I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1116 Youthful Spirit (First and Bigger Chapter)

Xiao Jiuxiang said: "Sister, I can communicate with them now that I'm back."

"They said they went to a far away place with Sister, and there was a big bad guy there!"

"Sister couldn't defeat the big bad guy, so she let Xiao Quanquan out!"

"Xiaoquanquan replaced a lot of energy from the big bad guy, and was persuaded by Qilu, and it has been input into sister's mecha!"

He pointed at the Bianhua necklace on Xia Chujian's neck.

Xia Chujian was pleasantly surprised: "Really?! That's great!"

"Xiao Jiuxiang, you must help me thank Xiao Quanquan and the others!"

She patted her necklace and thought to herself, her mecha is probably not the third generation now, but the fourth generation!

I don’t know what new features have been added…

If he meets Wen Renzhao again, will he be able to fight?

Huo Yushen's small bat fighter has a space jump function, which allows Xia Chujian to travel back and forth between Beichen Star and Guiyuan Star within fifteen minutes.

And Xiao Jiuxiang's guarantee gave Xia Chujian full confidence in his fighting power.

She was finally able to leave Guiyuan Star alone and go to school on Beichen Star.

Xia Chujian drove a "rented" small bat fighter and rushed to the Imperial First Military University located on the outskirts of the Imperial Capital of Beichen Star overnight.

According to the notice, the check-in time is eight o'clock tomorrow morning.

When Xia Chu saw him, it was ten o'clock in the evening.

She had already switched the small bat fighter into the mode of a small ordinary aircraft when she entered the atmosphere of Beichen Star.

She flew invisible into her villa area and slowly parked into the hangar of her villa near the school.

Although this villa area has a very advanced air defense identification system, and all aircraft that are not in its system will be subject to interrogation, this system did not have any reaction to the small bat fighter that Xia Chu saw changing its form.

Because Qilu had already controlled the air defense identification system here.

As long as it is the aircraft that Xia Chujian is on, it will be judged as "passed".

Xia Chujian came out of the hatch and looked back.

The switched aircraft is very small, only as big as a military truck.

Entering the living room of the villa, the housekeeping robot Beijiayi welcomed her back in a very stylized manner.

And the big black dog was still the same as when she left, sitting on the steps at the door of the villa.

When Xia Chu saw it, it didn't even bother to turn its head.

Xia Chujian also turned a blind eye to it, smiling and nodding hello to Beijia.

Then he started a video to report to his family that he was safe, then went to the bathroom to take a shower and go to bed.

Early the next morning, Xia Chujian went to the school dormitory and tidied it up.

Officially report in at eight o'clock.

When she checked in, she found that there were a few students in the school.

Fortunately, all eight students from their Star Destroyer class arrived.

When Chen Yanjun met Xia Chujian, they were extremely affectionate and kept saying, "Monitor! Monitor! This way! This way!"

Xia Chujian walked near them.

The place where they reported for registration was not in their respective classrooms, but in front of the central teaching building.

There were long tables set up there, and sitting behind them were teachers from various departments, but they were all wearing regular army uniforms and had military ranks.

Xia Chujian took a quick glance and found that there was no military rank lower than lieutenant colonel, and felt a little envious.

They students are just lieutenants.

Promoting from lieutenant level to school level is a huge hurdle for 99.9% of ordinary students.

However, based on Xia Chujian's military achievements, he had already been promoted to major.

It's just being kept under wraps for the time being.

So on the surface, she is only a second lieutenant of a military college student.

Xia Chujian asked his classmates in a low voice: "What's going on?"

"Isn't this the only way for freshmen to register?"

Chen Yanjun also lowered his voice and said: "This is not an ordinary check-in..."

"The squad leader doesn't know yet, right? This is actually registering reserve service for the frontline troops..."

Xia Chu was shocked and said, "We were already on active duty, right? Why are we on reserve duty again?"

When I was admitted to the military academy, I had a dispute with my aunt because of this matter.

But Xia Yuanfang didn't want her to join the army, and if she went to a military academy, she would be on active duty. If she didn't join the army after graduation, she would be treated as a deserter, which was very strict.

So Xia Chujian remembered it very clearly and read the military school rules at that time many times.

