I am Really an Insider

Chapter 644 641: The Hidden Peak Old Snake (4.9K votes requested)

The large-scale family ethics TV series "Wayne Love Me Again" is about to start filming.

The starring role is still the familiar formula and the familiar taste.

Although this is not the first time they have played against Najia, even though the current Lakers are no longer the same Lakers that shared the world with the Trail Blazers.

But Wayne still attaches great importance to this game, not because of anything else, but because the 12-13 season is really strong!

It can even be said that it is stronger than previous seasons.

True. Reverse growth superstar.

During the 10-11 and 11-12 seasons, Nai's physical condition was very bad.

But after losing weight in the 2012-13 season, Naochi's physical condition improved significantly.

Moreover, the technology has reached its peak.

It can be said that we have reached a state of reflection.

Wayne remembered that after he retired, he once talked about the topic of his peak season in an interview with reporters.

When asked which season he felt was his peak, all fans thought it was the years when he led the team to two consecutive championships.

However, what Kobe said made many people feel incredible.

“I think my peak year was the year I got injured, which was the 12-13 season.

Although that season was the season when I was troubled by an Achilles tendon injury, my feeling was very different that year. I could feel that I had reached the peak of my career.

Because of the situation of the team that season, I had to play like a madman.

This was true both mentally and physically. I could often predict what was going to happen five or six steps in advance. I was really crazy at the time.

That was one of my personal favorite times in my career. Although the final ending is not very happy, it is very interesting. "

This is not because the memory is confused, but it is a fact.

The 12-13 season of Nao Nao can really be regarded as his best season in recent years.

Averaged 27.3 points, third in the NBA. The field goal percentage was 46.3%, the highest since the 2008-09 season.

In addition, there are 6.0 assists and 5.6 rebounds.

In addition to statistics, Kobe also broke away from the 1-on-5 mode with the ball in his style of play.

This season, you can see him showing off the ball running, weak-side sneak attacks, catch-and-shoot, and cutting performances that you have never seen before.

His off-ball teaching is a work of art on the court.

Kobe also began to pass the ball more to control the rhythm of the game. His consecutive triple-doubles and high assists all came from this.

Of course, when he needs to take over the game, he is also duty-bound. He is still the most cold-blooded killer.

For example, in the Lakers vs. Raptors game on March 8, the Lakers fell behind by 12 points in the first quarter and were still six or seven points behind at the end of the fourth quarter.

At the last moment, Kobe hit three key three-pointers in a row to drag the game into overtime. In overtime, he dunked to defeat the Raptors, scoring 41+9+11, which was simply unstoppable.

And against the Hornets on March 6, the Los Angeles Digging Team dug a big hole behind 25 points in the first half.

Denver fans said that since you are so good at poaching, I might as well give you the Nuggets team name.

We justifiably changed our name to the track and field team.

What can I do about it? Pick up the hoe and fill the hole hard!

As a result, Naochi made 7 of 8 shots in the fourth quarter, and made 5 of 5 shots in the last five minutes. He counterattacked the Hornets with 18 points in a single quarter!

Looking back now, Wayne suspected that Naochi had a special move called "Eye of Death".

The bigger the hole is, the more outrageous the behavior will be.

Although his athletic ability has declined, Nao Nai's skills have reached the pinnacle of peaks. It is the superb technology that allows Naochi to do all this.

After Nachi retired, many of the picturesque shooting shots in the highlight video of Kobe's career were actually from the 12-13 season.

It's a pity that because the Lakers' record that season was so bad and Naochi failed to last until the end, Naochi has been underestimated this season.

No way, after the All-Star Game, Naochi often played for more than 40 minutes in a row, and even played a full 48-minute game!

Even a monster with abnormal physical fitness like Mousse would not dare to do this in the regular season when he was 35 years old.

If only Master Huo could gain some momentum, and if he could have a more reliable coach, he wouldn't have ended up like this.

