I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1072: Going back to where we came from (first and bigger chapter)

Xia Chujian glanced at the silver moon rising in the sky and smiled slightly.

That's good.

May there never be those disgusting things on this pure land.

She took Awu and Axuan, drove her Xuannv Qingyao titanium mecha, and quickly left this place.

Returning to her aircraft, Xia Chujian said: "Sanzong, let's go hunting in another place."

The direction of the "iceberg snow pile" of nature's wonders is not going, but other directions can still be visited.

The north of the strange beast forest is originally a very broad and grand area.

She pointed a direction to Sanzong.

Sanzong drove the aircraft and accelerated to the cabin where Xia Chujian and his team of the Dark Night Hunter Association had lived before.

Just as the aircraft was flying, Awu, the teacup dog squatting on Xia Chujian's shoulder, suddenly vomited and fell from Xia Chujian's shoulder.

It happened to fall on Xia Chujian's legs.

Xia Chujian hurriedly put him in her palm and asked worriedly: "What's wrong, Awu? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

The little fat bird Axuan also flew down from her shoulder and landed on Xia Chujian's arm, tilting his head and saying: "Awu, spit out all the dirty things you swallowed."

"That's not the real dragon's qi. You will have indigestion if you eat it."

Xia Chujian suddenly realized that he was talking about the black mist?

Awu also said before that it was rotten "dragon qi".

So, is it really that the "dragon qi" is bad?

Just like rotten food, humans will get sick if they eat it...

Just as Xia Chujian was thinking about it, Awu suddenly spit out a ball of black mist!

This time, Xia Chujian could see it without the faint light emitted from the eyepiece display.

The black mist looked more condensed than before, but the evil aura it emitted was also particularly obvious, and there was a faint smell of decay, which really made people feel physically uncomfortable.

Xia Chujian was not wearing a fully enclosed helmet at this time. When she smelled a strange smell, she held her breath and said, "Hurry up! Open the hatch! Get this mist out!"

"It really smells terrible! I'm going to vomit!"

San Zong was quick-witted and opened the hatch of the aircraft.

Then the little fat bird Ah Xuan blew a breath at the black mist, blowing it out of the cabin and instantly dispersing it to the outside world.

The air in the aircraft seemed to be purified all of a sudden, without the oppressive and nauseating feeling.

Xia Chujian sighed and said, "...It would be better if this black mist was eliminated. Blowing it out now will also pollute the air outside."

"Or should I go out and get a flamethrower to burn it?"

Or use black silver bullets.

In short, this kind of thing is too corrosive, and it can even corrode the seal of the wormhole in the space.

She was very worried about these things being left outside.

The fat little bird Ah Xuan blinked his small black eyes and said, "Then how do you want to destroy it, sister?"

Xia Chujian said, "How else can I destroy it? I want to give someone a taste of their own medicine! Is it possible?! - I'd better go out and burn it!"

A Xuan tilted his head: "What does it mean to give someone a taste of their own medicine?"

Wu Fu explained beside him, "It means to let this thing go back to where it came from, and corrode it by itself, hahahaha!"

The fat little bird Ah Xuan fluttered its wings: "I see! Don't worry, sister, Ah Xuan will blow it back!"

Xia Chujian was curious: "...What do you mean by blow it back?"

A Xuan was calm: "That's what Wu Fu said, let it go back to where it came from!"

Xia Chujian: "..."

She was puzzled: "A Xuan, do you know where it came from?"

If you know, can you catch the mastermind? !

But when you think about it again, you feel like your brain is spinning!

Who is the mastermind behind this? Isn't it obvious!

Who else?

That dog emperor!

Only he has those corrupt "dragon spirits"...

Xia Chujian was very angry, but she felt very happy when she saw the little fat chick flying out and flying back, looking so proud.

Although she didn't understand how the little fat chick did it, she still thought it was amazing!

Xia Chujian didn't ask any more questions, but she believed in the ability of the last starry sky phoenix chick in the universe.

Awu also felt much more comfortable.

But he still didn't want to get up, and lay listlessly in Xia Chujian's palm.

The teacup dog's little body curled up like a handful of fluffy snow.

