I am Really an Insider

Chapter 637 634: Can’t guard against Paoer? Learn more about Tough Guy Three in a Row (5.4K votes re

Six months ago, when the three-party transaction occurred, everyone felt that the Lakers had staged another robbery-style transaction.

This is no longer exchanging small change for whole coins, this is simply free prostitution.

West and DeAndre Jordan plus Sessions can be exchanged for the league's No. 1 center.

Where can I find this deal?

As for the Warriors, most experts gave the deal a C grade.

Although Howard and Paoer failed to win the championship, they were able to compete with the Trail Blazers in six games in the Western Conference Finals. They are the team that poses the greatest threat to the Trail Blazers in the league.

As a result, this lineup was dismantled in the offseason, not only Howard was dismantled, but Love was also dismantled.

Only one of the Warriors' three major stars is left, which is nonsense.

Although the Warriors have introduced Iguodala, David West and DeAndre Jordan, on paper, the luxury of the lineup has plummeted.

But facts have proven that big logos never do business at a loss.

Nachi and Howard have been at loggerheads this season, proving that Howard is indeed an unstable factor.

The Lakers' record this season is actually worse than last season.

If Howard hadn't been traded away, the Lakers' situation would most likely have happened to the Warriors today.

The Warriors themselves, after seemingly being weakened, have produced satisfactory results.

Although there was a period of pain at the beginning of the season, the new Warriors were able to adjust faster than anyone imagined.

Chris Paul has proven that he is the kind of player who can adapt to any system and increase the team's ceiling.

This year, the Warriors, whose star flavor is slightly dim but more reasonable, have undoubtedly met the expectations of the Logo Man.

Without Howard, Big Logo believes that the Warriors can still compete with the Trail Blazers!

Therefore, Wayne attaches great importance to the next game.

Wayne knew his eldest son very well. The team he leads cannot be underestimated.

In Wayne's previous life, many people would underestimate Pao'er, because Pao'er didn't have any major personal honors and even made it to the Western Conference Finals.

But is this really because of his lack of strength?

In fact, in the 2007-08 season in original history, he almost became the youngest MVP.

In the original history, if he could join forces with Kobe, maybe he would have won the O'Brien Cup long ago.

If he has better luck and can possess both of these things, then he will undoubtedly become a super point guard second only to Magic, and his historical status will be greatly improved.

Paul is really not far away from these two honors.

In the 2007-08 season MVP voting, Kobe received 33% of the votes and Paul 28%.

If the deal to the Lakers hadn't happened just in time for the Hornets to be managed by the league and Stern had the right to stop the deal, the deal would have been completed long ago.

Let's talk about the Western Conference Finals. The Clippers always encountered various situations in the playoffs.

Moreover, there is one black and one black. Silfen was a regular season star during the Clippers period. Although there were occasional highlight moments in the playoffs, his performance was generally average.

In addition, Paul and Silly Fen are always injured at critical moments. These are the reasons why the Clippers have been unable to touch the floor of the Western Conference Finals. They cannot be explained by a lack of strength.

This is typical, not hard work, but a hard life.

Sometimes, the strength gap between top stars is not as big as it seems in terms of honors.

Duncan has never won DPOY in his life. Is his defense inferior to Camby?

Mu Si and Du Xiaoshuai have mastered this. No matter how good you are, it's useless if you don't get honors. But if you want to get honors, it's too hard to do it alone.

Therefore, it is better for everyone to stay together and get what they need.

Besides, if you don’t hug me, others will hug you too. If you don’t hug me, you will suffer. It’s not as good as everyone hugging you.

Wayne never underestimated Pao'er's strength because of the issue of honor.

You see, the current leader is not with the Clippers but with the Warriors. For him, the Western Conference Finals is something he can easily win.

The team this guy leads is by no means an easy-going team.

Playing the Warriors game without Tony and Matthews is really a challenge.

Wayne is not planning to give up strategically, he must perform well to stabilize the Blazers' winning streak.

The system also gave Wayne a task, which strengthened Wayne's determination to win.

“Mission: Make Miamians stare.

Mission goal: Lead the remaining Blazers to defeat the Warriors and become the best player in the game. Let Miami fans and fans go away.

