I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1065: One step forward each day (the second bigger chapter, monthly ticket)

Chapter 1065: One step forward each day (the second and bigger chapter, monthly ticket +)

As soon as Huo Yushen finished speaking, there was a dead silence in the conference room.

Because this was too shocking, and too unbelievable.

Many people have become accustomed to the peace of the past few hundred years.

Even though there were battles with the Dongtianyuan Kingdom, the Southern Cross Principality and the Simaneli Federation, they were all minor fights and did not endanger the senior government officials like them.

In addition, Huo Yushen almost destroyed the Southern Cross Principality six years ago, and these people felt that there was no country in the entire Beichen Galaxy that could pose a security threat to their Beichen Empire.

After that war, the Dongtianyuan Kingdom, the Southern Cross Principality and the Simaneli Federation did start a path of peaceful diplomacy, striving to establish good diplomatic relations with the Beichen Empire and no longer fight each other.

So Huo Yushen suddenly said that one of the countries suddenly suffered a catastrophe...

Sorry, some of them didn't even brush their teeth when they got up early in the morning!

The two speakers of the Senate had already revealed their contempt.

The Cabinet's chief minister was calm and relaxed, holding a cup of coffee to refresh himself.

Only the five military chiefs of staff looked at each other and still attached great importance to Huo Yushen's speech.

Although they disagreed with him, no one could deny Huo Yushen's military talent.

Chief of Staff Zheng, who was in charge of logistics among the five chiefs of staff, frowned and asked: "Inspector Huo, this statement is too serious. May I ask if you have informed His Majesty?"

Huo Yushen said: "I did, but His Majesty did not allow me to inquire about the news and asked me to convene a meeting to listen to your ideas."

The five military chiefs of staff looked at each other and finally recommended Chief of Staff Zheng, who was in charge of logistics, to speak.

Chief of Staff Zheng hesitated and said, "This situation sounds serious. If it's convenient for Chief Inspector Huo, can you share the intelligence you saw with us?"

"It would be better to have the original video, so it's more intuitive."

Huo Yushen said lightly, "Sorry, there is no video."

"The intelligence was sent back by our people at the risk of their lives. He didn't escape, but just sent it to me with a password."

"He and I had a one-way contact, and the message he sent back was only a few simple sentences."

The speaker of the lower house of the Senate was so angry that he laughed.

"Chief Inspector Huo, so you don't have any evidence at all, but you just open your mouth and ask us to believe that the entire Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom has perished?!"

"It's ridiculous! How arrogant! How ridiculous!"

The speaker of the lower house of the Senate started fighting right away, mocking Huo Yushen.

Huo Yushen didn't care about these verbal disputes.

He tapped the table with his fingers and said, "In this case, what's the benefit of me lying?"

"The evidence that Speaker Kang wants is probably only from the other side. Let Speaker Kang see with his own eyes how our civilians died, isn't it considered as factual evidence?"

The Speaker of the lower house of the Senate is named Kang, and everyone calls him Speaker Kang.

He is usually a man who commands a lot of people in the Senate, and because of the nature of his job, he is the only one who mocks others, and no one else mocks him.

He couldn't stand Huo Yushen's counterattack, and said coldly: "Chief Inspector Huo, don't think that you can ignore our Senate just because you are directly under the emperor!"

"Your idea this time is really a stroke of genius, which really helped us a lot!"

"I can let you know that our Senate is drafting a law to separate the Special Security Bureau from the direct command of His Majesty the Emperor and jointly manage it by the Parliament, the Cabinet and the Military."

"After all, the Special Security Bureau is a government agency, and it receives a salary from the government. It cannot be directly under His Majesty the Emperor."

"The Special Security Bureau must report to our Senate, the Cabinet and the Military every year."

"All three of us have the power to govern the Special Security Bureau!"

"Besides, His Majesty the Emperor has his own royal guards, which can fully play the role of the Special Security Bureau within the royal family. There is no need for a separate Special Security Bureau."

After he finished speaking, he looked at everyone complacently, and said with a final smile: "What do you think?"

Huo Yushen: "..."

It's true that the troublemaker came before one thing was solved.

Thinking that the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom was already a hell on earth, and these people were still smugly fighting for power and profit, Huo Yushen felt sick.