That's why Nao Nai said this is his favorite season.

Because this season, he has completely experienced a series of ups and downs such as injuries, struggles, battles, and failures.

In the end, the twilight hero, who could not hide his old age, carried the team to save the last trace of face, and then made a heroic exit at the moment when the mission was about to be completed.

This is simply the script for a complete sports inspirational film.

Facing such a pit-filling master, Wayne did not dare to slack off at all.

In the last game, it’s not like I didn’t experience losing to the Lakers.

Without Teacher Tony to defend Kobe, Kobe would be even more unscrupulous.

Wayne took this game very seriously, and Kobe on the other side was naturally very serious too.

For the past two days, the atmosphere in the Lakers' training hall has been extremely heavy.

Nachai comes in with a straight face every day, starts cursing whenever he disagrees, and will be criticized for any detail that is not done well.

He would shout at everyone at every turn: "What kind of team do you think the Portland Trail Blazers are? You think you can beat them in just a few or two moves! Wake up, we are challenging the king of this league!"

Amidst the nagging and angry yelling, Howard once felt that Paul already had a good personality.

But don't worry about whether the Lakers players are voluntary or forced. Anyway, they are indeed preparing seriously for the game.

Moreover, as one of the few teams that has defeated the Trail Blazers this season, the Lakers players are still very confident in the game.

The Lakers are all on alert, waiting for the Trail Blazers to come to Los Angeles!

These days, Naochi found that Hui Tailang's condition has also improved.

Artest's performance in the past few seasons is simply hard to describe.

In the first three seasons, the offensive level dropped off a cliff. In the previous two seasons, the average points per game even stayed in single digits for two consecutive years.

How stretched is his condition?

In the 2012 London Olympics, Artest originally wanted to take the initiative to participate.

He wants to win a gold medal so much that he would even look at the water fountain.

However, the Dream Team did not even invite Artest to the training camp lineup.

For this reason, Artest once took the initiative to call the national team manager Colangelo and only said: "Hello, I am Charity. World Peace."

Then the person on the other end hung up the phone directly.

Although he averaged 12.4 points per game this season, he ended the embarrassment of averaging single-digit points per game for two consecutive seasons.

But did the Lakers want him here to score? He was asked to defend!

Zitai's defensive performance this season is still very good.

The slow-motion and stiffness of his steps is the biggest problem with Tai Tai now.

However, these days, Zitai's three-point shooting rate in the training field has been much higher, and he also works very hard on defense in practice games.

Nao Nai is willing to believe in Artest. After all, he is the man who once helped him score key three-pointers and helped him complete tip-in shots.

For this kind of teammate, Naochi has always been very trusting.

Zitai also wants to give it one last try, because he knows that this is likely to be his last year playing on a championship team.

In his current state, it will be difficult for him to receive a contract from a championship team.

So, let’s seize the last tail of youth and let Brother Wei love us again!

On February 22, after the All-Star Game, the first game between the Trail Blazers and the Lakers started at the Staples Center in Los Angeles.

Because Sharapova was pregnant, she did not go to this away game with Wayne. Instead, she took her daughter to watch the live TV broadcast at home.

When the live camera showed Artest, his youngest daughter jumped up excitedly: "Look, it's Uncle Gray Tailang! He's so gray!"


We agreed to raise our daughter to be a lady, but how did she gradually become more and more amused?

Today, Tony is ready to warm up. But we have to wait a few more days for the next game.

Although from Tony's point of view, a few days in advance would not affect anything.

But for safety reasons, the team doctor still asked Tony to take another break today.

Although everyone on the Internet is making fun of them, Tony and Matthews are typical representatives who are not terrible at winning, but who is missing the other is embarrassed.

But in fact, during their absence, the Blazers' winning rate dropped visibly.

When the lineup was complete, they started with a 26-game winning streak, and since they were injured, the Trail Blazers have lost 4 games. The contrast is still obvious.