Mission reward: two badge equipment slots + two special action equipment slots. "

Although this task is generally boring in terms of goals and rewards, it is not like the style of this whole work system.

But Wayne took the mission very seriously.

First of all, he himself wanted to make Miami people open their eyes. Let them know that although the Trail Blazers are now stuck in the mire of injuries, your uncle is still your uncle.

Secondly, based on the increasing number of things unlocked recently, Wayne's equipment slots are indeed not enough.

Therefore, Wayne takes this seemingly boring task very seriously.

The day before the game started, Carlisle was still thinking about letting Stephenson make the starting decision.

In the next game, it can be expected that the defensive pressure on the back line will be great.

In the past, Tony could barely contain Cannon, but now it's not certain whether Curry, Thompson and Green alone can stop Cannon.

There must be a defensively aggressive player on the back line, such as Finson.

But in the end, after much thought, Carlisle still felt it was inappropriate.

If Stephenson starts, the second team will have no ball-handling spot.

Who will handle the ball on the second unit, Thompson?

I'm afraid it's not the kind that can contribute a collection of dribbling mistakes and make people laugh to death!

So Thompson still has to start.

As for how to restrict Paul, Carlisle can only hope that one of them can perform well.

After the day's training, Thompson stayed and practiced three-point shooting.

When he feels tired, Tom will think of the Jike Junden who didn't have a big beard in high school, and think of the days when his self-esteem was deeply hurt.

Then, he was instantly full of strength again.

The scene of Thompson staying for extra practice was also photographed by some reporters and uploaded to the Internet.

If this were to be a certain young actor, the public opinion on the Internet would probably be like this:

"Oh, my brother is so handsome when he works hard. I love him."

"Don't work too hard, it hurts~"

"As expected of my idol, I want to give birth to a little monkey for you!"

"He practiced so hard that he even got a 0.5cm cut on his finger without calling an ambulance, but continued to persevere. Do you know how hard he worked!"

It's a pity that Atang doesn't have the life of Xiao Xianrou.

After the video of his extra practice was posted online, most of the comments were like this:

"It's so funny. After training, just practice for 20 minutes and you can increase your goals?"

"He just pretends to beep, you know?"

"Haha, it's okay to sharpen your skills in the field. I guess I was scared by Wayne. Wayne, you shouldn't put so much pressure on rookie players.

As a star player, you have the ability to solve problems by yourself. "

Wei Ge looked at the comments below and somehow got cueed.

Facts have proven time and time again that the keyboard warriors of the lighthouse country and the keyboard warriors of the flower growers are the same species.

Tom has indeed been targeted a bit harshly recently. He has no choice but to bully honest people.

Although Tang only looks honest, he is actually a senior Neptune.

But it is still inevitable to become the target of fire.

The night before the game started, primary school students had been comforting Tom in the team group.

"Ignore those comments, we will definitely win tomorrow!"

"Thank you Stephen, come on!"


Do you look like elementary school students cheering each other on during a sports meeting?

Wayne just sent a private message to Thompson, the content was very simple.

"Even a rookie player can start well in a championship team. Our entire team believes in you, so go ahead and give it a try!"

The next day, in the Rose Garden, there was no one left in the stands.

After the live broadcast started, the live camera first showed Tony sitting on the sidelines wearing a suit and ties.

Below, the Trail Blazers' injury list is printed.

One will take 4-6 weeks to recover, and the other will be immediately reimbursed for the season.

For any team, if two starting wings are scrapped at once, they are basically finished.

This set of shots undoubtedly reminds everyone that the Trail Blazers, who started 26 consecutive games before, are now extremely weak.

Just beating the Raptors in the last game doesn't mean much. Only by playing against the Warriors today can we find out how much the Blazers are worth.

Thompson was very active when warming up on the court today.

In the past, he would just shoot random shots as a warm-up.

But today, after Tom received a pass from the trainer, he would always change hands before shooting.

However, fans still don't think Thompson is a threat because he has dropped the ball three times just in the warm-up.

As soon as Paoer and Jordan appeared today, they received cheers from all the fans.

