I am Really an Insider

Chapter 614 611: Exposed, all IQ exposed! (3.4K votes requested)

Chinese fans cheered in the stands. Many of them talked about WGNB all day long, but it was not until today that they watched Wei Ge play live for the first time.

It was only the first time that I saw the true appearance of Brother Wei.

Today is the first game of the Mini Club World Cup. The grand era that fans have been waiting for has finally arrived today.

Wayne smiled and waved to his compatriots before sitting back on the bench.

In this kind of game, Wei Ge will definitely not start, otherwise he will act like a bully.

Although Barcelona is also a strong player in Europe, the hard power of the NBA championship team is still higher.

Moreover, Wei Ge has always been more serious about playing basketball.

If after going up, I accidentally lose control and knock the opponent out of control in a few or two strokes, do I still want others to come to this game in the future?

If you want people to come, you have to give them some gaming experience.

Therefore, for Chairman Yao's wish to continue this championship for a long time, Wayne decided to seal himself.

There is nothing I can do, this is probably the trouble of being too strong.

The fans at the scene cheered for joy, and in front of the TV, there were also many melon-eaters joining in the fun.

Upon hearing that it was Wayne's Trail Blazers versus Barcelona, ​​many fans became interested.

Wayne vs. Messi, how fresh it is!

In two days, there will be Wayne vs. Ronaldo!

I really don’t know how Messi, with his height, can compete with my brother Wei.

What? There is no Messi or Ronaldo in this game?

Isn’t it Barcelona and Real Madrid? Why didn't they come?

In this way, many people who were ready to watch Messi fight against Wayne turned off the TV in disappointment.

Wayne's smile disappeared instantly after he sat on the bench.

The old fake smile boy.

It's not that Wayne is insincere to Chinese fans, he mainly wants to create a serious atmosphere.

Wayne frowned, stared at his teammates, and yelled.

"Listen carefully, don't you dare to embarrass me in my hometown again!"

Carlisle couldn't help but laugh, what a painful realization this was for Wayne.

A few days before this game, the Trail Blazers had already started training.

Of course, in addition to training, everyone on the Trail Blazers also has a lot of business activities to run.

It was during this process that many embarrassing things happened to Wayne.

Let’s talk about Thompson first. As the new spokesperson of Anta, he naturally attracts much attention.

Therefore, Anta also arranged many activities for Atang.

On the first day, I took Thompson to a street court and held a fan meeting.

The fans who were present at that time were a huge crowd.

Tom was shocked. With my appearance last season, how could I have so many fans in China?

Fans: Haha, you think we want to see you just to give Brother Wei face!

Tom was very moved at that time. I must not let down my fans!

Therefore, he took the entire event seriously, patiently signing autographs and taking photos with the fans.

Since you are coming to the basketball court, you must play basketball.

Tom said that I must show my hand in front of my fans.

As a dribbling expert, Tom first showed off a wave of fancy dribbling, and the fans cheered proudly.

This is really cooperative, because Chinese fans know very well what level Tom's dribbling is.

The Ankle Terminator, Portland's answer, that's what it is.

No matter how lucky you are when no one is guarding you, you won't understand if someone who can play in the NBA guards you.

But Thompson didn't realize at all that the fans were cheering because they were giving him face. Instead, he got into the drama and swelled.

So, he decided to perform the stunt of shooting a three-pointer without looking at the frame!

At that time, there happened to be a child standing next to Atang.

Tom then turned to look at the little boy: "Believe it or not, I can make a three-pointer without looking at the box."

Little boy: "What is he talking about? I can't understand it either."

Then Tom threw the ball without looking at the frame while staring at the little boy.

I thought it would be a wonderful "swipe", but Tom turned around and saw that the basketball flew out of the baseline while grazing the rim - no touching!

"Ah, this." At that time, Tang was embarrassed. Damn, there were so many people present.

Fortunately, the simple Chinese fans still gave Tom applause.

After all, the Chinese know how to treat guests, unlike a certain Yingjiang.

Well, although they were applauding on the surface, in fact everyone couldn't hold it in anymore.

Bodhisattva, how come Wei Ge is not laughed to death when he is in the same team with this kind of joke every day!

When Atang saw that he failed to shoot, he also wanted to make a comeback.

In this case, don't blame me for using my ultimate trick!

Mystery - 360° turn and slam dunk with one hand!

I, Tom, am not bragging, this dunk will scare you all to death!

After Tom said he wanted to dunk, the host and fans worked together to push the atmosphere to the climax.

Tom got the basketball and his expression became serious.

I can do it, I definitely can.

Curry and I, we are the best dunkers in the Rose Garden!

Tom holds the ball in both hands and sprints faster.

Collecting the ball, taking off, turning, everything was perfect.

Tom even thought about what actions he would use to celebrate later.

But just when he was about to dunk, Tang was stunned in the air.

"Oops~ Why don't you feel high enough?"


The basketball hit the rim, and Thompson spiraled out of the baseline.

Portland Dr. J failed to dunk!

At this time, the Chinese fans couldn't hold it in any longer, and the whole audience burst into laughter.

Good guy, this is a tribute to the dunk in Wei Ge's first All-Star Game.

Don't bother!

When Wayne saw the video of Thompson's trip to China that night, he couldn't help but cover his forehead.

Sure enough, you never disappoint when it comes to being funny!

However, this is just the beginning for Thompson.

