I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1094 Listening to Auntie Talk About the Past (First and Bigger Chapter, Please Give Me a Mon

Xia Chujian half-opened her mouth, staring at Xia Yuanfang in a daze, thinking, so did her aunt admit that her real aunt was possessed by "Hua Yixin"?

Was the time of this "possession" before or after she was born?

Why did her real aunt suddenly die?

Then under what circumstances did her biological parents die?

Emotionally speaking, Xia Chujian didn't really care that much about the "real aunt" she had never met.

After all, that person had died a long time ago, and it was the "Hua Yixin" in front of her who raised her.

But Xia Chujian still wanted to ask clearly.

Because whether there is affection or not is one thing, but the life and death of one's relatives cannot be ignored.

It's just that Xia Yuanfang had been crying with her eyes down before, and that kind of silent crying made her feel heavier than crying loudly.

Xia Chujian still held back and didn't ask more.

Until Xia Yuanfang stopped crying, Xia Chujian said carefully: "Aunt, when you woke up from my... uh... aunt's body, did you know what happened?"

"... That, when you woke up, was I born or not?"

"My parents, do you know that my aunt... the previous owner of this body is no longer in this world?"

Xia Yuanfang looked at Xia Chujian with some surprise, frowning slightly.

He quickly glanced at Xia Chujian, then lowered his eyes and said with a little sob: "Well, you were not born yet, and when your mother was about to give birth, we were attacked..."

"She used all her abilities to give birth to you, and then used her body to block those attacks..."

Xia Chujian was stunned.

Although she had no feelings for the "biological mother" and never thought that she needed maternal love, as Xia Yuanfang told the story, the mother-daughter love buried deep in her blood seemed to hit her heart all of a sudden.

Xia Yuanfang looked forward, as if she had returned to that night of blood and fire.

The sky collapsed and the earth cracked. The sky was pierced by black shadows. The magnetic field was chaotic. There were gunshots and artillery fire everywhere. There were strange beasts tearing limbs and blood spilling on the ground.

Humans retreated step by step and had retreated to the last fortress.

The remaining people were all scientists. They had no fighting ability at all, but they still picked up guns with the hands holding the laboratory knives.

Their guards died one by one in front of them, and the bodies in front of the gate had piled up into a mountain!

But even if the soldiers of the guards died, they would become obstacles and obstacles in the advance of those enemies!

But there was a more powerful existence that fell from the sky. With a wave of his hand, the mountain of guards' bodies was turned into ashes.

An unbearable pressure fell from the sky, bringing endless fear.

No matter who looked up, they immediately fell into chaos and madness, and even died with their brains bursting.

She was hidden at the back by everyone.

They locked her in the most secure house and put on the best defense equipment for her, just to give her a chance to escape.

They told her that as long as she existed, mankind would not perish!

But Xia Yuanfang knew that these were just words they used to comfort her.

Facing such an existence, they all knew it was too late...

Even she was powerless to save the situation!

Her teachers, senior brothers, senior sisters, junior brothers, and junior sisters in the laboratory died one by one outside the hut.

They would rather die than retreat!

But they would block her at the end until they died!

Xia Yuanfang murmured, "When I finally cracked the password of the hut, opened the door and came out of the hut, all I saw were corpses everywhere..."

"I thought I would die, and die with them..."

Xia Yuanfang fell into deep thought, and after a while, he said, "I opened my eyes and found myself in a completely unfamiliar place."

"There, the first person I saw was your mother. She was pregnant at the time, and there was a little boy with her, who should be your brother."

"The monsters that were chasing me also followed the magnetic field trajectory of my aircraft, and they all came over one by one."

"I asked your mother to take the child away quickly, and told her that those monsters were very powerful, and they would make people fall into madness and collapse at a glance."

"Your mother just smiled at me..."

"Do you know? In that situation, she could still laugh!"

