I am Really an Insider

Chapter 613 Chapter 610: Carter, who cannot be possessed, makes a stunning appearance! (6.6K votes r

Before the start of NBA pre-season training camp, Nike can't wait to start arranging activities for Wayne's trip to China.

Taking advantage of the Olympic Games, Wayne's popularity in the country is at its peak.

Some fans even said directly on the Internet: "As an international superstar, I, Da Wayne, have at least 60E fans around the world!"

Overnight, Wayne's fan base became known as 60E.

Good guy, Wayne looked at it and said, "You're so fucked. You'd rather not get me into trouble!"

And I used this joke, what should Kobe do? Have you considered his feelings?

In short, although he was only participating in a small mini-Club World Cup, Wayne's schedule was packed.

Also arranged are Wayne's teammates. As we all know, playing with Chinese players in the NBA will increase your popularity in China.

In Wayne's previous life, the mosaic of players during Yao Ming's era did not miss the dividends of the Chinese market.

Battier, Landry and even Weaver, who was not very popular in the NBA, have all obtained sneaker contracts in China.

Their commercial value in China is much greater than in this beautiful country.

So, the same goes for Wayne's teammates.

Anta even offered a signature shoe contract to Thompson, who played little time last season.

Atang admitted that he had never even heard of the Anta brand before.

He also asked Wei Ge: "This Anta is in China, is it legal?"

Well, although Thompson doesn’t know China, he has heard the legend of King Adi.

He is afraid that he will be embarrassed if he becomes the spokesperson of a copycat brand.

What else could Wayne say? Although it is indeed not as good as Adidas Nike, it is indeed one of the largest sports brands in the country.

So, after receiving Wayne's affirmative answer, Tom and his agent actually started to discuss the contract with Anta.

Thompson knew that he would never sign a signature shoe contract with a brand like Nike or Jordan in his lifetime.

But in China, he has this opportunity.

The agent told him to follow Wayne, and he would be sure to have meat to eat.

But speaking of it, Atang and Anta can be regarded as mutual achievements.

Anta gave him a status that Adidas and Nike could not, and Atang also gave Anta a lot of face. He is considered to be the most conscientious among the NBA spokespersons of several Chinese brands.

Although it is not that no NBA players have signed contracts with Chinese brands in the past, a contract is a contract. When playing games, they should wear Adidas Nike or Adidas Nike.

Tom is different. Since he endorsed ANTA, whenever he attends public events, he basically wears ANTA.

When playing in the NBA, I always wear Anta shoes.

Jie Cai is called the real spokesperson.

So much so that there was a funny scene of Curry curiously picking up Thompson's imported equipment to observe on the training ground.

Therefore, seeing Tom signing a contract with Anta again in this history, Wayne felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

Generally speaking, everyone's schedule is quite tight, and there are many business activities to run in China.

However, commercial activities are just an added bonus. The real purpose of this trip to China is to win the game well.

Barcelona and Real Madrid are very serious, because neither of them wants to lose to the other, they both want to prove that they are the kings of Europe.

Not to mention how seriously they played this game, but they would never play it half-heartedly.

As the NBA champion, winning this Mini Club World Cup is a must. Moreover, he has to win the championship without Wayne showing his true intentions.

If Wayne is forced to take action, even if he wins, it will be extremely embarrassing.

Just like the dream team played against the Chinese team in this year's Olympic Games. Although the dream team did win, they were also the champions in the end.

But being forced into this situation by the Chinese team, even if we win, we won’t be happy.

Brother Wei didn't want to lose face like this.

As time goes by, everyone's vacation balance begins to become insufficient.

Wayne felt that this year's holiday went by really fast, as if it was yesterday that the Finals were brutal against the Heat, and now the next round of brutality was about to begin.

Time passes so fast, as fast as an old pigeon’s renewal speed.

During this time, teams across the league are still busy in an arms race.

The demigod Carter ultimately did not come to the Trail Blazers, but chose to sign a three-year contract with the Mavericks.

It is worth mentioning that this is the Trail Blazers who Carter personally rejected - the only man in the league who rejected Wayne twice!

