I am Really an Insider

Chapter 636 633: Tang’s pride, 58 guns’ ambition (4.2K votes requested)

"Wayne, how much impact does Wesley's injury have on the team?"

"The Miami Herald says your legendary season has ended prematurely, what do you think?"

“Losing two starting wings in one week, what does that mean for the team?”

January 2, 2013, Toronto.

As soon as Wayne stepped off the team bus, he was surrounded by reporters.

He wore sunglasses and did not speak much to reporters.

"Miami Herald", the name sounds like a villain newspaper.

Of course, this newspaper is just riding on the popularity.

Because there are many fans who feel that the Blazers are dying.

The Trail Blazers, with a tidy lineup, only beat Miami by 5 points. So without two starting Blazers, losing to Miami by 10 points is not too much!

This is the fact.

Those who didn't want to see Wayne completely dominate the league didn't even wait for the Dragon Slaying Warriors for a long time.

As a result, the evil dragon fell down and became half disabled.

But regardless of whether the dragon was crippled by the warrior or felled by himself, he was crippled anyway.

Once the dragon is gone, the Miami Heat will have a chance to make a profit!

After Wayne, Tang got off the bus.

He was wearing a white Anta short-sleeved shirt and a Chinese-style straw hat.

As expected of the most conscientious spokesperson, his outfit is more down-to-earth than Wayne's.

As soon as Tom got out of the car, the reporters immediately changed their targets and flashed their flashlights at him.

Of course, reporters were not attracted by his fashionable attire, but were frantically putting pressure on this dribbling genius who had not yet passed his rookie period.

"Klay, will you start today's game against the Raptors?"

"Thompson, after the team loses Tony and Matthews, you will get a lot of opportunities. Are you ready for this?"

The reporters' questions made Thompson a little flustered. If Wayne just didn't bother to pay attention to the reporters and walked away leisurely, then Clay fled in a hurry.

Thompson has not received much attention since joining the team.

Although he showed his ghostly dribbling skills on the court more than once, the media and fans mostly just laughed it off.

This is really the first time that I have been pushed to the forefront and been pushed into the spotlight like this.

After entering the locker room, everyone was taking time to change clothes.

Today's opponent, the Raptors, is not a strong team. Their current record is 11 wins and 20 losses. Compared with the Trail Blazers' 29 wins and 1 loss, it's like heaven and earth.

However, since the Trail Blazers lost two starters today, everyone is also looking forward to this game.

Everyone wants to see if the Blazers' legendary season is really going to end so early.

You know, the Raptors don't lack talent. Kyle Lowry and Paul George, the garbage brothers, have begun to make a name for themselves in the league.

After the former moved to Toronto from Space City, he immediately secured his starting position.

As a heavy defender, his powerful breakthrough ability has earned him the reputation of a small cannon.

And Pickle Pepper is even more incredible. In his third grade, he has averaged 19.3 points, 7.6 rebounds, 4.1 assists and 1.8 steals per game.

He is already a star player who can combine offense and defense. He is considered a candidate for the next generation of King of the North and has a strong sense of presence.

Therefore, the Raptors are not without conditions for an upset.

Moreover, the Raptors have been in better shape recently. Although their record of 11 wins and 20 losses seems quite poor, that is because Lowry was absent due to injury at the beginning of the season.

Since Lowry returned in mid-December and the Junk Brothers merged, the Raptors' record is 8 games and 7 wins!

Yes, they lost one game in the past half month.

Therefore, just looking at the record may not accurately represent the strength of the Raptors.

Wayne was unexpectedly very serious today. Normally, Wayne would do this with the mentality of a health bureau.

Go up and play casually, get 20 points, and then hang up after get off work for three quarters.

But today is different. Because of public opinion issues, Wayne must win beautifully to shut everyone up.

The words "the great season will end early" are really disgusting.

Today, when the players from both sides were warming up on the court, the opponent's pickled peppers dunked a few times.

It frightened Thompson, who was about to start.

To be honest, it doesn't matter if you are defeated by a super giant.

It would be embarrassing if this horse was fucked by a young star!

Pickle is really excited today. Tony is not here, Matthews is not here, and the Blazers directly gave up an entire wing.

This is a great opportunity to make a name for yourself!

Although Toronto is not a small ball market, playing in this area does not attract much attention.

Although Paojiao has averaged nearly 20 points per game this season, few people know him.

Therefore, he needs a chance to make himself famous.