"But her smile was very important to me. 's soothing effect, otherwise I would have collapsed mentally long ago. "

"Your mother just said calmly: 'Really? Let me see how terrible those things that make people sick at a glance are. '"

"Then, your mother pushed your brother to me, blocked us behind her, and single-handedly fought against those beings whose combat power made people despair. "

"She was so powerful... so powerful that I didn't see clearly what happened. She had already dealt with those alien species that were chasing after her. "

"It's just that there were too many of those things. Although she fought them off, her body was also stimulated, causing her to start prematurely, and she had no choice but to... give birth to you. I was the one who delivered her..."

"The little boy, that is, your brother, held you tightly in his arms. It can be seen that he loves you very much. "

Xia Yuanfang said, looking at Xia Chujian, but there was no focus in his eyes. It seemed that through her, he returned to the anxious night that she never dared to recall.

After a bloody battle with millions of corpses, she saw a woman, a pregnant woman, who killed countless terrifying beings that they could not kill in the blink of an eye.

She can turn them into ashes with just a wave of her hand!

She alone can stop thousands of troops!

Xia Yuanfang murmured, "At that time, your mother's health was already very bad, and she had just given birth to a child. But at this time, a new and more powerful existence came to attack us."

"They are endless, and I don't know where they came from in the cosmic cracks..."

"The last one to come in seemed to be particularly strong, so strong that all the alien species before were not as strong as him!"

"So strong that even your mother took it seriously."

"She did not underestimate the enemy and quickly decided to hand you and your brother over to me, letting us go first and she would follow..."

"But when I was about to take you and your sister away, your brother broke free from me and jumped down to accompany your mother."

"Although he was young, his fighting power was not weak."

"I took you away, but your mother and your brother did not come later. These two people never appeared again."

"The alien species that besieged them did not appear again."

"It was your mother and your brother who saved this universe All the humans in the world!"

"If it weren't for them, let alone on our Blue Star, even in the Beichen Galaxy, humans would only be the nutrients and food for those alien species."

"Now the so-called monsters from outside the domain in the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom are far less than those of the past..."

Xia Yuanfang's voice became hateful, and then low and sad: "I know that in that situation, they can't survive..."

Xia Chujian listened nervously, and couldn't help but mutter to himself: "... I actually have a brother? !"

"How old was my brother at that time?"

Xia Yuanfang said: "It was too urgent at that time, and I just looked at your brother. He was at most nine or ten years old at that time."

Xia Chujian said "Oh" with regret: "So young... Why didn't he run? Alas..."

Then he asked: "All these things happened in the year I was born? Where did this happen? Mulan City on Guiyuan Star?"

According to Xia Yuanfang's story, she should no longer be on the planet where she and Qin Wanglan came from.

So has she come to the Beichen Galaxy?

Xia Chujian was thinking about where her mother's last battle with those monsters from outside the domain took place.

"If it was in Mulan City, would the Mulan City Correctional Bureau have any records?"

Xia Chujian thought that she did not have the authority to go to the Mulan City Correctional Bureau to find the records of the case, but her leader Meng Guanghui would definitely be able to do so.

If she had a chance to ask Meng Guanghui, it should be no problem.

Xia Yuanfang looked at her deeply and said, "It should be in... the depths of the strange beast forest."

"I came out of the strange beast forest and entered Mulan City. I just wanted to take you to find a place to live quietly and raise you."

"No one knew what happened there at the time, and no one reported it to the police, so naturally there was no record."

Xia Chujian frowned: "What about my father? What about my cheap father?"

"His wife and son died in the war, and his sister and daughter disappeared. Didn't he think of looking for them?"

Xia Yuanfang said reflexively: "You can't say that about your father. Your mother said that your father has his own things to do."

Xia Chujian: "..."

She subconsciously asked back: "In such a tense situation, you and my mother met for the first time, and you still mentioned my father?"

She couldn't imagine what kind of situation it was.

Xia Yuanfang realized that he had said something he shouldn't have said, and immediately said, "This is a normal reaction."

"Seeing a pregnant woman with a child alone, anyone can't help but ask where her husband and other relatives are."

Xia Chujian's mouth twitched: "It turns out that my mother is really a 'widowed parenting'."

