I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1098 The crying child gets the milk (first and bigger chapter)

Fan Ruisi nodded: "I heard a little from my brothers, you must know more than me."

The title of Mai Ao Tuo's family is one level higher than that of Fan Ruisi's family. His family members are also upper-class people in the empire, and they must know more inside information than her.

But she is not ignorant.

In fact, the upper class of the Southern Cross Principality basically knows the current situation.

Everyone is happy and coldly watching the country that once defeated them, which is about to fall into the situation of national destruction. It is really the law of nature and retribution!

Mai Ao Tuo is different from those people.

He looked around with a sad face and secretly asked Fan Ruisi: "Ruisi, do you think we should remind... remind... uh... the captain?"

Fan Ruisi knew that the captain he was talking about was Xia Chujian.

Their relationship with Xia Chujian was not good at first.

Later, it was because of "admiration for strength" that prompted them to follow Xia Chujian.

The only intersection between them was to go on an adventure to Green Mang Star together.

Mai Aotuo and Fan Ruisi were in the same expedition team, and Xia Chujian was their captain.

Fan Ruisi also admired Xia Chujian's ability from the bottom of her heart.

She frowned and said hesitantly: "She is still a student, right? Even if the two countries fight, does it have anything to do with her?"

Mai Aotuo said: "She is a military school student. According to the laws of the Beichen Empire, she has already joined the army."

"If the war really breaks out, I am worried that military school students will also have to go to the battlefield..."

"You know, Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom has secret weapons, and Beichen Empire will not be a match at all."

He and Fan Ruisi can't go back to school, because the Southern Cross Principality and Beichen Empire are on the verge of breaking off diplomatic relations.

And they all know that Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom has obtained a big killer this time. Even if the Southern Cross Principality and the Ximaneli Federation do not need to take action, the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom alone can destroy the Beichen Empire!

If it is a war to annihilate the country, then Xia Chujian and other military school students are still very likely to go to the battlefield!

Mai Aotuo clenched his fists and said with determination: "I'll just remind her and let her pretend to be sick and not go to school..."

Fan Ruisi said: "This is a good idea. I heard that since she came back, she has had problems with her body and has been treated in the medical cabin."

"Then you remind her secretly and tell her not to tell others."

They both knew that this was top-secret military intelligence.

If people knew that they had leaked it to the people of Beichen Empire, they would be guilty of treason...

Even Mai Aotuo's family could not bear this charge.

However, Mai Aotuo was encouraged by Fan Ruisi and quickly mustered up the courage to operate on his quantum optical brain watch carrier.

Because they and Xia Chujian were once a team, they used the school account to pull a group.

Although the interstellar adventure of Green Star has ended, the group has not been disbanded.

Mai Aotuo found Xia Chujian's account in the group and secretly chatted with her privately.

[Mai Aotuo]: Captain, Beichen Empire will soon have a war, don't go to the battlefield! Don't! You will definitely lose!

[Mai Aotuo]: Dongtianyuan Divine Country has a killer weapon! Even if you have a second-generation mecha, you can't handle it!

[Mai Aotuo]: It's best to pretend to be sick, find an opportunity, stay away from your family. If you can go to another country, go to another country!

[Mai Aotuo]: If the captain is willing to come to our Southern Cross Principality, I can help you get a visa immediately!

Mai Aotuo's message was forwarded to Xia Chujian's personal quantum optical brain account through her school account.

When Xia Chujian saw this message, it was around seven o'clock in the evening in Mulan City, Guiyuan Star.

She was still a little surprised, muttering to herself: "Even the Southern Cross Principality knows about this killer weapon of the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom?"

"But, they don't seem to know the real situation in the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom?"

"The Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom has no people left. Can it rely on Wen Renzhao and those alien monsters from outside the domain so powerful?"

"It seems that they can't leave the star field of the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom..."

Xia Chujian imagined it according to Wen Renzhao's situation, but she didn't think it was necessarily the case.

Wen Renzhao couldn't leave because of the bondage of the power of Broad.

But those alien monsters from outside the domain are not necessarily the same, right?

Otherwise, why would they use wormholes to transmit those humanoid monsters?

Xia Chujian thought about it and still felt that the matter was of great importance.

She sent a message to Huo Yushen.

[Xia Chujian]: Huo Shuai, how are you preparing for the war? I heard that we will definitely lose?

