I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1118: Return of an old friend (first and bigger chapter)

The front door opened automatically, and Song Mingqian and Sister Cai walked in first.

Song Mingqian was wearing a coal-gray sportswear and sneakers, with a handsome face, just like a male college student who had just graduated.

Sister Cai was wearing a navy blue short sportswear with white edges. The short-sleeved shorts on her standard 1.65-meter figure gave her a heroic beauty.

The two had been on Beichen Star for a year, but it was almost the same as when they were on Guiyuan Star.

They were still so happy, laughing and making noises.

Both of them had gifts in their hands.

Sister Cai was carrying a basket of golden fruits, which looked quite big. Although it was far less big than the basket of golden fruits given to her by Huo Yushen's mother She Zhuyin, it was much bigger than the ordinary golden fruits on the market.

Xia Chujian often bought golden fruits and was very familiar with the market.

Song Mingqian was carrying a box of high-grade nutrient solution.

This was a very decent and rare gift for the gene evolvers.

Xia Chujian said with a smile: "It's enough that you are here, why bring gifts?"

Sister Cai said: "You can't come empty-handed when you visit someone's home."

"It's not something valuable, just some fruits and nutrient solution, don't be disgusted by it."

Xia Chujian said: "Wow! Sister Cai is getting better and better at talking!"

"It's the golden fruit and high-grade nutrient solution I like! Sister Cai really understands me!"

She smiled and asked the housework robot Bei Jiayi to take it, and immediately cleaned up the golden fruit and squeezed the juice.

It happened that Li Fu was walking behind Song Mingqian and Sister Cai with a tall and fit woman.

They also had gifts in their hands, but they were not fruits, but a box of very expensive wine.

Looking at the brand and packaging, it was the kind of wine that was often advertised on Star Network Media and TV.

It is said that it is still in limited supply, and if you are not a noble, you are not eligible to buy it.

It can be regarded as a gift that is priceless.

Xia Chujian does not drink, but there are others in the family who can drink, and it can also be used to entertain guests.

Even when friends get together, bringing a bottle of such wine is a very face-saving thing.

Xia Chujian sighed: "Li Fu, you are generous!"

"This is..."

She looked at the tall and fit girl next to Li Fu.

The girl is very beautiful, with great features and skin as white as milk.

The corners of her lips are curved, always keeping an upward trend, and she is a girl who loves to laugh.

Girls who love to laugh are born with a sense of affinity.

Li Fu held the girl's hand tightly, glanced at her, and then introduced her to Xia Chujian: "This is Bai Cuiwei, my childhood sweetheart who I have known since childhood."

Xia Chujian was surprised that Li Fu actually had such a beautiful childhood sweetheart.

And looking at the girl's demeanor and her dress, she must not be an ordinary civilian, or even a citizen. Her family must be aristocratic, at least an earl or above.

She has felt this kind of noble lady's demeanor in Quan Caiwei.

Bai Cuiwei's aristocratic momentum even has a very natural sense of awe and dignity.

This feeling is rare even among the nobles.

Quan Caiwei was born in the Quan family, but compared with Bai Cuiwei, she is too... kind.

The strange thing is that even though Bai Cuiwei has a naturally condescending feeling, Xia Chujian is not unfamiliar with her every move.

There is a sense of familiarity of "meeting you for the first time, just like an old friend returning."

Xia Chujian has a better impression of her and is secretly amazed.

I didn't expect that Li Fu likes this type of girl.

She always thought that Li Fu likes the kind of girl who is like a little bird.

After Li Fu finished speaking, he looked at Bai Cuiwei nervously, as if he was worried that she would be angry or refute his words.

Others don't know, but Li Fu knows his weight.

His back is sweating.

Bai Cuiwei just glanced at him, and then said to Xia Chujian cheerfully: "Hello, you are Xia Chujian, right? I heard Li Fu often mention you..."

"I almost got jealous!"

After that, he glanced at Li Fu and said: "What childhood sweethearts, so jealous... I am your girlfriend, don't you admit it?"

Li Fu's eyes lit up, and then he was ecstatic, laughing loudly, picked up Bai Cuiwei and spun around: "Cuicui is my girlfriend! Cuicui is my girlfriend!"

"Cuicui, you finally agreed to be my girlfriend!"

Xia Chujian also laughed happily.

It seems that Li Fu has been chasing for so long and finally caught up with this girlfriend!

