I am Really an Insider

Chapter 606 603: Wu Sheng upholds justice and Lao Zhan is forced to open his business (9K votes requ

"There is Ray Allen outside the three-point line in the corner. He is accurate and agile in three-pointers, and his thighs are thick and strong~

They worked together and used their brains to defeat Gegewei. They sang and danced happily~"

In a good mood, Stern walked into the kitchen and sang the song of Gentleman Thunder.

The old man opened the kitchen refrigerator and looked at the snacks inside. He couldn't put it down.

In addition to loving all kinds of work in his life, Boss Si has always had a special liking for desserts.

But because he is getting older, his family now restricts him from eating desserts.

But fortunately, when he was watching the game in the luxury box, he could often sneak a few.

Stern happily put a few desserts on the plate, as happy as a child.

There was only one spot left, and Mr. Si hesitated for a long time between the black forest cake and the peach cake.

At this moment, Stern heard the joke outside and shouted: "Omaigad!"

I won’t say that I’m so pitiful, every day.

Then, there was a sigh on the court.

Even the excellent soundproofing environment of the luxury box could not stop the penetrating power of this sigh.

Stern, who was holding the plate, felt a thump in his heart and hurriedly ran out.

Damn it.

It can't be possible! ?

"What happened?" Stern asked immediately after running out of the kitchen.

I saw that Joke was kneeling on the ground. He was stunned for a while and then stood up holding on to the glass.

Stern looked down the court again. Oh boy, the Trail Blazers players are celebrating!

At this time, the score on the big screen was 101 to 101.

101 versus 101

"Clang!" Stern's dessert plate fell to the ground again. At that moment, he felt that he had given up sweets.

"What!? Impossible, it's unbelievable!" Mike Breen covered his head with his hands. The ball just made him so shocked that he couldn't even speak harsh words after having been in the game for decades.

Every one of the Heat fans looked like they had seen a ghost, their eyes widened and they froze in place.

Although the Heat generals were not too depressed, their expressions felt as if they had been eaten.

Especially Ray Allen, perhaps the most valuable goal in his career, has dropped in value.

The gold content is greatly reduced.

Stern is so worried. Who can tell me what happened just now?

Don't just be surprised.

At this time, everything just happened was finally played back on the big screen.

In the last 6 seconds, the Trail Blazers fell behind by 3 points, which meant they only had one option: a three-point shot.

Therefore, the Heat's defensive pressure is relatively small, they only need to hold on to the three-point line.

There is no need to fear the Blazers' breakthrough.

And what's even simpler is that the Heat also know that this ball must be shot by Wayne.

Not taking that last shot felt like it was going to kill that paranoid guy.

James laughed: "Can your golf IQ be as high as mine? Who made the last shot? Do you understand golf IQ? Golf IQ!"

J. r.: What if you encounter someone who refuses to take the last shot?

The result was exactly as the Heat expected. The Trail Blazers handed the ball to Wayne. When Wayne was still dribbling two steps away from the three-point line, James pressed directly close to him without giving Wayne a chance to take action. space.

Because he knows that Wayne's long-range three-pointer is also a must.

No, let alone taking action, Wayne can't even make room to dribble now.

Finally, Wayne reluctantly took a step to the three-point line, stopped and shot a three-pointer.

Because this shot was thrown very quickly, there was no room for changes in rhythm.

So the moment James took the shot, he jumped up and touched the bottom of the basketball.

This time, the flight trajectory of the basketball was completely changed, causing the basketball to fly directly out of bounds.

At that time, fans at the US Airways Center raised their arms in wild celebration.

James successfully blocked Wayne's key shot and made up for it.

Stern was dumbfounded because after James completed the block, there were only 0.6 seconds left in the game.

Although the Blazers still have to serve out-of-bounds kicks, this time is simply not enough!

Can anyone tell me how the score became 101 to 101 in 0.6 seconds?

In the last 0.6 seconds, the Trail Blazers had no timeouts and Carlisle could do nothing.

At this time, Wayne temporarily gathered everyone and arranged a baseline ball tactic.