Huo Yushen had just come out of the intelligence room at this time.

He hadn't slept much these days, and had been looking at the airspace maps of the five habitable planets of the Beichen Empire.

He also made the worst preparations, which was to go to war with the three countries of Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom, Southern Cross Principality and Ximaneli Federation at the same time!

Fighting with three parties at the same time, and one of them is not an ordinary military force, this intensity of war is not something that the current strategic decision can deal with.

The military is formulating a new strategic plan.

Huo Yushen must ensure that no alien monsters from outside the domain can break through their internal defenses without anyone noticing.

At this time, the deployment of the Special Security Bureau across the country came into play.

Moreover, his worries were not groundless.

Because in the past twelve hours, their Special Security Bureau has discovered eighteen airspace loopholes, all of which show signs of wormholes starting to grow!

And all these eighteen places are related to those who promote "friendly relations with Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom"...

Huo Yushen has ordered that those people who are biased towards Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom be monitored nationwide.

After working in the intelligence room for several days and nights, he has to go back and have a good sleep today.

Just then, he heard a special voice prompt and turned to his office without making a sound.

Here, he opened the virtual display screen to see the message Xia Chujian sent him.

He set a special prompt tone for Xia Chujian.

As long as she sent a message, he would know it at the first time.

Now seeing that simple sentence, Huo Yushen's eyes twitched.

It was really concise.

He replied expressionlessly.

[Huo Yushen]: Who did you hear say that we will definitely lose?

[Xia Chujian]: Anyway, I have my channels, so I just want to ask if the war is going to start?

[Huo Yushen]:.

Xia Chujian was almost broken by Huo Yushen's period!

She almost couldn't help but sell Mai Aotuo.

In the end, reason controlled her eager hands.

Xia Chujian took a deep breath and began to tell Huo Yushen the facts and reason.

[Xia Chujian]: Huo Shuai, if we really want to fight with Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom, it will not only be a matter for the military.

[Xia Chujian]: We civilians also have the right to know how we will die, right?

Huo Yushen curled the corners of his lips and replied calmly.

[Huo Yushen]: It will not affect civilians, this is a matter for soldiers.

Xia Chujian caught the conversation and replied immediately.

[Xia Chujian]: Huo Shuai, have you forgotten that I am also a soldier!

[Xia Chujian]: My family is all on Guiyuan Star, the most remote and backward planet in the entire empire! And there is not even an interstellar fleet! We are afraid too!

In fact, she has analyzed the reasons and is not afraid.

But she knows the truth that the crying child gets the milk...

Huo Yushen replied expressionlessly.

[Huo Yushen]: You are the one who asked you to move your family to Beichen Star because you don't want to. Regret?

Xia Chujian read this reply and was about to fight back when she saw Huo Yushen sent another message.

[Huo Yushen]: If you change your mind, I can send a bat fighter to pick you and your family up to Beichen Star.

Xia Chujian felt that the "fierce" words that were surging in her head suddenly disappeared.

Well, since Huo Yushen was really good to her family, she would not argue with him.

[Xia Chujian]: I haven't changed my mind. My family is quite safe. I think if we want to deal with the Principality of the Southern Cross and the Western Manelli Federation, can I join in?

[Huo Yushen]: If we want to go to war with the Dongtianyuan Kingdom, I will let you join. The Principality of the Southern Cross and the Western Manelli Federation are just stupid chickens, so there is no need to use a big knife.

Xia Chujian was suddenly a little proud, but she felt that this was weird and she couldn't be happy.

She thought about it and sent the last message.

[Xia Chujian]: Huo Shuai, if we really have to fight, please keep the information flowing.

[Huo Yushen]:.

Another "period".

Huo Yushen knows how to irritate people.

Xia Chujian is no less.

This period is worth her crossing out a favor she owes Huo Yushen.

So she replied.

[Xia Chujian]: A favor (crossed out).

[Huo Yushen]:? .

Xia Chujian has already closed the call page and went to play with Wufu and Xiao Jiuxiang with a smile.

In the next few days, the Beichen Empire entered a state of full preparation for war.

All active military personnel have arrived.

Military school students belong to the reserve force, and according to military law, they are in a semi-conscription state.

However, Xia Chujian did not receive a semi-conscription order from the military because the school reported her "injury" and exempted her from the reserve force this time.

