I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 758 He can’t say for sure

Liu Chen guessed that Zhang Haonan was holding back some tricks, because Zhang Zhiqin was in Leizhou, Zhang Haodong was about to go to Leizhou, and the young people from the Chen family who came to Liangjiang Province to learn technology had passed the job technical certification of "Shazhou Logistics", and now they all followed "Brother Dong" back to their hometown.

Something big will happen.

But I don't know what will happen.

"Mr. Wei, persuade Zhang Haonan, it will be March soon, and he will go to Beijing for a meeting. I have also asked the province, there is no news, and there should be no communication."

Although Liu Chen is a scholar-bureaucrat, Liu is not a "great scholar" who is obsessed with theory and cannot extricate himself. He has been a "clear soup master", which is somewhat different.

Liu Chen's investigation in Jiangyou Province not only went deep into the grassroots conflicts, but also more clearly realized the importance of stability.

He believes that stability is by no means a self-relaxation of bureaucrats to save administrative costs, but an economic necessity.

"I'm not very comfortable talking recently."

Faced with Liu Chen's request, Wei Gang was very embarrassed. He hesitated for a long time and said such nonsense.

"Ah? Why?"


After pondering for a while, the bald old man drank tea to hide his embarrassment and whispered, "I went to Jiangbei to do some work to attract investment. Zhongwu, Chuzhou and Yandu introduced a number of projects there, about 600 to 700 million..."


After retirement, this old man "donated love" everywhere, and the farthest he went to was the Western Regions, all of which were over 100 million projects. The province focused on helping Zhongwu City. In addition to industry and agriculture, there are also science, education, culture and health. The total investment scale is not a problem to create another county.

From a personal principle, he is indeed a "warrior" who can stand the test.

However, this "warrior" is thick-skinned. Now he habitually begs for alms from local dogs, which is completely different from the past when he went to Songjiang to defraud at any time.

This is a technical decline.

From the third quarter of last year to the beginning of this year, the bald old man was invited by the three cities of Zhongwu, Chuzhou and Yandu to contact entrepreneurs in the surrounding areas to invest in the local area. In the next five years, a total of three major projects and 29 sub-items will be implemented, with a total investment of more than 600 million.

Most of them are all under the name of Zhang Haonan to deceive bosses who are unaware of the truth.

Who among the local bosses would doubt Zhang Haonan and Wei Gang?

Even if they doubted, who would dare to question?

Both the old and the young are tough guys.

After the "incident", Zhang Haonan and Wei Gang argued for more than an hour, and finally the bald old man admitted the debt and said he owed a favor.

This is also one of the reasons why Boss Zhang invested in a float glass production line in Chuzhou.

That is, Wei Gang's principles can stand the test of time. If it were a greedy bureaucrat, the two sides would have fought to the central government, and there would be no result. It would be a mess.

After listening to Wei Gang, Liu Chen was stunned.

No, you retired old thing, how can you still be so troublesome?

However, what Liu Chen didn't know was that he was invited by Xiyu Province to go there again as soon as the spring plowing was over.

On the basis of the past tomato sauce production base, it is necessary to carry out the four-dimensional cooperation of "industry, academia, research and investment" in "ground mechanics", with Qian Xianfeng, a new academician of the Academy of Engineering, endorsing academic technology, and then jointly developing large and super-large agricultural machinery with Xiyu Province.

Small and medium-sized machines are in general demand, but Liangjiang Province has a real need for large-scale field operations due to the rise of the "Shashi Group", and small-scale farming operations have obviously declined in some areas.

For example, in Andong County, now because of the increase in urban industrial and commercial employment, the villages under Wang Xi's previous jurisdiction already have a demand for large-scale farm operations in the field. The working hours, loss and efficiency of small machines are a waste for the "Shashi Group".

The Production Corps happened to have rich experience, so the combination of the two led to the idea of ​​pre-research. However, because the "Shashi System" has "Zijin Technology" and "Wujia Agricultural Machinery", and the marketing and technical reserves made by the previous acquisition of "Pontiac" are non-traditional power sources, the communication and cooperation with the Western Region Province this time is biased towards "hybrid power".

Of course, in the description of the technical path, the main propaganda is that "electric transmission" is the core, abandoning the original mechanical hydraulic transmission.

The reason is also very simple. There is no need to pay a penny of patent fees. If the research and development is successful, a large machine can save more than one million yuan.

The cost of a single machine can save more than one million yuan, which is so exaggerated.

The bald old man was also born in the mud. After he calculated this account, he agreed to the request of the Western Region Province and planned to investigate and see the cost-effectiveness of the original "Soviet model" and then compare the accounts of large farms in North America.

If the annual loss is less than 50 million, Wei Gang intends to persuade the senior officials of Liangjiang Province to cooperate with the Western Region Province.

If the loss is less than 50 million, it is a huge profit; if the loss is 100 million, it is actually possible.