It's just that the Blazers are still very dominant even after losing 4 games, so it gives people the illusion that they are the same with or without Tony.

Therefore, for such an important member, the team doctor dare not slack off.

This game without Tony would be quite difficult.

Before the game started, Naochi looked serious and did not take the initiative to say hello to anyone from the Trail Blazers.

Even Garnett and Wayne did not come up to chat with them.

Facing a key opponent in a key battle, Naochi doesn't want to act like he's just getting together with good friends.

He liked this sense of tense crisis.

Howard looked unhappy and was forced to open the business.

Fortunately, Master Huo is still very motivated to defeat the Trail Blazers.

On the Trail Blazers side, Wayne and Hardy have both had physical conflicts with Beasts.

Therefore, Howard also plans to perform well today.

For the Lakers, the starting five are Nash, Kobe Bryant, Gray Wolf, Earl Clark and Master Huo.

For the Trail Blazers, since Tony did not return, Thompson and Green are still the starting partners on the wings.

When Atang saw Nao Nai, he felt psychologically shadowed.

Although he has been in the starting lineup for a while, Tom has proven his strength with outstanding performance.

But facing a scumbag who had hurt him before, Atang still felt a little frightened.

If you don't love, please don't hurt.

At the beginning of the game, Master Huo used all his strength to jump up and win the ball from Brother Wei's head.

Needless to say, Master Huo, who has no back injury, is still top-notch in athletic ability.

After getting the basketball, Lao Na slowly advanced, while Nao Chi was looking for opportunities to attack without the ball.

But Nash had just controlled the ball for half the court, and Howard raised his hand directly from the high post to ask for the ball!

"Wave, wave, give me wave!"

Nash glanced at Nagging, then looked at Howard.

With a helpless expression, Lao Na finally handed the ball to Master Huo.

Master Huo doesn't want to just be a senior blue-collar worker today, he doesn't want to lose to Wayne!

At this time, it was not Wayne who was defending Howard, but Gasso.

Howard held the ball near the left sideline and was confident in this attack.

The reason why he dared to ask for the ball in the high post was because he was sure that he could easily break through Gasuo.

"Dwight, give the ball!" Kobe stood behind Howard and shouted at him.

But Howard ignored it.

Give the ball?

Why do you order me?

I saw Master Huo turning his back and dribbling to prepare for a breakthrough. Gasol really failed to keep up with Howard.

But Howard had just taken a step forward when he heard the referee's whistle.

Howard thought it was Gasol who fouled, but the referee shouted: "The Lakers are out of bounds, the Trail Blazers have the ball!"

"Ah!?" Master Huo looked confused, out of bounds?

After looking up at the playback on the big screen, Master Huo realized.

It turns out that when I just broke through, my left foot stepped out of bounds.

"Pfft!" At this time, Finson on the bench almost couldn't help laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Howard asked angrily.

"No, no, I'm just kidding myself. If my dribbling was one-tenth as good as yours, I'd be damned." Finsen responded with a smile.

Kobe opened his mouth wide in surprise and covered his head. You have to concentrate on this operation of yours. The full score is 10 points. This dribbling can get 100 points!

Just looking at Kobe's expression, I thought Howard had completed a wonderful flying dunk.

At that moment, he really felt that he might as well just let it go and beg.

Tell me how you can lead this team! ?

When Kobe Bryant and Kwame Brown were working together, even though Brown was making a lot of fools of himself and having all kinds of tricks, he even took the initiative to tell Kobe Bryant not to pass the ball to me.

But at least it won't happen like dribbling with one foot out of bounds!

Beast beast, I was wrong, please forgive me, please!

Howard returned to defense awkwardly. He was really over the top just now. He was too showy and wanted to score, so he didn't pay that much attention.

Wayne was also dumbfounded. He suddenly felt that he had thought too much of his opponent.

With this kind of opponent, how did we lose last time?