But Chen Yanjun was silent for a while and said with a smile: "It seems that this matter has not spread yet, but after today, it will probably not be a secret."

"I'll just tell the squad leader."

There was a hint of uneasiness on his face, and his voice was lowered: "...It's like this, the Senate of the Empire has just passed a law."

"The military status of military school students has been changed. It is no longer an active military status, but a temporary military status."

"If you don't join the military after graduating from college, your temporary military status will be automatically lifted."

"So we are not on active duty, and we are not even serious soldiers."

Xia Chujian: "!!!"

She was astonished: "Can it still be like this?! How about all the various treatments in school?!"

"I remember that everyone pays subsidies according to active military personnel..."

"Also, aren't military academies always on active duty?!"

"It's been like this for thousands of years!"

Chen Yanjun smiled bitterly and said: "That was a time of peace, when there was no war..."

"Even if there is a war, it is only a small fight, and there is no use for the military students. Therefore, it does not matter if the military students are on active duty."

"And now, war is just around the corner."

"Everyone realizes that this war is fundamentally different from the past."

"In the past, the wars between various countries in the Beichen Galaxy were for the purpose of conquering the planet, not for the purpose of killing everyone."

"But now, the enemy we face wants every one of us to die equally!"

"The nature of war has changed dramatically."

"Our current military strength may not be enough to start a war with the other party."

"Words cannot describe the horror of the battle over at the Southern Cross."

"But in the military academy, more than 60% are aristocratic students..."

Xia Chujian immediately understood.

She sneered and said: "So these noble gentlemen are looking for a way for their own brats!"

"I went to military school and enjoyed such good treatment, but I'm not willing to do real military service!"

"No wonder there are so few students here today!"

"With this law, does it mean that if they don't come, there won't be any punishment?"

"Also, what about the officers in the army?"

Xia Chujian said sarcastically: "...will the noble officers also retire on the spot?"

Chen Yanjun smiled awkwardly and said nothing.

Xia Chujian's eyes widened: "Damn! You won't be fooled by me, will you?"

Chen Yanjun did not answer directly, but just whispered: "...I heard that the battle between the Southern Cross and the Zerg army of Dongtianyuan Kingdom was very fierce."

"The images released in the news have been screened and screened to avoid causing public panic."

"This alone has scared a large number of people out of their wits and passed laws overnight to benefit their own class..."

"Otherwise, a lot of people will probably shout to surrender!"

Xia Chujian sneered: "Surrender? Do they think it's just playing house? If you can't beat them, just surrender and you'll be entertained with good wine and food?"

"Is this because your IQ is being clouded by your noble family background?"

"That Zerg thing, do you think surrendering is useful?!"

Chen Yanjun said sternly: "Of course I think it's useless, but there are too many nobles who care about their lives, and there are too few who are willing to fight to the death."

Xia Chujian snorted and said, "Then those students who didn't come today, do they automatically drop out of school?"

Chen Yanjun looked away and said uncomfortably: "...It is said that they all took long-term sick leave, and it was certified by an official doctor. From a procedural point of view, there is nothing wrong with it."

It was tacitly understood that it was too easy for aristocrats to get a sick note.

Many aristocratic families had their own practicing doctors, so they could get whatever kind of sick leave they wanted.

Even if it is a disease that can be cured by just lying down in the medical cabin, the doctor can give you a few twists and turns and describe it as a "difficult disease".

Seeing that his fist was hardened, Xia Chu pursed his lips and said, "Then when the war is over, these people can go out to pick peaches, right?"

She always hits the mark with a sharp point.

Chen Yanjun remained silent.

Xia Chujian sneered: "You don't need to think about it to know that by then, those who have truly achieved military merit will either have been sacrificed on the meat grinder-like battlefield, or they will be squeezed out one by one by these 'recovered' nobles. go out."

"I'll really send you to death. I'll do the military honors!"

Although it was a very serious topic, the classmates in the Star Destroyer class around her still couldn't help but laugh.

With a youthful spirit, no matter how great the difficulties are, they can just take it easy, but they always have the confidence to move forward.

When the country is in crisis, most of the people who are willing to come out to save the country are "young people" in the eyes of adults.

Chen Yanjun also smiled and said: "The monitor can just say it in front of us, but don't say it in front of those people."

He pouted at the people behind the long tables.