Loss for about ten years is a small problem, because large-scale mechanized operations can recover the investment in two harvests in summer and autumn.

Basically, this is also the characteristic of large-scale equipment production. Loss for ten years, then a year of sudden wealth, and the subsequent model upgrades are minor changes in spare parts, and there will be no large-scale technical updates.

In this regard, Qian Xianfeng has an advantage, because he was originally the vice dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering of Liangjiang University of Technology, and his main focus was equipment design. He switched to "ground mechanics" to cooperate with Zhang Haonan's industrial and commercial resources evaluation of academicians.

The result is that after he formed a research team, he subcontracted hundreds of projects. Qian Xianfeng is now working on the "Large Agricultural Machinery Localization Project". Not counting those who defected, there are also a lot of doctoral students under his guidance who work overtime for twelve, three, four or five hours a day.

Fortunately, he is also generous and does not play the role of a tyrant. The doctoral students he supervises are generally good. There is no loss if they delay graduation for five years, because both the establishment and income are stable. They can also get a teaching position at Liangjiang University of Technology, and even be directly recommended to be local officials.

Wei Gang and Qian Xianfeng "colluded with each other" and kidnapped more than a hundred front-line scientific researchers from Xiyu Province. Technical workers can pack at least 3,000 to 10,000.

The cost is not low. If 10,000 technical workers are packed, 800 million yuan will be needed. The bald old man can also get them from the province or Suzhou with gritted teeth, but there are other risks here, and he has to "sue" many units.

The version is different, and he doesn't want to make trouble for the "leader", so he just stops at that.

But because the top leaders of the Western Regions have tasted the sweetness, tomato sauce has become a hit in recent years through the "Shashi Group", but most of these hits are from the Corps and have little to do with the Western Regions, so the current increase is all from the cultivation and promotion within the Western Regions.

It is not that they have not thought about bypassing the "Shashi Group" to become bigger and stronger, but unfortunately the profit is much worse.

The reason is that the production cost of the Western Regions is too high. In the futures market of the Netherlands, the difference between the buying price per ton and the production cost of the Western Regions is about 40 US dollars.

In other words, if the volume cannot be increased and there are no big contracts, hundreds of tons of freight will lose tens of thousands of US dollars, and it is impossible to do it.

This involves production and processing, packaging and transportation, cold chain storage and sea transportation. Finding international buyers is just a trivial part.

Therefore, the Western Regions mainly earns domestic soft sister RMB, but among domestic buyers, the one with real potential is "Katyusha" of the "Shashi system".

The bald old man went to the Western Regions after the spring plowing to report the future development plan of "Katyusha".

How could this not make the top leaders of the Western Region Province welcome him?

However, to do this, they still have to act according to the mood of the "God of Wealth".

Zhang Haonan is not going to the Western Region to eat raisins or something, so even if he wants to flatter him, he really doesn't have the opportunity.

It's better to strengthen cooperation with the bald old man.

In addition, the old comrade is indeed energetic, and the Western Region Province has considerations other than the economic level. It hopes to do some talent exchanges between the east and the west through the bald old man.

These things are done secretly. It's nothing to say about small business, but if you say big business, it will be a rush of all kinds of jackals and tigers.

So after the quarrel with Zhang Haonan, the bald old man still kept a low profile. Today's exchange with Liu Chen was the first time he had a bottom line.

"Mr. Wei, your business is a bit big."

At this moment, Liu Chen didn't care what happened in Lingxi Province. If he had the time, he might as well go to the entire "Liangjiang Industrial Park" in the Western Region.

The Corps and the tomato sauce of the Western Region Province can all be dealt with.

"No matter how big it is, it still depends on people's mood?"

Wei Gang took out a pack of cigarettes and gave Liu Chen one, then took out a shiny silver lighter and lit it for Liu Chen, then lit one for himself, and then sighed with the cigarette between his legs, "Damn it, eating that Zong Sang's food, do you know how difficult it is?"

"Now he is the outlet, and the province also knows that he plans to sell all of "Zijin Technology" and "Jinqiao Computer". Several meetings have been held, and they are afraid that someone will not be able to resist reaching out. Last year, there were two young people in the Jiankang Military Region who wanted to go to "Zijin Technology" as deputy general managers of administration. They were blinded by Yu Xiaolong for more than half a year, and their eyesight was restored in November."

"The key is still the "Rural Supply and Marketing Cooperatives", originally 30 billion, 80 billion right now, 100 billion by the end of the year, and 150 billion next year. "

Shaking his head, Wei Gang didn't know how to evaluate this monster. You know, the "Rural Supply and Marketing Cooperative" is now expanding wildly without any major mistakes. There are two main reasons: one is that Zhang Haonan is indeed doing a good business. The output of the fields is not worried about selling, and there are basically no crude processed products. They are either deep processed or high value-added retail; the second is that in order to "get rid of the burden", some of the leaders in charge of the province had some bad intentions and wanted to throw some farmers as "burdens" to the big capitalist Zhang Haonan to "digest". As a result, who would have thought that by mistake, a super political achievement project was made on the old political achievement project.

