Beichen Star, because of the absence of Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan, no one has been able to make a decision.

As everyone waited anxiously, time passed slowly.

The last two weeks of Beichen Imperial University were over.

Xia Chujian submitted a 10,000-word summary, got full credits, and successfully completed the first year of study.

"Aunt, let's return to Yuan Star."

"The summer on Beichen Star is too hot."

Of course, this is just an excuse for Xia Chujian.

No matter how hot the summer on Beichen Star is, their villa area is not hot.

The house is even cooler.

The central air conditioner is on 24 hours a day, and the temperature in the house is kept at 24 degrees, which is as comfortable as it can be.

But Xia Chujian wants to return to Yuan Star, so that he can formally talk to his aunt about Qin Wanglan and others.

If his aunt can recreate human bodies for Qin Wanglan and others, it will be more convenient on Guiyuan Star.

Not to mention finding Ning Sa as an ID card...

Xia Yuanfang also wants to return to Guiyuan Star immediately.

The work she did was very restricted on Beichen Star, so she couldn't let go.

And there were many large precision instruments she needed to use, which were only in Guiyuan Star's studio.

She didn't want to buy another set and put it on Beichen Star, because those instruments were too expensive...

So she was more engaged in data reasoning research on Beichen Star.

But biological gene pharmaceuticals can't be done in a virtual environment all the time.

So Xia Yuanfang agreed immediately.

"Let's return to Yuan Star immediately."

"By the way, has the flight ban been lifted?"

Xia Chujian said: "It was lifted last night. I guess it's because everyone is on vacation from college, so many college students have to go home, and it's impossible to continue the flight ban."

Speaking of the flight ban, she glanced at the sky.

Although it can't be seen with the naked eye, she uses a small space radio telescope every night to look at the star field where the Dongtianyuan Kingdom is located.

The shining stars there are becoming scarce day by day, until they are completely invisible.

Xia Chujian asked her master Su Buyan.

Su Buyan told her that those stars have not disappeared, and they can still be observed with special instruments.

But ordinary space radio telescopes can no longer see them.

Xia Chujian thought it was mysterious, but she didn't care.

Because she had a very bad impression of the Dongtianyuan Kingdom, and had many unpleasant encounters, and even fought with their elites many times.

If she were asked to use one word to describe her opinion of the entire Dongtianyuan Kingdom, it would be: they deserved to die.

Teacup dog Awu and little fat chick Axuan squatted on her shoulders and looked up at the sky with her.

Awu and Axuan still wore small muzzles and couldn't talk casually, but they looked at each other and could communicate some things that Xia Chujian didn't notice.

Wufu and Xiao Jiuxiang were busy and chattering in the small compartment of Xia Chujian's bedroom, packing their favorite toys.

These days, they have lived with Xia Chujian and have long been accustomed to it.

Xia Chujian is also used to it.

She even went to help them pack their toys.

Everyone packed up for a whole morning and packed up everything.

Xia Chujian said: "Liushun, how about you stay here and look after the house?"

Liushun was unwilling, of course, and the electronic synthesized voice revealed a sense of loyalty: "Master, Liushun is the master's robot in life and the master's robot ghost in death."

"Wherever the master goes, Liushun will go!"

Xia Chujian's mouth twitched, and said: "Liushun, if you want to become a robot ghost, don't come to me."

"I am most afraid of ghosts, all kinds of ghosts."

Liushun: "..."

It said: "Master, this is just a metaphor, don't pay attention to those details."

Xia Chujian: "..."

She said: "Okay, I'll contact Aunt Chen and ask her to pack Beijiayi and send it over."

"Let's go back and let Beijiayi guard the door."

Liushun's electronic synthesized voice suddenly revealed a cheerful atmosphere: "Beijiayi is the most suitable for guarding the door. The master is so powerful! He can make the best use of everything!"

Xia Chujian ignored it and carried down the several suitcases that had been packed with Sanzong.

She also had the suitcase full of gold, which she had to take back.

Fortunately, this suitcase has also been specially treated.

When going through security check, the security equipment will only see normal clothes inside, not gold.

Only the big black dog didn't want to leave.

It touched the back of Xia Yuanfang's hand with its nose, and continued to lie in the doghouse on the porch.

Xia Yuanfang didn't force it, and said: "Big Black, you stay here to watch the house."

"Tonight, the housekeeping robot named Beijiayi will come back. You have to listen to it and can't destroy the house, understand?"

The big black dog barked a few times, as if to indicate that it heard it.

Xia Chujian didn't look at the big black dog either.

This guy ignored her, and she ignored it.


In the afternoon, Xia Chujian and Xia Yuanfang, with Sanzong, Sixi, Wufu, Xiao Jiuxiang, teacup dog Awu, little fat chirp Axuan, and housekeeping robot Liushun, boarded the first-class cabin of the interstellar spacecraft together.

At the same time in the first-class cabin, Ning Sa and Ning Zheng were indeed there.

Since Xia Yuanfang returned to Yuanxing, Ning Sa also had to go back.

Of course, Xia Yuanfang had informed her.

But this time, Ning Sa and Ning Zheng did not bring any extra nannies, just the two of them.

