I am Really an Insider

Chapter 607 604: People with different agendas have bad badges! (4.8K votes requested)

Pat Riley sat in the stands, his eyes dull.

He really couldn't believe that a team with three superstars could only win one victory in the finals.

Moreover, he did not win a game at home, and the one he won was because the opponent's star player had a fever...

Riley looked at Wayne, and for some reason, he suddenly felt that his path was narrow.

You said that when the Pacers sold Wayne, why didn't you think of getting involved?

Back then, it was okay to trade Wade for Wayne!

Although Wade won the championship for the Heat in 2006 and made great contributions.

But if it were Wayne, maybe it wouldn't be one, but five, six or seven.

Well, don't doubt it, Riley is definitely the person who can do such a thing.

What team spirit is not the spirit of the team, in Riley's opinion, it is just a name.

If he had known that Wayne could be so strong, he would have given Wade his hands.

On Riley's team, no one is untradeable.

In some ways, Riley and Danny Ainge belong together.

Pao'er looked at the golden O'Brien Cup on TV, feeling happy, uncomfortable, painful and ashamed at the same time.

He would always unconsciously put himself on Brother Wei, and then fuck him hard.

Lift the championship trophy and receive praise from all over the world.

Let the whole world know that I, Chris Pao'er, am the strongest 183 on the planet!

However, the reality is scary.

What Paoer wants to think about now is not whether he can win the championship next season, but whether he can continue his peak showdown with Wei Ge next season.

Howard's departure is almost a foregone conclusion.

Although Pao'er and Howard couldn't deal with it, Pao'er still recognized Beast's talent.

Without someone who can limit Wayne on a single defense, can this team go further?

The road is long, but Pao'er doesn't know where his true love is.

Du Xiaoshuai held his mobile phone and looked at the cosplay photos of young models on the screen, but he was not as excited as usual, and felt that everything around him had become boring.

Don't get me wrong, Du Xiaoshuai did not do anything to harm his children and grandchildren.

I just watched the Trail Blazers win two consecutive championships, and I felt very unhappy. I couldn’t even give likes.

He originally told himself in his heart that I, Du Xiaoshuai, was the one who wanted to do great things.

I don't hear anything about basketball, I just focus on being a like machine.

What basketball are you watching? Don’t the young model’s balls look good?

Like more, leave more comments, and cast a wider net.

With my temperament and appearance, Du Xiaoshuai, how could I not catch a fish that slipped through the net?

But at this time, he realized that he was just lying to himself.

He cares about what happens in the NBA, and he cares about the outcome of the Finals.

The moment Wayne won, Du Xiaoshuai realized that he was really unwilling and jealous.

I, Kevin Durant, love sports most!

That's what a mature, real man should do!

Du Xiaoshuai threw away his phone and stared at the TV screen, where Wayne was about to go on stage to receive the award.

Three consecutive?


I, Du Xiaoshuai, will definitely become a hot man who can prevent the establishment of a dynasty!

Thinking of this, Du Xiaoshuai picked up his phone again and logged into his trumpet.

Start spraying!

Watching Wayne about to win the fifth championship trophy in his career, Nacha felt quite heavy.

Today's young people are not as good as the previous generation.

Remember when I was here, Wayne wanted to win consecutive championships? Then you have to ask me if Black Mamba does not agree!

Don't worry, as long as Kupchak can deal with the only man in the league who can single-defense and limit Wayne this summer, plus his good brothers Hardy and Nash, then he still has to take off?

It's just that hard.

I don’t know if his revolutionary will is still firm.

Joke took out his mobile phone and looked at the public opinions on the Internet.

The Trail Blazers won the championship, and the fans' reaction can be said to be polarized.

Half of the people clapped their hands and applauded, while the other half were angry.

"Okay, okay, Stern can really announce that the NBA will be renamed CBA."

"It's the Trail Blazers again. It's boring. The Eastern Conference team hasn't won a championship in six years."

"We can just cancel the East and West. What's the point of the East's existence?"

"Congratulations to Wayne for winning the championship, but I think only Portland fans will be happy. This is the NBA, guys."

Although these are only half of the remarks, the other half of American fans actually support Wayne very much.

But when it comes to jokes, he can only see what he wants to see.

Three consecutive championships is no ordinary honor.

Which of those stars who can lead their team to three consecutive championships is not a historical figure?

Counting since the merger of the NBA and ABA, only Jordan and O'Neal have the ability to lead the team to three consecutive championships.

If Wayne wins again next year, he will be equivalent to an international player and will be close to legendary stars like Jordan and O'Neal.

The joke is that this is bad for the market.

But he really didn't have the confidence to be able to do it better than Wayne.

Wayne's victory made people from all walks of life in the league deeply moved.

But no matter what kind of emotion they feel, their goal is the same - to prevent Wayne from winning three consecutive championships!

Stern doesn't have any bad intentions now. Although he has played fewer games, Stern is generally satisfied with the result of Wayne winning two consecutive championships.