If I can defeat the Trail Blazers, there is no doubt that fans all over the world will remember my name as Pickled Pepper!

I will become a man who has a strong presence and can be found everywhere!

Paojiao worked hard and wanted to have a good fight, and that's exactly what he did after the game started.

As soon as he came up, Pickle held the ball and pulled out Thompson for a mid-range jumper.

The pickled peppers of this period had a common problem with Du Xiaoshuai. Because he is too tall, his center of gravity cannot be lowered when holding the ball, and his offense with the ball is flawed.

It's okay to beat ordinary people, but if you encounter a defensive gate like Tony or Wayne, you can be cut off until you shut down.

In Wayne's previous life, Pickled Pepper also solved this problem, and his overall strength immediately improved to a higher level.

As for Thompson's defense, although he managed to keep his position, he did not give Pickle enough confrontation.

A minute later, Curry passed the ball to Thompson. As soon as Thompson received it, Pickle reached out with his long arm and directly stole the ball.

After getting the ball, Jiao Di immediately ejected and sprinted towards the frontcourt.

Tom was chasing after him, but he had no choice but to catch up!

This is Brother Jiao who has never had a broken leg.

So, with no one on guard, Paojiao performed a 360° turn and dunk, which shocked everyone!

Tom rolled his eyes like a Buddha again, "Huh, you're so cute, you're just showing off a dunk. Do you know what's going on with you?"

Believe it or not, I called Curry to dunk on you!

"Stephen, I think you have no problem with that kind of dunk just now, right? Come on, perform one for that kid!"

The aggrieved Tom walked to Curry and said this.

"Well, that's a question. You can definitely get a deduction, but you know me. I'm not that arrogant. Let's do it this way. Next time, next time!"

After the primary school student finished speaking, he turned around and ran away.

Damn, don't let George hear what you're saying, or you'll be in trouble if you get detained later!

It can be seen that Brother Jiao's performance today is indeed quite active.

Ran goose, show dunk return show dunk.

In this game, Wei Ge has to teach him how to play.

Wayne was not polite to the Raptors today. He combined with sudden shots in the first quarter and scored 11 points.

On the Raptors side, American Yi Di Ed Davis has no way to deal with Wayne.

Although Ed Davis is an outstanding blue-collar player who dares to fight and fight hard, he is definitely far from locking down the super giants.

In the second quarter, Wayne was even more brutal. From the beginning, he repeatedly trained Davis and completed a breakthrough dunk.

And in the eighth minute of the second quarter, Klay Thompson finally took advantage of Wei Ge to vent his anger.

In that offense, Lowry's throw hit the neck of the basket, and Wei Ge grabbed the rebound vigorously.

When collecting the ball in the air, they all slapped the basketball with a "bang" sound.

Then Wayne immediately hit the ball to Curry, but Lowry quickly blocked Curry's path with his strong body.

I have to say that Lowry is indeed experienced.

Curry didn't want to waste this counterattack opportunity, but he couldn't hit the cannon.

So, he threw the ball to Tom who came in from the right wing.

When Thompson got the ball, he was already outside the three-point line.

Taking advantage of the inertia of his sprint, Thompson took two steps inside.

Just two steps!

He knew very well that if he made the third move, he would make a mistake 80-90% of the time!

Although George was right in front of him at this time, even though he wanted to dunk George.

But as an expert in 360-degree turning and smashing the frame, Clay actually still has something to worry about.

So what to do next? George is still guarding, can't he just stop the ball?

At this time, Thompson saw Wayne who had cut up from the middle.

So Thompson threw the ball directly into the air.

Seeing this situation, George did not hesitate, turned around, took a step back, and made up for the basket.

But when he saw that it was Wayne who caught the basketball in the air, he regretted it.

"Thompson, there is no shaking," Pickle said to himself in despair.


Wayne knocked George over in the air, smashed the ball into the frame with one hand, and made an alley-oop!

After landing, Wayne glared condescendingly at George who was lying on the floor.

Children, let's play and have fun, don't play tricks in front of your brother Wei.

This is good, Brother Jiao's wish came true.

With this goal, Paojiao will become one of the most influential players today!

From now on, people will remember that there was a pickled pepper in that distant Toronto.

"Hahahaha, good dunk, good!" Thompson clapped his hands, feeling much relieved.

I don't know, I thought he was the one who knocked the pickled pepper down.

This goal established Wayne's dominance today.

