I am Really an Insider

Chapter 619 616: Brother Wei: I don’t want to throw out the towel anymore (5.2K votes requested)

Curry scored 54 points in a single game, and it was on such a big stage in the opening game.

This can be regarded as a stepping stone for elementary school students to enter the ranks of top stars.

The joker's face turned green with anger. To be honest, before the game started, he had also thought about the situation where the Thunder would lose the game.

But losing by 22 points is really too much.

What kind of defense can allow someone like Curry to score 54 points in a single game.

This joke is just nonsense, but anyone who watches the game seriously will not criticize the Thunder's defense against Curry.

Because they really tried their best.

The reason why people think that many of Curry's shots are open shots is mainly because the primary school student's ability to run without the ball is too strong.

In Wayne's previous life, many people criticized Curry and would shoot open shots.

But what’s there to complain about when someone comes up with an empty seat based on their ability?

The ability of a primary school student to catch the ball and take action quickly after getting rid of the defense is unique.

Do you think Mr. Turtle wants to give Curry a chance to take an open shot? I really can’t keep up!

Seeing the tough guy's incoherent expression when facing the camera, Wayne had to admire Curry's infectious energy.

Okay, this is another assimilation.

Wayne bets that the following season, Hard Special will begin to unleash his natural instincts.

Although he won the game easily, and although he still recorded a triple-double, Wayne felt that he had no sense of participation.

It felt like the whole audience was doing nothing but waving towels.

I was originally thinking about trying out the "Blessing of the Beep King" badge unlocked from Wade last season in this game, but I didn't know that before Wayne could even pretend to be beeping, the Thunder knelt down.

Yes, but also lost an opportunity to double the growth points.

If Curry continues to play like this, Wayne's upgrade speed will inevitably be affected.

Shock! Wayne's biggest stumbling block on his road to success turned out to be...

After the game, when we returned to the locker room, everyone poured water on the elementary school student's head to celebrate his career-high 54 points.

As you all know about Brother Wei, he has never participated in such childish activities.

But Wayne didn't expect to die.

Of all the people, the one who had the most fun was actually the hard one!

Good guy, others are chasing Curry with paper cups or water bottles to spray him.

It's better to be tough, just carry a bucket and run around the locker room.

As expected of a tough guy, he plays hardcore.

Some people say that their teammates are childish, but they usually look quite serious.

As a result, he became more crazy than anyone else!

The entire locker room was filled with laughter of joy, and he was the most immersed in it.

Wayne shook his head, he was indeed still young.

He actually imagined that hard work could normalize the atmosphere in the locker room.

I dare to ask the team with Curry, who will not fall?

No, maybe it has nothing to do with Curry at all.

Wayne's third formula: Before joining the Trail Blazers, Hard Special was just a joke!

Tsk tsk tsk, you really know people, faces but not hearts.

The post-game press conference was attended by Hard, Wayne and Curry.

When a reporter asked Harde how it felt to win a big victory on the first day he joined the team, Harde replied expressionlessly: "Stephen's performance was great, super great. But we can't be complacent yet. This season It’s still growing, we have just taken the first step in the marathon.”

Looking at the tough guy with a serious face, can you imagine that he is a funny guy in the locker room carrying a bucket and chasing his teammates?

Everyone has been deceived!

After the first game, Curry became the first player to become popular in the new season.

With the most impressive performance in the most high-profile game, Curry really established his status in this battle.

In this season's All-Star voting, Curry will no longer be just a little transparent.

And Wayne believes that Curry's performance today is not a flash in the pan.

Curry will maintain this high level of form throughout the next season.

After unexpectedly easily defeating the Thunder, Wayne is also looking forward to the next few games, where he can safely double his growth points.

I, Godway, have already thrown out the towel for two chapters!

According to the system description, the key to earning points with the "Blessing of the Beep King" badge is to pretend to be beeping well and make your opponents feel ashamed.

But in the next few games, the Blazers didn't give Wei Ge a chance to show off.

On November 2, the Trail Blazers ushered in their second opponent of the new season, the Los Angeles Lakers!

This game has attracted no less attention than the opening game, between the Trail Blazers and the Lakers, and between Kobe and Wayne.

