I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1099 Unexpected (Second update with monthly ticket)

Chapter 1099 Unexpected (Second update monthly ticket +)

Wen Renzhao looked at the beetles shining with black light and smiled obscurely.

"As for the two countries, the Principality of the Southern Cross and the Simanelli Federation, which one should be taken down first?"

Wen Renzhao looked at the star map and thought for a long time, and said: "Let's take the Simanelli Federation first, it's closest to us."

"Their soldiers are not strong in combat, and they only have nine habitable planets, so it's easier to control them if we take them down."

"In addition, their military technology is highly developed. If we take them down first, we can fight to support the war!"

"Pass on my order, start the infiltration plan immediately! Drop seeds into the small wormhole leading to the internal airspace of the Simanelli Federation!"

So before they knew it, the Simanelli Federation suddenly discovered that there were many strange humanoid monsters in their country, and those small beetles seemed to have grown to the height of humans overnight.


On this day, Aunt Chen and Yingying had just returned to Mulan City from Dafu County.

This time, Aunt Chen not only took Yingying to Dafu County, but also to Luoxu State and Fenghai City, both of which are famous tourist cities on Guiyuan Star, much more fun than Mulan City.

The two of them played outside for two whole weeks, until they were notified by the tour group that they had to end the trip early, and then they returned to Mulan City with reluctance.

Xia Chujian and Xia Yuanfang prepared a sumptuous dinner to welcome them.

Yingying went out for a trip and her personality was more cheerful than before.

During the whole dinner time, she talked a lot.

She also showed everyone the travel video she and Aunt Chen took.

Wufu and Xiao Jiuxiang were particularly funny and kept saying "ah, ah, ah" to express their surprise. They are so cute.

Xia Chujian also laughed when Yingying told him about her embarrassing experiences during the trip.

At the same time, the habitable planet closest to the Dongtianyuan Kingdom in the Ximaneli Federation suffered a devastating blow.

The overwhelming army of beetles broke through their space fortress without anyone noticing, and were dropped from the aircraft one by one.

The guns in the hands of the defenders of the Simanelli Federation fired, but the bullets could not penetrate the shells of those beetles!

What made them even more desperate was that the beetles, which were more than two meters long and more than one meter high, had at least four legs with a submachine gun each!

They actually knew how to shoot with weapons!

Da da da da!

Da da da da!

Each shuttle would take away the lives of dozens of defenders or civilians.

Groups of humanoid monsters crawled out from the ground.

They soon gave birth to small white balls the size of ping-pong balls in their stomachs.

As soon as the small white balls landed, they cracked one by one, revealing insect-shaped monsters with sharp limbs inside!

The defenders on the habitable planet of the Simanelli Federation were completely confused.

Those beetle armies were not only brutal and cruel, but also linked up and down!

And those humanoid monsters who came out of nowhere!

They kept eating people, their bellies kept swelling, and they kept producing white balls!

The balls kept breaking apart, and the seemingly small insect-shaped monsters immediately began to eat people and grew very fast.

The highest commander in the garrison was desperate.

He frantically sent messages to the capital star of the Simaneli Federation.

There was no time to type, so the highest officer in the garrison sent a video message.

He yelled frantically in the video: "Didn't you say that the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom is our ally?!"

"Is this the ally you are talking about?!"

"These man-eating monsters! These endless Zerg armies?!"


A huge green mantis suddenly appeared behind the man.

The bulging eyes were like two green light bulbs.

The sharp forelimbs were raised, like a blade passing by, and the officer's head fell to the ground with a thud.

Soon, the endless Zerg army surged over the mountains and plains like a tide.

Within ten days, many small wormholes appeared on the nine habitable planets of the Simanelli Federation.

A large number of humanoid monsters were thrown into the habitable planets through these small wormholes.

Then they reproduced and grew quickly.

With the help of internal help, they first controlled all the military and industrial enterprises of the Simanelli Federation, as well as high-tech experts.

Then they swept resources outside the capital planet.

Just like in the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom, the subjects of the Simanelli Federation, except for factory workers and scientists, were all food for the Zerg and also transformed breeding tools.

The population of the Simanelli Federation is the smallest in the entire Beichen Galaxy. There are only 10 billion people on the nine habitable planets, which is 10 billion less than the 20 billion of the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom.

But 10 billion people is not a small number in absolute terms.

The Zerg army from the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom did not even need to bring their own rations, and directly held a gluttonous feast in the Simanelli Federation!

There are also countless humans in the Simaneli Federation who have been transformed into the same breeding tools by the humanoid monsters from the Dongtianyuan Kingdom.

Both men and women have become breeding tools and food reserves for the Zerg.

The Zerg cannot produce food and materials, they only plunder and devour.

Therefore, even if the Dongtianyuan Kingdom has a population of 20 billion and the Simaneli Federation has 10 billion, it is "eating up the mountain" for the huge Zerg whose number is growing exponentially.

As time goes by, the population of the Simaneli Federation is also decreasing sharply.

