanks to the outstanding performance of Finson, Green and Zhujiqi, the Heat entered the second quarter with a 12-point disadvantage!

And, the worst part is.

Mousse didn't score a point in the first quarter!

The day before yesterday, he was still teasing Wayne for pretending to be sick, but today Wayne stopped him completely.

Mousse is so embarrassed!

Pretending that the cough was caused by Wade, why are you always trying to deal with me?

Wayne is not actually targeting Mousse, but who wants to pit him against Mouss?

Zhan Zhan, Ning suffers!

Director Zhang quickly looked through the almanac. He estimated that James' 0 points in a single quarter should set a career record.

When the time comes to say, "This is the first time in James' career that he scored 0 points in a single quarter in the playoffs," wouldn't it be a change of direction and a blow to Wayne?

As a result, Director Zhang checked and found out that in last year's Eastern Conference finals against the Pacers, James once lost 0 points in a single quarter.

Director Zhang:

It's my fault that I don't watch football enough.

It's okay now, there's no need to brag.

After the first quarter of the game, Wayne scored 13 points in a single quarter, Wade scored 6 points, and James scored 0 points.

Make a judgment.

During the break, the team doctor came to take Wayne's temperature again, but his temperature did not change much from before the start of the game, which meant that Wayne was still suffering from a low fever.

The team doctor was shocked. He had a low fever, 13 points in a single quarter, and zero shutout against James?

I'd rather be a human being, my brother Wei!

Wayne really couldn't stand the high fever of nearly 40 degrees the day before yesterday, but today's low fever, to be honest, as long as he stays focused after playing, he won't feel dizzy at all.

At the beginning of the game, Wayne still had a headache. But as I continued to fight, I felt better and better.

Spoelstra also urgently adjusted her strategy. In the second quarter, she decided to let Junzi Lei start.

After Janeway takes a break, he will not need Chalmers and directly let James play the one position to maximize the Heat's offensive firepower.

At the beginning of the second quarter, both Janeway and Wayne were resting on the bench. Battier continued to show his talents, making one shot and one steal, which once allowed the Heat to narrow the point difference to 7 points.

At this time, Spoelstra brought the second player James Way back to the court.

But Carlisle had been waiting for a long time. He wanted to chase Janeway to Wayne today and not give Janeway a chance to win the fish pond game.

Spoelstra made a substitution, and he followed suit.

After Wayne came on the court, he looked at James and Wade and deliberately pretended to cough.

"Mr. Zhan, all the encounters in this world"

"I won't listen, I won't listen, Wayne, don't touch me!" Mousse covered her ears and ran away.

Wayne kept an eye on James the whole time and went all out to fight James.


Because Wayne boasted before, saying that he would make a Heat player perform worse than his performance the day before yesterday.

Wayne thought about it, today is the best opportunity to realize what he had promised that day!

So when the second quarter comes up, there are only four words - increase the intensity!

James' attack was not without opportunities. After Wade's breakthrough attracted Wayne's defense, he passed the ball to James outside the three-point line.

Although Wayne jumped out the moment Wade passed the ball, no matter how fast Wayne was, he couldn't flash from the three-second zone to beyond the three-point line.

Therefore, James's shot was actually not interfered with much.

But after all, the 18% three-point shooting rate in the finals is here, and this shot highlights the word "stable".



It’s not that I don’t give you a chance, I give you a chance but you don’t use it!

My sister-in-law took off the backboard and gave the ball to Curry.

Wade didn't dare to slack off and immediately stuck to it.

Curry saw how cool Green's top shot three-pointer just now was, so he wanted to imitate it.

After he reached outside the three-point line, he suddenly stopped suddenly. After changing hands, he directly pulled up and shot.

Today, please call me Kuhao!


Wade shouted and blocked Curry's shot.

Pronounced Kuhao, written Sabi.

Curry's shot was indeed too hasty and went over the head.

But fortunately, he knew his mistakes and could correct them. After being blocked, he immediately turned around and tried to catch the ball again.