After seeing Brother Wei, Pao'er rushed over excitedly and opened his arms, as if he was shouting while running: "My son is back to see you!"

Wayne also opened his arms to show his fatherly love.

"Good guy, look at how fast this kid is growing up. He's already up to your father's waist." Wayne sighed while touching the head of the cannon with sparse hair on top.


"Brother Wei, I'm not telling you, you really don't regard me as your biological son."

"No way. Although my second son is very good, very accurate, very obedient, very cute, very...but you are still the treasure in my hand~"


Seeing Wei Ge's eyes full of Curry, Pao'er felt like he had received a 10,000-point critical hit.

Men are all big pig hooves!

"Teacher Tony is not here today, hehe. Brother Wei, let's make an agreement first. If I accidentally win, I won't do anything."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you are talking arrogantly. If you can win today, I would like to call you Brother Pao."

"Hahahaha, then it's settled."

Pao'er bounced back, feeling so happy.

Last season's Western Conference Finals, the Trail Blazers had a neat lineup, and the Warriors were able to win both games.

In today's situation, isn't victory within reach?

Just look at Klay Thompson and Curry. Do they look like they can guard me?

Maybe I can score 58 points in a single game today!

This game of the Warriors has attracted much attention, because in the eyes of half of the American fans, the Warriors are the beginning of tearing off the fig leaf of the Trail Blazers.

Even the joke felt like it was an eye-opener for God.

As for the Trail Blazers' unstoppable winning streak, the joke is that they can't stop it.

As a result, the Trail Blazers injured two starters within a week. What do you think this is?

Although an athlete’s injury is not something to be happy about, the joke is really refreshing!

It's not my fault, Wayne, you just call it fate!

Dominoes are falling down one by one. Today's game is the first card that crushes the Trail Blazers!

The game is about to start, and the players from both sides are already in their positions.

Wayne looked at the Warriors' starters, Paul, Redick, Iguodala, David West and former teammate DeAndre Jordan.

On the bench, there are also powerful players such as Jared Jack, Dream Green, Landry, Cup Cat and other players.

The bench is also very strong, which is very different from the top-heavy Warriors team before.

Compared with last season, it is a completely different team.

Indeed, after leaving Howard, the Warriors' lineup is more even and reasonable.

After the referee threw the ball into the air, Jordan lost the ball slightly slower than Wayne.

On the Blazers' first attack, the ball found Wayne.

As the star player, if the team falls into a quagmire of injuries, it must get rid of the habit of dying at every turn.

Facing David West, whose defensive ability is relatively mediocre, Wayne originally wanted to break through to the mid-range and make an emergency stop.

But as soon as Wayne broke through the penalty area, he was double-teamed by Iguodala!

If you want to say where the Warriors have strengthened the most this season, it is undoubtedly Iguodala.

Now, the arrival of Iguodala has given the Warriors a wing gate that can assist with single defense and double defense.

Although Howard, a historical defensive monster, is gone inside, Jordan is not the team's shortcoming on the defensive end.

It’s that word again, balance.

The Warriors' defense has also become more balanced, taking away a historical behemoth in exchange for two top defensive players.

Seeing this, Wayne quickly passed the ball to Green who was left open.

But Redick had already made up for it, and Iguodala immediately ran to Thompson who was closer to him.

The defense switch was completed in an instant, and the Warriors' defense had no holes.

The Warriors' defensive strategy has been imprinted with Cole's imprint, which means a little bit of unlimited defense changes.

In desperation, Wayne could only run to the low post, lean on West with his back and continue to demand, and finally ended the offense with a back-turn jumper.

Although the ball was scored, Wayne was still amazed by the quality displayed by the Warriors.

Soon, Pao'er responded.

Today, Carlisle arranged for Green to guard Paul, Clay to guard the first brother, and Curry to guard Redick, who has the least threat with the ball.

However, Paoer will not be silly and argue with Green. As a new era point guard with pursuits and ideals. If you want to fight, fight Thompson!

For the napkin, pick the soft one!

Brother No. 1 came out to cover Pao'er, and Thompson had to switch defense.

With the speed of a cannon that has not been returned to the factory for repairs, if he does not change his defense, he can break through directly.