Compared with the Dongtianyuan Kingdom, the workers and scientists of the Simaneli Federation, even the high-ranking members of the Zerg, knew that they could not be eaten, let alone transformed into breeding tools.

These useful humans must stay and continue military production.

The entire star field of the Simaneli Federation soon fell into the same sticky darkness as the Dongtianyuan Kingdom.

The satellites belonging to the Simaneli Federation also lost contact one by one.

When the Beichen Empire and the Southern Cross Principality learned of this news, it was not the Beichen Empire but the Southern Cross Principality that was most shocked!

The Beichen Empire had long known that the alien species on the Dongtianyuan Kingdom would not let it go.

Therefore, it had already begun to prepare for war, and even attempted to pull the Simaneli Federation and the Southern Cross Principality together to prepare for war against the Dongtianyuan Kingdom.

Unexpectedly, the Southern Cross Principality and the Simaneli Federation both rejected the Beichen Empire's proposal, and faintly revealed the intention to form an alliance with the Dongtianyuan Kingdom.

There are four countries in the Beichen galaxy. It is obvious who they are going to fight against when three of them suddenly form an alliance.

The Beichen Empire was even prepared for a one-on-three battle.

But just as the Beichen Empire gradually expanded the scope of conscription and increased military production, the Simaneli Federation followed the footsteps of the Dongtianyuan Kingdom and was destroyed!

The Simaneli Federation is indeed much more technologically advanced than the Dongtianyuan Kingdom.

Therefore, when they realized that the Dongtianyuan Kingdom had gone back on its word and did not join forces with them to fight against the Beichen Empire, they immediately responded.

They sent some of the senior officials and nobles to the Southern Cross Principality for "refuge".

The rest of the people prepared for war and planned to fight to the death with the invading Dongtianyuan Kingdom Zerg army!

But they did not expect that the Dongtianyuan Kingdom had so many internal responses on the side of the Simaneli Federation!

They opened those wormhole channels, and the one who came over was not an ordinary soldier, but a human-shaped monster!

Each of these humanoid monsters can "hatch" countless Zerg soldiers equivalent to the lowest level of genetic evolution!

How can we fight this? !

Five days later, all nine habitable planets of the Simanelli Federation fell.

The senior officials and nobles of the Simanelli Federation who fled to the Southern Cross Principality in advance established an exiled government in the Southern Cross Principality and began to assist the Southern Cross Principality in building factories and mass-producing military products.

But they were too late.

After destroying most of the Simanelli Federation, Wen Renzhao threw them all to the Zerg senior officials there and concentrated on dealing with the Southern Cross Principality.

The Southern Cross Principality occupies twelve habitable planets, making it the country with the most habitable planets in the entire Beichen Galaxy.

But its population is only 15 billion, because their people are not good at planting and their technology is average, so the food supply is insufficient and the population that can be supported cannot be increased.

However, most of the residents of the Southern Cross Principality are good at fighting, and their combat power is the strongest among the four countries in the Beichen Galaxy.

For so many years, they have been importing food from the Dongtianyuan Kingdom.

If the food in the Dongtianyuan Kingdom was not enough one year, they would launch a war against the Beichen Empire and extort food from the defeated Beichen Empire.

Before Huo Yushen rose, the Beichen Empire had always been suppressed by the Southern Cross Principality.

If they lost, they would pay for food, and a large amount of nutrient solution would be provided to the Southern Cross Principality for free.

The food grown by the human beings was provided to the government officials and nobles of the Southern Cross Principality.

As for industrial products, they were directly imported from the Western Maneli Federation to maintain the operation of society.

This has been the case for a thousand years, until Huo Yushen came out of nowhere and almost destroyed their country.

Therefore, they have always had a deep hatred for the Beichen Empire and Huo Yushen.

For this reason, when the people of the Dongtianyuan Kingdom found them and discussed dealing with the Beichen Empire together, they agreed with both hands.

Unfortunately, what they didn't expect was that the Dongtianyuan Kingdom did not send troops to the Beichen Empire as they had discussed, but turned their guns and destroyed the Ximaneli Federation first.

The next one, unexpectedly, did not attack the Beichen Empire, but pointed at their Southern Cross Principality!

The high-level government officials of the Southern Cross Principality have also been in a state of panic recently.

Except for two habitable planets, small wormholes appeared on the remaining ten habitable planets of the Southern Cross Principality.

Then came a human-shaped monster, and then a Zerg soldier "breaking out of the cocoon" one by one!

With the factory of the Ximaneli Federation, weapons were manufactured for the Zerg army sent by the Dongtianyuan Kingdom. They were even more excessive than when they were in the Ximaneli Federation!

It only took five days, and ten of the twelve habitable planets of the Southern Cross Principality had fallen!

The only remaining ones were the capital star Southern Cross and the habitable planet at the southernmost end of the Beichen Galaxy.

This is the second update, 1500+ monthly tickets in May.

There will be new updates at 5:00 a.m.!

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