Amid the chants of "Not tonight" from Miami fans, Wayne had to yell at the top of his lungs to ensure that every player could hear his arrangements.

People in Miami were going crazy at that time, and local Miami commentators were already discussing how G6 would play in Portland.

At this time, Gasol stood outside the baseline and prepared to kick off.

Wayne stood on the right side of the three-point line, on the same side as Gasol.

But under the Heat's strict defense at this time, it is not an easy task to pass the ball directly from the baseline to the three-point line.

The referee passed the ball to Gasol, then the whistle blew, and the game started!

Wayne first feinted to the left, then immediately ran back to the right.

When Wayne ran to the right, Curry, Tony and Matthews gave Wayne a triple screen!

Curry's small body stood in front of the rampaging James, but he didn't hesitate at all.

At this moment, he was no longer an ordinary primary school student, but a glorious member of the Young Pioneers!

This simple and crude pick-and-roll created a fleeting opportunity for Wayne to catch the ball.

Paul can do any posture. Gasol has quick eyes and quick hands, and he passes the ball very high.

Wade quickly changed defense and raised his arms to pounce on Wayne.

When Wayne lands, he still won't have any room to take action.


Wayne has no intention of landing again!

After jumping up to receive Gasol's pass, Wayne directly took a shooting stance in the air and shot the ball - an alley-oop three-pointer!

"Ah this!" Wade was stunned. Is this a joke?

At this time, Wade could not interfere with Wayne at all, let alone block shots.

It turns out that Gasol's pass was so high just now, not only to avoid steals, but also to allow Wayne to catch the ball directly at the highest point!

Just like that, in the air, Wayne took one touch and shot directly.

Because there was almost no interference, the basketball went directly into the net after drawing a perfect arc.

In the last 0.6 seconds, Wayne made an alley-oop three-pointer to tie the Heat!


Seeing this, Boss Si's legs weakened and he knelt down with Joke.

Why does the league president kneel to watch the game? Because Wayne is a annoying little leprechaun.

Stern couldn't imagine how desperate Heat fans felt at that time.

Even a slutty writer like Lao Ge cannot write this kind of lob.

However, facts have proven time and time again that reality is more magical than fiction!

A cartoonist from Neon Country who was living a good life was ecstatic when he saw this ball.

"I'm not bragging, right? I'm not bragging, right? Alley-oop three-pointers do exist! Facts have proved that what I drew is the most realistic basketball cartoon!"

To be honest, this is not the first time that alley-oop three-pointers have happened in the NBA, and it is not that alley-oops have never happened before.

But at a critical moment, he relied on an alley-oop three-pointer to tie the game, and it was still on a stage like the finals. This is indeed the first case.

It is also very likely to be the last case.

Fortunately, this was just a buzzer beater. If it had been a buzzer beater, the buzzer beater would have ranked among the top three in NBA history.

The moment the ball was scored, the American Airlines Center, which had been bustling just a moment ago, suddenly burst into mourning.

After the goal, Wayne calmly faced the stands and Heat fans and pointed to the floor under his feet: "champion, tonight, here!"

Tonight, just leave it here, I want to win!

Again, the King of Heaven is here today, and Wayne is going to take away the championship!

Wayne's tying three-pointer was a huge blow to the Heat's morale.

Seeing the sixth game right around the corner, I thought it was over.

What kind of shitty luck!

In fact, this ball was really not a piece of luck. Although it only touched the ball once, it was enough for Wayne, who had excellent touch, to adjust.

You want Howard to try his luck with this kind of ball? It's good if he can hit the frame.

At this time, after hearing the sound, he forced the captain to come online again, and gave him a few injections of chicken blood.

Although the situation is bad, it is not the worst.

At least there is overtime to play for.

So far in today's game, the performance of the Big Three has been almost impeccable.

James had 33 points and 11 rebounds, Wade had 32 points, 6 rebounds, 4 assists and 4 steals!

Although Bosh's statistics are not that gorgeous, the rebound at the critical moment is worth thousands of dollars.