He couldn't help but think that if Xia Chujian was here, he would have already set up his sniper rifle and started shooting...

There were only eight people in this conference room besides him, and they didn't need to change magazines.

Sometimes he felt that Xia Chujian was too murderous, but now that he thought about it, this increasingly corrupt empire really deserved to be attacked...

After thinking about it this way, he felt better.

But he had to deal with these people.

Although he was complaining in his heart, Huo Yushen didn't show it.

He said calmly: "The Senate can draft various laws. That is your power and freedom. Our Special Security Bureau will not interfere."

"But do you really have no ideas about the crisis we are facing now?"

The Cabinet General Commander, who had been silent all the time, said slowly at this time: "Even if Chief Inspector Huo has evidence and all this is true, I think there is nothing we can do."

"After all, the other party is dealing with the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom."

"And the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom is not a friendly neighbor to us."

"Does it mean that Chief Inspector Huo wants our soldiers to bleed and die for the Dongtianyuan Kingdom?"

"I'm sorry, I was the first one not to agree."

The Chief Minister of the Cabinet, Quan Quan Juntai, is the first heir to the Quan family, and is the father of Qilin's son Quan Yuxun.

He said this and received enthusiastic responses from the five military chiefs of staff.

Chief of Staff Zheng, who was in charge of logistics, immediately said: "I agree with General Ling Quan's opinion!"

"Let's not mention that Chief Inspector Huo has no evidence. Even if there is evidence, what do you want us to do?!"

"Our military protects the interests of the Beichen Empire!"

"Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom is not worthy of our action!"

"The Dongtianyuan Kingdom cannot afford the lives of our Beichen Empire soldiers!"

Huo Yushen said: "I have no intention of using our soldiers to rescue Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom."

"I just want to remind you that, first of all, we still have many field personnel and expatriates from the Beichen Empire, including civilians, citizens and even nobles, living in Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom."

"Now that the Eastern Divine Kingdom is in danger of being destroyed, are we going to give up on these people like this?"

"Secondly, there is no need for us to save Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom, and I will not say that our lips are dying and our teeth are cold."

"I just want to ask, once the other party has solved the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom and then frees up its hands, will the next step be to deal with our Beichen Empire?"

"Don't you make any preparations and just wait for the other party to come and then discuss whether to resist?"

These two opinions of his are indeed on point.

General Quan's eyes changed slightly and he looked at the Speaker of the Senate, who had been silent.

The members and speaker of the upper house of the Senate were all of noble origin.

This term’s Speaker of the House of Lords is from Ritchie.

He is nearly seventy years old, and he is the same brother as the old Duke of Lishi.

He usually doesn't talk much. In a place like the Senate where people work by words, he always adopts the attitude of "it's better to say nothing than to say nothing".

But when a final vote was needed, or when there was a dispute, he could always make the final decision.

This time everyone looked over again.

Speaker Lee knew he could no longer remain silent.

He looked at Huo Yushen and said, "If we want to save those people, what price will we have to pay?"

Huo Yushen said: "...the price may be very high."

"After our Special Security Bureau noticed the changes in the satellite network over there, we found that all the satellites there had also lost contact."

"Then we sent drones and aircraft driven by simulated robots to conduct reconnaissance over there."

"It's all a matter of time and again."

"This is the last picture sent back by the last aircraft driven by a simulated robot."

He posted the scene of the mirror gallery composed of countless regular hexagons recorded by Meng Guanghui and Kang Shanxing on the virtual display screen he pulled out.

This time, everyone present was moved.

Chairman Kang of the Lower House of the Senate said sarcastically: "Chief Inspector Huo is really good at talking. Isn't there evidence? Why did you say there is no evidence just now?"

Huo Yushen said: "This thing is here with me and cannot be counted as evidence."

"It's just a video. We don't even know where it is or what it is."

Speaker Kang's face turned red and white for a while, but he didn't speak anymore. He just looked at Speaker Li of the Upper House, looking like he was following his lead.

Speaker Lee thought deeply and said, "Is this a corridor of mirrors?"

"Leading to where?"

Huo Yushen said: "I don't know, I'm not even sure if this is the Mirror Gallery."

