I am Really an Insider

Chapter 618 615: I really don’t regard the handsome turtle second young master as a human being (4.6

The old wolf was completely impressed by Curry's performance. He didn't even realize it before. After all, the spotlight of the Trail Blazers has always been on Wayne.

I thought that Curry was just one of the more powerful among the elementary school students, but I didn't know that he was more than a powerful one.

It's simply terrible.

Although it's a bit funny, it's really strong.

You only need to get through a pick-and-roll and get a small space to shoot a three-pointer.

As long as there is a gap, he can draw his gun and shoot quickly.

It doesn't matter if you can take action quickly, the key is to be accurate.

To put it bluntly, as long as someone stops there, the team will score.

It used to be so hard to score a goal. You had to pick and roll, you had to support, you had to fight inside, and you had to make a big jump shot.

Maybe I'll have to do some moonwalking.

Think about when he was partnered with C Duo, no one cared about him standing outside the three-point line!

Teams must play a complex series of tactics to get a chance to score.

Now, the tactic is to give the damn ball to Curry!

So perverted, but I like it so much!

I have never fought such a rich battle in my life.

The hard guy didn't notice that his expression gradually changed from disgust to obsession when he saw Curry.

On the other side, Turtle Brooke was almost furious.

Are the primary school students of this generation so rampant?

I just said something to you, but you actually thanked me all over your face.

Very irritable!

If you hit two consecutive three-pointers while being double-teamed, you are lucky.

I still don’t believe that your performance can last for a whole game!

When the game restarted, Brooks thought Wayne was going to play and took the opportunity to push the point difference to double digits.

Unexpectedly, Wayne was still sitting on the bench after the timeout.

Carlisle: Wayne? no need.

Now that Curry is feeling hot, Carlisle also hopes to give Curry more opportunities to perform.

After all, he is a top-paid player, and occasionally he has to try to kill the game on his own.

Harder continues to partner with Curry, and he is now very familiar with the Blazers' offensive tactics.

Because of the continuous success on the offensive end, the morale of Hard Special is also high.

So, next on the defensive end, Turtlesbrook took a hard risk.

This offense was so weird. After Turtle broke through Curry, he wanted to rely on Birdman to end the offense with a forced layup.

Although the birdman can no longer fly, it can still carry people, and its human shield attribute is still there.

Therefore, the moment Turtle Brook collided with Birdman in the air, the speed of his body's ascent suddenly dropped sharply.

Jiute took this opportunity, jumped up with all his strength, and slapped the basketball in Master Gui's hand away.

Although Old Wolf is older, his jumping ability is still much better than that of his sister-in-law and idiots.

After all, it was Griffin who could dunk on Griffin in the last season of his career.

It's no big deal to risk a young turtle whose body's rising speed is greatly restricted.

Low EQ: Isn't it just a tough special that picks up leaks? His teammates shoulder the responsibility, and his blocking is a tough special.

High emotional intelligence: The awareness of hard special assistance and defense is indeed invincible!

Hard special's defensive ability is beginning to bear fruit. Today's hard special, you can't ask him to be as omnipotent as he was back then.

But if he is only allowed to focus on the defensive end, he is still worth 10 million.

After Old Wolf got the basketball, he handed the ball directly to Curry.

Curry quickly moved forward after getting the basketball, and the counterattack was formed in an instant.

All Trail Blazers fans stood up. Looking at this formation, Portland Carter is about to take off!

However, Curry did not break into the penalty area and dunk.

When he ran one step beyond the three-point line with the ball, he suddenly took off and threw the ball.

Fast break three-pointer!

It is estimated that Carlisle is the only player in the league who allows players to shoot three-pointers during fast breaks.

Carlisle: Haha, do you think I want to allow it? What can I do with such a thing on the stall? ?

Curry doesn't even bother to dunk at this time. Well, who doesn't know my Portland Carter's dunking ability?

Dunk? Wouldn't it be enough to have hands?

It’s still difficult to score three points!

I saw that Curry's shot choices were getting more and more outrageous, so he managed to set up a pick-and-roll just now. Now it's great, just shoot a three-pointer on the fast break.

But before he could shout out his words "Don't vote", he swallowed them down again.

It doesn't matter whether you choose to take action or not. As long as you can take action, you can make progress.


Sure enough, Curry, who was feeling hot, hit a three-pointer on a fast break.

Turtlesbrook was beaten silly, what the hell are you talking about! ?

The system bureau is here!

Curry scored three three-pointers in a row, directly opening the point difference to 11 points.

Wayne and his teammates celebrated wildly off the court and threw towels wildly.

Damn it, Wayne is a high-level blue-collar guy.

Watching Wayne is just fun. If you really want to see the Trail Blazers win, you have to watch Curry.

"What a good shot, ouch. The shot was so swish." Director Zhang was so happy. Curry, who signed a maximum salary, was different.

Jiute was really convinced, how could such a funny person be so accurate.

In this attack, Hard Special even skipped the step of "stop there".

Before he could even cross half court, Curry had already scored.

Curry must have traded his IQ for three-point attributes.

