I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1054 A simple and unpretentious request (first update)

Su Buyan smiled bitterly and continued, "There is no way. This time we are following the order of His Majesty the Emperor to work on an important project behind closed doors. Everyone just thinks that there is not enough time and has forgotten to eat."

Xia Chujian knew that he could not ask Su Buyan about the project he was working on, so he skipped the topic and said directly, "Then go and have a good rest first."

"When you recover, I would like to ask you to help me take a look at my mecha."

Su Buyan saw Xia Chujian's condition and felt that something was wrong.

He was eager to know what happened to Xia Chujian.

Before he entered the laboratory to "work behind closed doors", Xia Chujian had clearly followed the interstellar exploration team of the Empire's First Military Academy to explore the starry sky.

How come he has become like this after two months of not seeing him?

If he doesn't figure it out, he may not be able to sleep even if he lies in bed.

Su Buyan used his fingers to rake his messy hair, frowned and said, "I'll take a shower, then go to your house."

"Where are you? Is it still the villa next to the school?"

Xia Chujian had to say, "Yes, or come over right after you finish washing up?"

"I'll make you something delicious to replenish your body."

Su Buyan immediately smiled and said, "Just what I want! I'll come right over!"

He went back excitedly to take a shower, and immediately drove his family's private aircraft to the villa area outside the imperial capital.

This villa area is near the first military academy of the empire. The Su family also has a villa here, but Su Buyan rarely comes here.

He once planned to give the villa to Xia Chujian, but Quan Yuxun got there first.

When he arrived at Xia Chujian's house, he found out that Xia Yuanfang and the Xia family had come to Beichen Star to accompany Xia Chujian.

Su Buyan nodded: "It's good, Chujian has family members to accompany him, you can rest assured, and she can rest assured too."

Xia Yuanfang had a very good impression of Su Buyan, and knew that he was the most outstanding genius in mecha construction, so she felt a special kind of closeness to him.

She took the initiative to say: "Please come to see Chujian in person. We don't have anything to show off, so let's cook you a meal. What do you want to eat?"

Su Buyan said embarrassedly: "... Well, if it's not too much trouble, I miss the crispy sesame cakes I had at your place."

He added: "I have never eaten such delicious crispy sesame cakes anywhere."

Xia Chujian's eyes flickered, thinking that her cheap master really knows how to eat!

Why are the crispy sesame cakes made by her aunt unique?

First of all, the flour used for the crispy sesame cakes is her family's specialty Chihua Jiarong wheat!

Then, the meat filling of the crispy sesame cakes is fresh wild rhinoceros pork!

Finally, add the aunt's amazing cooking skills, and the combination is the unique crispy pancake in the entire Beichen galaxy!

Xia Yuanfang originally wanted to show off her skills and make some complicated food.

Unexpectedly, Su Buyan's request was so simple.

She nodded: "No problem, I'll do it now, please wait."

Xia Chujian prepared two buns for Su Buyan and said: "Please fill it up, it will probably take two hours to make the crispy pancakes."

From kneading the dough to letting it rest, to chopping the meat filling and seasoning, to finally making it, doesn't it take two hours?

Su Buyan originally wanted to say that he wanted to save his stomach and eat the crispy pancakes that he had been dreaming about.

But when he heard that he had to wait for two hours, he was afraid that he couldn't hold on, and it would be bad if he fainted due to low blood sugar.

So he picked up a white and plump bun and took a bite.

Su Buyan, who could only survive on nutrient solution for two months, immediately suffered a nuclear bomb-level impact on his taste!

He took a bite and felt his taste cells begin to evolve immediately, spreading all over his body!

Every bite made him thirstier all over his body!

He didn't care about his image and wolfed down the two buns. He took another sip of tea and said with satisfaction: "This is what it means to be alive!"

Xia Chujian was not surprised by Su Buyan's feelings.

When she just came back, she also ate some "leftovers" at home, and thought it was delicious!

Su Buyan hurriedly filled her stomach and asked Xia Chujian: "What's going on? Tell me about it."

Xia Chujian said: "It's a long story, let's go upstairs and talk about it."

In the living room, Wufu and Xiao Jiuxiang were learning to skateboard.

The housework robot Liushun had teacup dogs Awu and little fat chirp Axuan on its hemispherical head, following them closely.

Sanzong was pruning branches in the front yard, and Sixi was fluttering around in the flowers. He was a little dog who particularly liked to "flirt with flowers and grass".

Su Buyan stood up, looking at the lively and warm atmosphere of the Xia family, and said with emotion: "Chu Jian, your family is so good to you."

"You should be nicer to them in the future."

Xia Chujian nodded: "I know, they come here to accompany me. I know."

She took Su Buyan to her study upstairs.