Looking back at the Trail Blazers, except for Wayne who scored 35 points, the performance of the others can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

Therefore, Haslem also encouraged everyone: "We are just going to go out and kill them again!"

Elsewhere, Wayne sat on the bench and sucked on his jersey collar.

Then, he looked at his shot count, which was already 20 times.

From now on, it will only get smoother and smoother!

Wayne admitted that James and Wade deserved a victory today.

Their performance today, their effort, and their tenacity are guaranteed to win against any other team in this league.

Not to mention that on this basis, there was Ray Allen's icing on the cake three-pointer of the century.

But what they met was the only pioneer!

The live camera gave a close-up of Wayne. At this time, Wayne was just gasping for air, adjusting his breathing, and then looking seriously at Carlisle who was drawing tactics.

As the saying goes, focused men are the most handsome, when fans are admiring Wayne's handsome look of concentration at critical moments.

But Thompson's big head suddenly jumped into the screen, blocking Wayne tightly.

Tom didn't know that the on-site cameras were showing a close-up of Wayne. He just noticed a small group of Trail Blazers fans who had come from afar in the stands of the American Airlines Center, so he stuck his head out to take a look and smiled at them.

He was completely unaware that his big head was blocking the screen.

Just forcibly gain a sense of presence!

Tom's honeymoon trip has somewhat eased the tense atmosphere.

But this relaxation is only temporary, and today this is destined to be a life-and-death duel.

After a short break, players from both sides stepped onto the court again.

Lao Wang, it’s overtime! It’s overtime!

The lineups of the two teams in overtime were the same as the lineups just at the end of the fourth quarter.

The Heat's front team is Wade, Ray, James, Battier, and Bosh.

Portland Kindergarten Curry, Matthews, Tony, Wayne and sister-in-law.

The two of James and Way stared at Wayne, and they had to trip up No. 99 no matter what in overtime!

As soon as the game started, James assisted Ray Allen for another three-pointer. This ball was already close to the elementary school student's face, but he couldn't resist Ray Allen's touch.

If the Heat can win this game, then Ray Allen will be blown to the sky.

For his performance in this game alone, he deserves a championship ring.

After the Blazers attacked, they wanted to return a three-pointer, so Wayne set a pick-and-roll for Curry and asked Curry to also shoot one.

But Curry's three-pointer failed to hit. The elementary school student shot the ball too hastily.

Although Curry can stabilize his shooting percentage when taking quick shots, it's a different story when he's in a hurry.

In Wayne's previous life, in G2 of the 2015 Finals, Curry made 0 of 4 shots in overtime, 0 of 2 three-pointers, and only scored 2 points, 2 rebounds and 2 turnovers.

Facing the high-pressure defense in overtime, the young Curry still needs to be polished.

This time, James blocked Wayne from behind and did not give him a chance to make a tip-in.

Soon, the Heat counterattacked.

Counterattack, this is the way the Heat are best at scoring.

James ran wildly after catching the ball, but Wayne stayed close to James.

After reaching the basket, James took the initiative to give Wayne a confrontation and pushed Wayne away before taking off for a layup.

"Bang!" The moment the two collided, reporters near the bottom line seemed to hear a terrible muffled sound.

Up to this point in the game, it has been a physical confrontation.

Of course, Wayne didn't want to give up. After being pushed away, he forced himself to take off in an attempt to block the shot, but accidentally hit James on the shoulder.

In this way, James still completed the layup despite being violated and scored the ball.

The referee's whistle sounded and James got a 2+1 chance!

"Fuck!" Wayne yelled unwillingly. After all, it was James at his peak.

Lao Zhan was also excited. His right hand was like a pistol, and he made a celebration gesture of changing the magazine and loading the gun, showing his domineering attitude.

The last bullet is left for you!

But the good times didn't last long. James' subsequent extra penalty missed the frame and failed to hit the three-pointer.

Strength explains what it means to be handsome in less than three seconds.

Speaking of which, James' performance at critical moments today was actually quite average.

In the fourth quarter before, he failed to make a key shot.

