I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1071 The Wonders of Nature (Second Update)

Xia Chujian quickly drove his Xuannv Qingyao titanium mecha to fly to the coordinates of the next small wormhole.


It was as if a small nuclear bomb had exploded right where she had just left.

Not only did the black oval circle space representing the exit of the wormhole disappear without a trace, but even the place where the black mist once buried under the passage was blown up into a small mushroom cloud.

The deep pit blasted underground was at least ten meters long.

Xia Chujian looked back and said, "This hole needs to be filled."

Ah Huan said: "When these small wormholes collapse, we can fill them in together."

Xia Chujian: "..."

Why does this sound so scary?

Xia Chu saw no more words.

Ahead, Awu's shadow has turned.

All the black mist here has been eaten up by it.

Ah Quan flew up at this moment: "A Wu, there are still six wormholes left."

"We'll each be responsible for three. Just collapse them."

Awu's voice became louder and louder: "Okay, A'qun."

Then, the teacup dog Awu flew up from Xia Chujian's shoulder and changed into its phantom form.

At this time, Xia Chujian saw it more clearly.

Compared with the phantom, Awu's current appearance is more majestic.

Its body looks like a giant lion, but its head resembles that of a legendary dragon.

The limbs are strong and slender, and the whole body is covered with golden scales, except for a tuft of golden hair on the head.

Not snow white at all.

Qilu's childish voice sounded in Xia Chujian's fully enclosed helmet, almost breaking.

"Master! This is a dragon! A dragon that feeds on dragons!"

"The golden-furred Jong is the divine Jong! The divine Jong of the Emperor of Divine Beasts!"

"Wocao! Awu is actually a god!"

Xia Chujian: "!!!"

Her eyebrows furrowed: "Qilu, who did you learn dirty words from?"

Qilu: "..."

Its childish voice was a little depressing: "Master, don't worry about these details. The key point is that Awu is a god!"

Xia Chujian said lightly: "I don't know what you are talking about, let's get higher quickly!"

As she spoke, she drove the Xuannv Qingyao titanium mecha to quickly rise into the air and fly high into the alien beast forest.

Right under her feet, she could see Awu's size, scaled down to a size that could fit into a small wormhole.

Soon, Awu and Aqun got into a small wormhole respectively.

Then, the same sound wave vibration is transmitted in the wormhole, gradually resonating with the energy of the wormhole.

Then, there was another series of booms! boom! boom!

The ground beneath her feet was undulating and rolling with terrifying resonance. It really looked like a dragon was shuttled under the ground!

From time to time, small mushroom clouds flew up from the ground.

The land beneath the seven wormholes was indeed blown into pieces.

Now there is a huge pit with a radius of ten miles, appearing in the land of Alien Beast Forest.

Such a big movement may have scared all the animals within a hundred miles away.

Xia Chujian thought to himself that even if the Dog Emperor had surveillance here, it would not be able to spread due to the magnetic field.

Only when his men come to get it themselves can we see what is happening here.

But now due to the energy of the collapse of the small wormhole, everything here has been physically destroyed.

Even if there is surveillance, when the Dog Emperor's men come over, they won't be able to find even the residue of surveillance...

Thinking of this, Xia Chu felt happy physically and mentally, and his desire for destruction became stronger.

She raised her eyes and saw that of course all the towering trees above the pit had collapsed and filled the pit.

The seven small wormholes also disappeared in mid-air.

Xia Chujian drove Xuannv Qingyao titanium mecha to slowly descend.

Awu and Aju switched back to their teacup dog and little fat chirp forms.

They quickly flew towards Xia Chujian, squatting on the shoulders of her mecha and settling into the specially made tori of the other side.

Xia Chujian: "..."

Where are the majestic gods and the arrogant Starry Sky Birds just now? !

You guys can't be more handsome than three seconds!

Xia Chujian looked at the mess on the ground and said, "There is so much movement here, will others notice it?"

"For example, those who placed black mist here to corrode the wormhole seal?"

Awu and Aqu both looked at her with their little heads tilted, their small black bean-like eyes seeming to say: "This is your problem, not ours."

Xia Chujian: "..."

It was Qilu who said in her fully enclosed helmet: "Master, no one will be discovered."

"Qilu has detected the sound wave transmission distance created by Ah Wu and Ah Quan, and it only covers a radius of fifty miles here."

"That is to say, as long as there are no human beings within a radius of fifty miles, no one will discover it."

Xia Chujian said: "What if there is someone there?"

"What if there is surveillance?"

Qilu said: "First of all, there is no human habitation here. Qilu has already detected it with a life detector."

"There were originally some wild beasts and strange beasts, but after Ah Quan made a cry, all of them ran away."

