I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1117 Exclusive and Confined (Second update with monthly ticket)

Chapter 1117 Exclusive and Confined (Second update with monthly ticket +)

Mai Aotuo said angrily: "We are also students of the Imperial Royal First Military Academy! Why are our names not there?!"

The instructor checked again and said in surprise: "You are from the Southern Cross Principality, and are you from the Interstellar Union Class?"

"Weren't you sent to live on Shaofu Star? How did you run away?"

Mai Aotuo and Fan Ruisi both felt guilty.

They were able to run away because they bribed the guards of the community where they lived...

The instructor seemed to understand something and frowned and said: "You go back. I will pretend that nothing happened."

Fan Ruisi said: "But we also have to go to school. We have only been in school for one year, and there are still three years."

She and Mai Aotuo did not want to live in the designated area of ​​Shaofu Star.

Although their group of people were much safer than those who stayed in the Southern Cross, they were not trusted in the Beichen Empire.

The designated area, which sounded nice, was "exclusive", but it was actually confined.

The Beichen Empire was not very confident about them.

If any of them were Zerg traitors, they would be inviting a wolf into the house.

So the Beichen Empire's actions were understandable.

But they didn't want to be trapped there for the rest of their lives, so they bribed a guard there with their own money, and then used their student ID cards, which had not been invalidated, to buy tickets for the interstellar spaceship and came to Beichen Star with great difficulty.

The instructor said disdainfully: "Why are you still going to school?"

"Since the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom and the Ximaneli Federation have been destroyed, your Southern Cross Principality has been incorporated into the Beichen Empire, and this interstellar joint class has been revoked."

"At present, only the two of you are still alive in your class."

"It is said that the other students are already dead."

"The school's decision is to transfer you to a comprehensive university. The military school is no longer suitable for you."

Mai Aotuo became even more angry: "Why?! Can our student status be cancelled?!"

"I want to see the principal!"

The instructor frowned: "Don't make trouble. Leave now."

After he said that, two defense robots responsible for maintaining order squeezed over and sent Mai Aotuo and Fan Ruisi away.

Xia Chujian: "..."

She thought she could understand why the Beichen Empire made this decision.

Mai Aotuo and Fan Ruisi, in fact, should not have come here.

First of all, they came from a rebellious country that had just surrendered.

Secondly, the Southern Cross Principality is at the frontline fighting against Wen Renzhao's Zerg army. Who knows if there are any Zerg insiders among them...

This thing is too difficult to check.

So it is right to fix them in one area and keep them under strict surveillance.

Although she thought so, she still looked dim when she saw Mai Aotuo and Fan Ruisi being "sent" to the aircraft.

Xia Chujian turned and left, returning to her home near the school.

She didn't want to live in the school dormitory.

Because most of the noble students didn't come, only ordinary students came back.

The empty dormitory building suffocated her.

Xia Chujian had just returned to her home when she received video call invitations from Su Buyan and Quan Yuxun.

Xia Chujian of course answered the video call invitation from her master first.

"Good morning, Master! I'm back!"

She smiled and greeted happily.

Su Buyan asked nervously: "Chu Jian, did you just register for the reserve?!"

Xia Chujian nodded: "Yes, how did Master know?"

Su Buyan said: "I have said hello to my friends who registered for the reserve and asked them to forward your information to me immediately."

"I knew it as soon as you registered."

He frowned and said: "Your body is not well yet, didn't I ask you to get a sick leave certificate?"

Xia Chujian smiled and said: "Master, I appreciate your kindness."

"But I don't want to get a sick leave certificate."

"Even if my brain fog still exists and there are sequelae, I don't want to retreat at this time."

Su Buyan looked at her, his lips moved several times, and finally he was hesitant to speak, waved his hand, and said: "Okay, I know, I will say hello to my friends in the military."

"You are an excellent pilot of the Star Fighter. Even if you have to go to the battlefield, you will be at the commander level, and you will not be allowed to go to the front line."

Xia Chujian was very grateful for the care and concern of Su Buyan for her.

She nodded and said, "Thank you, Master! I hope that day won't come."

If the day comes when these reservists are sent to the battlefield, the Beichen Empire will probably be on the verge of extinction again.

Xia Chujian's mood is very contradictory.

She absolutely doesn't want the Beichen Empire to be destroyed.

Because here are her family, her friends, and everything she cares about.

But she also knows that the Beichen Empire, after all, belongs to the Tantai Imperial Family.

She sacrificed her life and shed her blood, after all, to maintain the rule of the Tantai Imperial Family.

And she couldn't not shed it.

She felt that she was particularly stupid, just as stupid as Huo Yushen...

Depressed, Xia Chujian hung up the video call with Su Buyan and connected with Quan Yuxun.

Quan Yuxun also looked concerned and said, "Chujian, didn't I remind you?"

