I am Really an Insider

Chapter 643 640: I want to fight with you again (5.2K votes requested)

The Heat finally got a victory over the Trail Blazers after Game 1 of last year's Finals.

The Heat's victory also made the atmosphere of the two heroes' competition for hegemony this season even more exciting.

Whether LeBron can win the championship this season will really change the history of the entire league.

After all, the Trail Blazers are only one step away from winning three consecutive championships.

If the three consecutive championships are achieved, Wayne's historical status will undoubtedly be greatly improved, and he can truly sit back and watch.

The most common example used by Weihei to refute Wayne is that he has never established a dynasty of his own, so he is not a dominant star.

Although Wayne already has five championships in hand, only two are consecutive.

You haven't even won three consecutive championships. How dare you sit back and watch?

Therefore, whether the Heat win the championship this season will directly determine Wayne's historical status.

For a star who has never established a dynasty, no matter how many championships he wins, his career will still be flawed.

Don’t you see, it’s a joke that in the future, in order to promote their own stars, they have already begun to forcibly create a dynasty, and created an officially certified dynasty team.

Among them are the Spurs, who have not won one consecutive championship, and the Warriors, who have not won three consecutive championships.

Although the Warriors' three championships in four years were indeed outstanding, to be honest, any dynasty that does not have three consecutive championships is just a hooligan.

For example, the Spurs' dynasty that won five championships in the 16th season, although it was officially certified as a dynasty, was sandwiched between OK's three consecutive championships, Kobe's two consecutive championships, and the Heat's two consecutive championships.

This is considered a hammer dynasty.

Dynasty represents absolute dominance, that is, no one can beat you.

And the Spurs have so many consecutive championships in the middle, so it's hard to explain this as a dynasty.

Deng Duzi is indeed great, this is undeniable.

But they are all dynasties. Do you think it is the two three consecutive championships of the old gangster that are convincing, or the Spurs dynasty that has not won consecutive championships?

The joke is purely to forcibly provide players with premiums, which is why so many low-end versions of dynasties have been created.

As a result, in official rhetoric, Duncan, Curry and others are all players who have established dynasties.

Did he suddenly become taller?

This shows how much the dynasty can add to a star's career value. It's a joke that we have to add it to them in every possible way.

So, no matter what, Wayne must ensure nothing goes wrong this year.

The foundation has been laid for so long for this three consecutive championships.

If it fails, all these years of hard work will be in vain.

After the game against the Heat, Wayne was indeed quite unwilling.

But there is no way, victory or defeat is a common thing for military strategists.

Moreover, Wayne's unhappiness did not last long.

Because the day after losing to the Heat, the league officials finally announced the results of the Eastern and Western All-Star team substitute lineups.

Elementary school students are among them!

"Hahahaha! Brother Wei, I passed the exam, I passed the exam! I really made it to the All-Stars!" When he got the news, the primary school student smiled like a three-year-old fool.

Wayne also quickly took a look at this year's All-Star Western Conference bench lineup, which are Harden, Duncan, Aldridge, Randolph, David Lee, Turtlesbrook and Curry!

Compared with the original history, Curry squeezed out the French sports car Parker.

This is probably the trouble with playing in San Antonio.

As the absolute core of the team, Parker did not make the All-Star list but Duncan did.

There is no way, Parker's core is really too low-key and has no sense of existence.

When people think of the last GDP championship, most of the first things that come to mind are Kawaii, Duncan, and even Dior.

But Parker, as the core of the tactics, is rarely mentioned.

It's different for elementary school students. During this period of time, Wayne allowed him to have a strong sense of presence.

Wayne guessed that the old thief's face was twisted with anger at this moment.

Who can bear to lose his best player to a funny guy?

Elementary school students danced on the training field, repeating the words "I'm an All-Star, I'm an All-Star" over and over again.

Seeing Curry running on the court in good health, Wayne also smiled like an old father.

Son, you finally have something to offer!

After saying that, he opened the system interface and received the task reward.

Who cares if you are not promising, let’s see what the mission rewards are first!

