I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1100: Mend the Fence After the Sheep Has Rid (First and Bigger Chapter)

The Principality of the Southern Cross is the habitable planet located at the southernmost tip of the Beichen Galaxy. It is almost uninhabited, with only forests and oceans. It is where the senior government officials and nobles of the Principality of the Southern Cross usually go for hunting and vacation.

And the remaining capital star, Southern Cross, has a population of 5 billion in the Principality of Southern Cross!

In other words, one-third of the population of the Principality of Southern Cross lives on the capital star, Southern Cross.

The most powerful military is also concentrated here to protect this planet.

But facing the menacing Zerg army, they still suffered repeated defeats.

Especially with the weapons made by the craftsmen of the extinct Cimanelli Federation, they are almost indestructible!

The Principality of Southern Cross has used all the weapons, starships, fighter planes, and space ion beam cannons it has developed in the past few years, but it still cannot defeat the opponent.

Because the opponent's "number of insects" is too many!

Moreover, none of them are afraid of death. They can step on the corpses of Zerg soldiers in front and still never retreat.

Fortunately, on the capital star of the Principality of Southern Cross, due to tight security, there is still no small wormhole passage that should be opened in Dong Tian Yuan Shen Kingdom.

For the time being, they can still rely on the galaxy across the starry sky to temporarily form a confrontation with each other.

This evening, the Southern Cross.

The Grand Duke of Nance convened an emergency meeting of high-level government officials.

He is also the commander-in-chief of the country's army, but 80% of his army has been lost. The remaining 20% ​​is fighting in the star field above the Southern Cross with the Zerg army sent by the Eastern Tianyuan Kingdom. Stalemate.

Sitting at the head of the long conference table in the conference room, he looked at the high-ranking officials and nobles in the room and said in a deep voice: "Unexpectedly, our Southern Cross Principality was not destroyed by the Beichen Empire, but it was destroyed by the Eastern God. In the hands of the country!”

A young officer under him muttered: "... Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom has been destroyed long ago... Where are the people of Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom among those Zerg soldiers now?!"

He is right to say so.

The Grand Duke of Nance closed his eyes and said, "At least, in the Dongtianyuan Kingdom, the one who calls the shots is still their divine daughter, Wen Renzhao of the Wenren family!"

With that said, he opened the virtual display screen, and it was Wen Renzhao who appeared on it.

She wore a tight dress and held a folding fan in her hand, always covering the lower half of her face involuntarily.

On the virtual display screen, Wen Renzhao smiled and said: "Grand Duke of Nansi, have you thought about it?"

The Grand Duke of Nance frowned and said: "If we surrender, can you really stop the attack and let the five billion people on our planet survive?"

Wen Renzhao seemed to have heard something particularly funny and let out a burst of harsh laughter: "Hahahahaha..."

"Grand Duke of Nance, what good things do you want to do?"

"Five billion people have survived, what do you want my sons and daughters to eat and drink?"

She lowered her face and said calmly: "I can let at most a thousand of you escape and escape to the Beichen Empire."

"You can leave the rest alone."

The Grand Duke of Nance punched the conference table viciously: "That means there is no way to talk?! - If there is no way to talk, then fight!"

He turned off the video call.

In the conference room, the senior government officials and nobles of the Southern Cross Principality who witnessed Wen Renzhao's arrogance with their own eyes were all filled with indignation.

It was the young officer who said angrily: "Is there something wrong with this Wen Renzhao's brain?!"

"Ask us to surrender, and then tell us that surrendering means death, or even life is worse than death! - Then we are so stupid that we still surrender?!"

The rest of the people also said: "Fight! Even if the whole army is annihilated, it is better than surrendering and being used as food and breeding tools for those disgusting bugs!"

They have been fighting the Zerg army of Dongtianyuan Kingdom for half a month, so they naturally know what a miserable situation the humans on the fallen planet are in!

Only now do they understand that there are still people in Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom? !

This country has long been destroyed...

It's a pity that they knew nothing about this before and rejected the Beichen Empire Alliance's request.

When I think about it now, I want to strangle my proud self to death!

The Grand Duke of Nance raised his hand and pressed it.

The conference room fell silent.

The Grand Duke of Nance said: "We all know that even if we surrender, Wen Renzhao will not treat us as human beings!"

"If you are willing to make rations and breeding tools for the Zerg, I won't stop you, you can leave now!"