"So what's so good about this man? He gets his way, but women have to bear the huge responsibility from pregnancy to childbirth, and raising children."

"It's so unfair!"

Xia Yuanfang's eyes twitched, and he said slightly angrily: "It's impolite! How can you say that about your father?!"

"I believe what your mother said."

"You My mother is the most powerful woman I have ever seen. A man who can make such a woman fall in love must not be an ordinary person. "

Xia Chujian snorted and said confidently: "That's not necessarily true!"

"In the online novels I have read, there are many women who are so powerful that they can build their own kingdoms, but in the end they have to give their kingdoms to men for free!"

"If I could build my own kingdom, I would definitely be the emperor!"

"What do you mean by giving it to others for free? ! ——I can't bear to give away a grain of rice I planted for free, let alone a kingdom!"

Xia Yuanfang was stunned when he heard it, but Xia Chujian accidentally changed the topic and diverted his attention.

She frowned and said, "What kind of novel is this? It's illogical."

Xia Chujian was curious: "Why is it illogical? Do you think no woman would give the kingdom she conquered to a man?"

Xia Yuanfang said: "Do you think conquering the kingdom is as easy as talking about it?"

"Without the matching mind, ability and ambition, it is absolutely impossible to conquer it."

"A woman who can conquer the kingdom is definitely as ambitious as a man, so it is impossible for her to give the kingdom to others."

Xia Chujian said "Huh": "So you think that a woman who can give the kingdom away will definitely not conquer the kingdom."

"A woman who can conquer the world will never give it away, is that what you mean?"

Xia Yuanfang nodded: "So I said that the underlying logic of this kind of novel is not reasonable, just read it as entertainment, don't vent your anger on those women who can conquer the world."

Xia Chujian nodded heavily: "I know, aunt! It's just a small online novel, just for entertainment."

"If you really want to be serious, I think I would have been angry to death."

Xia Yuanfang: "..."

Look at you like this, and you still say you are not serious?

She curled her lips and said, "You have been very serious since you were a child. Don't you remember that you often made me so angry that I couldn't eat when you were a child?"

"You are so righteous and admit your mistakes quickly, but you never change!"

Thinking of Xia Chujian's childhood, Xia Yuanfang couldn't help but bend down and touch Xia Chujian's forehead, saying, "Chujian, it wasn't me who saved you, but you who saved me."

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't want to live a long time ago."

"If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to survive in a place like the southern part of Mulan City."

"At the beginning, we had no other place to go. Only in that mixed place did we have a glimmer of hope."

"I thought I was lucky and didn't meet any bad humanoids there."

"I only understand now that it's because of you, Chujian, you attracted good humanoids to help us..."

Xia Chujian definitely doesn't remember things from her infancy.

But she still has some impressions of things from her childhood.

After growing up, she also lamented that she was lucky.

In the extremely chaotic and disorderly place like the humanoids in the southern area of ​​Mulan City, she had never suffered any fatal injuries!

Later, she successfully moved out of the southern area and lived in other areas of Mulan City, but there were more people bullying her.

However, she had always been a person who would rather fight than talk since she was a child, and it was common for her to fight with other children outside.

Some things her aunt knew, and some she didn't know. Although Xia Chujian was young at that time, she knew intuitively that she didn't have to say anything about things her aunt didn't ask.

This didn't count as lying to her aunt...

Thinking about it, she also found that her temperament was indeed very different from her aunt's.

For example, her aunt was a top student, but her niece had always been a poor student.

She always thought it was a genetic mutation, and her genes mutated into poor student genes, and they couldn't evolve at all!

Now I know that it's not the case.

She also heard from her aunt that her mother was unparalleled in combat power and was extremely strong, so she must be a high-level genetic evolver, otherwise she wouldn't have defeated those monsters from outside the domain alone.

This is the first bigger chapter! Please guarantee the minimum monthly ticket!

There will be a second update at 12:05 noon. The monthly ticket will be added!

PS: Those who are good at listening to stories can hear that what the aunt said is only one side of the truth. Let's not rush... let the bullet fly for a while (●—●).

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