Carter had a reason for saying no.

The main reason is: The Trail Blazers are indeed very full at the second and third positions.

Tony, Matthews, Green, Thompson and Jiba, there are five people at random.

Don't ask why there is no Finson. Carlisle has decided to let Finson play point guard next season to fill the vacancy after Dragic left.

Although Finson has nothing to do with the word "organizing offense", you have to admit that his creativity on the court is still very strong.

Finson: Arrange tactics? The tactics are up to you, I will lose if you execute them!

Although this free will often allows him to do some incredible things.

But precisely because he doesn't play according to routines, he can often catch his opponent off guard.

So Carlisle decided to let Finson play point guard in the rotation next season, so that he can play his characteristics of holding the ball and be a sixth man like Reed and Crawford.

And when the Blazers want to have a steady offense, Finson can swing to the second or third position at any time.

To sum up, the Trail Blazers have too many choices at the second and third positions, so Carter also knows that he may not get many opportunities in the Trail Blazers.

There was a time last season when Carter really wanted to come to the Trail Blazers, but that was only if he had stable playing time.

Even if he is a substitute, at least he can play more than ten or twenty minutes in each game. He can at least contribute to the team.

But if it was just sitting on the bench and looking at the water dispenser, Old Carter still couldn't accept it.

He would rather not have such a champion.

Wayne was actually not surprised by Carter's decision, because it was very consistent with Carter's character and style.

In Wayne's previous life, when the Warriors were at their peak, they had contacted Carter, hoping that he could play a mentor role in the team.

Although he may not be able to play, his experience can be used to teach the team in training.

Besides, how can a veteran like Carter, who has never won a championship, refuse a championship?

At that time, many people said that Carter should go to the Warriors to win a championship to make up for his regrets.

As a result, the old Carter rejected the Warriors just like he rejected the Trail Blazers now, and unexpectedly chose to join the Hawks who had no chance of winning the championship.

The reason is that with the Eagles, he can at least still play.

Reporters and fans expressed confusion about this, but Carter himself was very open-minded.

"It would be a lie to say I don't want a championship, I'm just like every other player, I want a ring.

It's really relaxing to sit at the end of the bench and watch your teammates play and lead you to a championship.

But I feel like when I sit at the end of the bench on a championship team and do nothing just for a championship, I die inside!

That must be the last time you see me in an NBA game, and that will make me feel even more uncomfortable. "

To put it bluntly, Carter's bottom line is whether he can play on the field.

He really longs for the championship, and he also admits that relying solely on his own strength, he will never win the championship in this life.

But even so, even if he is just playing as a substitute, he still hopes that he will fight for a championship and come back instead of winning.

In this way, Carter rejected Wayne for the second time in his career, and formed the Sunset Red group with Dirk.

Last season, Carter really wanted to come to hug his legs, but in the end he didn't come because of his own persistence.

On the contrary, a tough guy who was very courageous last season and shouted "I will never play with Wayne" is now a member of the Trail Blazers~

For a time, the demigod was called "the most courageous player" by fans.

At the same time, there are also many netizens who use this to connotate mousse.

Mousse felt very embarrassed. Just praise Carter when you praise him. Why did you take the opportunity to hack me?

Why am I so spineless?

how? Didn’t I contribute to last season’s Eastern Conference championship? Didn’t I make it with my own hands?

Carter saw that his reputation had suddenly become so good, and to be honest, he was a little surprised.

Not joining the Trail Blazers is indeed a very difficult decision.

However, the unwillingness to win is actually only one of the reasons why Carter did not go to the Trail Blazers, accounting for probably 80%.

The remaining 20% ​​is because he is really afraid that Curry kid will pester him and teach him to dunk!

If I really want to become Curry's dunk teacher, my reputation will be ruined in this life!

Carter already feels it's enough for fans to call Curry Portland Carter.

Why don't you call him Glider II? It just happened to be related to me!

Hey, my friend’s naughty child is really annoying.

Except for Carter joining the Mavericks, some other signings are similar to the original history.

