The old man with golden hair was actually very interested in the communication meeting of the "Shashi system" during the "Lantern Festival", but he still didn't get an invitation, so he could only ask around after the meeting.

"Zhang, you know, I'm the best partner..."


"Business partner!"


"So... is there any big business you can introduce? I mean, big business. Very big."

"I'm not sure you'll be interested, Tang."

"I like money very much!"

This time, the old man with golden hair responded to Zhang Haonan in standard Mandarin.

Before letting his son and granddaughter learn Chinese, he learned it first.

In fact, the old man with golden hair has officially confirmed the Chinese name "Donald", and a bracket will be added after the name in public documents.

Just like his old partner Joe Nash now has a Chinese name called "Qiao Aihua", and the main focus is on improving favorability.

"Okay, retail industry."

After taking a sip of Coke, Zhang Haonan and the old man with golden hair both sat on the sofa with their legs crossed. There were many fruit plates on the coffee table, including nuts, dried fruits and fruits.

Because of the custom of the place, the old man is now quite skilled at cracking melon seeds.

While cracking melon seeds, he listened to what Zhang Haonan said.

"You know I have a brand supermarket called 'Shazhou Xinglong'. According to the current plan, there will be about 25 new stores. But in fact, there is also a backup plan. The number of supermarket stores is positively correlated with the population size of the storage center, logistics center and the urban area where the group invests. Therefore, this backup plan will be much more than the actual situation."

"How much more?"

The golden-haired old man who was cracking melon seeds was very curious, "Double?"

The rapid expansion of chain supermarkets requires a very large management team, especially the first-line warehousing and logistics. The golden-haired old man knew that Zhang Haonan just didn't lack this, and he didn't lack goods.

He has visited many county-level cities in the Yangtze River Delta region and was impressed by the richness of the industrial product categories here. If these are his sources of goods, he swears that he can easily kill "Wal-Mart".

Unfortunately, he does not have such resource integration capabilities and his bargaining power is also very weak.

However, "Dear Mr. Siegel" is not like that. He is the "God in charge of wealth". No one will refuse such an invitation from a god.

"Ten times."

"Wang... De... Fa..."

The golden-haired old man stayed there, while Joe Nash was immediately red-hot. At that time, he planned to spend all the money he earned in China.

Fuck the multimillionaires!

He wants to be a billionaire!

However, since Joe Nash named himself "Qiao Aihua", he must have done some research. The boss is present, so this pretentious business must be done by the boss.

The opportunity, of course, must be given to the boss first.

The meat, must be eaten by the boss first!

"Ten times?!"


"Two hundred and fifty stores?!"


"Zhang, do you know how big that is? That would be..."

Seeing Zhang Haonan's smile, the golden-haired old man calmed down immediately, and then handed over a handful of walnut-flavored melon seeds, "Zhang, this tastes great! Very, very great! Do you need my help to peel the melon seeds?"


"Zhang, you should have done that a long time ago! You have so many high-quality sources of goods, and a great team! You have a good relationship with the government! The bank is your servant! Of course you can open two hundred and fifty stores directly! No, two thousand five hundred stores is the level you should have!"

"This supermarket chain will be listed."

"Of course it should be listed! I wonder if I have the honor?"

In fact, the golden-haired old man would rather invest in "Shashi Group" or "Zijin Technology" or "Jinqiao Computer"...

But that is too difficult and cannot be done.

It is not so easy to get shares of high-quality assets.

In fact, Zhang Haonan failed to "sell" "Zijin Technology" because basically "there is no share for the leeks". All parties have no intention of giving up such a high-quality meal.

Let alone "Zijin Technology", the provincial government compound is not even happy with "Jinqiao Computer", and is only willing to split the service department of "Jinqiao Computer" before listing.

This also led to Zhang Haonan continuing to helm the ship. As for the sale of "Rural Supply and Marketing Cooperative", it is even more distant.

In order to retire at the age of 30, Boss Zhang had to do something, such as getting rid of some "non-performing assets".

"Shazhou Xinglong", "Shaji Chain", "Katyusha"... choose one of the three.

However, "Katyusha" is too closely tied to universities at this stage, and the campus "drink station" has basically become a great place for "work-study". If Zhang Haonan dumps "Katyusha", the Ministry of Education and universities will be very upset.

The total number of "work-study" positions provided is not large, but the rotation effect is very good. It can be used in the first, second, third and fourth years of college. Just like a relay baton, the seniors leave and the juniors come. The small red flags, advanced employees, certificates, trophies, group photos, event commemorations... form a unique campus cultural heritage.

Some "Katyusha" stores are completely forced by local colleges and universities, and of course there is also the reaction of the Internet culture of "Panda Continent" to reality.

The three words "Brother Haonan" are not light.

It can even be said that in the hearts of college animals, "Brother Haonan" is much more important than "God of Wealth".

And this objectively prompted Zhang Haonan to become a tool man for many local colleges and universities.

Can "Katyusha" be listed?


But it can only be "Brother Haonan's" Katyusha.

How to say it, it feels like playing a very large-scale group play across the country.

"Brother Haonan" himself has to do this, after all, it is very necessary to deceive the animals to work for him to create wealth.

Among the few choices of Zhang Haonan who "can't help himself in the rivers and lakes", the three words "Brother Haonan" are one of them.

