I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 759 Do you have this honor?

The golden-haired old man is willing to be a middleman because he is in urgent need of a golden body.

Although America is now suppressing the "EU", the respectable people in old Europe are part of the upper class after crossing the Atlantic. The "Yankees" in the past, present and future are willing to marry the respectable people in old Europe. If they can also get a title, it would be the best.

The golden-haired old man has always wanted to "raise the flag" in his home country, but through normal means, there is basically no chance.

He tried to contact the most conservative and purest "foreskin people" in New York, but in the end he got nothing. He was also ridiculed by Gerald, whom he visited a while ago.

And this Gerald is President Ford.

So if there is no suitable channel, the golden-haired old man will have to find a suitable partner through the "Hollywood" platform, and it is likely that it will be a "foreskin person".

With his strength and level, he can only contact "foreskin people" and then seek to rise.

Now, fate has played a little joke.

Jean Alfonso is a young man, but he makes the golden-haired old man very restrained. On the contrary, the old man Joe Nash is much calmer. He certainly knows what his boss is anxious about, but this is China, so he should relax.

"Thank you very much for your help, Mr. Trump. We have always attached great importance to our business in China. Thank you very much for providing us with this opportunity..."

"Just call me Donald."

The golden-haired old man smiled happily. The man in front of him is the grandson of "Prince Napoleon"!

"I wonder if I will have the honor to have a cup of coffee with the respected Mr. Siegel as soon as possible?"

Jean Alfonso went straight to the point and omitted the temptation of "Louis Dreyfus" for at least three years. It was so great that he lost his composure.

He knew it would be a deal, and there must be something that "Respected Mr. Siegel" wanted.





The recent business competition between "Edmund" and "Louis Dreyfus" in Southeast Asia is disgusting. Many European food industry giants know that "Edmund" and "SF Group" are fighting each other in Sabah, but the dog-eat-dog situation has escalated into various anti-government armed forces and pirates, which affects everyone's ability to make money together.

So there are many more appeals at the United Nations, which are nothing more than severe crackdowns on "Malacca Pirates" and other nonsense.

Behind this official rhetoric are the demands of interest groups.

After the shouting, they sit down and talk. If they can't reach an agreement, they fight again. After the fight, they talk again. In this way, they pull back and forth, and finally usher in peace (stop) peace (war).

To put it bluntly, under the existing international order framework, what is hidden is still strength.

If you don't have strength, don't talk about legal principles, because the weak are not qualified to ask the strong to abide by the law.

Now the "SF Group" not only has this qualification, but it is also a bit tricky.

The main reason is that the scale of "Shazhou Logistics" has expanded rapidly. Zhang Haonan has acquired a large number of freight forwarders and shipowners in Athens. Because of this action, the "national team" finally found evidence of economic fraud in Athens.

It was Goldman Sachs that falsified the accounts for Athens.

A total of 1 billion euros was transferred from one hand to the other. If this national-level fraud explodes, the destructive power is the number multiplied by 50, 100, 200...

I don't know where the upper limit is, because this is a chain reaction.

What each party sees is different. The core think tank of the "national team" planned the big thunder that appeared in Europe a few years later, and was ready to make a lot of money; while inside "Oumeng", even "Louis Dreyfus" only saw that "SF Group" was expanding wildly and constantly improving their international transportation team, which was not weak.

"Louis Dreyfus" is under pressure. Normally, "Shashi Group" should become their major international customer and sign agricultural trade transportation contracts with them.

As a result, now there are tens of millions of euros that cannot be earned every month, and they are all earned by "Shashi Group" itself.

In terms of bulk commodities, the Netherlands Futures Exchange invited the "SF Group" to inspect several times, but nothing came of it. Boss Zhang would like to go there, but the central government thinks that Comrade Zhang Haonan should not wander around in places where the CIA gathers.

But it also shows that it has reached the point where the "SF Group" cannot be avoided. Some rice orders have just shown signs of making money, but because the "SF Group" got a contract from Sindhu or Siam, it fell through.

The market trend is becoming more and more chaotic. For financial speculators, games that cannot open the full map are all garbage games.

London Financial Street has indeed lobbied Earl Grosvenor, hoping that he can talk to "Reverend Mr. Siegel" through personal connections.

If necessary, it is not impossible to grant "Reverend Mr. Siegel" a title.

The chaos brought by this new player is not over, but just the beginning. The "Sand Food Group" is already disgusting enough, but the real problem in the international market is another new player-the Grain Group.

The change brought about by this is that all the food-related companies of "European Meng" have increased their marketing to China.