In the last 0.6 seconds, Wayne was not guarded.

Now a missed penalty is added.

But it doesn’t matter, there is still a chance!

Taking advantage of James's missed free throw, the Trail Blazers had a chance to narrow the point difference.

It's a pity that after Curry, Matthews didn't make an open three-pointer!

In the overtime of the finals, the ball was deadly, and the young players were indeed relatively good at it.

When Matthews shot, he was so nervous that he couldn't maintain the integrity of his movements.

Overtime is inherently short, and there really aren’t a few opportunities for others to squander.

The Heat had a narrow escape again, and Wade seized the opportunity with a baseline breakthrough and a pull-up layup.

The Miami Heat scored consecutive goals after entering overtime, widening the point difference to 7 points and stopping the Trail Blazers!

Carlisle paused the game, and the Miami commentator proudly shouted: "Overtime is nothing special, we are just going to kill the Blazers again!"

Carlisle could also see that the young couple Curry and Matthews were nervous.

So, he decided to let Wayne directly control the ball next.

Up to this point in the game, all tactics and strategies have been exhausted.

It's time to compete for the stars!

When returning from the timeout, everyone found that the Heat had made a substitution.

Spoelstra removed Battier and replaced captain Haslem.

The intention is obvious, strengthen defense and strive to hold on to this 7-point advantage!

Haslem was so excited, he was born for moments like this.

In the first attack after returning from the timeout, Wayne and Haslem came face to face.

In this ball, Wayne used a fake move to deceive Mousse and successfully broke through.

Haslem also returned to the basket at an extremely fast speed, preparing to intercept Wayne.

Wayne didn't slow down and just attacked Haslem.

But Haslem was unceremonious. Roughly putting Wayne down, he didn't forget to use a hidden elbow during the mid-air confrontation.

This is how he survives in the NBA.

Wayne was knocked directly out of the baseline, but the basketball he threw missed the backboard and fell into the net.

The referee's whistle sounded, another 2+1.

Every attack and defense between the two sides was quite bloody.

"This should be directly called a flagrant foul, a flagrant foul!" Wu Sheng couldn't stand it anymore. Haslem really has no martial ethics.

Captain Ha is a typical player who is hated by fans of other teams but loved by fans of his own team.

Wayne rubbed his chest and climbed up with difficulty.

Haslem is so cruel!

The concealed elbow just now almost broke Wayne's ribs.

Looking at Wayne's grinning expression, Haslem was quite proud.

He once said at a press conference: "As long as I am present, I will never let my teammates suffer at all!"

Therefore, there is a bit of revenge in this goal.

After all, Wayne had just fouled James.

In normal times, what kind of ball does Wayne play? They were already fighting.

But today, Wayne has to focus on basketball.

He looked hard at Haslem and stepped to the free throw line.

But unlike James, Wayne easily hit the extra free throw, and the Trail Blazers succeeded in hitting a three-pointer!

The score difference is back to 4 points, and James, Wade and Ray Allen are still the Heat's sharpest weapons.

Only this time, when Wade was laying up, Tony cut the ball and completed the steal.

Tony, as a first-defense defender, made a mistake at a critical moment today.

First, Wade succeeded in breaking through, and then Ray Allen hit a three-pointer over his head.

Therefore, Tony has been holding his breath and trying to prove his worth.

Now, he did it.

After the steal, Tony found Wayne immediately. Because the rhythm of offense and defense transition was very fast, most Heat players did not react.

Wayne has a smooth road ahead!

Wayne ran to the basket and just took off to dunk.

But before his body could take off, Haslem came out from behind and slammed into Wayne's back!

Because Wayne's feet were already off the ground without any support, he was knocked directly off the baseline again.

Haslem fouled Wayne twice in a row!

It is no exaggeration to say that he was knocked away. It was like he fell from Baicao Garden to Sanwei Bookstore.

This foul is very bad, because this kind of ball, which is completely impossible to guard, is simply directed towards someone.

Gasol, who has always been elegant, rushed to Haslem and confronted him.

Wayne was also furious, got up and walked directly towards Haslem.