But Wade swung his elbow and said, "Elbow me away!"

He knocked Curry aside and picked up the basketball himself.

Originally, Wade was very unhappy after being beaten by Curry. After being thanked by Green just now, Wade was even more furious.

So now he is very irritable, whoever blocks him will die!

After getting the ball, the Flash was about to draw a line of lightning, but was directly knocked out of bounds by Wayne who rushed from the side.


Wade hit the billboard hard on the sidelines. Wayne ostensibly came to grab the ball, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that he came to hit Wade on purpose.

Wade was so angry that he stood up and punched Wayne in the face. But Wayne stretched out his finger, pointed at Wade's nose and shouted: "Try touching my teammate again."

The referee arrived quickly, separated the two sides, gave each side a technical foul, and each got fifty rebounds.

Wayne's technical foul was due to hitting Wade, and since it is going to be given to Wayne, the time Wade elbowed Curry must also be counted.

In short, it is necessary to appease the emotions of the stars and not let them get into trouble.

Although Stern asked the referee to relax his standards and allow players to fight fiercely, he also emphasized that direct conflicts must not occur.

James, Wade and Wayne, the three of them are the highlights of this round of the finals, and it would be impossible without any one of them.

Therefore, they cannot be given the chance to be sent off.

The famous confrontation between Wayne and Wade will surely become a classic NBA love story.

First fight Mousse, then kill Wade.

Some people think that Wayne must be crazy. Now is a harmonious society, and few top stars would so directly break up with other top stars.

But Wayne knew exactly what he came to the NBA for, and he didn't come to be a social butterfly.


It was you who broke your skin first!

Unless you apologize one day, don't blame me, Wayne, for being stingy.

After Wayne finished quarreling with Wade, he pulled the elementary school student up.

All the fans stood up and applauded. Wayne is the umbrella for everyone in the Trail Blazers at any time!

Finson: Except when my teeth were knocked out.

In the subsequent games, the atmosphere became stronger and stronger, and the score difference became wider and wider.

After most of the second quarter, Wayne had already scored 22 points, and the Trail Blazers also closed the gap to 20 points.

At this time, ESPN gave a comparison of the data of three important players today.

Under normal circumstances, data comparisons are made between two players.

But today, ESPN is comparing three players at the same time, namely Wayne, Wade and James.

After Heat fans saw the data comparison on the TV, they all said it was too much.

Is this a data comparison?

This is simply a public execution!

On the data sheet, Wayne scored 22 points, Wade had 14 points, and James had 0 points!

That 0 is very freehand.

This data comparison chart will taste better when paired with the picture of pretending to cough the day before yesterday.

Fortunately, only fans watching the live TV can see this data sheet, otherwise James would have to shut himself up on the spot.

James felt really bad today, shooting 0 of 4 from beyond the three-point line.

Belonging to Mengdu Meng can not enter.

Although he has sent out 6 assists and 6 rebounds, after all, he is still short of 666 points.

Nothing is complete without a 6.

What's even worse is that the Heat's point difference has become wider and wider. Today, the Trail Blazers' offensive efficiency is frighteningly high.

In addition to Wayne, the performance of other players was also very good.

Let's just talk about the elementary school student. After being elbowed by Wade before, he seemed to have been opened up to Ren Du's second pulse. He could make three-pointers as soon as he took a shot.

There is no way, this result was already doomed after James and Wade mocked Wayne the day before yesterday.

They pissed off not just one Wayne, but an entire kindergarten!

At the end of the half, Wayne scored 22 points in the half and the Trail Blazers led by 23 points.

Although they scored 23 points in the half, they couldn't even make the top five in the record for the largest half-time point difference in the history of the NBA Finals.

But if we keep playing like this, we can't tell whether the final point difference will be in the top five.

At halftime, the Heat's locker room was silent.

They all felt that today's game was a bit self-inflicted.

The opponent he angers gets beaten.