Looking at Curry, who had already scored 9 points, Wayne felt something was wrong.

In today's game, Curry may not just win the game.

Sure enough, in the rest of the second quarter, the elementary school students couldn't hold back their scoring momentum.

Especially after Wayne reappears, the Thunder must divert some of their attention to Wayne.

Elementary school students do whatever they want.

In order to contain Curry's three-pointer, Turtlesbrook had to press directly.

In the first game of the new season, Turtle and Curry had a fierce physical fight.

The effect of this is indeed obvious. Curry didn't even have a chance to shoot for a while, and Wayne fell into the rhythm of double-teaming and wide open spaces.

Although the Trail Blazers can still score goals due to Wayne's super personal ability, the efficiency is definitely not as high as Curry's three-pointers.

Taking advantage of this period, the Thunder recovered a little bit of the score.

I thought that this quarter could be passed peacefully, but in the second half of the second quarter, the primary school students entered the daily state again!

After being restricted for a period of time, Curry quickly found a countermeasure and began to use breakthroughs to deal with Turtlesbrook.

In the past, although Curry's dribbling and speed were excellent, due to physical reasons, the threat of breakthrough was relatively limited.

No matter how good you are at avoiding confrontation, it's impossible not to encounter any confrontation at all.

But this season Curry has made very obvious improvements in his physical confrontation ability.

Although it may not be obvious at first glance, if you compare Curry when he first entered the league to Curry now, you can see how much Curry's body has changed.

Curry was really skinny when he first entered the league, but now Curry is actually relatively strong.

It's just that he looks thinner in a league where monsters are rampant like the NBA.

With the support of a stronger body, Curry's breakthrough ability has also been greatly improved.

In this way, after Curry beat Agui several times in a row, he regained his offensive feeling and further widened the point difference.

Turtlesbrook is anxious. When he is anxious, he likes to mess around on the defensive end and likes to gamble and steal.

So Curry seized the opportunity and made 7 of 10 shots in a single quarter, including 4 of 5 three-pointers, scoring 23 points!

"Stephen Curry scored 23 points in a single quarter and 27 points in the half! Oh my God, this is the craziest performance of his career so far!

This summer, when Curry extended his contract with the Trail Blazers with a maximum salary in advance, many people questioned him and believed that he did not have the strength to get a maximum salary.

But now, Curry has told everyone that he deserves the maximum salary! "

The Portland on-site commentators went crazy. Although they recognized Curry's strength, this was the first time they had seen Curry perform like this!

Curry's explosive performance caused the Thunder to fall behind by 15 points at halftime, and Turtlesbrook was completely shut down.

It is known in history as a murder caused by a trash talk.

Because of Curry's presence, Wayne's statistics were suppressed very low, and he only scored 13 points at halftime.

But Wayne is happy!

Curry today is exactly the way he played every day.

It's so hot and perverted, it's so hot and it's so accurate.

It's like playing a beautiful girl raising game, watching the child you took good care of finally grow up, the joy of an old father is simply difficult to express in words.

In fact, Wayne also guessed, after all, he does not play the game of raising beautiful girls.

Who is a serious person who plays the game of raising beautiful girls?

Do you play? Anyway, Lao Ge and Wayne will definitely not play.

After everyone returned to the locker room, they were all praising Curry crazily.

Even the tough guy couldn't help but brag: "Yes, young people will be formidable!"

Curry turned into a little joke again when he returned to the locker room. After learning that he had scored 27 points in the half, he looked very surprised.

"27 points!? Oh! Am I so good!? I'm very satisfied! I have no reservations, I have, I have used my greatest strength!"

This half was almost 30 points. If we work harder in the second half, we might be able to set a career-high scoring record.

So, Wayne patted the primary school student on the shoulder: "You continue to shoot in the second half, and I will help you defend and grab rebounds."

Wayne, just blue collar.

The reason why Wayne trusts elementary school students so much is because Wayne seems to have seen this episode.

In Wayne's previous life, his career high scoring record as an elementary school student was 54 points.

And this record was precisely created in the 2012-13 season, with nearly 30 points scored in half a game.

It's just that we weren't playing the Thunder, but the Knicks.

In that game, the primary school students went berserk and beat Angua to the point of being confused.

Wayne still remembers the stunned look on Knicks coach Mike Woodson's face at the time. It was simply wonderful.

It's a pity that even though Curry scored 54 points in that game, the Warriors still lost.

There was no way, Tom was really stretched out his hips that day and made 0 of 6 shots from beyond the three-point line. As long as Meng can score two, the Warriors will win.

On the other hand, for the Knicks, Angua and J.R.'s performances were quite explosive.

Curry really can't be brought along.

What is very strange is that in the original history, the Warriors lost all games in which elementary school students played more than 40 minutes and scored more than 43 points.

This is called the hidden empty-cutting group leader.

But today, Wayne believes that Curry will never end up with an empty cut.

As long as you dare to swipe, I dare to let you win!

So in the second half, Curry's firepower still did not weaken.

Once the primary school boy gets this feeling, he can't hold it down at all.