Xia Chu was expressionless when they met: "I know."

She asked carefully: "Does registering for reserve mean to prepare for the battlefield?"

Chen Yanjun nodded: "Absolutely. Because the military status of military school students is temporary. According to the new law, military school students cannot be recruited to fight on the battlefield."

"But military students are the best reserve force."

"So the military came up with a compromise, which is to allow military school students who are willing to go to the battlefield to voluntarily register for reserve service."

Xia Chujian said: "Then what's the benefit of this reserve service?"

Chen Yanjun blinked and suddenly didn't want to speak anymore.

Jiang Sheng beside him said excitedly: "Of course!"

"Registered for reserve service, tuition is free for four years! Enjoy the military officer's subsidy, which is 10,000 Beichen coins every month!"

Xia Chujian originally had free tuition and a high scholarship to cover his living expenses.

But she also knows that for ordinary students, four years of tuition and living expenses is a huge expense.

Many people take loans to go to school.

Now as long as you sign the reserve certificate, you will be free of tuition for four years.

Xia Chujian said: "What about those who have paid tuition before?"

Jiang Sheng said: "Refund! Of course we will refund you directly!"

One can imagine how attractive this is to ordinary students!

But this kind of treatment was obtained in exchange for signing on to the reserve service.

The current reserve force is not a peacetime reserve force, but a reserve force that goes to the battlefield every minute and fights with the Zerg army!

Xia Chujian didn't speak anymore, but felt very uncomfortable.

She felt that this was actually using money to buy the lives of poor people.

Of course, she knew that the Zerg army under Wen Renzhao was the public enemy of all mankind!

Between humans and Zerg, only one side can survive.

But when she thought of the many surrenderists, lazy and slippery people, and even the guides among humans, her heart was churning.

Why? !

Just because those people will be reincarnated? !

She once again realized the reluctance in her heart, which was a day-by-day dissatisfaction and frustration, piling up and gathering.

But she did not show it, but just silently followed everyone in line and signed the reserve.

She was originally exempted from tuition and had a high scholarship.

The conditions of the military were the same as nothing to her, but the military did not treat her unfairly.

She was still given a sum of money equivalent to four years of tuition, and the monthly allowance was still issued.

Xia Chujian is not short of money now, but she will not refuse the money she deserves.

She knows that this is the "life-buying money" paid by the top leaders of the empire.

Why not accept it?

She accepted it with a clear conscience.

Xia Chujian looked depressed. After registering, she squeezed out of the crowd.

She looked at her classmates, most of whom had ecstatic expressions on their faces.

Maybe in their hearts, they still think that the reserve service does not necessarily mean going to the battlefield.

But this tuition reduction and high subsidy are real benefits.

For ordinary students with financial constraints, this money is really too important!

Young people are passionate, but also naive.

Xia Chujian took a deep breath, and when she turned around, she actually saw Fan Ruisi and Mai Aotuo.

They stood quietly in line among their classmates, and they also seemed to register for the reserve service.

Xia Chujian was a little surprised.

She thought about it, walked over and said, "Hello, why are you here?"

"Are you used to living in Shaofu Star?"

She knew that the Principality of Southern Cross Star surrendered to the Beichen Empire and was re-incorporated into the Beichen Empire.

Then some of the noble upper-class families of the Principality of Southern Cross Star were packed and sent to Shaofu Star of the Beichen Empire for refuge.

These people are actually hostages.

Mai Aoto clenched his fists and said word by word: "I want to go to the battlefield!"

"My father, brother, uncle and uncle are all on the battlefield of the Southern Cross!"

Fan Ruisi did not speak, but held Mai Aoto's arm tightly.

Xia Chujian saw the ring on Fan Ruisi's finger and said: "Are you... married?"

Fan Ruisi nodded and said: "If it weren't for Aoto marrying me, I wouldn't have the opportunity to come to the Beichen Empire for refuge."

"Since Aoto wants to go to the battlefield, I will accompany him."

"Where he is, I will be there."

Xia Chujian nodded in admiration.

It was soon Mai Aoto's turn, but there was a problem during registration.

The instructor in charge of registration said directly: "Your names are not on our list."

This is the first chapter! (No rebuttal)

There will be a second chapter after 12:05 noon. There will be a monthly ticket and extra chapter!

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