Pickle and Lowry may be a rising duo.

But standing in front of you is Stormborn, the Butcher of the Rose Garden, the God of War in the Cornfield, the legal number one in the league, an outstanding dancer, educator, and Portland kindergarten director in the 21st century - Wayne!

Wei Ge was serious and accidentally scored 33 points, 12 rebounds, 11 assists and 5 blocks.

30+10+10 in two consecutive games!

Although Pickled Pepper bravely scored 21 points, he still could only suffer the defeat.

103 to 90, the Trail Blazers continued to win after losing Matthews, winning four consecutive games!

After the game, Wayne faced the reporters on the sidelines and said only one sentence.

"Whether the great season ends or not, I have the final say!"

There is no doubt that this is a powerful response to Miami fans and the media!

Wayne's performance today was impeccable, and to be honest, the Blazers' record was not affected.

30 wins and 1 loss, what else do you need a bike for?

But most news media workers in this beautiful country have a bad habit, that is, they like to add drama to the news themselves.

No, they don’t write news so much as they write novels.

Whether the content of the report is true or not is another matter. Anyway, as long as it can set the pace.

Wayne calls it the cotton effect.

Therefore, even when the Trail Blazers have won four consecutive games, the Miami media is still angry.

"The Raptors are not even a playoff team, so what's the big deal about beating them."

"I bet the Trail Blazers won't be able to win five in a row because their next opponent is the Golden State Warriors."

"The Warriors have become very different after going through the early stages of the season. The Trail Blazers, who have lost two starting players, may not be able to pass the Warriors' test."

Just avoid the important and be light.

Moreover, Tom, who made his first start this season, was also met by the media.

Because he allowed Pickle to score 21 points in that game, but he only scored 8 points.

"Hahaha, the Trail Blazers are useless now. They will definitely not be able to withstand a strong team!"

"Without Tony, how will they defend Paul in the next game?"

"To be honest, Thompson is still a very good player. But, he is really not qualified to start on a championship team."

Tom looked at the comments about himself on his phone and touched his dog's head the same way he touched Curry.

"A bunch of idiots, I'm too lazy to talk to you." After speaking, Thompson turned off the screen of his mobile phone and threw it on the sofa.

Although Thompson looks jovial on the surface, his self-esteem is actually very strong.

In fact, Thompson will eventually become a basketball player, which is related to his strong self-esteem.

When he was a freshman in high school, Thompson had not determined his main direction. At that time, he played baseball, football and basketball.

In the school basketball team, he is just a small substitute.

But in the second year of high school, the appearance of a man changed the situation - Ha Jishi who had not yet grown a beard!

At that time, Claywood Adesia High School, led by Ha Keishi, defeated Clay's team twice.

Klay, who was sitting on the bench, could do nothing but watch Harden complete dunks again and again and secretly curse "fuck".

This stung Thompson's pride hard.

He thought to himself, if he looks so shameless and can't play ball, then I can do it too!

In this way, Tang decided to specialize in basketball and found that he was really good at it.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that it was Haji Stone who set Klay on the path to basketball.

But now, seeing others talking about him like that, Thompson was very angry.

Hey, I have to give you 30 points in a single quarter to satisfy your appetite, right?

Atang clenched his fists, becoming more and more annoyed as he thought about it.

I still don’t believe it, I can’t play well in this starting lineup!

At this time, at Oracle Arena, the Warriors defeated the tenacious Indiana Pacers by 11 points, and their record became 26 wins and 7 losses, ranking third in the Western Conference behind the Spurs and Trail Blazers.

After the game, Paoer was all smiles.

This season, he is playing much more comfortably than last season.

David West, Iguodala, DeAndre Jordan

These are called teammates!

It’s not like before with Beast Beast, it’s like we have an ancestor in the team.

Today, with a pick-and-roll, Paul assisted West to score 23 points, and he also had 22 points and 11 assists.

Iguodala effectively restricted Granger, which made the Pacers even worse.

With 26 wins and 7 losses, this record is not bad, and Paoer is full of confidence in this season.

And the next game will be a key test to test whether he can do this season!

Although I feel a little sad for our brother Wei, Paoer feels that the next game is a great opportunity to win against the Trail Blazers!

Without Teacher Tony, wouldn’t it mean that I am lawless in the 5 schools and 8 schools?

Pao'er smiled, "Brother Wei, I'm sorry!"

It’s the last night, I’m begging for a double monthly pass, thank you!

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