Thinking that Li Fu often disappeared mysteriously before, leaving Guiyuan Star and coming to Beichen Star, he was probably chasing this girlfriend!

Xia Chujian was also happy for them.

Just then, the big black dog that had been lying in the doghouse on the steps of the villa suddenly stood up.

It first barked twice at Xia Chujian.

Xia Chujian ignored it, not knowing why it was mad.

Then the big black dog rushed down the steps and pounced directly on Li Fu and Bai Cuiwei!

Bai Cuiwei was so frightened that she hugged Li Fu tightly and hung on his neck, trembling and saying: "Dog! I'm most afraid of dogs! Drive it away!"

Xia Chujian hurriedly said: "Dahei! Go back!"

"Dahei, this is my guest!"

"If you make trouble again, I'll lock you up in the basement."

Xia Chujian scolded loudly, and the big black dog circled around Li Fu who was holding Bai Cuiwei and sniffed a few times before tucked its tail between its legs and returned to the steps in a huff.

After this kind of noise, everyone became more familiar with each other.

Xia Chujian said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, Cuiwei, my big black dog is just to scare people, but it's actually very well behaved and won't bite people..."

Bai Cuiwei was embarrassed to let go of Li Fu, and stood on the ground, saying: "I was bitten by a dog when I was a child, so it left a psychological trauma."

Xia Chujian said hurriedly: "Is that so, then I'll let Beijiayi lock the big black dog in the basement."

As she said that, she was about to turn around and call Beijiayi, and saw the big black dog that had returned to the doghouse stood up again.

It stood on the steps, barking, looking particularly excited, and its tail was shaking so fast that it almost turned into a big windmill!

Then, it rushed down again.

This time, it was Ye Shijie who came with a girl from the small path in the front yard.

The two talked and laughed, and they both seemed to be in a good mood.

Unfortunately, a burst of crazy dog ​​barking disrupted the harmonious atmosphere between the two.

The big black dog rushed towards Ye Shijie.

It ran so fast that Xia Chujian didn't have time to rein in its dog collar.

Xia Chujian hurriedly said, "Big Black! Big Black! Stop! Stop! You are a bit of a crowd-pleaser today!"

Ye Shijie saw a half-human-high big black dog rushing over, and immediately stepped forward without hesitation, blocking the girl he brought with him, and then attacked the big black dog with mental power.

Before the big black dog ran to him, it fell to the ground with limbs twitching.

Although Xia Chujian was very worried that the big black dog would hurt her friends, she was not very comfortable when her friends attacked the big black dog.

Humans are really a complex creature.

Xia Chujian ran while complaining about herself, ran to the big black dog, and strangled the dog collar around its neck.

Because they were at home, Xia Chujian did not tie the big black dog with a rope.

Of course, it was also because the big black dog had never attacked anyone since it came to her house.

No matter if it was an outsider or a family member.

The little thing Wufu rode the big black dog like a horse, and the big black dog was also obedient and submissive.

But this time, she had a few friends over, and the big black dog "attacked" twice.

She was also very puzzled, but she still looked up and said to Ye Shijie: "Captain Ye, please put away your magical powers, I have already controlled it."

Ye Shijie said nervously: "Your dog is so scary!"

"It's so big, and it's not tied up..."

Xia Chujian's mouth twitched, and said: "I didn't think of it before, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I scared you."

Ye Shijie then slowly put away his mental power.

The big black dog's tongue retracted and slowly stood up from the ground.

Xia Chujian called Bei Jiayi over and asked him to carry the big black dog into the house.

There were more people today, and Xia Chujian thought that the big black dog probably had not been in contact with people for a long time, and had some stress sequelae.

After the big black dog left, the woman behind Ye Shijie came out and said generously: "Chujian, hello, long time no see."

It turned out to be Qiu Zijun.

She was wearing a military uniform, a military uniform for active service.

Xia Chujian was a little surprised: "It's Miss Qiu... Did you also come back early to report?"

She remembered that Qiu Zijun also transferred to their Imperial Royal First Military University due to Qiu Zining's matter.

This time, the military academy recalled students to register for the reserve service in advance. Most of the noble students chose "sick leave" and did not come back.

Xia Chujian didn't know whether Qiu Zijun came back to register for the reserve service, or...

As a result, Qiu Zijun said: "I have already suspended school and will return to the army soon."

"Tomorrow I will be stationed at the front line of Shaofu Star with the army."

Xia Chujian was in awe.