For example, Shu Hao joined Houston, Lu Wei signed with the Hawks, the Heat acquired Lewis, and Johnson was traded to the Nets, etc.

Basically, they were just minor moves that had little impact on the championship fight.

And in these transactions or signings, the Blazers have nothing to do.

Although Shuhao is a point guard, he is definitely a qualified starting point guard, which is exactly what the Blazers need.

But because of Lin's crazy bonuses, his contract is too big.

Even though Shuhao and Mosaic only signed 25.1 million for three years, in the last year of this contract, Ahao's salary will skyrocket to 14.9 million.

With this 14.9 million, the Blazers will not be able to find any point guard when the time comes.

Although Lu Wei is very strong, if he comes again, the Blazers will not be able to score enough points.

On Johnson's side, the Trail Blazers don't have a very suitable bargaining chip.

On the inside, the Birdman's state has always been a hidden danger.

Last season, his performance was pretty good, and the Birdman was also very active in the locker room.

But after all, he is a person who has been seriously injured, so it is difficult to reassure people.

But in this day and age, it’s really hard to find qualified meat shield centers on the market.

It's somewhat usable, someone like Jordan has a contract worth tens of millions.

The contract is cheap, and you get what you pay for.

Why do the Heat know that they are not good inside, but they can't make up for it?

It’s not that I don’t want to sign it, it’s because there really is no one to sign it for!

So much so that they even called Oden back to the NBA in an attempt to scratch the lottery.

Just kidding, if the lottery ticket is so easy to win, someone will write a book?

In addition to Oden, the Heat also invited Dampier, the original second center in the Western Conference.

Regardless of who is recognized as the second center in the Western Conference, but if there is no one else to sign him, do you think the Heat want to sign Dampier?

This shows how difficult it is to strengthen the inside line.

It's already good for the Blazers to grab a hard special.

So this summer, apart from selecting Middleton and signing hard specials, the Trail Blazers have basically done nothing else.

But even so, the management is still confident about next season.

With Brother Wei in hand, I have the world!

In this way, the time has reached the end of September, and the pre-season training camp is about to begin.

Everyone thinks that this year's transfer market has stabilized.

But Wayne knew that a deal that could change the league was still in the works.

The legend of Houston's major nightclubs is about to start his glorious career.

But those have nothing to do with Wayne, and Harden's trade with the Trail Blazers can't profit from it, so let him let nature take its course.

The day before the start of the pre-season training camp, in order to urge everyone to start training well, Wayne specially posted in the group: "Get ready and get into combat mode!"

The Mini Club World Cup is about to begin, and Wayne doesn't want to embarrass himself in front of his folks.

Jiute watched the losers reply "I understand" to Wayne and smiled disdainfully.

Humph, I won’t reply.

I am here to cooperate with you, not to be your little brother.

Tomorrow is the first day to meet new teammates.

Hard Te has been preparing for this day for a long time.

The first public appearance must surprise everyone!

On the first day, you must grasp your temperament first! Let the kids of the Trail Blazers know who is the boss and the second one!

Well, although Lao Lang still has a sense of arrogance in his bones, after all, he is a person who has read "Position" well.

Wayne looked at his very motivated teammates and prepared to recharge his batteries and have a good sleep today.

In any case, I can’t applaud Sharapova anymore for love today.

As a result, before falling asleep, Sharapova walked into the room excitedly and said she wanted to tell Wayne good news.

Well, Wayne is about to have a dick!

Although Wayne's attitude towards boys and girls is the same and he likes both, as long as he doesn't have children like a magician.

But if it's really a boy this time

Wouldn't that be another advantage over Naiao?

Suddenly, I am looking forward to the future life even more.

On September 24th, the NBA pre-season training camp for the new season finally begins!

Wayne woke up early and drove to the Rose Garden.

This year, the promotional poster for the new season outside the Rose Garden is very simple, with just one sentence: "Together we become legends!"

Whether the Trail Blazers can become another team to win three consecutive championships after the Bulls and Lakers depends on this year.

Therefore, local Portland fans are extremely looking forward to this season.

They all believe that this will be a legendary season, a season in which Wayne will become a god.