He first hit a three-pointer from the corner, then received a pass from Wayne and cut in for a layup.

Joke looked at the big TV screen and was so angry that he stopped swearing.

Who did I arrange this match for?

I arranged this for you, Second Young Master Lei Lei!

Why did it turn into a special show for Curry!

I beg you, please give me some peace!

The Thunder then had to increase the number of shots from outside the three-point line, firstly because they hoped to score more points with Curry, and secondly because they couldn't hit the inside.

When Wayne could devote himself to defense, the Trail Blazers' interior defense was simply impregnable.

Moreover, Carlisle also discovered a new posture on the defensive end-Wayne + Hard Special!

Hard's excellent defensive awareness coupled with Wayne's abnormal defensive ability, these two people cooperated, and for a while the Thunder had no choice but to shoot three-pointers.

The two most terrifying four-position assist defense monsters of the 21st century are combined, and the effect is simply dreamlike.

It's just a pity that the Thunder's three-pointers in the third quarter were really accurate.

Durant, Turtle and Martin all have very high shooting percentages.

So after three quarters, the Thunder were only 17 points behind, and the game had not yet entered garbage time.

Do you think Wayne is distressed?

On the contrary, Wayne was so happy!

If the game enters garbage time, wouldn’t the primary school students have no excuse to score points?

The point difference of 17 points is just right!

In the fourth quarter, Curry still led the Trail Blazers' offense.

It would be fine if he was only accurate on three-pointers in one and two quarters, but Curry was accurate in all four quarters today.

In the fourth quarter, when the Thunder's magical three-point performance did not continue, Curry still made 4 of 4 shots from beyond the three-point line, scoring 16 points in a single quarter!

In the end, two minutes before the end of the game, when the game entered garbage time and Curry was replaced, he scored 54 points, a career high!

Among them, he made an abnormal 11 of 13 shots from beyond the three-point line. 11 three-pointers in a single game, only two short of Wayne's record of 13 three-pointers in a single game set in 2007!

It is only 8 points away from Wayne's career-high 62 points.

The most important thing is that Curry did not fall into the trap this time. While scoring 54 points, he also killed the Thunder.

The hard guy sitting on the bench couldn't believe what he had experienced tonight. After just one game, he was sure that he was in the right place.

Wayne looked at the completely widened score and sighed.

This thunder is not powerful!

If they had worked harder, the game wouldn't have entered garbage time so quickly.

Without entering garbage time, maybe Curry could score 58 points?

Listen, this guy, Brother Wei, can't say a word.

Pao'er:? ? ?

What are you looking at me for?

Under Curry's wonderful performance, Wayne was defended and only scored 19 points in the game.

The only person in the league who can guard Wayne is Curry.

Although the score was not high, Wayne grabbed 13 rebounds, handed out 11 assists, and sent 4 blocks.

If he hits a triple-double casually, he is probably the first player in the league.

At the end of the game, the score was fixed at 121-99.

The Trail Blazers defeated the Thunder by 22 points in the opening game!

In the first game of the new season, a bloody tragedy occurred.

This is really not treating Xiaoshuai and Gui Shao as human beings. The two brothers are really miserable.

Wayne was actually surprised. Before the game started, he was prepared for a tough fight with the Thunder.

To be honest, if Curry hadn't performed so well in this game, it would never have been so easy.

Even Wayne has put aside offense and devoted all his energy to defense, and the Thunder can still score 99 points to pay tribute to Wayne. This shows how terrifying their offensive talent is.

But sometimes, basketball games can be so infuriating.

Lei Lei was very powerful, but he still couldn't escape the fate of being massacred.

The Trail Blazers' championship ring presentation night was a complete success.

After the game, a reporter asked Jiante how he felt when he joined the Trail Blazers and ushered in a big victory for the first time.

Mr. Hard looked at the camera with a smile and said incoherently: "It's incredible. Curry just swiped over and swiped in. Oops, I can't describe it at all, hahaha. Anyway, it's just one word, reasonable!"

I was so excited that I couldn't even express my words. Although Curry scored a career-high 54 points when he first came on, it was indeed explosive, but most of the Trail Blazers players were relatively calm.

After all, Wei Ge has created similar miracles too many times, and they are not new at all.

Not to mention 54 points in the regular season, Wei Ge scored 50+ points in the finals twice.

Only the tough guy looked like he had never seen the world before, as if he was on TV for the first time.

There's no way he, Old Wolf, has ever played this kind of game in his life.

I beat the top three teams in the Western Conference by 22 points, and I haven't even broken a sweat yet.

If this were the Lakers, I wouldn't be so tired that I would vomit bile.

This situation caused a sudden burst of hard-core literary bacteria, and I couldn't help but wet my hands.

“As long as you hold your thighs well, you will have an orgasm in every game!

When I chose Wei instead of choosing a subject, I was so happy and laughed! "

A certain tough guy reminded himself before the game started that he was only here to win the championship, and there was no way he would like Wayne's team.

but now.

Love it, love it!

The backbone of a tough guy is really extraordinary~

It’s the end of the month again, Lao Ge will kneel down in respect and ask for votes~

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