I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1096: Some are happy, some are sad (the first and bigger chapter, please give me a monthly v

Kwon Jun-tae was puzzled: "...Arrogance? What does that mean?"

The Minister of Foreign Affairs felt aggrieved when he talked about this: "We kindly reminded them, but they seemed to think that we... were begging them on our knees!"

The condescending attitude made the Minister of Foreign Affairs feel aggrieved just thinking about it!

Kwon Jun-tae closed his eyes: "Okay, I got it, you go back first."

"Send the video to my secretary."

The Minister of Foreign Affairs agreed and left the office of the Cabinet General.

He sent the video to Kwon Jun-tae's secretary, which actually meant to Kwon Jun-tae.

Kwon Jun-tae also had the right to open that account.

After the video was sent, Kwon Jun-tae sat behind his desk with a fierce face, looking at the huge virtual display in front of him.

The high-definition picture above showed the face of the other party clearly.

The diplomat of the Southern Cross Principality said to our foreign minister with a hint of sarcasm: "... Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom... We know that it's no big deal. It may be repairing the satellite..."

"Cooperation? Hahahaha... No need... Our two countries are not very familiar with each other!"

The diplomat of the Western Manelli Federation looked sincere, but said the most heartbreaking words: "Cooperation with you? No, we are allies with Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom."

"Your Beichen Empire only has a few habitable planets, one less than Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom... We will suffer if we cooperate with anyone... Hahaha!"

Quan Juntai watched the conversations of these people over and over again, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

He watched for a while, and sent the two video recordings to the two speakers of the Senate and the five chiefs of staff of the military.

Finally, he hesitated for a while and sent it to Huo Yushen.

After watching the video, the first person to reply to him was the speaker of the Senate of the Senate.

He asked nervously: "General Commander Quan, what is going on?!"

"Why did the Simanelli Federation mention the word 'allies'!"

Then, the five military chiefs of staff also invited him to a video call.

Then came the speaker of the lower house of the Senate.

Only Huo Yushen did not reply to him.

The cabinet general commander Quan Juntai was a little surprised and simply initiated a group video call.

Of course, it was encrypted, inviting the two speakers of the Senate, the five military chiefs of staff, and Huo Yushen.

The two speakers of the Senate and the five military chiefs of staff accepted one after another and appeared on the virtual display.

Huo Yushen joined after a while.

As soon as he came in, Quan Juntai asked: "General Inspector Huo, what do you think these two countries mean?"

Huo Yushen's face was cold, and he said lightly: "Isn't this simple? They should have reached an agreement with the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom a long time ago."

The speaker of the upper house of the Senate was sweating: "Are they going to unite to attack us?!"

The hearts of the five military chiefs of staff sank.

They also thought that this was probably what he meant, but the other party didn't say it clearly, so they didn't dare to be sure.

Because if this was really what he meant, their military would have a lot to do!

Speaker Kang of the lower house of the Senate had a dark face.

He slammed his fist on his desk and said viciously: "How dare they?!"

"Has the Principality of the Southern Cross forgotten that we almost destroyed them a few years ago?!"

"The Simonelli Federation has never been beaten, so it doesn't know who it is?!"

He said such a harsh word, and the five chiefs of staff of the military all looked uncomfortable.

Because the person who almost destroyed the Principality of the Southern Cross a few years ago was Huo Yushen!

It was precisely because he fought fiercely in that battle and killed so many noble officers that he was squeezed out of the front-line troops...

Now if the three countries unite to attack the Beichen Empire, they think Huo Yushen will return to the front-line troops?

This is a situation that no one wants to see.

Several chiefs of staff looked at each other.

The Chief of Staff of the General Staff, Rong Tui Di, was the leader of the five chiefs of staff because his last name was Rong and he was one of the four great marquises.

Rong Tui Di coughed and said, "If that's the case, then the strange situation in Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom can be understood."

"It seems that they are preparing for war, and the Southern Cross Principality and the Western Manelli Federation have already formed an alliance with them..."

Huo Yushen frowned slightly and said, "The situation in Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom cannot be explained by 'preparing for war'."

"The entire country has been abolished. Do the Southern Cross Principality and the Western Manelli Federation know about it?"

The Cabinet General Commander Quan Juntai said lightly: "I didn't send the video to them."

"If they really formed an alliance with Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom..., it proves that they already knew what happened there."