"Why don't you get a sick leave certificate?"

"You are not faking it, you are really sick..."

Xia Chujian's mouth twitched and said, "I'm not sick, don't scold me."

Quan Yuxun: "..."

The famous "Kwon Yu-hun smile" was gone from his face, and he said very seriously: "Yuanbao, now is not the time to be clever."

"Do you know what the reserve force means?!"

Xia Chujian said: "I know, it means there is a possibility of going to the battlefield."

Kwon Yu-hun said: "No, it means that you will definitely go to the battlefield, not just a possibility."

Xia Chujian raised his eyebrows: "But we are only in the reserve force... Isn't it because the active troops are not enough that the reserve force is used?"

Kwon Yu-hun said: "That was in the past. According to the newly passed law, the reserve force, like the active soldiers, is even more flexible than the active soldiers in battlefield dispatch."

"It is a fast mobile force that can be moved wherever there is a need."

"And you are no longer officers..."

Xia Chujian was stunned: "Ah?! No way?"

Kwon Yu-hun said: " ... Xun sneered and said, "These laws were passed by me in the third reading. Would I misread them?"

Xia Chujian closed her eyes, calmed herself down, and chuckled, "How many laws were passed temporarily? You really don't treat us ordinary people as human beings, right?"

Quan Yuxun said, "You are not an ordinary person. Don't empathize with ordinary people."

"I tell you, the war on the front line is much more cruel than you know."

"You are really powerful, but in a large-scale group combat environment, the power of an individual is insignificant."

"You may become an excellent commander in the future, but not now. You need time to grow."

"Yuanbao, listen to me and take a leave. I can hire a private tutor for you to complete your university studies."

"When you learn your skills well, join the army to serve the country. I will definitely not stop you."

It was also very thoughtful for Xia Chujian.

Xia Chujian just shook her head and said, "I'm not empathetic, I'm just an ordinary person."

"This is the fate of our ordinary students."

"If others can take this path, I can take it too."

"I actually have many more advantages than them. If I give up, ordinary students will really have no way to survive."

Quan Yuxun stared at her for a long time without saying anything, and finally nodded: "I know, if one day they really send you to the battlefield, I will find someone to help you mediate and do logistics work."

Although Xia Chujian did not accept Quan Yuxun's kindness, she knew what was good and what was bad.

She said sincerely: "Thank you Qilin. I appreciate your kindness. If I need your help in the future, I will not be polite."

Quan Yuxun felt better and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you to ask me for help. My door is always open to you."

Xia Chujian smiled at him and hung up the video call.

She was alone at home with nothing to do, and checked the situation at the school.

It was found that the school had set up special courses for those who registered for the reserve.

From now on, they will receive special military training every morning and afternoon.

Xia Chujian looked at the schedule and planned to study hard.

What is being taught now is the hard-core knowledge that can only be learned on the battlefield.

Classes will start tomorrow, and Xia Chujian still has one day to rest.

She is thinking about whether to return to Yuanxing.

Anyway, she has a bat fighter that can jump through space and can come and go freely.

But she hasn't made up her mind yet, and another video call invitation came.

Xia Chujian looked and found that it was Ye Shijie.

She answered the call with some surprise.

"Huh? Captain Ye, what's the matter?"

It has been another week since Ye Shijie and his team contacted her last time.

Ye Shijie said: "Are you here on Beichen Star?"

Xia Chujian said: "Yes, report in advance, you all know it, right?"

This matter has exploded on the hot search, and almost everyone knows it.

Ye Shijie said, "That's perfect. I'm free today. Li Fu, Song Mingqian and Sister Cai told me that we want to visit your house. Are you welcome?"

Xia Chujian said, "Welcome! Of course you're welcome!"

"Come on, I have nothing to do!"

Ye Shijie said, "Li Fu and I will each bring a friend. Do you mind?"

When Ye Shijie said this, his face was slightly red, and he looked a little embarrassed.

Xia Chujian was secretly surprised and said with a smile, "Bring a friend? Boyfriend or girlfriend?"

Ye Shijie laughed and said, "Girlfriend, girlfriend... Oh, no, female friend! Female friend!"

He corrected him quickly.

Xia Chujian laughed.

The two agreed to meet in an hour.

Xia Chujian took this opportunity to inspect the house.

The windows were clean and there was nothing to clean.

Bei Jiayi was a very competent housework robot.

However, Xia Chujian was too lazy to cook, so he temporarily ordered a buffet on Xingwang.

When Ye Shijie and his team arrived in three aircrafts, the buffet was also delivered.

Because it was hot outside, Xia Chujian set up a buffet in the spacious living room facing the backyard.

In addition to the main dishes, there were also fruits, drinks, and various cold vegetables.

She stood at the door to greet them.

This is the second update, May monthly tickets 2700+.

There will be new updates after 5:00 pm!

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