But Haslem didn't care, he just wanted to make Wayne suffer and make him lose all his condition!

If you can piss Wayne off so much, so much the better!

He is too eager for a championship, and the Heat's Big Three lineup already has high hopes. If he fell here, wouldn't it become a joke?

Just as Haslem was about to confront Wayne, he heard a commotion in the stands.

Haslem turned around and saw only the big soles.

The Chief of Martial Arts takes action!

Haslem is a ruthless person, so why not Stephen Jackson?

He has never seen his father since he was a child, and was raised by his mother, which created his tough personality.

He fell to the second round of the 1997 draft and was quickly waived. He then spent several years playing in leagues such as Australia, Venezuela, and the Dominican Republic before finally returning to the NBA.

Like Haslem, Jackson also desperately desires a championship.

He knows that he no longer has much value to the team.

His plan is to announce his retirement after this season and retire with the championship!

Moreover, Jackson also believes in the same thing as Haslem - as long as I am here, you are not allowed to hurt my teammates.

What's more, Wayne is the most special one among all Wu Sheng's teammates.

Jackson is willing to stop everything to protect Wayne's honor!

Without Wayne, how could Stephen Jackson have such a good life and win so many championships.

So, he decided that he should do something for Wayne.

Seeing that Wayne was about to get entangled with Haslem, Jackson rushed forward resolutely.

"Stephen Jackson actually rushed in from the bench, and the two of them got into a fight!"

Jackson grabbed Haslem's collar and fired wildly.

Not to be outdone, Haslem kicked Jackson in the stomach a few times.

The two villains turned the basketball court into a fighting arena. The two sides struggled with each other and were incompatible with each other.

But gradually, Jackson gained the upper hand.

Although Captain Ha is fierce, the Martial Saint is not called for nothing.

Although the two were separated quickly, the struggle lasted less than a minute.

However, even so, this is definitely the most intense fight in the history of the NBA Finals!

"Oh my god, Stephen Jackson will definitely face a very serious punishment. He rushed up from the bench. This is expressly prohibited. He is challenging the bottom line of the league president!" Mike Breen shook his head. Jackson was finished now. .

But Jackson didn't care, even if he was banned for life, it didn't matter.

Anyway, this is his last game.

After beating Haslem, both Jackson and Haslem were punished.

Haslem was so angry that he yelled at the referee and smashed the chair.

Even if he was sent off, the key point was that he lost the fight!

Jackson was very calm. He walked up to Wayne and gave Wayne a strong hug.

"I believe you, Wei. Now, go ahead and do it."

After saying that, amid the shouts and curses of Heat fans, Jackson walked into the player tunnel calmly.

His career was over and he had completed his final mission.

Stern looked at it and called him a good guy. He brought the ball with him when others were fighting, but Wu Sheng was an open-minded person. Damn it, you didn’t even bring the ball with you and just hit him!

Wayne looked at Wu Sheng, the good brother who had been with Wayne since the beginning of his career, and took a deep breath.

After Jackson walked to the tunnel, he looked back at Wayne.

The obstacles in your path have been cleared for you, now

Go fly, Wayne.

Wayne moved his body and told himself that he must be calm and cool.

Now, he's not playing for himself.

He represents the glory of the entire team!

So, standing on the free throw line, he made two free throws again.

He scored 5 points in a row, narrowing the point difference to only 2 points!

Heat fans became nervous again, Captain Ha's wave. He didn't teach me enough to teach him a lesson, and he even got close to the point difference due to continuous fouls.

Ning, this is a mess!

The biggest crisis in the captain's career.

Well, the Heat are still ahead anyway.

Wade then hit a ball from beyond the three-point line, widening the point difference again.

Now that he thought about it, it was impossible for the Blazers to keep up, right?

But Wayne poured cold water on Wade with a chasing three-pointer.

Wake up, I have taken action 20 times!

Subsequently, James made another mid-range pull-up jumper.

The performance of James and Wei today is already considered the best in the world.


Wayne is awesome!