Although it looks similar, the small regular hexagons stacked one inside another are indeed like a mirror gallery, but I don't know where it leads.

Everyone in the conference room watched the video in silence, until everyone's field of vision was filled with a constantly rotating regular hexagonal mirror gallery.

This video played an important role in the end.

Everyone decided that it was too late to send troops for rescue, because even the Secret Security Bureau's many high-level genetic evolvers couldn't break through the opponent's blockade.

What’s the point of sending ordinary soldiers?

It just adds to the casualties in vain.

However, it is still necessary to strengthen precautions on one's own side.

After all, they don't want to end up in the same situation as Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom.

Huo Yushen said that the other party would probably not only satisfy Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom, which was a very reasonable strategic judgment.

To put it bluntly, even if the other party dies after occupying Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom, they cannot relax their vigilance.

Even among human beings, there will be constant wars and disputes, let alone with such beings from the outside world!

The need to compete for living space is the mainstream in any time and space.

Huo Yushen then said to Commander-in-Chief Quan of the Cabinet: "Can you contact the Southern Cross Principality and the Cimanelli Federation through diplomatic channels to see what they think of the Eastern Tianyuan Kingdom?"

General Ling Quan nodded: "I will immediately notify the Foreign Secretary and ask him to come forward and contact the other two countries."

After the meeting broke up, the head of the cabinet, General Quan, did not delay and immediately ordered the Minister of Foreign Affairs to use diplomatic channels to contact the Principality of the Southern Cross and the Cimanelli Federation.

As a result, these two countries actually pretended to be deaf and dumb to them and did not respond to their inquiries at all.

This gesture made the top government officials of the Beichen Empire think deeply.

"Could it be that... Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom actually did this on purpose?"

"Secretly, they are colluding with the Southern Cross Principality and the Simanelli Federation to attack our Beichen Empire together?!"

"I think we have to be on guard!"

"I agree!"


The same conversation was constantly circulating and fermenting among the cabinet, the Senate and the military.

Three days later, when they finally made the decision to strengthen the star field defense of the Beichen Empire and mobilize the space fortresses above the major habitable planets, all the habitable planets owned by the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom suddenly lost their coordinates in the starry sky.

This is a very strange astronomical phenomenon.

At the beginning, it was a star that disappeared, the largest Da Zang Star.

Then it was another habitable planet second only to Da Zang Star.

Day after day, the darkness eroded forward like a step forward.

After ten days, the star field where the entire Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom was located disappeared in that space.

It was like a brightly lit area on the map, and suddenly the power went out, and the whole area went dark.

In the starry sky, the star field between the Beichen Empire and the Southern Cross Principality has completely darkened.

It seems that all the stars there, whether they are stars, planets, satellites, or meteors and nebula dust, no longer exist.

If you don't use a space radio telescope to watch it, you will only feel that there is an extremely huge black hole there.

A black hole that swallows all life.

But only those who use a space radio telescope know that there is not a black hole there, but that the entire star field seems to have lost its vitality and died.

Yes, it looks dead.

There used to be several wormhole channels there, and now they are all in a closed state.

Huo Yushen and his team tried to send several drones and aircraft driven by simulated robots into it, but after they sailed half the distance, they automatically disintegrated in the wormhole that was once very stable.

Huo Yushen watched all this in his bat fighter and said coldly: "Seal all wormhole entrances to the star field of the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom."

These wormholes are all bidirectional.

Huo Yushen was just thankful at this moment that when the Dongtianyuan Kingdom was turned into a dead zone by an unknown existence, those guys did not pass through these wormholes in time and come to their Beichen Empire.

He didn't know what the reason was, but anyway, they didn't come, which was their luck.

After discovering that the star fields of the Dongtianyuan Kingdom were all dead, Huo Yushen once again jointly with the Minister of the Cabinet, the Speakers of the Senate and the five Chiefs of Staff of the military, reported this important intelligence to His Majesty the Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan, who was still on vacation on Guiyuan Star.

This is no longer a secret, and no evidence is needed.

Because anyone who can use a space telescope can observe the huge changes in the star field of the Dongtianyuan Kingdom by himself.

But His Majesty the Emperor has not replied yet.

This is the second bigger chapter, including 2700+ monthly tickets for April.

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