The Blazers switched from defense to offense. After Howard's amazing dribbling just now, he naturally didn't want to make consecutive mistakes.

Therefore, stick to Wayne very tightly and not give Wayne any chance to easily catch the ball.

Needless to say, the one who is best at defending Wayne alone is my big monster.

Seeing this situation, the primary school students were ready to cooperate with Atang.

So, he called his sister-in-law to come out to cover, and Tom took the opportunity to seek opportunities by running without the ball.

Finally, Curry made a breakthrough pass, and the target of the pass was Thompson.

But just when the basketball was about to fly into Thompson's hands, Kobe's little hand suddenly came out and intercepted the basketball!

"Beautiful steal, this is simply top-notch prediction!"

The entire Staples Center came alive, and the embarrassing atmosphere just after Master Huo made a dribbling error was gone.

Don't lie to me. He can really judge the situation after three or five steps.

This ball was able to complete the steal simply because Naochi's ability to predict was too strong.

Of course, at the age of 35, running with Thompson for the entire half is not something that everyone can do.

The Splash Brothers' tricks were easily resolved by Lao Nao, but fortunately the Blazers retreated very quickly, which prevented the Lakers from counterattacking.

Seeing that there was no chance to counterattack, Naochi did not waste his energy, but slowly pushed the ball through the half court.

Tom is ready. The goal he set for himself today is...not to let Kobe Bryant score more than 30 points!

Then why are you laughing? Do you think it is easy to limit the score of this chattering to less than 30?

Nacha did not fight with Thompson, but waved his hand and asked Earl Clark to come out to cover for him.

Earl Clark was not a particularly well-known player before this season.

When he played for the Magic the previous season, he averaged only 2.7 points per game.

But this season, when the Lakers were full of injuries, Clark, who got the chance to start, seized his destiny.

He had some good games and earned a starting spot.

Clark has flexible steps, can cut and shoot, has a three-point shooting percentage of 33.7%, and is active in defense. He is considered a typical modern power forward.

Nachi likes to play pick-and-rolls with Clark. As long as he moves people outside the three-point line, Nachi will basically not encounter any obstacles.

However, this time, when Nachi used Clark's screen to break through, Wayne immediately switched to defense and blocked Kobe's breakthrough route!

As soon as he came up, Kobe got a one-on-one opportunity with Wayne!

All the fans cheered, and after a moment of hesitation, the ball was not passed to Clark.

One-on-one, one-on-one!

The final peak showdown between Wayne and Najia began like this.

Najia didn't make too many fancy moves. He directly turned his back and leaned against Wayne with the ball, and then sat in step by step.

Wayne did not dare to put his center of gravity too far forward. He was afraid that Naoji would catch his center of gravity and then turn around and break through.

At this moment, Kobe suddenly shook his shoulder to the left, then quickly turned to the right and shot a fadeaway jumper!

Kobe's movements are still so picturesque, but this ball did not fool Wayne.

Wayne jumped up hard, stretched out his long arms, and covered Kobe's ball with his whole hand.

Seeing this situation, Howard was ready to grab the board for a second attack.

As a result, because the angle of Nacha's back was too high, Wayne was unable to cover the ball and could only watch the basketball flying past his fingertips towards the basket.

Wayne immediately turned around and prepared to rush back to protect the rebound.

Although this shot was not blocked, it was seriously interfered with and it was impossible for him to make the shot.

"Brush!" Kobe challenged Wayne for the first time in this game and successfully scored!

"I'll wipe it!" Wayne was shocked, this interference can still come in! ?

After the goal, Chatter couldn't help laughing. He compared his right hand to a pistol, aimed at Wayne, and made a "biubiu" sound with his mouth.

Not only is this celebration not domineering, it's even a little silly.

But Wayne knew that Master Huo's mistake was just a minor incident. Today, chatter will not let the Trail Blazers walk out of Staples easily.

Howard: Yeah, I'm just here to be funny.

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