From high-end to general retail, it is a full-scale marketing. It is nothing to sell ordinary table wine for 100 or 80 yuan. If you can brag, some can sell for 500 or 600 or even thousands.

However, in fact, this thing is worth one or two euros.

Alcohol is just a small microcosm. What really makes old players want to return to the old order is the "consistency principle".

The price fluctuations of bulk commodities, if there is a little market, it must be that the negotiation has not been reached and a fight will start.

Louis Dreyfus needs more chips, and the world's high-quality arable land has been divided up almost completely, except for China.

For this reason, Louis Dreyfus can pay a lot of chips, but it has not been given the opportunity to pay chips for a long time. Of course, Louis Dreyfus also knows that there will be no such opportunity in the future, but it can cooperate.

So when the golden-haired old man tried to match him up, Jean Alfonso agreed without thinking, without any gentlemanly reserve.

At this moment, he couldn't wait to look at the golden-haired old man, waiting for the other party's answer.

But this impatience made the golden-haired old man a little surprised, because this question was very similar to a story he talked about when he visited Gerald before.

That was decades ago. When Gerald visited China, he also used a similar humble tone to ask if he had the honor to swim in the Mississippi River with His Excellency the Chairman.

And Gerald couldn't swim at all.

At this moment, the golden-haired old man suddenly realized why he was still at this level and couldn't go any further.

Fuck the "raising the flag", I am a flag!

"Mr. Alfonso, you know... Although Siegel and I are very close business partners, I never ask about his schedule. And let me tell you a little secret, Siegel doesn't like coffee, he likes Coke."

"Coke is the source of happiness, it makes people young, energetic, and gives more passion..."


Okay, noble.

The golden-haired old man looked indifferent, then nodded, "However, I can communicate with Ding of the 'SF Group' and convey your ideas on his behalf. Ding is a very wise man, and his work enthusiasm will definitely leave a deep impression on you..."

Ding Yong is in Songjiang at the moment, but he has a high status and it is impossible for him to come directly to see Jean Alfonso. He must be a vice president at least.

Of course, if a member of the Louis Dreyfus family invites him privately, then there is no problem having a meal together.

Jean Alfonso certainly knows Ding Yong, he was attending a dinner in Beijing, but Ding Yong was at least 20 meters away from him at the time, and he was not qualified to meet him face to face.

There is no doubt that the old man Ding Yong is a big shot.

Hearing that the old man with golden hair could make an appointment with Ding Yong, Jean Alfonso knew that his work had made a breakthrough, and the next things might be more or less smooth.

Everything is difficult at the beginning.

If "Louis Dreyfus" becomes the first wholly foreign-owned agricultural trade company in China, this shows the status of "Louis Dreyfus". No matter what country it is in, "Louis Dreyfus" has extraordinary influence.

True or false is not important, the first place... is very important.

At the same time, Boss Zhang packed up his things and went to "Wujia Hospital" to wait. Fan Susu is likely to be born in these two days.

March is very busy. Fan Susu has to unload the goods, and the sisters Zhou Yan and Zhou Shu also have to unload the goods. He also has to go to Beijing to attend the conference and go through the procedures. At the same time, he has to deal with the shares of the Hua family in Beijing, and prepare a wreath for the upcoming funeral of Hua Xiuwen.

Now Hua Xiuwen is not dead, but he is unconscious, and he depends on the hospital to keep him alive.

Basically, he can't survive April, so this March is the most intense time for the internal struggle of the Hua family. Hua Ruirui, a harmless wild species, is now the biggest winner.

No one will object to anything. The Hua family only wants to divide up the remaining wealth.

So as long as the three women are unloaded, Zhang Haonan will return to Beijing with Hua Ruirui. This time, he will also accept an interview. The disciples of "Jin Ge" have mixed up in a column, which is of the nature of economic tracking. The consultant is Zhang Jishen, but if he wants to stand up, he needs someone to support him.

Zhang Haonan accepted this interview to release some "violent theories". The people just listen to it, but in the "Best Actor in News Broadcast", his "violent theories" are used to deter the scoundrels.

There are a lot of contents, so CCTV has several interviews in preparation. Zhang Haonan may also want to join in the fun. For example, education, he is a student representative himself, and last year's achievements must be talked about this year.

After talking about the achievements, it is "carrying on the past and opening up the future". What kind of achievements will be in the future must also be described.

The tentative content at present is the problem of juvenile delinquency. Zhang Haonan's dog barking is very lethal. The most important thing is that he has enough financial resources to support his dog barking.

Special events happened during special time periods, which made Boss Zhang go around again after a rare annual leave.

But he was not tired even though he had a lot of things to do, which made him very satisfied.

Especially being able to openly criticize CCTV was even better!

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