I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1053: Get used to it (Second and bigger chapter, monthly ticket)

Chapter 1053 Just get used to it (the second larger chapter, monthly ticket +)

Xia Chujian also had ideas about his "dream mecha".

She once thought that if her mecha was pure gold, it would be so cool!

As soon as it was released, the golden light shone and blinded everyone's eyes!

Of course, that would be too conspicuous.

It looks too much like a target, and it doesn't suit the "low-key" persona she has recently set for herself...

The azure color of this blue obsidian titanium is soft, low-key, and eye-catching, as well as deep, quiet, and mysterious.

Make it less eye-catching, and at the same time give it a sense of calmness...

Xia Chu saw that he was satisfied and asked: "In terms of function, what changes have been made to this mecha?"

Qilu typed out a series of data on the display screen of her eyepiece, and the childish voice said happily: "This has changed too much!"

"Look at this earthquake resistance data!"

"Compared with the previous data of the light golden armor, it has increased by a hundred times!"

"It's really not in vain that I merged into such a large piece of maze!"

"It also has a bulletproof function. With this mecha now, you don't have to worry about being hit by ion beam bombs from space!"

"Even if I hit you right in the head, I will definitely not kill you! At most, I will seriously injure you!"

Xia Chujian: "..."

Is this a feature worth showing off?

But she said nothing and continued to listen.

Qilu showed off the new mecha with great interest: "There is also an appearance switching function, which is thirty-six times faster than the previous switching speed!"

“Basically, it’s so easy to copy just by looking at it!”

"The most outrageous thing is the weapon loading function!"

"As you know, the previous Shao Si Ming mecha could only load the weapons it came with."

"But now, as long as we input the physical data of those firearms, it can all be loaded for you!"

Xia Chujian was overjoyed: "Then if you input the Arbitrator No. 1 sniper, can it also be simulated?!"

Qilu said firmly: "Of course! And the performance will only be better! If you need it!"

"These switched weapons can use your own bullets. If you don't have your own bullets, the weapons switched by these mechas will be electromagnetic beam bombs."

Xia Chujian said excitedly: "What if I enter rocket data?"

Qilu said: "You can also switch out the rocket launcher, but rocket launchers cannot be switched out."

"Even if you can switch, are you willing to shoot out the rockets with maze and underworld?"

Xia Chujian hurriedly shook his head: "Of course I don't want to, forget it, I'll be very satisfied if I can switch to the big sniper."

"Big sniper bullets are easier to carry around."

"Yes, Qilu, enter the data of the semi-automatic submachine gun. The bullets of this gun are also easier to carry."

Xia Chujian was as excited as if he were doing a jigsaw puzzle.

After Qilu input the firearm physical data of the Arbiter No. 1 sniper rifle, Xia Chujian quickly loaded an identical Arbitrator No. 1 sniper rifle on the robotic arm!

Xia Chu saw her arm trembling, and soon the big sniper merged with her mechanical arm!

Xia Chujian was amazed: "Qilu, the performance of this mecha is simply incredible!"

Qilu's childlike voice said triumphantly: "Master, this mecha has actually reached the category of third-generation mecha!"

Xia Chujian's heart moved: "...Three generations of mecha? Then you have to ask my master."

After saying that, he asked worriedly: "Qilu, will this mecha be detected as containing Mizinhuangquan?"

Qilu said: "If we test it, we will still detect the presence of dissimilar metals, but if it's not a maze, we won't know."

"Qilu doesn't know if anyone has tested the metal properties of Mijin Huangquan."

Xia Chujian frowned: "What should I do? I still want Master to help me take a look..."

Qilu said after a while, "That's okay."

"Master can just sort out the maze before giving the mecha to Master Su for testing."

Xia Chujian: "!!!"

"Is this okay?!"

Qilu said: "Master, Mijin Huangquan is a different kind of metal. Different kind of metal has a certain consciousness."

Xia Chujian suddenly thought that across the palace, almost five hundred miles away in a straight line, Xiao Jiuxiang could summon the mysterious underworld back without anyone noticing...

It’s not surprising that the maze of underworld can come out of the mecha anytime and anywhere!

Xia Chujian thought excitedly, she had to ask Xiao Jiuxiang, how could she make the maze still listen to her command...

However, she thought of another question.

"Qilu, how do you preserve the Mijin Huangquan after it is separated?"

"I don't want anyone else to know."

Qilu said: "Master, the ductility and plasticity of Mijinhuangquan are unimaginably high."

