I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1055 Intellectual Property (Second Update)

Xia Chujian stopped talking and just stared at Su Buyan's actions.

One hand was in her pocket, playing with the red spider lily ring that had been transformed from the maze of Huangquan.

Before Su Buyan came home, Xia Chujian took off the red spider lily ring and put it in her pocket.

Because she didn't want Su Buyan to see the red spider lily ring, which would remind him of the red spider lily necklace and then the mecha.

Then he asked to test the material of her red spider lily ring, and she would be at a loss...

Now that she had hidden the ring, she would be fine.

Su Buyan probably wouldn't be alert enough to use instruments to detect her whole body data.


Five minutes later, the metal material test data of Xia Chujian's mecha came out.

Su Buyan had a dreamy look on his face.

He murmured, "Am I dreaming? What kind of metal is this?! What kind of material is this?!"

"If we had known it existed, why would we have stayed in the lab for two months and achieved nothing!"

Xia Chujian: "..."

It turns out that the research project that Su Buyan had been asked to "close down and work on" for the past two months was actually the third-generation mecha!

This dog emperor is really generous!

Xia Chujian despised Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan in his heart.

Su Buyan said excitedly: "The ductility of this metal at room temperature is really amazing!"

"No metal we know of, including special metals and exotic metals, has such good ductility!"

"And its compression resistance, shock resistance and bulletproof functions, as well as its incredible water-adaptability, can prove that this is not an ordinary alloy, but a new alloy with the main properties of Qingyao Titanium!"

"And the structure of this metal is really amazing!"

"It is a double helix structure just like human genes!"

"It is both stable and flexible!"

"The Qingyao Titanium deposits in the entire Beichen galaxy are only a little bit, less than 500 grams!"

"But the Qingyao Titanium in the mecha is probably a terrifying number!"

"Chu Jian, did you find a new large Qingyao Titanium deposit, and then melt it with other exotic metals into a new alloy to build a mecha?!"

Xia Chujian listened calmly, but was also very shocked in his heart.

Because Su Buyan had no idea what was going on, he deduced the correct conclusion from the test data of the mecha material.

For example, the shockproof performance, of course, comes from the khaki inner armor obtained from the Green Star Country.

The water-adaptability comes from the skin of the crocodile dragon.

And the ductility, it must be a new performance produced by the fusion of several metal and non-metal materials.

This is also because she extracted the maze from the inside, otherwise, who knows what kind of amazing function Su Buyan would have detected!

Xia Chujian acted at a loss, muttering: "... So powerful? But I have no idea what's going on."

"It seems that my mecha is different after coming out of that door."

"But I can't remember what happened there!"

Xia Chujian hit his head with his fist, looking extremely annoyed and regretful.

Su Buyan thought of the abuse she had received from the emperor because of her experience this time, and felt sorry for her. He held her hand and said, "Don't blame yourself. This is not your fault."

"If you do this, if the emperor knows..."

Xia Chujian held her head, closed her eyes, and said sadly, "I don't want to... I don't want to be interrogated by that person again. I will die, I will definitely die!"

The ecstasy that had just risen in Su Buyan's heart faded away in an instant.

He looked at the data on the instrument with a frown.

The performance of the mecha has been improved so much that it has reached the peak of the third-generation mecha!

But so many of them have been "secluded" for two months, and they have not touched the threshold of the third-generation mecha!

And now, not only the threshold has appeared, but even the room inside and the ladder up have been built for him...

As long as he can figure out the composition comparison of the material of this mecha, and then find enough Qingyao titanium ore deposits, the third-generation mecha will be on the market in a matter of minutes.

Su Buyan couldn't help but think, behind that door, in addition to so many rare mineral deposits, there is also a unique mecha master? !

Could it be that someone modified Xia Chujian's mecha when he was there?

Just as Su Buyan was thinking about it, Xia Chujian whispered: "Master, can you do me a favor?"

"I don't want to be noticed by that person anymore. I know that if he finds out that the changes in my mecha are related to that door, he will not only take my mecha away, but also arrest me and lock me up in the palace for research without hesitation!"

Su Buyan retracted his thoughts and nodded heavily: "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this."

Xia Chujian smiled and said: "It's not this. I want to treat the performance data of this mecha as your research results, okay? ”

“Even if people know that the performance of my mecha has changed, they will not think it is related to the door, but will only regard it as your research results.”

“This mecha is the prototype of the third-generation mecha you developed.”

“Of course, it was just your sudden inspiration that made a breakthrough.”

“Due to the preciousness of raw materials, it cannot be mass-produced.”

“Also, you can slightly lower the data of the mecha, that is, the initial stage of the third-generation mecha, how about it?”

“I know this may not be easy for you, but this is the best way I can think of.”

"Just think of this mecha as a new gift from you, okay?"

Su Wuyan understood.

Xia Chujian wanted to use him to divert everyone's attention from the door.