"Also, in the video of Chief Inspector Huo, Wen Renyi said that they have already harmed our Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom, and the next target is your Beichen Empire!"

"Taking all factors into consideration, I think the Southern Cross Principality and the Western Manelli Federation have reached an agreement with those in Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom."

"They will jointly attack our country!"

Quan Juntai made the final decision, and the rest of the people also agreed.

Besides, at this point, even if the truth is not so, they must prepare for the worst.

It is better to have a false alarm than to be in a panic when three countries attack at the same time...

Kang Bosheng, the speaker of the lower house of the Senate, continued: "We have made the decision, but we have to report it to Madam Jiuyi and Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess."

"Let them jointly stamp the imperial seal before we can start preparing for war."

"This procedure cannot be omitted."

Quan Juntai nodded: "That's for sure, the procedure must be followed."

"I will go to the palace immediately, find Madam Jiuyi to stamp the imperial seal first, and then find Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess."

Speaker Li of the upper house of the Senate said at this time: "Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess is still in the Royal Sanatorium in the suburbs, taking care of the Queen."

"I heard that the Queen is also well, should we let them come back together?"

Everyone knows that Queen Li Fengen is from the Li family.

The Crown Princess Tan Taijing is her biological daughter.

But the video in the sanatorium before seems to have dealt a heavy blow to the image of both mother and daughter.

Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan therefore ordered them to recuperate in the Royal Sanatorium and not to come out without an imperial decree.

Quan Juntai pondered for a moment and said, "The Queen's condition is not suitable for discharge for the time being. Let Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess come out and preside over the overall situation with Madam Jiuyi."

He took a step back, hoping that Speaker Li would also take a step back.

Sure enough, Speaker Li of the Senate of the Elders pondered for a moment and nodded and said, "Yes."

Quan Juntai looked at Huo Yushen and said, "Then please ask Chief Inspector Huo to take people to the Royal Sanatorium to pick up Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess."

Huo Yushen said coldly, "This is the duty of the Royal Guards. We are the Special Security Bureau, not the bodyguards of the royal family."

Quan Juntai raised his eyebrows.

It was Huo Yushen who took the initiative to propose that the Crown Princess should govern together with Madam Jiuyi. Quan Juntai thought Huo Yushen was the person of Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess.

Now it seems that it is not?

He retracted his thoughts and said lightly, "Since Chief Inspector Huo cannot go, let the Royal Guards pick her up."


On the virtual display screen, everyone's avatars disappeared one by one.

In the office of the Chief Inspector of the Special Security Bureau headquarters, Huo Yushen was still watching the video recording sent to him by Quan Juntai over and over again.

This was recorded by the Foreign Minister of the Beichen Empire when he was negotiating with the diplomats of the Southern Cross Principality and the Simonelli Federation.

The fearless attitude of the diplomats of those two countries made Huo Yushen very unprepared.

But there was no expression on his face. He was just wondering, do these two countries know that it was the Broud phantom that was causing trouble in the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom?

He didn't even mention his own people about this matter.

According to the video he provided, they only saw the strange situation of Wen Renzhao and thought she was the biggest black hand.

But why she had such great power, Huo Yushen didn't say a word.

And he didn't mention the wrapped planetary cocoons that Xia Chujian saw, and the Broud phantom that was as high as the planet.

It's useless to say these things. Instead, it will make some people afraid and breed a surrender mentality.

And he is not going to compromise with anyone.

If anyone surrenders, he will make sure that person and his family pay an unbearable price!

Things are going very smoothly.

Within a week, Xia Chujian saw on the news that because the emperor was seriously ill in bed, the princess was taken back from the royal sanatorium to take care of the seriously ill emperor.

And the emperor's "confidante" Lady Jiuyi will work with the princess to manage the government on his behalf when the emperor is unable to manage the affairs.

This news was also a hot search in the star network of the Beichen Empire for a whole day.

Everyone is speculating whether the princess is going to officially ascend the throne? !

The gambling website within the empire has also opened a bet on when the princess will ascend the throne!

At the same time, the five major space fortresses of the empire have also begun to enter a state of combat readiness.

The general public does not know this.

But Xia Chujian is a military academy student, which is considered to be a military service, so she saw the school push the internal military news.