Seeing this, the little fat chick Awu flew to Xia Chujian's palm and gently stuck to the teacup dog Awu.

Teacup dog Awu suddenly seemed drunk, and collapsed more limply in Xia Chujian's palm, with his snow-white fur instantly turning a faint pink...

Xia Chujian: "..."

This famous beast, the emperor of gods, wouldn't be a love-brained beast? !


Xia Chujian didn't know what kind of consequences she had caused by what she asked the little fat chick Axuan to do.

Four hours ago, when teacup dog Awu and the little fat chick Axuan were still directing the animals in the exotic beast forest to fill the pit and build an iceberg, the palace of the Tan Tai royal family in Mulan City, Guiyuan Star, was also in chaos.

Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan, who had just made love with Lady Jiuyi, climbed up from her soft and boneless jade body with satisfaction.

But as soon as he sat up, he felt dizzy, as if something had emptied his mind.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that everything was dark in front of him and he couldn't see anything.

Then there was a burst of piercing pain in his head, as if something was sucking his... mental power!

"Ah...!" He covered his head, screamed, and rolled off the bed.

At this moment, it seemed that someone had lit a furnace in his brain, roasting his brain tissue at high temperature.

Every breath and every heartbeat seemed to add fuel to the fire.

The more he screamed, the more the "fire" seemed to burn, and the more his head hurt.

It was as if someone stretched his brain nerves to the limit, and then let go.

Those nerves rebounded to the limit like rubber bands and hit his brain tissue.

The pain index rose rapidly and finally exploded.

In his brain, it seemed that someone was setting off fireworks, and it seemed that he was cooked and his brain was being dug out to eat.

It seemed that there were countless feet trampling in his brain, and his brain was trampled into a flat blanket.

At one point, he even wondered vaguely, is this what it would feel like to use a lie detector that can physically attack brain tissue on the head?

This thought only flashed through his mind, and then was completely worn away by waves of severe pain.

He could no longer think, and even had no perception of everything around him.

It was like being locked in a dark room. He could even "see" someone taking out his brain and throwing it on the ground, and then rubbing it repeatedly on the ground like plowing a field.

And he was like his consciousness was out of his body, but he could only stand by and watch his brain being trampled and beaten, but he couldn't stop it.

He wanted to shout, but he couldn't make a sound.

He wanted to stop it, but he couldn't move.

It hurt for four hours. He rolled on the floor of the bedroom, strangling his throat and trying to scream but couldn't, his head banging against the floor, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up, let alone issue any orders or oral instructions.

Quan Jiuyi was also frightened at first when she saw the emperor in this state.

She quickly put on her clothes and hurriedly called the imperial physician and the eunuchs in to treat the emperor.

But the emperor was so strong in this state that no one could get close to him.

They had no choice but to call in an S-level gene evolver royal guard to take the emperor to the medical cabin.

But the S-level gene evolver was torn into pieces by the emperor with red eyes the moment he touched the emperor...

Everyone was stunned.

An S-level gene evolver!

He was like a powerless child in front of the emperor!

There was no room for resistance at all.

As a result, no one dared to approach the emperor, and of course, no one dared to suggest giving the emperor a long-distance anesthetic injection...

Because no one was sure whether the emperor would hate the person who proposed and sent him a long-distance anesthetic injection after waking up.

So everyone was helpless and watched the emperor roll around in the bedroom of his palace for four hours.

Finally, the emperor felt as if a handful of ice and snow fell from the sky, cooling down his brain that was in so much pain that it felt like boiling water and burning fire.

It finally didn't hurt that much.

He sat up from the ground panting, leaning against the wall, breathing heavily.

There seemed to be a little light in front of him, and he could see vague figures.

But these people seemed to be far away from him, so that he couldn't tell who they were and where he was.

Just when he wanted to speak, he found that his voice was so hoarse that he couldn't say a complete sentence.

He opened his mouth and screamed twice.

Quan Jiuyi had been looking at Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan nervously.

At this time, he saw him sitting on the ground and was about to walk over when he heard the emperor make a little sound.

"Your Majesty? What do you want to say? What's wrong with you? Can you let the imperial doctor come and see?"