If the people in the conference room were still lucky before, they hoped that they could sell others and survive...

But now Wen Renzhao told them clearly that only a thousand people could escape to the Beichen Empire's star field.

Everyone else is the food and breeding tools for her Zerg army.

Then you really don’t have to think about anything else.

Everyone reached a rare consensus: "Fight! We must fight!"

"I would rather fight and die than fall into a situation where life is worse than death!"

The Grand Duke of Nance nodded and said with a look of remorse: "We rejected the Beichen Empire's proposal before, and we deserve the fate we have today."

"I want to try again and contact the Beichen Empire to see if they are still willing... to join forces with us..."

"If we had agreed to the Beichen Empire's proposal before, we should now be working with the Beichen Empire to attack Wen Renzhao's Zerg army from the north and south."

"And the Cimanelli Federation will not be destroyed so quickly. We still have a chance to fight."

"But now, we are almost out of weapons and almost out of rations."

“I don’t think I need to elaborate on the consequences of five billion people without food.”

He took a deep breath and said: "So, I plan to do the next best thing and propose to the Beichen Empire to merge our Southern Cross Principality into the Beichen Empire!"

"From now on, there will be no Southern Cross Principality in the Beichen Galaxy!"

"Only the Southern Cross belongs to the Beichen Empire!"

Their Southern Cross Principality was originally split from the Beichen Empire more than a thousand years ago.

Is it okay to return now?

The Grand Duke of Nance continued: "As long as we return, the Beichen Empire will provide us with rations and ordnance support!"

"We can still hold on!"

"Even the Beichen Empire is very likely to send troops to reinforce us!"

"As long as we keep our last planet and our last five billion people!"

"We...the Principality of Southern Cross will not be considered destroyed!"

What he meant was both obvious and implicit.

People who understand understand it as soon as they hear it, but people who don’t understand can’t understand it no matter how much they think about it.

The Grand Duke of Nance had no intention of explaining.

Next, he sent a video call request to Tantai Hongyuan, the emperor of the Beichen Empire.

It took several minutes before anyone got through.

The first person to get through was a young and handsome man with a feminine aura.

He said with a serious face: "Is he the Grand Duke of Nans of the Principality of Southern Cross?"

The Grand Duke of Nance nodded: "It's me, where is your Majesty?"

His attitude is still a bit arrogant, but much better than before.

The feminine and handsome young man in front of him was the chamberlain in the palace.

He smiled and said: "Our Majesty is recuperating. Currently, Mrs. Jiuyi and Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess are co-rulers."

"Who do you want to see?"

The Grand Duke of Nance frowned and said, "Your Majesty's illness is not cured yet?"

The chamberlain smiled and said nothing.

The Grand Duke of Nance said: "What I want to talk about is the return of the Southern Cross Principality to the Beichen Empire. Which one do you think, Mrs. Jiuyi or the Crown Princess, can be the leader?"

The young chamberlain's eyes suddenly widened and he said in disbelief: "What did you say?! Return?!"

The Grand Duke of Nance nodded heavily and said, "Yes! Return!"

"Starting today, the Principality of Southern Cross returns to the Beichen Empire!"

"From now on, there will be no Southern Cross Principality in the Beichen Galaxy!"

"Only the Southern Cross of the Beichen Empire!"

"All citizens of our Southern Cross Principality, including all of us in the Nance family, respect His Majesty Emperor Tantai Hongyuan as our only Emperor!"

He made a fist with his right hand and put it against his left chest, saying word by word: "If you violate this oath, all of us in the Principality of Southern Cross will die without a burial!"

It took the young chamberlain a while for the shock to subside.

His eyes flickered for a while and he said: "This matter is too important. I have to report to the two rulers first!"

With that said, he turned off the virtual display.

In the palace of Beichen Star in the Beichen Empire, the young chamberlain took the video of the call just recorded and went to Mrs. Jiuyi first to report the matter.

Mrs. Jiuyi was shocked, excited, and even a little unbelievable when she saw the video of the call.

She got up and walked around the emperor's study room, and finally said: "Call Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess and tell her that I have important information and want to share it with her."

After the Crown Princess Tantai Jing came back from the royal sanatorium, she never came out of her East Palace.

She is not a master of power, but she will do whatever Mrs. Jiuyi tells her. She seems to be a young man who knows how to advance and retreat.