Just like that, Thompson switched to Paul, and the first brother hurriedly took Green away, leaving only Thompson and Paul, as if to say: "Brother Pao'er, I sent you the man, you can take your time and have fun, Any posture is fine~"

Iguodala, a professional PI player for 30 years.

Thompson was forced to open his business, but he did not give up resistance directly.

Atang lowered his center of gravity and was very serious.

Paul dribbled the ball alternately with his left and right hands, and after approaching Thompson, he suddenly changed direction in a large arc in front of his body. It was just a simple change of direction, and Paoer jumped past Thompson!

That's right, one step, one step. The second-year Thompson has no way to do it.

How good is Thompson's defense?

In Wayne's view, Thompson at his peak is an above-average second-position defender and a reassuring defender, but nothing more.

He is not the so-called top defensive gatekeeper, nor is he a player like Tony and Kobe who is selected for the first defense all year round.

In Wayne's previous life, Tom was only a second-team defensive player in his career.

His defense, simply put, does not make mistakes, but it is not to the point where it can change the situation of the game.

It's just because of his positive attitude and defensive style that he never loses his position, his reputation among fans is extremely high, which exceeds his strength.

If you just browse the forum without watching a game, you will definitely think that Thompson is a super defensive expert.

Thompson's defense is not as good as reputation, not to mention Tom is not yet at his peak.

Thompson's defense does not rely on talent, but on acquired learning, so there is a step-by-step process.

At this time, Thompson's defense is basically zero compared to last season. Naturally, he has made great progress, but it is not enough.

Therefore, it is normal for him to be passed by Pao'er, the league's top point guard.

After Pao'er penetrated the penalty area, Wayne immediately maneuvered to prepare for defense.

But because Thompson was not aggressive enough, Pao'er broke out too easily and was not hindered by any confrontation, so his speed was unbelievably fast.

Before Wayne could get his defense in place, Pao'er had already charged in.

In the end, even Wayne couldn't block Paul's throw because it was too far away.

The basketball went hollow into the net and the score was tied.

Without Tony, the defensive end is indeed struggling a lot.

"Fuck!" Thompson exhaled. The moment he was passed over, he felt like he had turned into Fisher.

Throughout the first quarter, the two sides basically spent their time in the rhythm of you punching me and I kicking you.

Although the Warriors used double-teaming on Wei Ge, they could only restrict it slightly.

What's more, there are elementary school students as helpers.

As a primary school student, as everyone knows, he gets excited every time he takes a nap.

As for the Warriors, Paul basically let himself go and did whatever he wanted.

No matter who the Splash Brothers replace to defend Paul, it will basically be for nothing.

Once Paul emerges, the entire Warriors offense will be activated.

So at the end of the first quarter, the two sides were tied at 27.

During the break, Wayne looked at the score on the big screen and felt a little uneasy.

After all, if we really have to rely on key goals to win until the end, the situation will be too dangerous.

After all, the Warriors' defense can be better. Although Wayne's performance seemed unaffected at first glance, he actually had a hard time playing.

Every time he holds the ball, he must be extremely careful. Because I don't know when Iguodala's ghostly hands that don't care about unknown people will come to the door.

Iguodala's cutting skills are the best among the best.

What state has he reached? When he cuts the ball, he doesn't even feel pain. You even kick him with a dragon ball and he doesn't react.

Moreover, the closer the critical moment came, the more vicious his hands would become.

Therefore, unless absolutely necessary, it is best not to play key balls today.

Let's talk about the defensive end. Without Tony's barrier today, it is really difficult to defend Paul.

It would be great if Wayne's own lateral movement speed could be a little faster, as long as he could make up defense in time.

But it’s a pity that there isn’t enough to add more now.

Wait, go a little faster and slightly increase the traverse speed.

Wayne glanced at Hardy and suddenly remembered the special action unlocked from him.

Isn't the effect of the tough guy's three-game series a random and small increase in a defensive attribute?

If you happen to get the traverse speed,


Wayne shook his head. He would definitely not do that kind of action!

I, Godway, cannot possibly sell my soul just to win!

The first update is here~ Dear bosses, please donate some guaranteed monthly passes.

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