I am Really an Insider

Chapter 645 642: Nagging: You can dig in, but if you can’t fill it, I lose (5K votes requested)

Naochi challenged Wayne for the first time in this game and successfully scored the ball.

The Black Mamba in the 12-13 season really lived up to his reputation.

To be honest, if the Lakers don't engage in palace fighting and work together to run the team, they will still have a chance to compete for the championship even in their twilight years.

If Wayne remembers correctly, the first group of shooting guards in the 12-13 season was still nagging.

To put it bluntly, he is still the strongest shooting guard in the league, bar none.

The entire league can count on one hand the number of defenders who can score when Wayne is out of position.

For a moment, Wayne felt as if he had gone back a few years ago, back to the days when he and Naochi were exchanging match-fixing matches.

After scoring the goal, Naochi clapped his hands and called on everyone to defend seriously.

He himself is quite serious, but no matter how powerful the nagging is, he can't defend one against the other.

In this offense, Wayne acted as a pivot in the high post, while Thompson and Curry ran around Wayne's pivot without the ball to seek opportunities.

Kobe kept pestering Thompson, even pulling and pulling him without mercy.

Thompson almost cried: "I'm just a child!"

Although Najia is no longer a first-defense defender, his defense is still above average.

Nacha locked up Thompson, but Nash had a hard time guarding primary school students.

Curry's sudden move has already made him uncomfortable enough.

As a result, Gasol went up and set up an off-ball screen for Curry.

Nash couldn't squeeze past this block.

The elementary school student easily ran to the right side of the three-point line, received a pass from Wayne, and took an open shot.

The three-pointer was hit, and the Blazers' tactics were executed very successfully.

When Nachai had to use difficult one-on-ones to resolve the game, Wayne could help the team overtake just by being a pivot.

Normally, Howard and others can help Nash wipe his butt.

But today, when both Kobe and Warcraft have heavier defensive tasks and are unable to do anything, Nash's shortcomings on the defensive end have been infinitely magnified.

There is a reason why the Lakers' performance is so poor.

There are many flaws in this team, and these are not problems that Kobe can solve.

In the subsequent rounds, although Nao Nai was still scoring goals, Curry was significantly more efficient.

Wayne didn't fight with Howard today, but went crazy to play for Curry.

My mentality is shattered. I'm so old, and you actually do such a thing to me that's worse than an animal!

It’s really just the boys in Nancun who bullied me into being old and helpless, and openly carried me into a bamboo... uh...

Halfway through the first quarter, Curry, who was so excited, didn't even want Wayne to help with the ball, and just held the ball and beat him alone.

Curry made three consecutive quick changes of direction outside the three-point line, completely messing up Nash's center of gravity.

Taking advantage of the opportunity before Lao Na could adjust his center of gravity, the primary school student accelerated and rushed directly into the inside lane.

Because Howard and Clark had already been separated at this time, there was no one in the penalty area.

Ever since, the primary school student hugged the basketball tightly with both hands, then jumped up suddenly and performed a hard dunk with both hands!

Although the ball went in, the kick was barely noticeable to the naked eye.

Just hard buckle.

Moreover, because he just stretched his arms to barely hang his body, his arms did not make any forceful movements to hit the frame.

Therefore, this dunk looked soft and not entertaining at all.

But the primary school student didn't think so. After landing, he roared crazily and beat his chest vigorously.

At that moment, he felt like he was dunking like Carter!

Curry's dunk is just like Huang Chocolate's dribbling - both are because he thinks he is handsome.

Please, show Jay Chou a video of yourself playing!

Elementary school student? The elementary school student watched the video of himself dunking and still thought he was cool and handsome!

The elementary school student raised his hand and was about to high-five Wayne, but Wayne pretended not to notice and quickly turned away.

You're such a complete piece of shit, you can still bully me.

Mustache D'Antoni couldn't stand it anymore, so he finally replaced him with Blake, the old Trail Blazers player.

Although Blake is not good at defense, at least he is not like Lao Na, who is about to give it away for free.

After Blake came on the court, Curry's free-will scoring momentum was finally suppressed.