The radiation area has broken through the Yangtze River Delta and started to spread to East China, and there are sporadic cooperation points in Northeast China and Lingnan.

For example, the "Rural Supply and Marketing Cooperative" in Leizhou started from the Chen family and then spread to the "Chen clan". Now fruit planting, fruit improvement, and fruit processing can support the cooperative production team. If the "Shashi Group" had not had a general relationship with the provincial government compound in Lingnan Province, according to the promotion scale of Liangjiang Province, the influence would be terrifying.

Why is Zhou Chuji, the deputy mayor of Leizhou City, so concerned?

Because this thing objectively disintegrated part of the clan power, allowing the overall administrative department of the prefecture-level city to sink to the countryside.

This is also the reason why Zhou Chuji was able to become a regular employee smoothly, and some bad things were "forgiven". The provincial government compound in Yangcheng certainly hopes that the poor brothers in the province can be quiet.

Be a handsome guy, not a hairy guy.

"That Zong Sang told me that he will retire at the age of thirty no matter what. I'm calling him a bitch. You should also pay attention in the province. At the critical moment, you can't be swayed by a little money. Don't be a hundred billion taels. One hundred billion means one trillion or two trillion. Don’t talk about it in the province. If you want to talk about it, go to the central government to talk about it. Whoever can help, this person may not be the one who ordered it, most likely he will be an ugly bastard..."

"Don't worry, it's all taken care of."

Liu Chen flicked the ashes of his cigarette and said with emotion when talking about this matter, "Now I know that there are too many people who are willing to hawk. Some bastards even attracted foreigners to support them. There are also people in the capital who echoed the news. Just a few days ago, 'Luida' The people from Fu' were having dinner in the capital. They were originally discussing the establishment of independent foreign-funded companies. Halfway through the meal, they asked about the listing of the "Rural Supply and Marketing Cooperative". The embassy came to accompany them and said it was worth 12 billion. ”


"What a fucking euro."

"Ha, the foreign devils just think well."

"A few people even say 'beautiful girls get married first', which really makes them uncomfortable."

After that, Liu Chen poured some tea, and Wei Gang took a sip, and then said, "This time, the central government made another small exchange difference in Europe. If there is another war, a lot of money will be wasted. It means that That is to say, I have used some foreign exchange reversal to invest. With this merit, I will definitely need some compensation. This compensation is always how much. I am retired, and my opportunities and means are limited. It depends on you. If you have the right vision and the right food, it won’t be a big problem if you make a fortune with him.”

"Now that I'm back to it, I just think his attitude in Lingxi Province is too weird. I now suspect that he is probably going to make a fuss about sugar..."

"It's not like he can conjure candy out of thin air."

"First he told me that he was at war with 'Edmund', and if he won, he would get sugar cane."


The bald old man was speechless for a long time and couldn't find anything to say. He took a puff of cigarette with a slightly solemn expression. After a while, he turned sideways and asked Liu Chen, "He hasn't left Shacheng recently. He has been playing with women in the countryside. He should There won't be any messy things, right? Besides, the most influential thing in the world right now is that there may be another war in the Persian Gulf, so it shouldn't have anything to do with him? "

"Mr. Wei, this person...who can say for sure."


Makes sense.

Suddenly he became worried, and the bald old man felt that the evil beast named Zhang might really come up with some new tricks.

He was right about this. At the Huating Hotel in Songjiang, the Trump Group was invited to meet Jean Alfonso, the acting commissioner of "Louis Dreyfus". Unlike the old golden-haired man who was a German country bumpkin, Jean Alfonso was still Grandson of "Prince Napoleon".

This Napoleon is that Napoleon.

Before becoming a member of the International Division of Louis Dreyfus, he was an economic analyst for the family business of Earl Grosvenor.

This Earl Grosvenor was the one who introduced the "Sand City Peace Organization" to the United Nations before. He received a sum of money from Boss Zhang and was quite reliable in his work.

Of course, it may also be that the Earl is a habitual stir-up, making the future of Northeast Africa unstable.

At this moment, Jean Alfonso came to have a cup of coffee with the golden-haired old man, and his purpose was also very simple, that is, "Dear Mr. Siegel" and "Louis Dreyfus" wanted to discuss a business.

Twenty million U.S. dollars or Euros are enough to test the waters first. If the sincerity is there, then Boss Zhang will make "Louis Dreyfus" become the first wholly foreign-owned agricultural trade enterprise in China this year, directly and far ahead of ABC, not just a little bit, but by a lot.

The original best expectation of the "Louis Dreyfus" family was to complete the matter in three to five years after doing a good job in public relations.

but now……

It’s exciting!

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