As long as these elements collide together, there will be no need to worry about no one watching the game.

But in fact, the status of the two teams at this time is not at all on the same level.

Counting the preseason games, the Lakers have lost six games in a row.

In the opening game of this season, facing the Mavericks, who were not very strong and had Dirk Nowitzki injured, the much-anticipated Lakers actually lost 91-99.

Arranging an opponent like the Mavericks in the opening game is like opening a back door for the Lakers.

Although I really want the Lakers to win, I can't just arrange for a rotten fish like the Bobcats.

Boss Qiao: I’ll give you another chance to organize your language.

So arranging Mavericks is very convenient.

Although the Mavericks are not very strong in terms of physical strength, at least they are famous.

The only team in recent years that can compete with the Trail Blazers in a tiebreaker is Zhentianxiang.

In this way, as long as the Lakers win, they can reverse their five-game losing streak in the preseason.

Dirk will miss the early part of the season due to injury, which is even more God's will.

What a joke, I never expected it, after all this, the Lakers can actually lose!

Naochi: Unexpected? I didn’t expect it even when I was riding a horse!

In that game, at first glance, the Lakers seemed to have nothing wrong with their performance.

Kobe Bryant scored 22 points, Beast 19 points, and Jamison 19 points.

On the other hand, for the Mavericks, Darren Collison, the highest scorer, only had 17 points.

But in the end, it was the mediocre Mavericks that won the game.

The reason is boiled down to the fact that the Lakers played disorganized and the whole team was out of rhythm.

Mike Brown's Princeton team is playing very poorly, and everyone is adapting to their new roles.

On the contrary, the Mavericks, although they changed a group of players, still played pick-and-roll jumpers.

As a result, at the critical moment, the Lakers made consecutive mistakes due to poor tactical execution, ruining the victory.

To play the Trail Blazers today, the Lakers have been preparing for a long time.

Kobe would never allow himself to lose to Wayne again. Before the game started, Kobe also conveyed his determination to the entire team, making the entire team's morale high.

In this game, the Lakers generals also showed excellent form.

In fact, the game against the Trail Blazers was the Lakers' best game this season starting from the preseason.

Howard was wreaking havoc in the paint, scoring 33 points, 14 rebounds and 5 assists.

Although he could not make three-pointers, he only scored 9 sports goals in the game, but he frequently caused fouls at the basket and took as many as 19 free throws.

Master Chachahuo's free throws today were also very impressive. He made 15 of 19 free throws and only missed 4 free throws.

These 15 points from free throws were also the key to Master Huo's 33 points.

In addition, Najia also scored 30 points today, shooting 50% from the field and 4 of 9 three-pointers.

When Kobe Bryant scores 30 points with such efficiency, the Lakers rarely lose.

But the Lakers lost today, and they lost to the Trail Blazers by 10 points!

The reason is that the Lakers' defense is a mess.

Today, Curry continued his career-high scoring performance in the previous game, scoring 28 points and making 5 of 7 three-pointers.

Thompson, who came off the bench, unexpectedly scored 22 points and made 4 of 5 shots from beyond the three-point line!

The Splash Brothers scored 50 points together, causing the Lakers' defense to collapse.

This does not include Wayne's 25 points, 11 rebounds and 7 assists.

On Curry's side, facing Nash's defense, he basically scored however he wanted.

But Clay was able to score 22 points under Kobe's defense, which many people did not expect.

Kobe's 12-13 season was his worst defensive season in ten years.

At this time, he is no longer the defensive gatekeeper on the outside. His physical fitness and concentration have declined, allowing him to focus only on the offensive end.

And this kind of Kobe just met Thompson, who relied on off-ball offense, and Kobe almost died.

In Wayne's previous life, around 2019, some media counted the players who ran the longest distance in the past five years.

Thompson ranks first!

Tom is always running around on the court.

When you get a chance to catch the ball, you just throw it. You don't let the ball stay in your hands for one second.

Thompson: Haha, do you think I don’t want the ball to stay in my hands longer? But I can’t do it!

It is impossible to hold the ball while holding the ball, and it is impossible to hold the ball in this life.