After the first quarter, Wayne felt like he had done nothing but only sent out 4 assists.

The primary school students shined, scoring 12 points in a single quarter, which embarrassed the Lakers.

After the first quarter, the Lakers were already 8 points behind the Trail Blazers.

At this time, the Lakers section of a certain poker forum was full of posts like this: Boss did his best, teammate Xibby.

Although at the beginning of the game, Naochi gave Wayne a kick.

But overall, the game was still easier than Wayne imagined.

The last time they lost to the Lakers, not only the Lakers themselves performed extremely well, but also because the Trail Blazers also had some problems with their own state.

Today, it is obvious that Curry and others are in good condition, at least they can perform normally.

If we keep fighting like this, victory shouldn't be a problem.

On the other side, Naochi had an expressionless face. Although he almost fell behind by double digits in the first quarter, he didn't panic at all.

Not only did he not panic, he even flirted with his wife who was watching the game at the scene.

At that time, Nao Nai, who was sitting on the bench, accidentally looked at Vanessa who was sitting in the first row of the stands opposite.

So, Naochi licked his lips, then raised his eyebrows at his wife, pouted his lips and kissed her from a distance.

The corner of Vanessa's mouth twitched across from her, but she still blew two kisses back in a dignified manner, causing the two daughters next to her to laugh.

Well, Nao Nai had no idea that his shady behavior had been captured and evidenced by the pervasive on-site cameras.

Howard looked at Kobe's caricature on the big screen and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

I didn't expect that Kobe, who is usually serious, turned out to be the same as Wayne and the others!

If you go to the Trail Blazers' funny team, it's a perfect match!

No wonder he has such a good relationship with Wayne.

According to Kobe's character, trailing by 8 points in a single quarter, it stands to reason that he is in no mood to joke now.


This horse riding was all forced out!

So far this season, Kobe has become accustomed to his teammates digging holes in the first three quarters and filling holes in the fourth quarter.

Isn't it just an 8-point deficit in a single quarter? The heroes of the Lakers have already shown mercy today.

Kobe has filled in bigger pitfalls than this.

Therefore, Nao Nai has long been accustomed to being left behind.

Stubborn personality?

Personality has been smoothed away by the beatings of society.

Regarding things like lagging behind in the first quarter, Naochi is already a Buddhist.

Instead of getting angry, it's better to flirt with your wife and lighten your mood.

But not being angry doesn't mean that Nao Chai will give up the game.

His nerves were still tense.

In the second quarter of the game, the situation was similar to the first quarter.

The primary school students walked my old man every day and beat him until he wanted to retire.

Facts have proven countless times that a team without defense cannot win the championship.

But even so, the Lakers still invited D'Antoni to coach.

The Lakers management is really giving up their face just for Gong Dou.

And Lao Na is precisely the weakest link on the defensive end.

When encountering a team with strong offensive power at the first position, the Lakers often have a hard time playing.

After the second quarter, the Lakers trailed by 12 points.

If we continue to play, we will lose in the third quarter, and if we lose in the fourth quarter, there will be no one left.

But Naochi remained unhurried, this was all a small scene.

You guys are in very average condition today. We were only 12 points behind after half the game. It's not like your style.

You guys are working hard, I can still hold on.

In the third quarter, Wayne started to exert his strength and prepared to take away the game.

However, Master Huo's defense against Wayne today was impeccable and did not allow Wayne to explode.

The key is that Wayne repeatedly attacked the basket and was roughly knocked down by Master Huo, and the referee did not call a foul.

The joke is that he is determined to fight with Wayne to the end.

On the contrary, Nacha scored a few picturesque and wonderful goals at the end of the third quarter, narrowing the point difference to 9 points.

However, although the Lakers narrowed the point difference to single digits, not many people were still optimistic about winning the game.

The reason is simple, the Lakers were suppressed almost the entire game!

From the beginning of the first quarter to now, the Lakers have never taken the lead and have been chasing points throughout the game.

It seems that as long as the Blazers are willing to work hard, they can win the game immediately.

But is this really the case?