Therefore, "Katyusha" is completely inappropriate.

Even if the reason for doing "Katyusha" in the first place was just to coax the concubine to play.

Zhao Feiyan herself used "Katyusha" as a reward prop.

Unfortunately, things are unpredictable, and the development of the times is so subtle.

And the "Shaji Chain" is too small to consume a part of agricultural and sideline products, and cannot bear the terminal sales of a large number of industrial products.

This is why it can only be the "Shazhou Xinglong" chain supermarket.

At this time, there are many competitors, central enterprises, state-owned enterprises, foreign enterprises, joint ventures and other chain supermarkets, everywhere, and capital is willing to test the waters.

However, there is no one with absolute advantage. Instead, "home appliance hypermarkets" have obvious brand advantages and have formed large chain stores in multiple regions or even nationwide.

It is precisely because supermarkets are in a "world of great competition" that whoever can show off their unique skills can survive.

The advantage of "Shazhou Xinglong" lies in the fact that it is backed by the "Shashi system" and has no rivals in the purchase of agricultural and sideline products.

It can compete in any kind of characteristics, such as original ecology, organic, no pesticide residue, fresh, instant, local... any concept can be used.

There is no need to think about the cost. Except for beef and mutton, it is the lowest in the country. Central enterprises cannot compete with "Shazhou Xinglong" in cost. After all, in the most extreme case, "Shazhou Xinglong" can directly clear inventory at the local price.

For example, the current price of Chinese cabbage is 240 yuan per ton on average. "Shazhou Xinglong" has goods that cost 180 yuan or even 150 yuan per ton, and the quality is equally good.

The key is that it does not hurt ordinary farmers, because in addition to the "rural supply and marketing cooperatives" itself, there are also normal "Shashi Group" internal planting fields.

It is the same as the group's own rice fields in Andong County.

It's just that it was an internal welfare of the enterprise before, and now it has become a product on the fresh food shelves of "Shazhou Xinglong".

The provincial government compound is aware of these advantages, and the Jiankang Municipal Government has also persuaded Zhang Haonan several times to let him set up a chain supermarket.

The state-owned companies in the province are eager to see it, but Boss Zhang is too lazy. He just set up a "Shazhou Xinglong" in Shacheng and didn't move.

The "Shazhou Xinglong" supermarket is still for the convenience of local employees to swipe shopping cards...

This time it has to be done. If it is not done again, when will it be possible to get out?

At this moment, the golden-haired old man wants to make a lot of money and enjoy the development dividends after the great development of basic construction. Other ways are not very convenient. A chain supermarket is still no problem.

He is just a shareholder and does not participate in management.

Of course, after listening to Zhang Haonan's introduction like a primary school student, the golden-haired old man has planned to take "Shazhou Xinglong" back to North America to compete with "Walmart".

The golden-haired old man thinks there is a chance.

The prices of industrial products here are surprisingly low. The old man with golden hair feels that this is picking up money.

Why should "Walmart" pick up the money?

He can pick up the money, too.

He can bend down, not to mention him, even the owner of the Kremlin, "Valodia", can bend down.

The old man with golden hair, who was chatting excitedly, praised Zhang Haonan and said that people like "the great Mr. Siegel" should expand their great cause to the whole world.

Go to Mozge, go to Berlin, go to Paris, go to London...

Great, no need to say more.

"By the way, Tang, Alyosha is in Paris these days?"

"You know, Baghdad."

The old man with golden hair didn't know much about "Valodia" leading a team to visit Frank, but obviously not a little.

Anyway, Washington is determined to kill the current government of the Republic of Babylonia. Last year, everyone was still mediating. Frank's efforts have become an internal joke of "Ou Meng" because of Great Britain's "defection".

However, Frank is not the weakest.

The internal European remarks made by Britain regarding the survival of the current government of the Republic of Babylonia deeply stimulated the entire "European Meng".

Then, Frank and Germany had a disagreement, because Germany was convinced that this was unstoppable, and it was better to "follow destiny" than to resist stubbornly.

The whole of Germany was full of the style of "the water is too cold", but "Valodia" made a classic spineless statement in Paris during his visit to Frank two days before the "Lantern Festival".

"Valodia" called for not to regard the different attitudes shown by some European countries on the issue of the Republic of Babylonia as a tragedy.

In an interview, he said: There is no harm in arguing with different views and opinions.

Even Frank felt that this dwarf was too dog-licking.

Compared with his determination to do his part to encircle and intercept a certain big country in the East at the "7+1" meeting, "Valodia" was inexplicably soft at this time.

However, all this actually has an underlying logic.

For "Valodia", fighting in the Middle East... is not a bad thing.

At least the oil price can go up.

At the same time, the reason for the disagreement between Deutschland and Frank is also very simple. He wants to sign a big contract with Berlin, a very big one.

"Perhaps we can make an appointment with Alyosha and ask him to invest in the retail industry."

"What a good idea. It happens that he has his own supermarket in Mozger. We can develop the market in Eastern Europe together..."

The excited golden-haired old man felt that in a few years, any bullshit "Sam's Club" would become "Donald's Club".

Be bigger and stronger and create greater glory!

There is "Almighty Mr. Siegel", why can't he be the richest man?

This transaction, after the profits from the previous stud come back, he must do it again.

There wasn't even the slightest hesitation.


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