I don’t know how to dunk, so I can only live without the ball.

Kobe thought that after Hamilton, no one could defeat him by running without the ball.

Until today he met Thompson.

Thompson made a quick move, leaving the aging Kobe unable to defend at all.

In the end, Nacha watched helplessly as Thompson scored 22 points on his head.

Watching Curry and Thompson destroy the Lakers' defense, I rubbed my chin hard.

I can finally see that you all have unique skills!

Fortunately, I wasn't tricked into going to Los Angeles by Nagging, otherwise I would be the one who was run to death on the court today!

There is no harm without contrast.

Seeing the Lakers playing in such a miserable state today, I felt an unprecedented sense of happiness~

106 to 116, the Trail Blazers relied on efficient offense to give the Lakers two consecutive losses.

The Lakers' start was not as perfect as people expected.

The huge power of Splash Brothers + Wayne was revealed for the first time today.

At the end of the game, Kobe and Wayne hugged each other and walked off the field with their heads buried.

Although he lost, he still looked up at the home fans with a smile and waved to them to keep their confidence in the Lakers.

Kobe's action was to say goodbye to the fans.

But in Wayne's view, this is equivalent to saying goodbye to his glory.

Dwight Howard cannot save the aging Kobe Bryant.

Looking at Kobe's retreating back, Wayne sighed.

Today I've been beaten up like this. How can I be so embarrassed to pretend to be in front of him?

That's right, although the Trail Blazers beat the Lakers by 10 points today, Wayne still failed to trigger the effect of the "Blessing of the Beep King" badge.

As before, if the Trail Blazers beat the Lakers by so many points, it must be Wayne's explosive performance again.

But today, Wayne's data can only be described as quite satisfactory.

Because he didn’t have everything in the game, Wayne felt there was no need to pretend.

The emotions haven't been brewed in place yet, so we can't just pretend.

In the first game, Curry was amazing, and in the second game, he was a perfect match.

For the first time, Wayne felt that it was an annoyance for his teammates to be too powerful.

After retiring, Wayne decided to write two books to reflect on his career.

One is called "I'm Really an Insider."

The other one is called "What to do if your teammates are too good at basketball".

This is true even when playing against the Lakers, not to mention other teams.

On November 3, the Trail Blazers ushered in the first back-to-back game of the new season against the Houston Mosaic.

Prior to this, the Mosaic team had won two consecutive games in the new season.

After Huzi landed in Space City, he showed a level far beyond that of the Sixth Man.

In the first game against the Pistons, Harden had 37 points, 12 assists, 6 rebounds and 4 steals, and his shooting percentage was as high as 56%.

In the second game, he scored a career-high 45 points, shooting an exaggerated 73.7% from the field.

In the second game after joining Mosaic, he set a new career scoring record. Harden showed his superstar status in just two games.

I don’t know what the detonator thinks.

I don’t know if the 6 million saved will still be useful.

It was such a Harden who met the Trail Blazers who also had two consecutive victories.

Wayne has high hopes for Ha Jishi. Whether I can get a double growth point depends on Ning!


"95 to 85, the Trail Blazers easily won Mosaic. There is no doubt that this is the worst game Harden has played since he came to Houston. He only scored 24 points today and only made 8 of 24 shots.

But it doesn't matter, his road to stardom is still long! "


Did Sir make a mistake?

When you hit others, you hit hard, but when you hit the Trail Blazers, you just stay submissive?

What are you afraid of? You should be more courageous.

Why, is it possible that I, Godway, will still consecrate your head?

Am I the unreasonable kind of person?

Harden: Listen to what you said. Do you believe it?

It's not just Hajishi who is pulling the crotch of Mosaic today. The entire Mosaic team's shooting rate today is only 35.4%.

Wayne easily scored a small 20 points and settled the game.

Facing the inside combination of the soft man Asik and the severely undersized Patterson, the sister-in-law scored 26 points in the game, cool and comfortable.

Are they displayed in a queue one by one?

Anyway, so far in the new season, Wayne has not scored 30 points in a game.

Playing against the Mavericks without Dirk on November 5th, the process was a no-brainer.