Quan Jiuyi approached Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan cautiously step by step.

Emperor Tan Tai Hong Yuan finally heard Quan Jiu Yi's voice, and his heart was suddenly filled with mixed feelings. He thought, it was worth it that he loved this woman so much...

Except for not giving her a name, he gave her almost everything.

At the critical moment, this woman was still useful.

Only this woman, what she really cared about was him, not his power, throne and boundless wealth.

But just when Quan Jiu Yi was about to walk to Emperor Tan Tai Hong Yuan, suddenly, Emperor Tan Tai Hong Yuan shouted "Ah" again.

This shout was short and abrupt, and soon stopped.

Even his whole body was motionless, just looking up at the ceiling at a 45-degree angle.

He seemed to be about to break free from somewhere, but was immediately frozen.

Quan Jiu Yi finally came to Emperor Tan Tai Hong Yuan, she gently reached out her hand and touched the emperor's fingers exposed outside his pajamas.

"Ah... Why is it so cold?!" Quan Jiuyi quickly retracted his fingers and turned back to the imperial physician and said, "Your Majesty seems to have fainted, do you want to come over and take a look?"

Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan could barely speak.

He raised his hand slightly to stop the imperial physician from approaching, and said to Quan Jiuyi with a weak breath, "Jiuyi, help me up, I'm fine..."

Although his body temperature was very low now, it just neutralized the unbearable burning and pain before.

He felt much more comfortable.

As long as he rested more, he would recover.

He knew his body.

Besides, the imperial doctors in the palace on Guiyuan Star cannot be compared with the imperial doctors in the palace on Beichen Star.

They can't treat his current condition at all.

Quan Jiuyi hurried over and helped Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan up.

Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan felt his condition and thought that he might have to rest for a while this time.

But during this period, there are many things to do, and he can't let go completely, and can't just let the cabinet, the military and the Senate work together.

Thinking of this, Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan glanced at Quan Jiuyi who was worried beside him, and said to his eunuch: "Pass on my will. During my convalescence, all state affairs, big or small, will be temporarily presided over by Madam Jiuyi."

"I want..."

Before he finished his sentence, his eyes suddenly widened and looked ahead, as if he saw something extremely terrifying!

No one else present could see it, but Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan saw it clearly. A ball of black mist that was so solid that it almost became a physical entity appeared out of thin air in midair, rushed towards him, and directly entered his brain and internal organs!

Isn't that... isn't that... the dragon energy he extracted? !

How can it come back? !

But when this ball of "dragon energy" entered his body, it rushed wildly and could no longer be assimilated by his mental power!

His whole body was suddenly like being thrown into concentrated sulfuric acid.

The pain this time, from inside to outside, completely exceeded his tolerance.

Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan screamed, his face flushed purple, and his hands suddenly stretched out, pinching Quan Jiuyi's neck, with such great strength that he almost strangled her to death...

Fortunately, Quan Jiuyi was also a genetic evolver. Although she was only B-level, she was not strangled to death by the emperor's pinch.

However, the emperor only pinched her once, and his whole body lost strength and fell down.

Quan Jiuyi didn't have that much strength, and watched the emperor fall to the ground.

"Come here quickly! His Majesty has fainted!"

Seeing that His Majesty had fainted, the imperial doctors and eunuchs came over tremblingly.

Quan Jiuyi didn't know if the emperor would attack indiscriminately as before if he suddenly woke up.

She gritted her teeth and said, "First, fix His Majesty, and then send him to the medical cabin."

She said it very implicitly, not "tie him up", but "fix him".

This is something that can be done but cannot be said.

The eunuchs and the inner guards understood.

They quickly took a very strong rope of unknown material and tied up the motionless emperor. Then the imperial doctor changed the emperor into medical clothes and quickly sent him to the medical cabin.

The medical cabin has equipment to deal with such "violent" patients.

In the medical cabin, the emperor was tied up tightly and "fixed" firmly, and the test began.

This is the first larger chapter. There will be additional chapters after 12:05 pm for monthly tickets!

I usually post large chapters at noon, but the plot of this chapter has come to this point, so I won’t get stuck. My dears, enjoy reading it!

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