"Wayne hit a turn-over jump shot and once again kept up with the Heat's rhythm! Oh my god, he was almost competing with the Big Three on his own! Until now in overtime, Wayne has not missed a goal!"

At this time, Wayne had scored 10 points. It is only 3 points away from the record for the highest score in overtime in the NBA playoffs.

It is worth mentioning that the last person to set the record for the highest score in overtime in the playoffs was also a Trail Blazers player-"Glider" Drexler.

In that game, Drexler played 46 minutes, made 14 of 23 shots, and scored 42 points, 9 rebounds, 12 assists and 2 steals. But unfortunately, the Trail Blazers still lost the game.

And this record, as of this year, has been exactly 20 years, and no one can break it.

After one round, Wayne hit a hook shot from the basket and scored 12 points in overtime!

After another round, James and Wade worked together to block Wayne's layup, but were called for a foul.

Wayne hit two free throws as usual and scored 14 points - the highest score in overtime in the playoffs!

At this time, the game has reached its end, and the Trail Blazers lead by 4 points.

In the past two rounds, James and Wade each missed once.

When they scored, Wayne followed up with a goal. But when they weren't scoring, Wayne was still scoring!

At this time, Wayne had also scored his 49th point of the game.

Well, we are only 1 point away from 50 points in the finals.

After the merger of the NBA and ABA, that is, in 1976. According to current statistics, there are only two players in the history of the finals who can score 50+ points in a single game.

Who else could it be? Of course it is that god and the god standing on the court now.

The scene where Wayne won the trophy with 50 points in last year's finals is still fresh in people's minds.

However, as strong as the old gangster, 50 points in the finals are only once.

If Wayne scores one more point today, he will have scored 50 points in two finals in his career!

Although the 50 points were scored in overtime today, they are still very valuable.

Surpassing the old gangster is not so far away, right?

In the last 53 seconds of the game, Wayne pressed for time, and the Heat did not dare to send Wayne to the free throw line.

Wayne stared into James' eyes. He could see that the league's strongest small forward was panicking.

After all, he was facing someone who had made 4 of 4 shots from the start of overtime, 5 of 5 free throws, and 1 of 1 three-pointers.

The Heat went from making a near-win shot, to being tied, to having their captain beaten, to now being 4 points behind. The whole process has been quite disappointing.

And these despairs were basically brought to the Heat by Wayne alone.

The last time, the only one who could demonstrate his dominance so vividly was No. 23.

At this time, a word suddenly became popular among Chinese football fans - sit back and watch!

“Way, he was getting ready to break through and accelerated, but LeBron followed closely and he knew this was his last chance to push the game into Game 6!

Wayne made an emergency stop in the mid-range, but did not get rid of LeBron. LeBron correctly judged Wayne's intention, and Wei forced the shot! "

Mike Breen spoke as fast as he could to keep up with the rhythm. When Wayne stopped for a jumper, James' entire hand was covering the basketball.

As long as Wayne takes the shot, it's a block.

But in the air, Wayne, who was holding the basketball, unexpectedly dodged James' hand. After avoiding James, he threw the ball.

Well, Wayne can't pull up a layup, but he actually performed a pull up shot!

Let’s see who will say that Wei Ge can’t pull the lever in the future!

Abo saw that Wayne's shooting movements had changed like this, so he got stuck in position and prepared to grab the board.

But the basketball did not have close contact with the basket, but dived into the tight and soft soft land.

Wayne scored in the mid-range shot, and the Trail Blazers led by 6 points in the last 29 seconds, almost sealing the victory!

The moment the ball was scored, the Heat spent the last timeout.

And James, he almost cried.

You don’t play like this in overtime!

Wayne scored 16 points with a 100% shooting rate!

It's not that James is not good, it's that Wayne after 20 shots is too unreasonable!

Arenas also scored 16 points in overtime and 60 points in the game at the Staples Center that year.

But Arenas somehow missed a shot in overtime, but Wayne was better and made every shot!

James was frustrated and prepared to walk to the sidelines, picked up his jersey, and prepared to wipe away his tears in the name of wiping sweat.