According to the previous narrative, after Curry entered the All-Stars, Wayne's reward was a random upgrade to the level of a special action.

If he could upgrade to Iron Elbow, then Wayne could kill people. And if it is upgraded to Chairman Yao's hook, then Wayne can kill people.

When the time comes, won't you stop the ball like Henry, and my sky-hook look like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar?

As long as you get into position in the low post, scoring a goal is easy.

However, I never expected that the final winner was Lao Zhan’s “Eye of Death”!

The level of "Eye of Death" has changed from silver to gold, which means that if the effect is triggered, Wayne will receive a moderate bonus to all attributes!

This is extremely outrageous.

If used in conjunction with Kobe's no-passing badge, wouldn't it be equivalent to temporarily adjusting all your attributes to 99?

Wayne swallowed as he watched the action escalate.

I don’t know why, but I suddenly want to be beaten severely.

No matter who it is, let the Blazers fall behind by 20 points in the fourth quarter.

Wayne really wanted to experience the feeling of adding all attributes and then counterattacking the game.

I take the initiative every time, which is very tiring!

Wayne has recovered, but the primary school student is still in high spirits, and the sage's time has not come yet.

After training ended that afternoon, the first thing Curry did when he returned to the locker room was to take out his mobile phone, eager to read the comments online and see how everyone praised him.

When I turned on my phone, I saw it was much darker than expected!

"What the hell is Stephen Curry? Parker has been hacked."

"It's so funny, have you ever seen an All-Star who can't dunk?"

"Hey, I can only say that China's market power is huge. If you don't play next to Wayne, who would know him? It's better to let Bledsoe play, that guy will dunk."

Elementary school students:

These are actually nothing, Wayne also saw something even more speechless.

"Stop bragging about Wayne. Wayne is also a stinker who sticks together to keep warm. Two all-star players on one team, what is this other than teaming up? If you don't accept it, come and argue!"

Just hard black.

Although the comments on the Internet are not very friendly, within the Trail Blazers, everyone is still very happy.

In the team group at night, the juniors asked the primary school student to send a photo in women's clothing to celebrate his first selection to the All-Star team.

Some people said "No, I'm so shy", but ten minutes later they couldn't wait to post a selfie to the group.

If you want to talk about it, you should just be a primary school student, unlike a certain pigeon who doesn't wear women's clothes no matter what the book friends say.

This kind of disdainful author, it’s okay not to follow his books.

Wayne was laughing at his cell phone. At this time, his daughter pestered Wayne to take her to the bedroom to sleep, and continued to tell a bedtime story about her father fighting the gray wolf.

Yesterday, the story was told about how her father subdued others and asked the gray tiger to help her buy a drink. She couldn't wait to hear the next story.

But Wayne doesn't plan to continue telling the story about himself and the Gray Wolf today.

"Let Mr. Hui Tailang go, he is already so pitiful. Dad will tell you a more exciting story today, the story that 183 men and 58 points have to tell."

"183 men? Isn't that not as tall as my mother?"

"Shh~ remember, never say this kind of thing in front of Uncle Paul in the future!"

"Isn't man 183 the uncle Paul?"

"Hey, we don't dare to talk nonsense!"

Wayne then put down his cell phone and went upstairs with his little boy in his arms.

Sharapova was really speechless. Her daughter actually loved hearing these ridiculous stories from Wayne!

Sharapova bought a lot of storybooks about princes and princesses and told them to her daughter every day, but her daughter complained that they were boring.

I just like listening to Wayne talk about the bad things on the basketball court.

As expected of his own son!

After Wayne carried his daughter upstairs, Sharapova looked at the mobile phone on the sofa, picked it up and took a look at it curiously.

What is so beautiful? It made me laugh out loud.

When I picked it up and took a look, I found that Wayne was actually looking at a selfie of a girl in Christmas clothes!

I was about to get angry, but I took a closer look.

Isn’t this Stepping Horse Curry? ?

Others in the team also added a "sexy" little yellow face emoticon under the photo.


There is something wrong with your team!