Last season, the Trail Blazers won 59 games despite a shortened schedule.

This season, is it possible to hit again or even surpass 72 wins like in the 2008-09 season?

The 2008-09 Trail Blazers are considered to be the pinnacle of strength.

72 wins in the regular season, and finally won the championship.

Because of this, the alliance attempted to dismantle the father and son duo of Pao'er and Wayne.

But no one could have imagined that the Trail Blazers would return to the top in just three years.

Next season will be exciting!

It is said that the pre-season training camp has just begun, and the season tickets for the Trail Blazers' luxury rooms have already been sold out.

Rich Allen really made money standing up.

Looking at the slogans outside the arena, Wayne suddenly felt that he had a huge responsibility.

Winning three consecutive championships is never easy, and no one knows what will happen in the new season.

But as a football star, you must unconditionally overcome all difficulties and welcome the man!

When Wayne walked into the locker room, everyone was almost there.

We haven’t seen each other for a long time, and I can see that everyone misses me very much.

Curry took a look at Thompson's imported sneakers, Stephenson was showing off his big gold dog chain again, and his sister-in-law brought gifts from Spain to each teammate. Everyone in Jackson came to the locker room, and then they remembered that they didn't have to come today. .

The whole locker room was very lively, until Hard came in, the locker room suddenly became quiet.

The hard guy wearing sunglasses suddenly became nervous. Why didn't they talk? Why are you all staring at me?

I hate it, don’t want it~

But wouldn’t it be embarrassing if we didn’t act calmly at this time?

So, he pretended to be calm and looked around the locker room, found his locker, and walked straight over.

Only when he walked to the cabinet did he realize that

Why should I sit next to a mentally retarded child like Stephenson!

"Hey, Brother Hard, where did you buy the glasses?" Fensen is a familiar person.

So as soon as we met, I started chatting with Jiute without a word.

Moreover, Finsen himself prefers tough guys. After all, he is a tough guy, and Finsen also wants to become a tough guy.

So when I saw the Wolf King, I hurriedly talked to him.

Harde glanced at Fensen with disgust and ignored him.

It's you who said my wild wolf head looks like dirt, right?

Don’t you know that being earthy to the extreme is the tide?

Besides, speaking of vulgarity, what could be more vulgar than the clothes Wayne wore during the draft?

Wayne: Don’t mention it again

First of all, Jiute doesn't like Fensen, and secondly, he doesn't want to get involved with these funny people.

He kept telling himself: "I am not the same person as them, I am not the same person as them. I am just here to win the championship, to win the championship!"

After Jiante sat down, the locker room resumed its previous bustle.

He thought that as long as he ignored Stephenson, it would be fine, but little did he know that Stephenson kept pestering him.

"Brother tough, please teach me how to be a tough guy! Last season when I was playing with the Heat, I was bullied twice. It was Brother Wei who helped me out and caused a lot of trouble for the team.

I want to solve these problems myself next season. So Brother Hard, can you teach me? I want to be a tough guy! "

These words made it feel good to lick the hard part. Sure enough, some people still think I am a tough guy~

"Ahem, you can't teach a tough guy. You can see how I train during training later and you will know." Tough Guy said in a mysterious way.

Wayne looked at the hard guy pretending to be in front of Fenson and couldn't help but smile.

Stop being reserved. You will fall sooner or later.

After a while, everyone changed their clothes and walked into the training ground.

Carlisle also walked out of the head coach's office. Well, after not seeing him for three days, he was as bald as if he had been gone for three days.

"Okay, let me say a few words first. This year, Dragic will go to Phoenix to make a fortune, Jackson will retire, and McRoberts will assist Jordan.

However, we also introduced two new teammates, welcome Kevin Garnett and Middleton! "

After Carlisle finished speaking, the whole team applauded tacitly and motioned for Middleton and Harder to come up and say a few words.

After all, Middleton is a rookie and a bit shy.

"Hello everyone, I am Middleton, a college student who has played in the NCAA for two and a half years. I like singing, dancing, rap, and basketball~"


After briefly speaking, everyone looked at Jiute.