In the school's files, she was indeed in a state of "serious injury".

Although she looked fine, her "injury" was in her brain.

The people in the school did not dare to take shortcuts and let her go to the battlefield.

If she died on the battlefield, when the emperor woke up and found that Xia Chujian, whom he had ordered to save her life, was dead, then they would be in trouble!

Xia Chujian knew nothing at first, until she received news from Chen Yanjun and others that they had received a semi-conscription order and had to wait for the school to call her, she knew that she was exempted from military service.

Chen Yanjun and others also knew it, but they did not envy her. Instead, they felt that it was a pity for her to miss such a good opportunity to make achievements!

Xia Chujian did not feel it was a pity. She told her classmates to pay attention to safety and not to be a hero, and she didn't care about it.

There were too many people, humanoids and small animals in her family who needed to be protected, so she stayed at home.

Moreover, she was worried about the strange beast forest.

Although she had destroyed those wormholes, what if there were others she hadn't discovered?

Or there was another Niubi who opened a new wormhole channel? !

She had to stay here so that she could destroy those channels as soon as possible!

Just as the Beichen Empire was on the alert, the Southern Cross Principality and the Simaneli Federation were also ready to go, inside the dense and inky star field of the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom, the "God-blessed Daughter" Wen Renzhao was furious.

"Our passage is gone?! What do you mean our passage is gone?!"

"What are you all doing?! What do you mean those passages are blocked?!"

"That was the path opened by the great God, how could it collapse?!"

"What?! Destroyed?! When was it destroyed?!"

"Are you all pigs?!"

"You're only now telling me that I was destroyed?!"

"Without these passages, we can't directly enter the Beichen Empire's airspace?!"

"If we can't enter directly, we have to fight them head-on?!"

"Our military resources are currently unable to break through the Beichen Empire's space ion beam cannon!"

"You guys are rubbish! You are such rubbish!"

"It destroyed all the plans made by God!"

"Go to hell! Go to hell all of you!"

Wen Renzhao was so angry that he almost collapsed.

she yelled, furious.

In front of her were a bunch of bewildered humanoid monsters, as well as a bunch of unruly, shining black beetles with hard armor on their backs!

These beetles are as tall as a person, have tentacles on their heads, bulging eyes, and seem to be intelligent.

A humanoid monster made a "ru" sound toward Wen Renzhao, as if it was saying something.

After hearing this, Wen Renzhao almost gasped.

"Are you sure?! Really feel the aura of the ancient god?!"


"Is there really something more powerful than our god in the forest of alien beasts over at Star Guiyuan?!"

Wen Renzhao calmed down, frowned, and walked around the room.

Finally, his eyes were slightly cold, and he made up his mind and said: "In this case, Guiyuan Star cannot survive for the time being, so let's not attack Guiyuan Star and give up attacking the Beichen Empire for the time being."

"Let's destroy the Southern Cross Principality and the Cimanelli Federation first!"

"You, you, and you, tell me what is the status of our hidden piles in the Principality of Southern Cross and the Federation of Cimanelli?"

"I don't believe that there are such powerful people in the Southern Cross Principality and the Cimanelli Federation who can destroy our 'passage'!"

Several other humanoid monsters immediately began to report to Wen Renzhao about the situation in those two countries.

After hearing this, Wen Renzhao smiled and said, "That's pretty much it!"

"It's not in vain that our people have pioneered the Southern Cross Principality and the Cimanelli Federation so early!"

"The seeds they brought have finally taken root and sprouted!"

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, it would be better to capture the Principality of Southern Cross and the Federation of Cimanelli first!"

"The Principality of Southern Cross occupies the most habitable planets, and the Cimanelli Federation's high-tech and military-industrial enterprises can compete with the Beichen Empire!"

"If we capture these two countries first, we will occupy half of the Beichen Galaxy!"

"You can cultivate more soldiers! Have more food!"

"We can still have a steady stream of equipment! Then it won't be too late to fight to the death with the Beichen Empire."

"Anyway, the Beichen Empire only has five habitable planets. I will find a way to send you to them when the time comes..."

"Is it a fortress? It's easiest to break through from the inside!"

This is the first bigger chapter! There will be additional updates for monthly tickets at 5 past 12 noon!

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