The league has not seen a team that can win consecutive championships for many years, and having one now is actually more conducive to publicity.

And to be honest, Stern feels that the Blazers are only able to win consecutive championships now because of his strong skills in the whole job.

If the super rookie clause had not been introduced and Wayne and Paul had been dismantled, the Blazers would have won more than two consecutive championships by now.

It’s scary to think about the stars of the two teams playing together in this year’s Western Conference finals.

To put it bluntly, Stern feels that he has done his best to balance the league so that everyone can make money.

But even after doing his best, he still couldn't stop Wayne from winning consecutive championships. Stern just wanted to express his congratulations.

It can only be said that Wayne is indeed too strong. Wayne deserves this consecutive championship.

Wayne was very excited when the Blazers stood on the podium.

Although this is the fifth time in his career that he has stood on the podium at the championship award ceremony.

But it was his first consecutive championship.

The curse of not being able to win the championship in even years was broken by Wayne himself. Next, the joke that Wayne is invincible in odd years may gradually disappear from the Internet.

Because from now on, Wayne is invincible in both singles and doubles!

At this time, Wu Sheng also ran out of the player tunnel.

He originally thought that he would not be able to attend the awards ceremony if he was ejected, but he just learned that the NBA did not have such a rule.

Because strictly speaking, the ejection penalty ends after the game.

When Wu Sheng came out, the boos in the American Airlines Center continued to increase and reached their first climax.

You have no choice but to beat up their captain and then hold the championship trophy in front of their eyes. How can they not boo you?

The live camera also gave a close-up of Wu Sheng who returned to the court. Barkley couldn't help but laugh and said: "You said this Jackson is really interesting.

He didn't even play a minute in the playoffs, and he won a championship just by fighting. He is truly worthy of being called the Martial Saint in the world, hahahaha. "

Kenny Smith next to him looked contemptuous. Why are you laughing at him? Didn't you win the championship in this way yourself?

When Wu Sheng came on stage, Wayne also gave him a warm hug.

From the big corn field to the rose garden, whenever something goes wrong, there is no time that the Martial Saint will not take action.

When it comes to fighting, Wu Shengzhen will never be absent.

Such loyal teammates are becoming increasingly rare nowadays.

"Well done Wei, you made my career complete." Jackson patted Wayne on the back excitedly. What more could he ask for if he could retire wearing a championship ring?

Afterwards, Wayne went to hug Birdman, who had a low presence in this year's finals.

Although it happened last season, Wayne still remembers the Birdman breaking his leg for the team.

Without his sacrifice, there would be no two consecutive championships.

"This year, you can finally feel the feeling of winning the championship live, Chris."

Wayne then hugged his sister-in-law again.

Although Wayne has always been embraced by the Trail Blazers.

But the sister-in-law never complained and always stayed by Brother Wei's side silently, guarding the family as a virtuous wife.

Then, there are Stephenson, Green, Cuckoo, and Tony.

Finally, when he arrived at Curry, Wayne did not hug him, but touched his head first.

Unconsciously, Curry has become Wayne's most effective assistant.

Although in the overtime that just passed, Curry's performance was not very good.

But similarly, there are many games that Wayne might not be able to win without Curry.

Overall, Wayne is quite satisfied with Curry's performance this season.

When he originally advocated taking Curry and giving up Evans, who is now more powerful, Wayne's reason was: Evans may be able to help the team win a championship, but Curry is the best partner to achieve dynasty dominance.

In the blink of an eye, he won two consecutive championships.

Now, it's time to achieve this ultimate goal!

Curry also looked at Wayne with a smile and wanted to go up and give Wayne a filial hug.

But just as he was about to move forward, he found that Wayne's hand was pressing his head tightly, making it impossible for him to move forward at all.

Well, that's why Wayne didn't hug him and just touched his pants.

Wayne really doesn’t dare to let Curry, a funny guy, get close to him!

When Curry won the championship last season, he couldn't hold back his joy and turned into a water baby to make Wayne's face wet. Wayne is still psychologically affected.

Damn you, don't even think about harming me!

Pressing Curry's head, Wayne asked: "Next season, do you dare to get on the podium with me again? Let's go for the supreme glory together?"

The elementary school student stared at Wayne with a confident look and made a gesture like pulling off his clothes when Superman transforms.

"Don't worry, Dad Wei, I'm a three-pointer, sure to hit! Champion, three times in a row, a sure hit!"

"Well, my son is promising, so work hard!"

Stern looked at Wayne and Curry who were giggling at each other, and he really wanted to kick these two funny guys off the stage.

Can you still receive this award? I was waiting so hard that my face was frozen with laughter, and my feet were sore from standing!

If you don’t ask for it, there are people queuing up to get it!

Bojanway: Can we jump in line?

But there is no way, no matter how dissatisfied Stern is, he has to wait.

What kind of league president? Today, Wayne is the biggest.

Finally, after inking for a long time, Wayne finally walked up to Stern.

With a stiff smile, Stern said a bunch of official words, and then he couldn't wait to lift the championship trophy and handed it to Wayne.