"If the owner can find a way to communicate with Mijin Huangquan, it can switch to any object the owner sees according to the owner's wishes."

Xia Chujian clicked his tongue: "So magical? Then I have to think carefully about how to communicate with it."

Qilu said: "Master, this is a good thing that gave birth to...xi soil, how can it not be magical?"

Xia Chujian coughed lightly: "The words Qilu and Xirang must not be said in the future."

"Even if it's just the two of us, in a fully enclosed helmet, don't say it."

"I don't want Xiao Jiuxiang to fall into any danger."

Qilu said: "Good master, Qilu will never mention these two words again."

Xia Chujian looked at herself in the mirror for a while, and switched to different forms of sniper rifles, submachine guns, rifles, and even a machine gun, all mounted on the mechanical arm.

But the machine gun consumes too much bullets, so she can't use it directly on the mecha.

Unless there is a box of bullets next to her.

The most powerful weapon used with the mecha is still the sniper rifle.

Not only is it extremely powerful, but the bullets are also easy to carry.

Xia Chujian doesn't like to use the electromagnetic beam bombs that come with the mecha weapons.

She always feels that every shot will draw blood, which makes her feel more at ease.

Although the electromagnetic beam bomb is also very powerful, it is "killing without blood", and she will worry about not killing...

Using conventional bullets, Xia Chujian can even make the sniper rifle have the effect of a submachine gun.

After she gestured beautifully several times, she put the new Qingyao titanium mecha into her own red spider lily necklace.

And she found that even the black and silver red spider lily has now turned into the sky blue color of Qingyao titanium.

Xia Chujian touched it beautifully several times with his hands before going to the bathroom to wash up.

After washing up, he looked at the time and found that it was already half past eight in the morning.

The children should all get up.

Xia Chujian went to the small compartment in the bedroom and woke up Wufu, Xiao Jiuxiang, Awu and Axuan.

Xiao Jiuxiang went back to sleep for a nap. Now he was in a good mood. He hugged Xia Chujian's neck and kissed him.

Xia Chujian was also in a good mood. He touched his head and winked at him.

Xiao Jiuxiang understood.

When Wufu whistled downstairs with Awu and Axuan, Xiao Jiuxiang and Xia Chujian stayed behind, he took Xia Chujian's hand, looked up and asked her: "Sister?"

Xia Chujian picked him up and whispered a question in his ear.

"Jiuxiang, is there any way to make Mi Jin Huang Quan come out of my mecha anytime and anywhere?"

Little Jiuxiang also whispered in her ear: "Sister, just tell it directly! Mi Jin Huang Quan also listens to you!"

"Sister, let it come out, it will come out!"

Xia Chujian was surprised: "Really?! Then how do I communicate with it?"

Little Jiuxiang tilted his head and looked at her: "Just communicate like this!"

He closed his eyes, and then opened them again.

Xia Chujian found that a small, sky-blue filament slowly emerged from her red spider lily necklace.

It fits perfectly with the red spider lily necklace.

If no one has ever been perverted enough to count how many filaments Xia Chujian's red spider lily necklace has, then no one will notice that her red spider lily necklace has one more filament!

Xia Chujian gently touched the filament, and it naturally fell on Xia Chujian's palm, then curled up, switched to a small red spider lily ring, and wore it on her left ring finger.

Because she was wearing a flower ring, it had nothing to do with whether she was married or engaged, so it didn't matter which finger she wore it on.

Xia Chujian raised her hand to look at it and exclaimed: "This is so beautiful!"

After solving this problem, Xia Chujian was really relieved.

She even sent a message to Su Buyan.

[Xia Chujian]: Master, are you free recently? I want you to help me take a look at my mecha. It has changed a little since I came back.

After sending it, she took Xiao Jiuxiang downstairs to have breakfast.

Since Xia Chujian's "accident", Xia Yuanfang, who came to Beichen Star to wait for Xia Chujian, has a new habit.

That is, watching the news while eating.

There happened to be a big TV on the wall of their restaurant, which could be watched anytime and anywhere.

In the morning, the Royal TV broadcast the morning news.

Halfway through the news, an important news suddenly interrupted.

"Attention, residents of Beichen Star, because the explosion of cosmic gravitational waves has caused a series of subsequent magnetic field changes."

"For the safety of all residents, the Beichen Star Commercial Interstellar Spacecraft Federation has decided to suspend all interstellar spacecraft, aircraft, and various transportation vehicles that can fly out of Beichen Star."

