I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1073 Imperial Power Balancer (Second update, monthly ticket)

Chapter 1073 Imperial Power Balancer (Second update, monthly ticket +)

The imperial physician looked at the test data on the control panel outside the medical cabin and frowned, saying: "What happened to your majesty?"

"First you got hot? Then you got cold?"

"This data shows that the whole body, especially the brain, has severe burns, and the brain tissue is almost melted..."

The imperial physician looked at the data as if he was reading an open book.

"But now, it shows that the body temperature has dropped sharply. If it weren't for the high level of genetic evolution of your majesty, this drastic change in body temperature would have declared death for ordinary people."

The imperial physician looked at Quan Jiuyi: "Madam Jiuyi, can you tell me what your majesty did just now?"

Quan Jiuyi said aggrievedly: "Your majesty just rested in bed for a while and wanted to get out of bed. As a result, he fell to the ground and said he had a headache."

"I called you here immediately."

"You have been watching, and I don't know what happened."

The imperial physician frowned and said: "So before, your majesty was in bed?"

Quan Jiuyi nodded, and gathered her hair a little embarrassedly.

Although everyone knew her relationship with the emperor, she was still a little embarrassed to talk about her relationship with the emperor in front of so many people.

The imperial physician thought for a moment and said tactfully: "According to the data, your majesty has taken some... kidney-benefiting drugs before..."

"This drug has a very high calorie content, so it must have a negative impact on the body."

In fact, it means that the emperor has taken too many aphrodisiacs...

Quan Jiuyi also heard the imperial physician's implication and blushed slightly, but still said: "No, your majesty has never needed to take this drug."

The imperial physician smiled and didn't take it seriously. He just thought that Madam Jiuyi was a wonderful person. No wonder the emperor loved her so much.

The imperial physician thought he had guessed right and nodded and said: "That's easy. Let your majesty stay in the medical cabin for one night, and he should be fine."

In his opinion, the side effects of this aphrodisiac can be cured by speeding up metabolism and blood circulation. The drug effect will be metabolized and the patient will recover naturally.

No matter how powerful the aphrodisiac is, it will no longer work if it stays in the medical cabin for one night.

Quan Jiuyi was relieved: "Thank you, please come and watch over His Majesty at night. I will consult someone to see how His Majesty should be taken care of after he recovers from his illness."

She was born in the Quan family, one of the four noble families, and she is the biological daughter of the current Quan family's old patriarch.

She has come into contact with more upper-class people than the imperial physician.

The imperial physician did not dare to be arrogant in front of Quan Jiuyi, and hurriedly bowed to send her away.

Quan Jiuyi returned to her place in the bedroom, went to the bathroom, turned on the shower head, and then quietly sent a message to someone.

Soon, she received a message from the other side.

Looking at this message, Quan Jiuyi understood and was no longer at a loss.

She waited patiently for a whole night, did not go to the emperor, and only let the imperial physician, eunuchs and royal guards guard the medical cabin.

The next day, the emperor, who was predicted by the imperial physician to be fine, still did not wake up.

In the medical cabin, his breathing gradually stabilized, but he seemed to have entered a deep sleep.

The test in the medical cabin showed that he had severe brain fog and his brain tissue was in an extremely damaged state, especially the hippocampus that controls memory.

His current coma would help him recover.

But the emperor couldn't stay in a coma like this forever...

The imperial physician was uneasy and didn't dare to be the attending physician himself. Instead, he immediately asked the chief imperial physician of Beichen Star to come over.

Compared with the chief imperial physician, he could only be regarded as an apprentice who had just graduated.

Of course, this was relatively speaking.

In fact, he was a very experienced and skilled doctor.

But compared with the imperial physician of the Beichen Star Palace, he couldn't compare, let alone the chief imperial physician there.

Besides, if his medical skills were so good, he wouldn't stay in the palace of Mulan City in Guiyuan Star as an imperial physician.

But Quan Jiuyi opposed his proposal.

She said: "Instead of asking the chief imperial physician to come, why don't we send His Majesty back to Beichen Star directly."

"Your Majesty's bat fighter is here, it can make space jumps, and it will take less time to go back."

Her proposal is indeed very reliable.

There are only two bat fighters in the Beichen Empire that can make space jumps.

One belongs to the emperor, and the other belongs to the chief inspector of the Special Security Bureau.

According to the relevant regulations of the Beichen Empire, the emperor and the chief inspector of the Special Security Bureau cannot leave Beichen Star at the same time.

Now that the emperor is no longer in Beichen Star, the chief inspector of the Special Security Bureau cannot leave.

This cannot leave not only refers to people, but also to the bat fighter.

Only in this way can we ensure that the information and traffic of the Imperial Capital Star can be kept unobstructed to the greatest extent.

So the bat fighter of the chief inspector of the Special Security Bureau cannot be moved.

So if the chief imperial physician is asked to come, it will take at least twelve hours.

Because the chief imperial physician needs to take an interstellar spaceship and pass through the wormhole to come here.

If they were to return to Beichen Star from Guiyuan Star immediately, they could directly take the Emperor's Bat Fighter.