They took the first-class cabin that Xia Yuanfang had booked.

There were ten small rooms in this class, more than enough room for all of them and the animals.

Because Wufu and Xiaojiuxiang, as well as Awu and Aqun, lived with Xia Chujian.

Sanzong takes Sixi to live with him.

Xia Yuanfang lives alone.

Liushun doesn't need a room, the living room is its territory.

There are seven rooms left, including Ning Sa and Ning Zheng.

Because I had company, this trip was very enjoyable.

Just when he flew out of the wormhole, Xia Chu saw A Wu and A Quan in the room suddenly looking in the same direction at the same time, as if they were preparing for the attack.

Xia Chujian felt the solemnity of these two people and hurriedly hugged Wufu and Xiao Jiuxiang to his side.

Sixi nestled at Xia Chujian's feet, her little ears pricked up, and she looked a little nervous.

Xia Chujian whispered: "Ah Wu, Ah Quan, do you need my help?"

Judging from the looks of Awu and Aqu, they sensed some threat.

Awu said without looking back: "Sister, A'qun and I can handle it."

"You guys are holding on tight."

Xia Chujian: "..."

Hold on tight, what hold on?

Just when she was confused, two huge figures that she couldn't see suddenly appeared from the heads of Ah Wu and Ah Quan, penetrated the starship, and rushed forward!

Just on the route ahead of the interstellar spacecraft, traces of black fog, invisible to the naked eye and special telescopes, were moving around.

The black mist is like an invisible long snake, sometimes scattered and sometimes gathered together.

It seemed to contain huge energy, causing the interstellar spacecraft that had just come out of the wormhole to feel an indescribable resistance.

A few strands of black mist seemed to notice the starship coming out of the wormhole, and suddenly rushed over quickly.

At this moment, a shadow that looked like a giant lion appeared in front of them, with its mouth wide open.

This black mist was like moths rushing to the flame, all swallowed up by the lion shadow.

And another huge shadow that looked like a bird or a fish slowly swam past, rolled a few times where the black mist had just appeared, and then returned slowly.

And the interstellar spacecraft suddenly found that the resistance in front disappeared, and the engine running at full speed suddenly drove the spacecraft to speed up quickly.

None of the people in the spacecraft expected that such a stable interstellar spacecraft could have such a large inertia like a car traveling on land, and they were all immediately thrown to the ground.

In the cabin where Xia Chu met, she was not knocked down because she was prepared in advance.

Here, the motionless teacup dog Awu in front of her suddenly burped.

The little fat Jiu A'qun, who had been motionless before, flapped his little wings.

Xia Chujian clicked his tongue: "Awu, what good food did you eat again? Won't you share it with us?"

Awu turned around and said in a serious voice, "A few traces of the rotting dragon energy almost corroded the spatial boundary wall here."

Ah Quan flapped his fat little wings and flew to Xia Chujian's shoulder, boasting like a child: "Sister, Ah Quan has patched up that spot!"

The little mung bean looked at Xia Chujian and looked like he was begging for praise.

Xia Chujian: "..."

Will it still mend the sky if it is tender?

The little thing is getting more and more good at putting gold on his face.

Xia Chujian jerked off a handful of her pussy and expressed her approval.

Awu flew up directly, squatted on Xia Chujian's other shoulder, and said, "Sister, do you want to eat dragon energy? I can spit out a few strands for you."

Xia Chujian hurriedly waved her hands: "No, no! Ah Wu, just eat them all, I can't bear it!"

Awu slapped his lips: "The taste is actually average, not very delicious. It's not as good as the taste of Crocodile Dragon."

The corner of Xia Chujian's mouth twitched: "Yeah, I'm really wronged Awu, I really don't have a dragon here for you to eat."

Even if there was, she wouldn't dare to feed it...

Awu said: "Sister, there is a dragon in the Alien Beast Forest. After we go back, shall we go hunting in the Alien Beast Forest?"

The little black bean's eyes were full of desire for the "dragon".

Xia Chujian laughed: "You really dare to think about it. Okay, I haven't hunted with Ah Wu and Ah Quan yet!"

After hearing this, Wufu hurriedly said: "Sister! Wufu is going hunting too!"

Xia Chujian looked at his small body and said disgustedly: "Wufu, how do you hunt? If you go, you will be the prey, and others will hunt you."

Wufu pouted, expressing his displeasure.

Xiao Jiuxiang smiled and said: "Sister, Jiuxiang can accompany my sister to hunt. Jiuxiang is not a prey."

Xia Chujian squeezed his fat cheeks and smiled without saying a word.

Wufu scared Xiao Jiuxiang: "Jiuxiang, you are so fat and you can't run fast. The monsters in the forest love to eat you, a soft and waxy child!"

Xiao Jiuxiang looked at the grinning Wufu, her mouth was flat, and she seemed to be trying her best to endure it, but in the end she couldn't bear it anymore and burst into tears.

Xia Chujian said hurriedly: "Wufu, you are naughty again!"

He coaxed Xiao Jiuxiang again: "Xiao Jiuxiang, no, if Xiao Jiuxiang follows Sister, no monster will come to eat you..."

This is the first update, there will be a second update at five minutes past twelve noon!

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