Why do some people post selfies of themselves dressed as women, and there are a bunch of people posting that kind of expression below! ?

Suddenly, Sharapova wished Wayne was looking at selfies of serious girls.

Sharapova is becoming more and more worried about Wayne's team.

Fortunately, at least Gasol is normal in this team.

However, at this moment, my sister-in-law asked in the group: "This dress is really beautiful. Do you have my size?"

Oh, my sister-in-law has already fallen!

Sharapova looked at this awkward couple, and her whole body was in a mess in the living room.

Sure enough, no wife can come out of her husband's cell phone smiling.

Although everyone in the team is very rough, on the court, the Trail Blazers hit hard.

In the last two games before the All-Star Game, the Trail Blazers defeated the Hornets and Suns respectively, and were ready to start another wave of winning streak.

In these two games, the junior who has been promoted to an All-Star player performed very well.

Against the Hornets, the junior scored 27 points. Playing against the Suns and facing an old friend, they scored 26 points.

Zhujiqi increasingly felt that leaving was the right choice, otherwise he would have to be Curry's substitute for the rest of his life.

Curry used his actual performance to respond to the contempt of the sunspots.

Of course, whether he responds or not, it is an unchangeable fact that he is already a member of the All-Stars.

After winning these two games, the Trail Blazers have also achieved their 50th victory of the season!

In many seasons, if you can get 50 wins in a season, you can already reach the playoffs.

Not to mention that the 11-12 season was a shortened season. In the 10-11 season, the Western Conference ranked sixth to eighth, all with records over 50.

Not to mention the Eastern Conference. In a season with better luck, you can reach the playoffs with more than 30 wins.

The Trail Blazers had won 50 games before the start of the All-Star Game, almost locking in a playoff spot a month and a half in advance!

This record is really terrible.

With a record that was the best in the league, Wayne led the primary school students to live a luxurious All-Star life.

But before leaving this year, Sharapova specifically told Wayne: "Be sure to video chat with yourself before going to bed!"

Wayne and Curry go out alone. I don’t know why, but Sharapova always feels uneasy!

This year’s All-Stars, Luodan uniquely changed all events into a confrontation between the East and the West.

In the past, dunk contests and three-point contests were all individual competitions.

But this year, it has become a points-based confrontation between the East and the West. Therefore, there is no three-point champion or dunk champion, there are only Eastern and Western teams.

However, even with the addition of new rules, the popularity of All-Stars is tepid.

Just look at the list for the dunk contest and you will know that there is no Wayne, no James, and even Turtlesbrook, who previously said he would participate, has given up.

Then, those participating in the game were actually some role players who were not very popular.

Nate Robinson is already the most popular player among all the contestants.

Everyone misses the classic battle between Howard and Wayne Superman vs. Batman.

In the All-Star Game, Howard, Kobe, James and others are destined not to play for too long. They all have to make the final sprint for the last month and a half of the regular season.

Therefore, the serious confrontation between the East and the West is definitely invisible.

All-Star is becoming more and more like the Spring Festival Gala.

Don't look at it, it seems like something is missing.

If you bite the bullet and watch it, there really isn't much to see.

Ever since.

The primary school student who participated in the All-Star Game for the first time became the most handsome boy in the game!

In the third minute of the second quarter, Wade of the Eastern Team shot a three-pointer, and the elementary school student stood under the basket and prepared to grab the board.

Sure enough, the basketball hit the frame, but as soon as he jumped up, Paojiao dunked the ball into the frame from behind him.

The first highlight shot of an elementary school student in the All-Star Game was born!

Everyone thought that elementary school students would also perform a dunk in response to pickled peppers, but little did they know that things were completely different from what they imagined.

One round later, I saw Paojiao rushing over on a fast break with the ball.

The primary school student who had retreated to the penalty area did not bravely go up to defend. Instead, he suddenly fell to the ground, held his head in his hands, acted out a very scared look, and allowed George to dunk again.

The first defensive player in NBA history is born!