It is not difficult to tell from Wayne's serious expression that this game is not as easy as it seems on the surface.

If this game is compared to a fighting match.

The Lakers were basically being beaten the whole time, but no matter how hard you beat, you couldn't KO him.

Moreover, you can feel that he has not started to exert force yet, as if he is waiting for the last round, and when you are exhausted, he will suddenly burst out with a wave of attacks.

Therefore, before the start of the fourth quarter, Wayne reminded everyone to stay vigilant.

"Don't worry, Brother Wei, don't worry, I must be the most vigilant person." Stephenson, who had already started signing autographs for fans, replied.

On the Lakers side, after D'Antoni laid out the tactics, Kobe stood up and clapped his hands.

"Have you had enough trouble? What's the result? We are still nearly 10 points behind."

Although Kobe's words were not directed at anyone, everyone knew very well that he was shouting at Howard.

Although Master Huo defended well today, he basically made a mess on the offensive end.

"So, if you still want to win, in the fourth quarter, you'd better play at my pace. Now that I've finished speaking, who agrees and who disagrees?"

Kobe looked around at his teammates and found that no one was chewing.

At the same time, the electronic buzzer finally sounded.

Najia put away the indifferent expression in the first three quarters, picked up the hoe and prepared to fill the hole!

"At the beginning of the fourth quarter, if the Lakers still want to have a turn in the game today, they must get closer to the score as soon as possible.

We see that Kobe is in control of the ball now, and the Lakers did not let Nash start in the fourth quarter! "

In the fourth quarter, the Lakers' decisive lineup replaced Nash with Kobe's substitute Judy Meeks.

As for Meeks, his explosive scoring power is indeed very strong.

Even though he averages less than 10 points per game this season, there are still high-scoring games.

He has done everything like scoring 20 points in a single quarter.

This guy actually had the ability to develop into a quality sixth man for a time, until injuries ruined him.

When the Lakers put on this lineup now, they need the strongest scoring explosive power.

Wayne was ready to help defend Kobe who was in possession of the ball.

Kobe used continuous shaking to find a breakthrough gap, surpassed Thompson by half a body and then made a mid-range pull-up jumper.

Wayne just rushed forward to help defend, but Kobe changed his shot into a pass in the air and passed the ball to Howard under the basket!

"I'll rub it!" Wayne was shocked. Kobe actually chose to pass the ball like this?

Howard easily dunked under the basket, and the Lakers narrowed the point difference to 7 points!

"Beautiful assist from the connection between Kobe and Howard.

The point difference is only 7 points, and the Lakers still have a chance! "

Well, this season's Nao Zai is indeed averaging 6 assists per game.

In the words of Director Zhang: Kobe’s shot is really reasonable!

After that, Wayne once again made a pivot pass to Curry.

But Curry didn't get a good chance under Meeks' pressure.

Meeks, like Blake, is not a defensive powerhouse, but his defense is naturally much better than Nash.

In the end, the elementary school student took a three-point shot against Meeks, but the basketball missed.

Howard grabbed the rebound and handed the ball to Kobe. The Lakers still had a chance to close the score!

This time, as soon as Kobe approached the three-point line, he passed the ball to Meeks.

Meeks had just gotten rid of Curry through an off-ball screen without even realizing it, and ran to the left corner.

He caught the ball and shot without hesitation.

The basketball jumped into the net and Meeks hit a three-pointer! In a blink of an eye, the difference between the two teams was only 4 points!

Kobe used two consecutive assists to close the gap. Can you believe it?

This is the biggest difference between Kobe Bryant in the 12-13 season and Kobe Bryant in other seasons. He passes the ball when he should pass the ball and beeps when he should be alone.

After the goal was scored, the hole was filled immediately.

Wayne knew he had to step up and stabilize the situation now.

He doesn't want to be the backdrop for another Kobe Bryant comeback.

In this attack, Wayne used continuous shaking to break through the Warcraft and penetrate into the penalty area, and then stopped and shot a jumper from close range.

Howard rushed up without any scruples and slapped Wayne on the forearm.

Because the forearm was patted, the shooting movement changed, so the basketball was ultimately missed.