As if to say: "Take this thing away quickly!"

Wayne raised the trophy above his head, and Paul Allen shed tears as he looked at the fifth championship trophy in the history of the Trail Blazers.

If you have money, you can really do whatever you want.

Then, Bill Russell also handed the FMVP trophy named after himself to Wayne.

40 points in the second game of the finals, and 50 points in the finals for the second time in my career today.

Just based on these two games, there is no suspense about FMVP.

Winning the FMVP also means that Wayne once again achieved the MVP Grand Slam after four years.

After becoming an old hooligan, he became the second player in league history to achieve two MVP Grand Slams!

At the same time, he is also the first player in history to win AMVP, MVP, DPOY, FMVP and first-team defense in a single season.

This is equivalent to all the major personal honors in a season being won by Wayne.

Olajuwon said he was very worried, an AMVP would kill everyone.

Although the AMVP this season is shared by Wayne and Kobe, so what?

Anyway, it’s just a dream!

Many of the old gangster's records are being approached or even surpassed by Wayne.

Seeing this, Sir Bob said seriously: "I think, for Wayne, the most difficult record for Jordan to break is the record for the lowest score in the three-point contest."

Old gangster:

You can't make such a joke just because we have a good relationship!

Sir Bar: Who's kidding? I am serious.

Wayne achieved a grand slam of personal honors in a single season. Mousse, who originally planned to harvest personal honors this season and take revenge on society, perfectly missed all the major personal honors.

This can be regarded as another form of Grand Slam.

Miami fans watched in tears as Wayne reached the top.

The moment the award ceremony ended, Wayne's system dinged.

Well, something good is coming!

While others were still kissing the championship trophy crazily and licking it with saliva, Wayne opened the system interface.

Sure enough, this wave of finals finally allowed Wayne and Janeway to reach a bond in terms of hostility!

What a reverse social butterfly!

The lottery packages for two superstars, Wade and Mousse, are right in front of Wayne, waiting for Wayne to explore them in depth.

Wayne has always been looking forward to this kind of huge lottery package. Sometimes this thing is more practical than adding points directly.

Wayne first clicked on Wade's lottery bag, thinking that he should be able to draw a badge similar to "Fastest First Step".

As a result, when you look at the name of what was issued, you can tell that it is not a serious badge.

"Emblem: Blessing of the Bee King of the South Coast (Silver)."

Wayne: ...Well, I am too small.

Good guy, Wade is indeed a good at pretending to beep, but Wayne really didn't expect that this fake beeping can also produce the entire badge.

Laoge has all kinds of bad pictures, this system has all kinds of bad badges.

"Effect: After equipping the badge, a 'humiliation meter' will be introduced in each game. Depending on the degree of humiliation given to the opponent by the act of pretending, the meter will slowly fill up.

If you can fill up the meter bar, you can get twice the growth points in this game!

Note: The humiliation meter is cleared after the game and will be recalculated after the next game starts. "

After reading the narrative, Wayne swallowed.

Damn it.

This is forcing me to pretend like crazy!

Although the name of this badge is a bit shabby, the effect is really fragrant~

Now, it takes several seasons to upgrade at a time, which is indeed too slow.

Although Wayne is already very strong now, who can refuse the possibility of becoming stronger?

But now that you have this badge, the upgrade speed will undoubtedly become much faster.

Of course, based on Wayne's understanding of this broken system, it would definitely be difficult to fill up the so-called "humiliation meter."

And because several games cannot be superimposed, if it is not filled up, it will be cleared and restarted in the next game.

So after a season, I don’t know how many games can achieve the goal.

But it's better than nothing. Think about it, in the future, when Wayne faces a strong enemy that already has a lot of growth points, he can not only produce beautiful data, but also fill up the beep bar to trigger double rewards.

The growth points gained from this game are basically equivalent to the points gained from playing several ordinary games.

Although it may not feel like doing it once or twice, the cumulative effect will definitely make the upgrade faster.

Facing strong enemies, collect data crazily and double the growth points.

Thinking about these keywords, Wayne became excited for some reason.

After all this talk, are you still using the system to teach Wayne how to do it?

This system pushed Wayne further and further down the path of becoming a human being.

Wade’s is already like this, but Mousse’s lucky draw package is still not allowed to take off?

Wayne couldn't wait to open James' lottery bag again. This time, what popped up was a special action.

"Special move: Eye of Death (Silver).

Effect: When trailing by 20 points or more before the start of the fourth quarter, staring at any player on the opponent's side will result in a slight increase in all attributes, which will last until the end of the game.

Note: After triggering once, it needs to cool down for ten games before it can be triggered again. "

Wayne looked at the words "all attributes are slightly improved" and swallowed.

What the hell.

But then I thought about it, who can make the Trail Blazers fall behind by 20 points before the fourth quarter?

This badge looks like Liu Bip, but it is actually of no use.

Just like the pictures in the group, you can only view them but not use them.


Who can say for sure when it comes to playing basketball?

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