Using the Bat Fighter with space jump function, they could return to Beichen Star in just half an hour.

Compared with 12 hours, half an hour is naturally self-evident.

Moreover, the superior medical conditions of Beichen Star are not comparable to those of Guiyuan Star.

And there is also the medical cabin.

The medical cabin in the Mulan City Palace of Guiyuan Star is not of top configuration.

The truly top-level medical cabin is in the palace of Beichen Star.

And Quan Jiuyi not only has the oral instructions of Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan when he was awake for a moment, so she can preside over government affairs on behalf of the emperor, but she even has His Majesty's personal seal, which can mobilize many resources including the bat fighter.

From these small details, everyone can see that Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan's trust in Quan Jiuyi is much higher than his trust in the queen.

Therefore, Quan Jiuyi's proposal was unanimously agreed by everyone.

Before Quan Jiuyi went back, he also sent a reply to Huo Yushen.

This reply was a response to the message sent jointly by the Cabinet General Commander of Beichen Star, the five chiefs of staff of the military, the Speakers of the Senate and the Upper and Lower Houses, and the Chief Inspector of the Special Security Bureau Huo Yushen a few days ago.

It was when they first discovered that the star fields of the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom were all dead. Huo Yushen, the Minister of the Cabinet, the Speakers of the Senate and the five Chiefs of Staff of the military jointly reported this important information to His Majesty the Emperor, Tan Tai Hongyuan, who was still on vacation on Guiyuan Star.

And asked what to do.

They waited for several days, and the one who finally responded to them was not His Majesty the Emperor, but Lady Jiuyi Quan Jiuyi.

The title of Lady Jiuyi, like the title of nobility, also has a grade, privileges, and salary.

She used the quantum optical brain account of Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan to reply to Huo Yushen and others.

[Emperor]: Hello everyone, I am Lady Jiuyi. His Majesty has a sudden serious illness and needs to rest for a while.

[Emperor]: I will take His Majesty back to Beichen Star immediately.

The relevant people present were speechless when they saw the reply from the self-proclaimed "Lady Jiuyi".

Everyone knows that Lady Jiuyi is the Emperor's mistress, but that is something that cannot be made public.

It's okay to pamper her and give her benefits in private, but it's a bit offensive to put it in public.

Of course, it's not the outsiders like them who are offensive, but the Empress Li Fengen of Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan, and the Li family behind her.

But no one said anything, and they all looked at the Cabinet General Commander Quan Juntai who was present.

Quan Jiuyi is his sister.

No matter how turbulent his heart was, General Commander Quan was calm and composed, and changed the subject lightly, saying: "Has the Emperor suddenly fallen seriously ill? Should we ask the chief imperial physician to go to Guiyuan Star to take His Majesty back to the palace?"

Obviously, compared to the thorny topic of Quan Jiuyi, he still values ​​the Emperor himself more.

What he said is also the right point.

No matter how the Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan's private life is, the most important thing now is his physical health.

Huo Yushen said calmly: "His Majesty the Emperor is seriously ill, should we ask the Crown Princess to supervise the country?"

This means that instead of letting Quan Jiuyi lead the emperor's political affairs, the Crown Princess Tan Taijing should be asked to take action.

Even if Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan died, the throne would still fall into Tan Taijing's hands.

And Tan Taijing was born to the Queen. As long as Tan Taijing took action, the shame brought to the Queen and the Li family by Quan Jiuyi's coming to the surface could be washed away.

At the same time, letting Tan Taijing and Quan Jiuyi compete on the stage would also benefit the people below them.

Just like the emperor always likes to play a balance with the ministers below, the ministers below can also play a balance with the imperial power when the emperor is weak.

For example, the little emperor and the regent queen mother are a pair of natural balancers of imperial power.

But this has no effect on the Beichen Empire.

Because Tan Tai Jing is already 19 years old and an adult, even if she ascends the throne now, she does not need a queen mother to assist in the administration behind her.

Not to mention that Queen Li Fengen herself is currently recuperating in the royal sanatorium.

Since the video came out, Queen Li Fengen and Crown Princess Tan Tai Jing have both faded out of the public eye.

Of course, this does not mean that they have also "faded out" from the royal family.

Now it seems that they are just not liked by Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan.

Seeing that he would rather entrust political affairs to his mistress Lady Jiuyi than take the initiative to issue an order to let the Crown Princess supervise the country or let the queen take over his political affairs, we can know his attitude towards the queen and her daughter.

Huo Yushen's proposal was immediately agreed by the upper and lower speakers of the Senate.

The five chiefs of staff of the military also nodded in agreement.

Only the head of the cabinet, the general commander Quan Juntai, hesitated for a moment, but still nodded in agreement.

Obviously, he was also weighing the pros and cons.

Huo Yushen actually doesn't care who will rule during the emperor's serious illness.

As long as the emperor returns to Beichen Star, he won't be "welded" here.

He has too many things to do, but because the emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan is not here, he has to sit here, which is like tying his hands and feet.

This is the second update, April monthly tickets 3300+.

There will be new updates after 5:00 pm!

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