"Now this place is about a thousand miles away, and everything is clean and cleared."

"Secondly, the magnetic field interference here is very serious, so the star network cannot be connected here."

"Even if there is monitoring here, it can only be stored locally and not uploaded to the cloud in time."

"As for the movements and explosions caused by Ah Wu and Ah Quan just now, even with local surveillance, they were blown to pieces."

"Maybe tomorrow, if those people come again, they will find out that something happened here."

"But they will never think of how this happened!"

Qi Lu's childish voice said the last sentence, with a little excitement of "wanting chaos in the world".

Xia Chujian thought, it was the same as her analysis.

But it was not completely worry-free.

She said calmly: "So, it will still be discovered."

"As long as it is discovered, there may be clues left."

Qi Lu said: "What should we do then?"

"Why don't we just set a fire and burn this place?"

Xia Chujian's lips curled slightly: "That's exactly what I want."

As she said, her mechanical right arm carried a flamethrower.

"In order not to leave any clues, I have to do this."

Her flamethrower was mainly sprayed into the big pit.

The fallen trees inside were burned into charcoal by the super high temperature before they could burn.

Qilu observed the burning situation, and said with envy in his childish voice: "This is the best silver frost charcoal, smokeless."

"Master, should we get some back to burn?"

Xia Chujian said unhappily: "There is a small controllable nuclear fusion power generator at home, which is a truly pollution-free, pure natural renewable energy."

"Why should I use backward charcoal to keep warm?"

Qilu said: "But master, in those ancient online novels that Qilu read, the male and female protagonists used exquisite small hand warmers to put silver frost charcoal in winter to enjoy the snow!"

Xia Chujian said: "Read less online novels about backward production capacity in the future, it will affect your logical reasoning ability."

Qilu: "..."

It didn't speak, but Xia Chujian tasted a trace of its last stubbornness from its "silence" that was unwilling to give up the hobby of reading online novels.

This mechanical intelligence is really going to heaven!

Xia Chujian complained in her heart, but didn't say it out loud.

She was not as strict with Qilu as before.

She didn't realize that she had been treating Qilu more and more as a person.

Xia Chujian ignored Qilu and said to Awu and Axuan: "How do we fill the hole here?"

Awu and Axuan, who were squatting on the receptacle of the red spider lily on Xia Chujian's shoulder, looked at each other.

Then, the teacup dog and the little fat chirp made two sounds at the same time.

The teacup dog Awu's voice was lower, like a gentle roar.

The little fat chirp Axuan's voice was clearer, like a firm call.

Not long after, rustling sounds were heard in the woods.

After a while, groups of animals of all sizes rushed in from all directions.

Xia Chujian looked up and found common northern forest animals, such as moose, white-tailed deer, elk, wild wolf, black bear, fox, raccoon, hare, squirrel, groundhog, vole, white-haired badger, and black weasel.

There are also unusual northern forest animals, such as rats with red fur that looks like flames, griffins, sea hollies, double-headed eagles, and some strange beasts.

They came and started to fill the pits.

And these animals seemed to be arranged by someone.

The animals that can dig holes are responsible for making the frozen soil fluffy.

The animals with strong strength are responsible for pushing the fluffy frozen soil into the deep pit.

The huge animals are responsible for running and trampling on the filled soil pits repeatedly to compact the deep pits.

And those unusual beasts are on guard at the border of this area.

The flying beasts can cover the entire area with their wings spread.

At the same time, there are different beasts on the ground and underground, monitoring every corner of this area.

Xia Chujian stood in the sky and watched all this, envious of Awu and Axuan's abilities to the point of jealousy.

This is really too good!

With the coordinated efforts of these animals, four hours passed and the sky in the forest of strange beasts was dark. The deep pits in the entire area were finally filled and even trampled tightly by the beasts.

Then some strange beasts brought a lot of ice and snow from the far north and built an iceberg here.

From a close distance, the iceberg and snow pile looked natural.

From a distance, the snow pile and iceberg were integrated.

There were no traces of human intervention.

It was completely the work of nature!

Several griffins and gyrfals even lived directly on the mountainside and did not leave.

Xia Chujian observed the actions of these animals and strange beasts calmly.

She was still looking for the griffin and gyrfalcon she had dealt with before...

Of course, she did not find it.

Because in her eyes, these griffins and gyrfals looked almost the same except for the difference in size.

She also didn’t remember how big the griffin Saker Falcon she named A Diao was…

After the iceberg and snow piled up here, A Wu let out a low roar, and A Xuan chirped again.

Then the animals and strange beasts left this place one after another.

Only the griffin Saker Falcon that had made a nest on the hillside of the iceberg tucked its head under its wings and dozed off.

This is the second update!

There will be a new update at 5:00 p.m.!


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