Although James finally broke the scoring drought before the end of the half, 4 points in the half was not a result worth showing off.

This performance also left James a little speechless.

So, Wade, the team spirit, stood up and cheered everyone on.

He told everyone that as long as we win this game, then we will return to Miami and a bright future will be waiting for us!

Well, just draw a cake.

But as soon as the second half started, Wayne poked a hole in Wade's cake.

In the first attack of the second half, Wayne, who had almost recovered his physical fitness, became active again.

Just in the locker room, in addition to letting a Heat player perform worse than himself, he found a new goal.

Therefore, Wayne was very excited after coming on the court. He called his sister-in-law to cover and dived in, successfully scoring a layup.

Subsequently, Wade also took advantage of the screen for a layup, but was intercepted by Wayne who arrived in time.

Although he was not blocked and successfully took the shot, the ball did not go in.

Wade was somewhat angry about this shot. He actually saw that James was missed outside the three-point line.

But when he thought about James making 0 of 4 three-pointers in the first half today, plus the time Wayne hit him, he was very unconvinced.

Therefore, I want to take advantage of Wayne.

But Wayne used practical actions to tell Wade what it means to eat shit.

Because the confrontation was very fierce, when Wayne defended Wade and took off the second time to grab the rebound, his sneakers were accidentally stepped off.

The sneakers originally fell at Wayne's feet, and he could put them on immediately as long as he passed the ball first.

But after Wayne passed the ball, an angry Wade picked up Wayne's sneakers, threw them out of the court, and then turned back to defend.

The players on the Trail Blazers bench stood up and expressed their dissatisfaction at the referee.

But Wayne had no extra time to complain. Instead of going out to pick up his shoes, he ran up with one bare foot and directly participated in the attack!

Although there is a risk of injury, Wayne has a body of steel after all and is afraid of a hammer!

The Heat thought that this time 5-on-4 was safe, but they were on guard when they suddenly heard Wayne yelling.

"I'm empty, I'm empty!"

Artest: Hey, I know this voice!

Everyone turned around and saw Wayne standing with one bare foot at the midpoint between the midcourt line and the three-point line.

The primary school student did not hesitate and passed the ball to Wei Ge. He knew that Brother Wei was already within shooting range!

The Heat players were stunned for a moment and did not immediately defend.

And after Wayne received the ball from a super long distance, he jumped up and shot!

Although one shoe is missing, Wayne's shooting motion is still smooth and complete.

Everyone's eyes were on this basketball. Wade's eyes widened. This is impossible! ?


Wayne's ultra-long-distance precision guidance, Dongfeng Express, the mission will be achieved!

"The ball went in, and Wayne hit an unreasonable long-distance three-pointer without wearing shoes! Hahaha, this is the most powerful response to Wade throwing away his shoes! Already 27 points Come on, let’s see if Wayne can score 40 points today!”

Director Zhang couldn't even hear his own voice because the cheers were so loud.

The commentator of Beautiful Country has already begun to take turns calling God. There is no way, who can prevent him from saying "f*ck".

After Wayne scored, he stood there, staring at Wade, and spread his hands.

"I can beat you without wearing shoes. Even if I shoot with my left hand, I can beat you more accurately."

Wade swallowed. This opponent was so different from Nowitzki.

The Heat paused the game, and at this time, Stephenson, the dramatist, rushed into the court with Wayne's shoes, knelt on one knee, put Wayne's feet on his knees, and put on Wayne's sneakers!

Accompanied by the cheers of the audience, this scene is simply old school.

Stephenson is simply a perfect beeping assistant, and he will take the initiative to help pretend to beep.

What man wouldn’t love this kind of thing that can move on its own?

Wayne looked at the score difference and saw that it was going to 30 immediately.

Not bad, very good.

The new goal is getting closer!

Today’s 10,000-word update is presented to you in one step. It will surprise you or not! ? (That’s it for today, otherwise the old pigeon will die of liver failure)

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