Among the five major interstellar fleets, the first interstellar fleet was transferred to Zangge Star, the second interstellar fleet was transferred to Kanli Star, and the fourth interstellar fleet was transferred to Shaofu Star for garrison.

The remaining third interstellar fleet and the fifth interstellar fleet were stationed on Beichen Star.

Xia Chujian felt sour when she saw this layout, and once doubted whether her decision was correct.

Because as Huo Yushen said, Beichen Star has the largest garrison protection.

There are two interstellar fleets alone.

The space fortress outside the atmosphere of Beichen Star is also the largest, most populous, and best-equipped war fortress among the five major space fortresses.

And their Guiyuan Star has only one space fortress with the smallest scale, the most backward equipment, and the fewest people, stationed in outer space.

As for the interstellar fleet, there is none.

However, Xia Chujian was sour, but she still didn't want to let her emotions dominate her decision.

She opened the star map of the Beichen galaxy.

When Xia Chujian looked at the star map, she was on the sofa in the living room.

After dinner, my aunt went to the laboratory upstairs and worked overtime day and night to research how to make a body for Qin Wanglan, that is, Yin Zechuan and others.

Liu Shun was cleaning the kitchen.

San Zong took Si Xi to pick up flowers and plants in the courtyard.

Wu Fu and Xiao Jiu Xiang were building blocks on the floor in front of her.

A Wu and A Xuan squatted on her shoulders, one on each side, watching TV.

Xia Chujian then pulled open a virtual display screen, on which appeared a star map of the entire Beichen galaxy.

Wu Fu, who was playing with building blocks on the floor, saw it and said happily: "Star map!"

"Wu Fu likes star map the most!"

He got up and snuggled up to Xia Chujian to watch it together.

Xiao Jiuxiang also crawled over and snuggled up to Xia Chujian's other side, saying: "...Star map!"

Xia Chujian said: "Xiao Jiuxiang, why don't you repeat three words?"

Xiao Jiuxiang blinked his big black and white eyes at her and said in a little voice like a little panda: "...Happy star map!"

Xia Chujian: "..."

Okay, she shouldn't ask too much!

This child did it on purpose!

Xia Chujian moved her eyes to the star map of the Beichen galaxy.

Looking at it this way, she suddenly understood why there was no interstellar fleet stationed on Guiyuan Star.

And she also strengthened her belief.

That is, Guiyuan Star is indeed the safest in this incident.

The star field of the Beichen galaxy is elliptical.

From the star map of the entire Beichen Galaxy, although the Beichen Empire has only five habitable planets, it still occupies half of the star field in the north of the entire Beichen Galaxy.

The left side of the narrow strip in the middle, that is, the west, is occupied by the Simaneli Federation, with nine habitable planets.

The right side, that is, the east, is occupied by the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom, with six habitable planets.

Further south is the Southern Cross Principality, which occupies the most habitable planets, a total of twelve!

Although the other three countries occupy many habitable planets, their star fields are not large.

The largest star field is still the Beichen Empire.

In the star field in the north of the Beichen Galaxy, Beichen Star is in the middle.

To the west is Kanli Star, to the east is Zangge Star, and to the south is Shaofu Star.

And to the north, occupying almost one-fifth of the star field area of ​​the entire Beichen Galaxy, is the star field where Guiyuan Star is located.

Although the star field where Guiyuan Star is located occupies the largest area of ​​the entire star field, there is only one habitable planet there!

And Guiyuan Star is also the farthest star from Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom in the entire Beichen Star System.

If the wormhole channel is not used and only the interstellar troops attack in a straight line, Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom must first defeat Shaofu Star, then Beichen Star, and finally reach Guiyuan Star!

From this point of view, Shaofu Star is the worst.

Most of its star field is connected to Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom.

The second is Zangge Star, and a small part of its star field is connected to Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom.

Kanli Star is in the northwest of the star field of Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom, and is also relatively far away.

But it cannot be compared with Guiyuan Star.

Xia Chujian looked at the star map, sighed, and said: "We are Guiyuan Star, it is indeed the most powerful!"

"What if we are behind? Anyway, we are far away from those war embryos!"

Wu Fu stared at the star map, pointed a few times with his little finger, and asked Xia Chujian curiously: "Sister, where are we?"

This is the first update of the day, a big chapter!

There will be extra updates for monthly tickets after 12:05 noon!

PS: Today is Monday, you still need to vote for recommendations!

And monthly tickets!

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