Matthews made 3 of 4 shots from the three-point line today and scored 20 points. He really just showed off one by one.

Since the start of the new season, the Trail Blazers have had five players score 20+ points in each game - the most in the league.

You can hit anyone just by standing up.

114 to 91, another big victory.

Four consecutive wins at the start!

Jazzy Barton joked in the show: "Do you still need to watch the Blazers' ball? I close my eyes and open them again, and I win again."

Finally, on November 8, the Clippers, guided by their cousin Lee, made the Trail Blazers feel a sense of crisis for the first time this season.

As an older rookie, Lillard is really powerful.

Facing the defending champion for the first time today, he scored 21 points and 3 steals.

The whole world has seen the potential of this No. 0 defender.

In addition, Super Six Jamal Crawford also scored 23 points, which made Stephenson furious.

The Clippers kept clinging to the score and had several opportunities to take the lead.

But who could have expected that Griffin, the real star of this team, would be defended by Wayne 3-for-9.

As the star of the Clippers, he scored 7 points in the entire game.

With Silly Fen's hip-stretching performance, the Trail Blazers easily defeated the Clippers 103-90.

Five consecutive wins at the start!

Wayne just tried his best to defend today, and then he knocked Silly Fen into autistic state.

In one of the goals, Shafen broke through and prepared to dunk.

Because the incident happened so suddenly, Wayne didn't even have time to react.

Seeing Shafen's sudden attack, Wayne just reflexively jumped up to stop him.

Because he took off later than Griffin, Wayne thought about fouling.

Where to know

In the end, Wayne accidentally blocked the ball while taking off one step late.

When it comes to bullet speed and jumping height, the current Shafen is also a top-notch existence. No matter how perverted Wayne is, he will not be able to crush Shafen in this aspect.

After watching the replay, it turns out that the reason why Wayne was able to block the shot was because Silly Fen's arm was visible to the naked eye.

So let Wayne still get a shot even though he's not high enough.

After watching the replay, Silfen shut up and didn't even want to play ball at that time.

Wayne was also speechless. Silly Fen, please listen to my explanation. I really didn’t mean it.

I just jumped casually, but I didn’t know that I could successfully block the shot!

After this goal, Shafen couldn't stand up anymore and didn't even resist.

Just like this, we played a 7-point game.

After averaging 20+10 per game in his rookie season, Shafen has been a bit high and low in the past two years.

Although Wayne's block in this game made Silly Fen feel full of shame, Wayne did not deliberately pretend to make Silly Fen feel ashamed.

Therefore, the effect of "Blessing of the Beep King" still failed to be triggered.

So far, five games, five wins, five games with double-digit points difference.

If you play another game, you can combine 666.

But in five games, Wayne didn't get double growth points in any of them.

After a five-game winning streak at the start of the season, ESPN still placed the Trail Blazers at the top of the rankings.

Sir Bob was indignant about this: "No. 1 can no longer reflect the strength of the Trail Blazers. The strength of the Trail Blazers this year is completely T0 level!"

Wayne, anyone, please help me get rid of Curry's defense!

At this moment, Wayne finally met a real opponent-the San Antonio Spurs!

The Spurs' record so far this season is 5 wins and 1 loss, second only to the Trail Blazers.

The Spurs, who have entered the final peak of the GDP era, are undoubtedly the dominant players in the Western Conference in the past two years in their original history.

Many people attribute the Spurs' rise to Duncan's resurgence.

This season, Lao Dengtou is averaging a near-double-double of 17.8 points and 9.9 rebounds per game.

Among them, the score is a new high in the past three years!

Two years ago, when the Spurs had just begun their transformation and Duncan's scoring average plummeted to only 13 points per game, people were discussing whether Duncan would retire.

No one could have imagined that this number 21 would be reborn two years later.

Of course, Wayne knows very well that the Spurs' rise is not just because of Duncan.

The Peak Spurs are indeed strong.

Maybe playing against the Spurs will really allow Wayne to perform well!

The task of experimenting with the effect of the badge "Blessing of the Beep King"

Old thief, the decision is yours!

Update is here, please vote.

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