"This regulation has been specially approved by His Majesty the Emperor, which means that even privately owned aircraft, interstellar spacecraft, and other transportation vehicles that can travel in the stars are not allowed to enter and leave the atmosphere of Beichen Star."

"It will take effect immediately, and violators will be prosecuted."

Xia Yuanfang and Xia Chujian looked at each other at the table, and both felt that this rule was strange.

"Aunt, does this mean that no one can leave Beichen Star?"

Xia Yuanfang said: "This flight ban is more severe than the previous few days."

"The previous few days, only official vehicles were banned from flying. This time, even private vehicles are banned from flying."

Xia Chujian nodded and said: "Also, this rule doesn't even say when it will expire."

"Does it mean that the flight ban will last forever?"

"Then how can we return to Yuanxing?"

Xia Chujian already wanted to return to Yuanxing for the summer vacation.

Sanzong ate a meat bun and said: "Sanzong also wants to return to Yuanxing to harvest rice!"

Si Xi, who was underground, followed Wu Wang and shouted.

Wufu drank a mouthful of porridge, with a few grains of rice on his chubby face. He looked up and said, "Aunt, does that mean Sister Yingying and Aunt Chen can't come?"

Xia Yuanfang frowned, "Yes, the college entrance examination is coming soon, and I don't know how Aunt Chen and Yingying are doing."

Xia Chujian said, "I'll send a message to Aunt Chen later to ask, hoping not to put too much pressure on Yingying."

After breakfast, Xia Chujian curled up on the sofa in the living room and browsed the Star Network.

San Zong took Si Xi, Wu Fu, A Wu and A Xuan to the greenhouse in the backyard to continue working.

Xiao Jiu Xiang was too young, only one and a half years old, so he did not follow, but just snuggled up to Xia Chu Jian and played with his tangram.

Xia Chu Jian sent a message to Aunt Chen first, and without waiting for a reply, she went to Xingwang to have fun.

She hadn't browsed Xingwang for almost two months.

As usual, she went to Xingbo to check the hot searches and learn about social hot issues.

When she browsed, she found a strange topic on the hot searches.

# Top secret! It is said that important items have been lost in the palace and they are being investigated in the imperial capital! # .

Under this topic, everyone's speculations are all there.

"Today's sudden flight ban, are you worried that someone will steal something and take it out of Beichen Star?"

"Of course! It's been several days since the cosmic gravitational wave explosion, and the interstellar spacecraft has long returned to normal!"

"Yes, I just came to Beichen Star from Kanli Star for a trip yesterday, and there was no problem at all! This is terrible, do I have to stay here forever?! - Beichen Star is too damn expensive!"

"Does anyone know what was lost in the palace?"

"Maybe it's very valuable jewelry or cultural relics?"

Xia Chujian raised her eyebrows and looked at the red spider lily ring on her finger.

Haha, it should be that His Majesty the Emperor discovered that the maze Huangquan that he had just found had "disappeared" again!

It's not the first time anyway.

Why is this dog emperor making a fuss?

Even if he finds it, it will "disappear" again.

Just get used to it.

Xia Chujian felt indescribably happy and even hummed a song.


In the afternoon, a video call invitation came.

Xia Chujian took a look and found that it was Su Buyan!

It took so long for him to reply this time!

It must be that Su Buyan was not convenient...

Xia Chujian hurried back to his room upstairs and connected the video call.

Su Buyan's avatar changed from virtual to real and appeared on the virtual display screen.

As soon as he saw Su Buyan's avatar, Xia Chujian was shocked.

"Master, why are you so thin?! How did you lose weight? - Envy!"

Su Buyan has always been unkempt, and it is still the same now.

However, although he was unkempt before, he was still very handsome.

But now his cheeks are sunken, his eye sockets are sunken, and the bruises under his eyes make him look very similar to some legendary animal.

He is still wearing work clothes, but he is swaying on his body, as if he is wrapped on a thin bamboo pole.

Su Buyan also looked at Xia Chujian, frowned and said: "You still ask me how I lost weight? I should ask you!"

"Look at yourself, you are so thin and still want to lose weight, do you have anorexia?"

Xia Chujian said hurriedly: "My story is a long story, what's wrong with you? Don't you have food to eat in the laboratory?"

Su Buyan wiped his face and sighed: "It's not that I don't have food to eat, it's that I don't have time to eat..."

This is the second bigger chapter, including April monthly tickets 1800+.

There will be new updates after 5:00 pm!

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