The two sat on the single sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, facing the blue sky outside the snow-white gauze curtains.

Xia Chujian began to talk about her journey.

Of course, her story came to an abrupt end after she was kicked in the door.

She shrugged and said to Su Buyan who looked inquiring: "I remembered it, but after I came back, I was..."

She pointed in the direction of the palace, "Summoned to the palace, underwent an inhumane "lie detector test", which destroyed my brain cells."

“Part of my hippocampus was severely damaged and I had complete amnesia.”

"So I don't remember what happened when I got behind that door, or how I got back."

As she narrated, Su Buyan's expression changed from excited and entranced, to resentment and anger, and finally he sighed deeply.

He whispered: "It's no wonder..."

"You are the first person to enter behind that door and come back alive."

"Not to mention His Majesty the Emperor, even I, knowing this news, can't help but want to try to see if I can let you... recover your memory."

Xia Chujian hurriedly said: "Don't! The chief physician has confirmed the diagnosis, and if he applies various powers to me, I will be dead."

Su Buyan said: "I'm just using an analogy to let you understand the reason why His Majesty the Emperor did this. How could I really do that?"

Xia Chujian was a little unhappy and said calmly: "Because he wants to satisfy his curiosity, doesn't he treat me as a human being?"

Su Buyan was slightly startled and said, "But he is the emperor..."

Xia Chujian said calmly: "Can the emperor do whatever he wants? I have done nothing wrong, why should I risk my life to satisfy his selfish desires?"

Su Buyan subconsciously felt that Xia Chujian couldn't say that, but she vaguely felt that she was right.

Yes, why?

Just because he is the emperor, he can do whatever he wants?

This idea is dangerous.

Su Buyan blinked and subconsciously changed the subject and said: "Then forget it if you don't remember. However, you said there was something wrong with your mecha. What happened?"

Xia Chujian showed off her Bianhua flower necklace from the clothes around her neck and said, "Look, is the color different?"

Su Buyan saw at a glance that the Bianhua necklace, which was supposed to be a very cool black and silver color, now turned into a sky blue color.

Although it looks good and is even more suitable for wearing as jewelry, it has lost the mysterious and powerful feeling of black and silver color.

But if you look closely, you will see that it is not completely invisible to everyone. Instead, it looks like a peerless treasure.

Hidden deeper.

Su Wuyan thought deeply and said, "...Isn't it just that the color has changed?"

Xia Chujian nodded: "Of course not. I think it is because the material of the mecha has changed that the color outside has changed."

"And the performance has also been greatly improved. I don't know why this change happened. Anyway, after coming back from the door, this mecha gradually transformed into this."

Xia Chujian pushed everything to the "door".

As she spoke, she took off the Bianhua necklace and put it in Su Buyan's hand.

As soon as Su Buyan took it, he felt the change in weight.

This was his first feeling.

Metal has weight, let alone such a mecha with excellent performance!

Even though it is a special metal, the weight is not very significant, but Su Wuyan is too familiar with Shao Si Ming's mecha, so he immediately noticed the change.

The change in weight is not that it has become heavier, but that it has become lighter!

You must know that the previous Bianhua flower necklace looked very small and delicate, but it actually weighed 500 grams.

Thinking about Xia Chujian wearing a 500-gram chain around her neck every day, it was because her physique was better than ordinary people that she didn't feel any discomfort.

This kind of weight is completely worthless to genetic evolvers.

But now, the weight of the entire Bianhua flower necklace is only about one hundred grams, which is directly reduced by one-fifth of the previous one.

The change in weight means a change in metal material.

Su Buyan felt nervous and asked in a deep voice: "Have you used this mecha since you came back?"

Xia Chujian said: "I have used it before. I didn't feel the change was too big before, it just seemed lighter and more sensitive."

"After these days, I found that its color had changed, and I realized that the performance had not changed at all."

“I don’t know why these changes are happening, so I wanted you to check and see if there’s anything that needs to be done?


Su Buyan said: "Can I simply check the data on metal materials and properties to see what's going on?"

Because he knew before he came that he wanted to inspect Xia Chujian's mecha, Su Buyan brought the mecha inspection kit with him.

It was an inconspicuous black box, the size of a suitcase, which was very convenient to carry in your hand.

Su Buyan opened the box and put the Bianhua necklace inside.

When he started to detect the metal material data, the detection instrument started to scream.

Su Buyan was busy manually debugging, while explaining to Xia Chujian: "This is a change in the metal material, which exceeds the threshold of my instrument, so the instrument alarms."

Xia Chujian said: "Can it still be detected?"

Su Buyan said: "Okay, I'll check it manually."

This is the first update, there will be a second update at five minutes past twelve noon.

It’s Monday again, so here’s a reminder for you guys to vote for recommendations!

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