The corner of Jute's mouth twitches, why do I have to introduce myself like a primary school student?

So, he snorted: "I don't need to introduce myself, let's start training."

Okay, very hard!

After the training started, Hard was put into a group with Birdman to practice low post offense and defense.

In a hard attack round, Birdman accidentally knocked down the hard special because he was very active in defense.

I was overjoyed, I finally found a good opportunity to pretend to beep!

Today, let me show you what it means to be a really tough guy.

"Hey, are you okay?" Birdman stretched out his hand to pull the tough guy up, but found that the tough guy didn't pay attention to him, but

I started doing push-ups on the spot!

"Uh" Birdman's hand is hanging in the air, it doesn't matter if he retracts it, or if it continues to hang.

It was quite embarrassing at the time.

When Stephenson saw this, he immediately approached him: "Brother Hard, what are you doing?"

"Hmph, you know a lot about tough guys!" Tough Guy responded while doing it.

"Does doing push-ups make you a tough guy?"

"Of course, the more you do it, the harder it gets!"

"Then I'll come too!"

So, in line with his enthusiasm for learning, Stephenson propped himself on the ground and started doing push-ups.

Jiute was just talking casually, but who would have thought that there would actually be a fool in this world who would do push-ups with him?

He wanted to stop, but he had just said, "The more you do, the harder it gets."

If you get up now, won't you be looked down upon by a joke like Fensen?

So, the tough guy gritted his teeth and kept on doing it, he couldn't lose to him!

Birdman stood beside the two and scratched his head.

Get up quickly, don't do it, don't do it, I'll be embarrassed if you do this.

After doing it for an unknown number of times, Harde felt that he was starting to get tired, but Stephenson had no intention of stopping.

While doing it, Fensen shouted: "It's true, I feel like I'm getting hard!"

"Huh, how long has it been? It has to be hard for a long time to be really hard!"

After Jiute said these words, he wanted to slap himself.

What are you doing with this face? I can’t do it anymore!

Really, you are going to death.

"Really? Then I'm going to sprint faster!" Stephenson shouted and sped up.

The old wolf obviously couldn't stand it anymore, but now many people were staring at him. It would be so embarrassing to admit defeat.

If you admit defeat, how can you establish your position? Isn’t the image of a tough guy ruined?

Grit your teeth and do it!

In this way, Jiute and Fensen did push-ups for a long time, and the birdman next to them even yawned.

Finally, after a few minutes, Fensen found that Hardy suddenly stopped moving.

When he turned around, he found that his hard arms were trembling.

"Brother Hard, what's wrong? You can't do it anymore, can you?"

"Nonsense! I call it fast and slow. Keep the rhythm!"

"Oh, there are so many details. Do you have to do push-ups every time you fall?"

Before Harde had time to answer, his hands softened and he fell to the ground with a "pop" sound.

Jiute gasped and sweated profusely: "I'm probably a useless wolf."

"Pfft!" At this time, Wayne, who had been observing silently, finally couldn't help laughing.

He was so panicked that he quickly asked, "Why are you laughing again?"

"It's okay, you continue." Wayne waved his hand, then tried his best to suppress a smile.

"Kevin, if you can't help it, just get up." Carlisle really couldn't stand it anymore. If he keeps doing this, he will be ruined.

Hard Guy took the opportunity to stand up and shouted: "Can the tough guy thing be called immobility?"

Seeing everyone's suppressed laughter expressions, Jiute pretended to be calm and picked up the basketball and returned to training.

On the first day of training, he made a brilliant debut and was completely defeated!

Not to mention establishing his status and character, Jute has simply made himself look like a fool today.

The boy's face turned red, but unfortunately he couldn't see it because his skin was too dark.

Shameful, so shameful!

You stupid Stephenson, you have nothing to do to join in the fun of Jiba.

All my plans have been ruined by you!

But I am not discouraged. When I go to Shanghai to play the warm-up match, you will know how good I am.

Next time, next time you must shine!

Jiute hasn't even realized yet that the funny temperament between him and this team unexpectedly fits perfectly~

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