Now in the imperial palace, the inner palace is in charge of Mrs. Jiuyi, and the Crown Princess handles government affairs that need to be dealt with with the external cabinet, military department and Senate.

The two of them have a tacit understanding of each other, and for the time being they are in harmony with each other.

Now that the Principality of Southern Cross has sent such an explosive video call, Madam Jiuyi felt that she could not take this idea, so she sneaked out the Crown Princess first.

After watching this video call, Crown Princess Tantai Jing blushed with excitement on her face.

She was wearing a military uniform with the latest Quzu 110 hand cannon on her waist. She put her hands behind her hands and said, "If the Principality of Southern Cross really returns, I will have made the greatest contribution to the Tantai royal family in a thousand years!"

For the royal family, what is the greatest achievement? Of course it is to expand the territory!

But for a thousand years, the Tantai royal family has been in a state of decline, and habitable planets and star fields have been lost one by one.

Originally there was only one country in the Beichen Galaxy, but now there are four!

Of course, now there are only two left…

Mrs. Jiuyi said: "What the Crown Princess means is that we should agree to accept their...return?"

The Crown Princess Tantai Jing chuckled softly and said: "Why bother to put gold on their faces? This is just because they can't hold off Wen Renzhao's Zerg army and they want to take advantage of our power..."

"What return? I want them to surrender!"

Madam Jiuyi's eyes flickered and she asked tentatively: "Does Her Royal Highness want to discuss with the cabinet, the military, and the Senate before making a decision?"

The face of the Crown Princess Tantai Jing dimmed and she said calmly: "I must tell them, but they should not interfere in this matter."

"Recovering the territory is the responsibility of our Dan Tai Imperial Family. They are just executors. They must put themselves in the right position."

Madam Jiuyi lowered her eyes and played with a round fan in her hand. After a while, she said: "I guess the Chief Inspector of the Special Security Bureau, Huo Yushen, would not be willing to let the Southern Cross Principality surrender, right?"

The corners of the Crown Princess Dan Taijing's lips curled slightly: "He probably wants to destroy the Southern Cross Principality..."

"But now the Southern Cross Principality is in name only. What's the benefit of destroying them? It's better to take it back."

"I will go to them for a meeting and announce my decision to them."

The Crown Princess Dan Taijing left the emperor's study excitedly.

After she left, Madam Jiuyi sent the same message to her brother Quan Juntai and nephew Quan Yuxun.

[Jiuyi]: Grand Duke Nansi of the Southern Cross Principality sent a video requesting to "return" to the Beichen Empire. The Crown Princess has agreed.

Quan Juntai was holding a cabinet meeting at this time.

Their Beichen Empire had been preparing for war for a month.

During this month, they witnessed the Zerg army of Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom, no, "God's Blessed Daughter" Wen Renzhao, annihilating the Western Federation of Ximaneli with lightning speed.

Turning the blade to the Southern Cross Principality in the south.

The people of the Southern Cross Principality are known for their bravery, and their soldiers are the most capable among the four countries in the Beichen Galaxy.

But in front of those Zergs that seem to come from another world, they are still vulnerable!

In just five days, ten of the twelve habitable planets were lost!

It is said that only the southernmost habitable planet and their capital star Southern Cross are left.

The present of the Ximaneli Federation and the Southern Cross Principality may be the future of their Beichen Empire!

Although they have fought many wars with these two countries, they have a sense of crisis in front of the Zerg army.

The Cabinet General Commander Quan Juntai was also very anxious, and recently he had blisters on the corners of his mouth.

He lay in the medical cabin at home for five minutes this morning, and healed the blisters and ulcers on the corners of his mouth before he came to preside over the meeting.

Quan Juntai looked at the Minister of the Interior, frowned and asked: "How is the production of nutrient solution in various places?"

"Now we must produce as much as possible at all costs!"

The Minister of the Interior stood up and said: "General Commander, all our nutrient solution production lines on Kanli Star and Zangge Star are working overtime to produce."

"At the same time, ten new nutrient solution production lines have been expanded on Guiyuan Star."

"The raw materials there are abundant, and using local materials can shorten a lot of production time."

Quan Juntai said decisively: "Ten are not enough, add another thousand production lines on Guiyuan Star!"

This is the first bigger chapter!

There will be extra chapters for monthly tickets after 12:05 noon.

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