Su Buyan is not willing to take possession of other people's scientific research results, but at this time, if he does not do so, if His Majesty the Emperor discovers that Xia Chujian's mecha has also made incredible improvements and improvements, then I am afraid that his interest in her will be even greater. Go up a level.

By then, she may really have no way to survive...

Su Buyan felt a little sad and said, "It's the first time we've met. It's really hard for you."

"But this was not developed by me. I really don't want to possess other people's research results."

Xia Chujian said: "Otherwise, I will sell you the data of this mecha."

"Just like transfer, intellectual property rights can also be transferred, right?"

Su Buyan became happy, nodded and said, "That's okay!"

But he said with a grimace: "You are a third-generation mecha, your data is simply priceless!"

“I don’t think Su’s family can even afford it if it’s half sold!”

Xia Chujian said: "Master, you helped me in my most difficult time."

"If it weren't for your Shao Siming Black Silver Mecha, I would have died countless times."

"Your life-saving grace is priceless to me!"

"I'm just asking you to do me a little favor now. My transfer price is only a symbolic one Beichen coin."

Su Buyan jumped up in shock: "No, no, this won't work!"

"One Beichen Coin, are you trying to kill me?!"

Xia Chujian said: "I actually want to transfer it to you unconditionally, but you must give money, so give me one Beichen coin. Our master-disciple relationship is not worth more than Beichen coin?"

Su Buyan calmed down his pounding heart and said with a smile: "You are nothing like the Xia Chujian I know. Aren't you a money-crazy person?"

Xia Chujian said: "I'm still obsessed with money, but I can handle it clearly."

"This matter cannot be measured with money."

"And if you take this matter over, the danger you face will be even greater."

"In the entire Beichen Galaxy, only our Beichen Empire has installed second-generation mechas."

"This has already made spies in three other countries restless."

"Now that the news of the third-generation mecha has spread, your security will probably be taken to a higher level."

Su Buyan nodded and said with a smile: "This is also one of the risks."

"But compared with the data obtained from the third-generation mecha, this risk is not worth mentioning at all."

"Like you said, just the second-generation mecha has already made them flock to me."

"When the third-generation mecha comes out, it won't matter to me as long as I have more debts than I have to worry about."

"It's just that you've thought about it. Do you really want to give this great achievement to me?"

Xia Chujian nodded: "I only thought about you, not others."

"And can you keep this matter a secret even from the Special Security Bureau?"

Su Wuyan said: "Huo Yushen can't say the same thing?"

Xia Chujian shook his head: "No, because he is loyal to that person."

Su Buyan sighed: "I understand, I'm just a little embarrassed."

“I despise taking other people’s research results as my own.”

Xia Chujian said: "I've put you in a difficult position, but if I don't do this, I will die!"

"And maybe this research result belongs to me?"

"Maybe I had some adventure on the other side of the door and upgraded the mecha myself..."

"I am now willing to transfer the intellectual property rights of this mecha to you. This is a legitimate transaction."

"You can accept it with peace of mind."

"And even if I have an adventure, I know it but don't know why. I need your professional knowledge to break through the barriers from second-generation mechas to third-generation mechas!"

Xia Chu saw that Su Wuyan was good at talking and was gradually convinced by Su Wuyan.

He looked at the test data on the instrument and said, "I have always suspected that our third-generation mecha cannot break through because of material problems."

"Now that I have seen the data of your mecha, I am convinced that it is because of material issues."

"Without such materials, such performance would not be possible."

"Then again, what exactly are the materials for upgrading your mecha?"

Xia Chujian shrugged: "I don't know, you have to analyze it yourself."

"I guess there may be exotic metals."

"But I really don't remember what's going on on the other side of the door."

Su Buyan said: "Then let me test its function again."

What we just tested was the performance of the mecha's material, now it's the function of the mecha itself.

This test lasts for one hour.

When he finished the test, the data made his hands tremble.

"First meeting..." He murmured: "I think I may not be able to develop a real third-generation mecha in my life!"

“These effects are something I have never heard of or seen!”

"Exceeding the ultimate performance of mechas speculated in all our textbooks!"

Xia Chujian thought, if I push the maze in, the master might faint and die immediately...

For the sake of her master's health, she decided to keep the secret of the maze forever.

Xia Chujian stood up and brought Su Buyan a bottle of water.

Su Buyan opened the bottle cap and drank half of the bottle in one gulp before he regained consciousness.

He looked at the data on the instrument and said, "For the first time, although I can't build such an excellent third-generation mecha yet, my optimization capabilities are not comparable to those of ordinary people."

"I think if you can optimize the configuration and functions of your current mecha, the performance can be improved by another 50%!"

Xia Chujian widened his eyes: "Really?! Optimization can improve the performance by 50%?!"

Su Buyan nodded seriously: "The master who modified your mecha is probably used to having abundant raw materials, so he doesn't have the careful calculations of us mecha masters, and he wants to get ten times the effect out of one material!"

"So our optimization program has always been far ahead."

"How is it? Do you want to try it?"

This is the second update. There will be a new update after 5:00 p.m.!

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