While those noble students were busy forging and using sick leave to avoid the reserve service, Qiu Zijun chose to return to the active service.

She also remembered that before Qiu Zijun went to school, she was an active officer in a certain interstellar fleet.

Xia Chujian suddenly felt that she was too negligent for not cooking by herself today.

But now there was no time. All the takeaways were bought back, so she had to bite the bullet and invite them in.

Xia Chujian tried to find a topic to talk about: "...Suspend your studies? When will Qiu come back? Can you graduate on time?"

If you can't graduate on time, you won't get your degree and graduation certificate.

Wouldn't it be a waste of time to go to college?

Qiu Zijun sighed and said: "I also want to come back on time to finish my studies, but when I think of the urgency of the front line, I think, is it so important to graduate or not?"

"Maybe one day, even humans will not exist, so why do we need a graduation certificate?"

Xia Chujian was shocked and felt even more admiring.

She said seriously: "Qiu is really a role model for my generation."

"I hope Qiu can win the battle and make many military achievements!"

Qiu Zijun smiled and said: "Thank you, Xia, for your good words!"

She also saluted Xia Chujian solemnly and said: "Xia, I haven't formally thanked you for saving my life on Green Star."

Xia Chujian hasn't seen Qiu Zijun much since she came back.

She didn't feel unhappy, but she felt that Qiu Zijun was a noble lady after all, and there was always a gap between them and the common students.

However, Qiu Zijun saved her when she was on Green Star, so she saved her once, which was fair.

Xia Chujian didn't like to owe favors.

But now Qiu Zijun thanked her so solemnly, Xia Chujian was still very happy.

She smiled and saluted back, saying, "Student Qiu, you don't have to be so polite."

"You helped me when you were on Green Star. We helped each other."

Ye Shijie watched from the side and laughed: "Stop bragging about each other."

"I know you are both very good. Women are as good as men. Okay?"

Qiu Zijun said: "We are very good. If you don't accept it, let's fight!"

Ye Shijie hurriedly bowed and said: "I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, isn't it okay?!"

He smiled and said to Xia Chujian: "Zijun doesn't have to go to the battlefield, but she took the initiative to go, and I couldn't persuade her."

"I was counting on you to persuade me, why did you encourage her?!"

Xia Chu Jian said: "Everyone has their own ambitions. Captain Ye, this is your fault. You should respect Miss Qiu's choice instead of holding her back."

"Come on, Miss Qiu is my guest today!"

"I must toast Miss Qiu a few more times!"

Qiu Zijun said with a smile: "I must drink Chu Jian's wine."

"I also want to ask you how to improve shooting accuracy!"

"Your shooting skills are really amazing!"

Xia Chujian said hurriedly: "No problem! If you are willing, let's go to the backyard to practice now!"

Qiu Zijun was overjoyed and said: "Then let's go now!"

The two of them came to the backyard excitedly.

Xia Chujian asked Beijiayi to set up a simple shooting range.

However, when he was about to draw his gun, Xia Chujian held back and said with a smile: "Does Qiu have a gun?"

Qiu Zijun was surprised and said: "Doesn't Xia have a gun at home?"

Xia Chujian said: "I am a night hunter and have a gun license."

"But there is only a pistol."

"Does Qiu want to learn pistol shooting?"

Qiu Zijun was very regretful and said: "Forget about the pistol. What I want to learn most is Xia's amazing sniper shooting skills!"

Xia Chujian lied with his eyes open: "I don't have a sniper rifle at home. If Qiu has one, we can try it with Qiu's gun."

Qiu Zijun thought for a while and said: "I have a sniper rifle on the aircraft."

"Wait a minute, I'll go get it."

As she said that, she turned back to the aircraft they came on and took a Judge No. 7 sniper rifle.

Judge No. 7 sniper rifle is the type of sniper rifle that Xia Chujian used to use most.

Now she is used to using the Judge No. 1 sniper rifle switched out of the Xuannv Qingyao Titanium Mecha.

But she won't show it in front of people, after all, the second-generation mecha can only switch to the Judge No. 7 sniper rifle, and cannot switch to the more complex and powerful Judge No. 1 sniper rifle.

Besides, even the dark night hunters with gun licenses cannot get the Judge series sniper rifles.

Xia Chujian looked at the sniper rifle in Qiu Zijun's hand and said, "This Judge is good, it seems to be brand new."

This is the first update, and it's a big chapter!

There will be a second update at 12:05 noon, and there will be an additional update for monthly tickets!

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