The Lakers get another chance to attack!

"Oh no, what the hell..." Wayne was so angry that he rushed directly in front of the referee and stretched out his left hand. At that time, he really wanted to take off the referee's eyes.

I'd rather not have the eyes, don't waste them, donate them to those in need!

The referee was frightened and quickly dodged.

Of course, Wayne finally controlled his behavior. He just wanted to vent his dissatisfaction and not really slap the referee's eyes.

Because if you think about it carefully, it's not that the referee has no eyes, but that the joke has no conscience.

Do you think they didn't see this foul play? They just followed the instructions of President Lu Dan and didn't give Wayne the whistle easily.

Wayne was increasingly disgusted by what the joke was doing.

What else is there to start with this game?

For a moment, Wayne really didn't want to play with Lu Dan anymore.

Anyway, I have made enough money and gained honor, so why should I suffer from your cowardice here?

Do you really think I can’t live without you?

Even if I, Gao Dewei, resign naked now, I can still prosper.

Of course, this thought only passed by for a moment. After all, there are still games to play.

After letting the referee go, Wayne quickly retreated.

At this time, Kobe had already reached beyond the three-point line with the ball, made an emergency stop and raised the ball above his head.

Everyone thought he was going to shoot directly, and Green had to run over to cover Kobe.

But the next second, Kobe retracted his arms and passed the ball to the side, leaking it to Artest, who was unguarded on the side.

Yasuko also didn't hesitate and started throwing.

Wayne stared at the basketball and felt a thump in his heart.


"Basketball advances again, and the world is at peace! The Lakers succeeded in three consecutive attacks. Kobe sent wonderful passes in three consecutive rounds, helping the Lakers to an 8-0 wave! Now, they are only 1 point behind the Trail Blazers!"

The lifeless Staples center of gravity regained its vitality, and Carlisle quickly called a timeout.

Artest jumped up with excitement and showed off his biceps to the fans in the air.

However, Artest, who was showing off his muscles now, was no longer as domineering as before, and more playful.

Artest: So I was once domineering? I don’t even know it myself!

Wayne's daughter couldn't help laughing: Uncle Gray Wolf is really stupid.

After discovering that Wayne was staring at him, Artest immediately kept a low profile.

"Awei, you are so cold. I am too old now to bear your caress."

Wayne looked at Tai and shook his head speechlessly.

You said he is useless now, but he can help Kobe occasionally.

You said you should beat him up, but to be honest you are a little reluctant to do so.

The fans cheered for joy. The Lakers' 8-0 run was simply dreamy.

Nao Nai is indeed a diligent pit-filling master, and the working people have stood up since then!

Wayne shook his head and walked off the court, and Carlisle kept emphasizing: "Man-to-man, resolutely implement man-to-man, and don't give the Lakers more performance! Then, give the damn ball to Wayne!"

Carlisle used this ultimate move.

Man-to-man defense means that Kobe will officially take over the game.

In other words, from now until the end of the game, it will be a battle between Wayne and Kobe!

Wayne took a deep breath. He originally wanted to rely on the power of elementary school students to destroy the Lakers.

But fate, it’s like a Korean drama in which the heroine has to suffer from cancer.

Wayne and Kobe had to fall in love with each other.

This battle is destined to be inevitable between the two.

Wayne knows how Kobe Bryant behaves in the fourth quarter this season.

It's easy to get 7 out of 8, 5 out of 5 or something like that.

Facing Howard without a whistle, it was not easy for Wayne to keep up with Kobe's efficiency.

The plot of "Wayne Love Me Again" begins to reach its climax.

That being the case

Then I will love you again!

The game restarted, and both Wayne and Najia were the first to step onto the court.

The two looked at each other, as if there were sparks in their sights.

Then, Najia raised his hand and showed five fingers to Wayne: "I also have five crowns, I'm no worse than you, bastard!"

After finishing speaking, Naochi put on a defensive posture.

Wayne looked at Kobe in a daze.

Can you believe this old man is 35 years old?


Too stubborn.

The first update is here, begging for votes

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