The elementary school students' funny performances made fans all over the world laugh. Well, since this year's All-Stars can't really compete, let's do their best.

After getting up, the primary school student himself laughed. He didn't care if he became someone else's foil.

The only thing he thinks about is enjoying every minute and every second of his All-Star game. Let every fan get more happiness that is different from the regular season.

Curry's wave has undoubtedly attracted countless fans.

Many fans who were still criticizing him for being unqualified have turned to fans.

Who doesn’t love a player with this kind of character?

Wayne looked at Curry laughing wantonly on the court and felt very pleased.

Following me these years, primary school students have been under a lot of pressure.

Ever since he entered the league, he has been compared with Paul. And because the team has been in a state of championship competition over the years, he has also endured pressure that should not be endured at his age.

Highly drafted rookies who start on championship teams rarely perform particularly well.

After all, few rookies can face the pressure and competition requirements of competing for a championship head-on.

Even though Irving is currently playing well in the Cavaliers, the Cavaliers' record has not improved at all.

Moreover, when playing on a bad team, no matter how badly he loses, no one will blame him. He only needs to be responsible for showing off and coaching.

If you throw him directly to a championship team and try it, many of his shortcomings will be exposed.

After Irving led the team alone in the future, didn't the reputation experience a cliff-like decline?

Milicic's story has only passed a few years ago.

In a championship-contending team, no matter whether you are a rookie or not, everyone's demands on you will increase invisibly.

Curry survived such pressure and became an All-Star player.

Only he himself knows the ups and downs of this.

So, let him release his nature today and fully enjoy the game.

The performances of elementary school students letting go of themselves on the court really made the otherwise not-so-exciting All-Star Game a little more exciting.

In the end, the western team, led by Paoer, successfully defeated the eastern team.

Paoer also won the AMVP trophy for the first time in his career.

In today's All-Star Game, the most impressive player was Curry who performed a stunt on defense.

The best player is Paul.

Therefore, the biggest winner is Wayne, the old father behind the scenes.

Seeing how successful my sons are, I feel relieved.

Wayne's education proved to be very successful.

Bring educators to the fore!

When we returned to the locker room after the game, everyone was laughing and accepting the interview.

But Wayne found that only Kobe and Howard were missing.

Moreover, Kobe and Howard's lockers have been cleaned up!

This proved that the two had left the arena.

Yes, with the Lakers' current record, Kobe and Howard must be in no mood to play.

In the original history, Naochi also started a crazy sweep mode after the All-Star Game, until he encountered the injury that almost destroyed his career.

Speaking of which, after the All-Star Game, the Trail Blazers' first opponent will be the Lakers.

As the first team to defeat the Trail Blazers this season, Naochi definitely wants to beat the Trail Blazers again.

This is no longer a matter of honor or disgrace. If the Lakers want not to be embarrassed this season, they must strive to win every game.

But damn it, Teacher Tony still has three or four days to come back.

In other words, the next game against the Lakers will still be without Tony!

In the first game after the All-Star break, there is no doubt that Nagging will do his best.

And Wayne doesn't want the All-Stars to lose as soon as they return. What's more, they still lose to the same opponent consecutively.

As we all know, the final peak of Nacha was the 12-13 season.

After that, the Lakers completely sank, and Kobe spent the last few years of his career in ruins.

To be honest, Wayne has no way of knowing whether Naochi will be fine this season. Because of the current situation of the Lakers and Kobe's character, it is useless for you to advise him to be careful.

No matter how much you try to persuade him, he will try his best.

Under such circumstances, the next game will most likely be the last peak showdown between Wayne and Kobe, an old rival and friend!

The final swan song!

Kobe is indeed a huge threat without Tony.

The Lakers may not be good in the 12-13 season, but Naochi is really strong.

Exactly how strong is it?

Wayne was lost in memories.

While Wayne was thinking about it, his phone vibrated. It was a text message from Nao Zai.

"Wei, get ready. This season, no matter what, I want to compete with you again!"

The blood of Mamba is on fire again.

It’s coming, it’s coming, updates will be resumed, please vote!

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