In the next few days, other people's performances made Wei Ge even more suffocated.

During Curry's trip to China, I didn't know what his agent was thinking, so he took him to see an old Chinese medicine doctor.

When I arrived at the old Chinese medicine doctor, in addition to pretending to feel the pulse, the old Chinese medicine doctor also gave the primary school students a copy of "Compendium of Materia Medica" for study.

The primary school student took the book seriously, opened a page and read it carefully.

He just pretended to read it for a while. When the primary school student closed the book, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Did I hold the book upside down?"

Well, the primary school student just held the book backwards and read The Boss for a long time!

It’s so recitable!

Wayne was also attending his own event at the time, and one of the fans asked Wayne with this video: "Brother Wei, has Curry always been so cute?"

When Wayne saw the video, his face was filled with black lines.

You call this cute? Ouch, as a father, I have been completely humiliated by you!

Thompson just finished teasing yesterday, are you coming again today as a primary school student?

With the Splash Brothers clearing the way, can the Trail Blazers hold on in their trip to China?

Stephenson chanted his nickname in Chinese during the fan meeting: "Wet drop, wet drop!"

Then, participate in a carousel draw on site.

Instead of turning the turntable, he turned the pointer fixed on the turntable.

At that time, we made the host very embarrassed. Junior Brother’s ideas are different from ours.

In the past, it was just an urban legend that Trail Blazers players were funny.

How could a team like this be so ridiculous and beat the Heat 4-1?

But after this trip to China, I can sum it up in one sentence: "Exposed, exposed!"

The NBA champions don't just look funny, they are really funny!

Wayne is really convinced. I brought you here to embarrass China, right?

What will people say about me, Gao Dewei, behind my back in the future?

That Wayne, a mighty international basketball superstar, ended up making so many funny jokes and bringing them home to embarrass himself.

No shame!

In the past few days, all kinds of funny videos and animated pictures of the Trail Blazers players' trip to China have gone viral.

That's why Wayne is so serious today.

"There must be no accidents in today's game! Let me tell you, if anyone tries to make fun of you again, don't blame me for being disrespectful!"

The tough players on the side sighed. It was not easy for Wayne to persist in this team for so many years.

How are they like our Celtics back then, who were iron-blooded, tough and domineering!

If it weren't for the championship, I wouldn't even bother joining this team.

Fortunately, in today's game, the Trail Blazers players played pretty well.

Although Thompson had overturned with a dunk before, today he took the lead with a beautiful two-handed dunk at the beginning of the game.

Subsequently, Harder took on the 2.19-meter Ukrainian center Pustovoy in the paint.

Although Pustovoy is tall, he really can't jump very well.

Jiute, on the other hand, took today's game very seriously and worked hard to find everyone who was lost on the training ground.

So it was a big risk that Barcelona's center was assigned.

Hard special finally got his wish, he finally made his debut! '

Wayne nodded happily. It could be seen that the 36-year-old Hard Special was actually in very good competitive shape.

In the original history, the hard special in the 12-13 season is no longer a superstar.

But Wayne remembered that he still averaged 13 or 14 points per game that season, and he still had some leftover energy on the defensive end.

It seems that that season, Hardte was also selected to the All-Star team.

Although he was swept by the Knicks in the playoffs, Hardy was still able to average a double-double in that series.

After the 2012-13 season, he arrived at the Nets and his performance began to decline like a cliff.

In other words, the Trail Blazers just happened to get stuck at the best time and signed a special player in his last playing year in his career!

Based on this analysis, Wayne feels that the probability of winning three consecutive championships has increased again.

After the tough guy finished blocking the shot, he roared and beat his chest, showing his true character as a tough guy.

This season, Hardte decided to be a real man for once!

In the past, I only dared to roar but didn't dare to take action, which made me make a lot of jokes.

But this season, the Wolves and Wayne are on the same team, I want to see who dares to touch me!

Some tough guys, who say no, have actually begun to enjoy the dividends that Wayne has brought to him.

In the subsequent games, Stephenson, Jiba and Clay also performed.

Their progress is very obvious. Thompson's defense is much better, and Jiba has begun to try three-pointers and mid-range shots, and the results are not bad.

If we play like this, it won't be a problem for Jiba to join the rotation next season.

Of course, everyone is showing off, except Tony.

Even European teams are too lazy to defend him, but we know how big an offensive threat he is.

Tony's offense is generally on the same level as Wayne's - it doesn't matter whether he's defensive or not!

Wayne didn't finally appear until the second half of the game, which also brought the atmosphere to its climax.

If Wayne is not a Chinese star, can you see a FMVP+MVP+AMVP+DPOY+double-team legend playing in China?

As soon as Wayne came up, there was naturally a burst of sparks and lightning, and he widened the point difference in a few seconds.

As a result, Chairman Yao had to shout from the sidelines: "Xiao Wei, Xiao Wei, please be gentle, hit lightly!"

Wayne also wants to keep a low profile, but his strength doesn't allow it.

All blind bets are coming in, what can I do? I'm desperate too!

Seeing that the game was about to be defeated, Carlisle had to replace Wayne again in advance.

Can you play ball? You're making trouble, why don't you go on the bench and reflect!

Wayne shook his head. No matter how this preseason changed, it was still boring~

I really want to play a serious game!

Fortunately, a serious war is coming soon.

The legendary season begins now!

Today’s ten chapters of Thousand Words are presented, and I beg you for your votes!

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