He really couldn't believe that even though they were in a team, they still couldn't win the championship.

Why is it so difficult?

But at this moment, James, who was in a river of sadness, was involved in the Blazers players who were celebrating wildly.

Everyone from the Trail Blazers went over to hug Wayne, but James happened to be in that position.

So by accident, James was inexplicably involved in the crowd, inexplicably pushed to the ground by a group of Trail Blazers players, and inexplicably participated in the celebration.

James: You win, win! Damn it, you are not human, you are not human!

James, one man on top of another, was unable to move and was forced to go to business.

Defeated, but also celebrated.

Find the area of ​​Mousse's psychological shadow.

Watching James being forced to participate in the Trail Blazers' wild celebrations made Wade extremely heartbroken.

Zhan Zhan, Ning suffers.

Stern looked at Mousse who was participating in the crazy celebration and sighed.

"Hey, no more, no Game 6. The Trail Blazers played so fast in the finals. Let's go down and present the championship trophy."

Stern shrugged. Although he made less money for one or two games, the result was not unacceptable.

After two consecutive championships, a new dynasty may be about to be born.

In the past five years, the NBA championship was named Wayne-Kobe-Wayne-Kobe-Wayne. It was like pi, and you couldn’t see the bottom line at a glance.

Stern thought that this situation would change after Yao Ming retired and the Heat giants formed a team.

Well, it did change.

From now on, the championship will belong to Wayne-Wayne-Wayne...

After Stern stood up and left the box, the buzzer that signaled the end of the game also sounded on the court.

Looking at the championship trophy being transported to the court, the old man smiled and shook his head.

Wayne, this is probably the last masterpiece of his CEO career.

Although there was an attempt to stop Wayne before, introducing a bat clause and forcibly breaking up Paul and Wayne.

But now, Stern feels proud.

It is precisely because of the removal of Paul and Wayne that Wayne's strength is even more highlighted.

Although Wayne always loves to cause trouble, although Wayne is full of controversies, although Wayne is not the representative of Stern's perfect idol.

But he has indeed become the strongest player in this version.

Stars are the capital of the NBA. With one more star, the NBA has one more money printing machine.

And Wayne is undoubtedly the fastest money-printer in the league.

People love his unruliness, his fiery temper, his show-off, and the scene where he makes his opponent so angry that he can't do anything about him.

There is also a genius among international players, although he is not so perfect. But Stern still feels that his wait in the cold wind in 1989 was worth it.

On the court, there were no colorful ribbons flying in the sky and no cheers from the fans.

Some are just the Blazers players celebrating.

Wayne kept his word and didn't give the Heat a chance to counterattack Portland.

If we talk about regular time, compared to the performance of Wayne and James, it can only be regarded as a match.

So in this overtime, Wayne really showed why he can become the number one player currently.

No solution, no solution, no fucking solution.

Don't blame Brother Wei for being ruthless. If you want to blame it, blame James Wei for not being good and learning to cough.

Wayne was just trying to find a way to return the favor.

Even if you humiliate me, I will not let you go. How nice that everyone is so nice~

Two consecutive championships, Wayne has never experienced such joy.

Therefore, although the fans at the scene were very uncooperative, he still enjoyed it.

He hugged everyone, he put on his championship cap, and he looked at the Heat fans and enjoyed the thrill of frustrating them.

Stephenson walked up to Wayne and shouted happily: "Brother Wei, are you number one in the league?"

Wayne smiled and asked, "What do you think?"

"Hehe, just today, just today!"

He is truly the best loser around Wayne.

Wayne finally relaxed as he looked at the O'Brien Cup being carried off the field.

Two consecutive championships, can the dynasty be far behind?

I had something to do this afternoon, but I couldn’t stop the plot at this point. I knew everyone had been waiting impatiently last night, so I got up at 6 o’clock this morning to write the code, and finished writing the finals in one go. It was almost 10,000 words early, and it’s still not good. Part of it will be made up the day after tomorrow. For the sake of knowing that Lao Ge knows his mistakes and can correct them, let’s count the votes~

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