I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1122 Someone broke the news (first update)

Daughter of the Imperial Family, Tan Tai Jing, was a man of swift action.

In the afternoon, she took over the palace and arranged for her trusted subordinates to take charge, and then held a grand banquet in the evening.

Generally speaking, the preparation for the imperial family's banquets to the outside world would take at least a month.

From determining the invitees, preparing the venue, food and security, to sending invitations, there were many things to do.

But this time, the crown princess, Tan Tai Jing, only gave the professionals who were preparing the banquet for the royal family an afternoon to prepare.

These people also knew that this was the crown princess, Tan Tai Jing, establishing her authority.

No one complained, and they immediately began to prepare intensively.

Everyone with a discerning eye knew that this banquet, although it was held under the guise of raising funds for the empire's upcoming military operations, was actually to further establish the position of the crown princess, Tan Tai Jing, as the first heir.

At the same time, the dinner in the name of charity was also a general mobilization of the empire's top leaders before the war.

Of course, more importantly, this is Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess, who officially appeared in front of everyone as the Crown Princess Regent and the first heir to the throne.

Anyone who received the invitation was either a high-ranking government official or a powerful family among the nobles.

In addition to the top four nobles, they would definitely be invited.

There are also marquises, earls, viscounts and barons below the four nobles.

According to the number, there are only thirty marquises, sixty earls, ninety viscounts and three thousand barons in the empire.

This number is fixed. Unless someone is deprived of the title, no one will be promoted.

Moreover, only relatives within five generations can enjoy the title of nobility.

After five generations, even if they have the same surname and the same grandfather five generations ago, they will be deprived of the title of nobility and become citizens.

It is also for this reason that the number of nobles and royal family members in the Beichen Empire has not increased to a terrifying number because of the ten thousand years.

In addition to the four nobles, all the marquises, earls and viscounts invited tonight are invited.

But only two hundred of the three thousand barons were invited.

In addition, each duke had fifty places, and each marquis had thirty places.

The rest of the earls, viscounts and barons only had ten places.

So all together, it was still a large group of people.

In addition, there were some citizens and royal families who were randomly invited.

The invitation to the dinner from the Crown Princess was very popular among the nobles and royal families.

Li Fu, holding an invitation and wearing a very high-end navy blue tuxedo, came to the door of a palace hall for this charity dinner.

The dinner had not yet started, and the hall was magnificent and rich.

There were already people in the hall, and they were members of the royal family and the four nobles.

They had priority.

There were more people who were still staying in the square outside the hall, and it was not time to enter the hall.

Countless drones were shining with bright white lights, illuminating the sky above the square.

The square was decorated beautifully.

There are also quaint long tables among the casual landscape bonsai.

On the long tables are placed various delicacies, fruits, drinks, and special nutrient solutions from various habitable planets.

If anyone doesn't like any food, they can try the special nutrient solution that only the royal family can enjoy.

The nobles and government officials have all arrived, about 6,000 people.

In addition to the royal servants who entertained everyone in the square and the royal guards who were responsible for security, there are more than 10,000 people in total.

And these tens of thousands of people are the real ruling class of the empire.

Li Fu walked in alone and felt very awkward.

When the royal guards saw him, they thought he was also a security guard...

But when they saw his invitation, they were still respectful and respectfully invited him in.

Li Fu felt even more awkward and had the urge to turn around and leave.

But in the end, he thought of the person who sent him the invitation, and he mustered up the courage to come in.

He walked around the square casually, sometimes drinking some drinks, sometimes eating some fruits, and then tasting the nutrient solution specially provided by the royal family. He was quite carefree.

But he didn't notice that the entire dinner was broadcast live by the royal media agency!

And this royal dinner also set off a huge sensation throughout the empire!

Xingbo's hot searches have been blasting several titles back and forth.

The top 100 hot searches are all related to today's royal dinner!

Because these lives of the upper class of the empire are still quite mysterious to ordinary civilians, and even to some citizens.

Tonight is a very intuitive opportunity for everyone to watch the real appearance of the top people in the empire.

Almost everyone gathered in the live broadcast room of the imperial royal media, excited and excited to watch the important figures who could only be glimpsed in political news before.

# Chief Quan is so handsome! # .

# Chief Quan wearing gold-rimmed glasses looks like a gentleman scum! # .

# The eldest son of the Zong family appeared on camera for the first time! His looks are as good as the second son of the Zong family! # .

# Master Su is more of a scientist... He looks more and more like a mecha! # .

# The cabinet chief is so powerful without even getting angry! So cool! # .

# Who will be the next chief of staff of the general operations department? ! # .

# It must be Marshal Huo as the chief of staff of the general operations department? ! # .

# Who can defeat the enemy's million-strong army? ! Only Marshal Huo! # .

# Where is Marshal Huo? Where is Marshal Huo? I am so old? ! # .

# Ahhh! Huo Shuai is here! A man with his own background music! # .

# Huo Shuai is here, Huo Shuai is gone again, a man who comes and goes like the wind! # .

# Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess is here! Ahhhh, what a cool beauty! # .

# I declare Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess the best of the day! No objection! # .

After so many hot search topics, the camera in the live broadcast room suddenly turned to a man who looked tall and burly, like a brown bear.

The man was drinking a tube of nutrient solution, and he turned his head to look at the camera inadvertently. His eyes were sharp, his facial features were like sculptures, and he had a kind of rough and handsome look.

This man was Li Fu.

He didn't know that the camera in the live broadcast room was aimed at him, but the subconscious of the genetic evolutionist made him feel that he seemed to be stared at by something, so he looked around calmly.

He didn't find the hidden camera and walked away leisurely.

The camera in the Royal Media live broadcast room quickly turned to someone else, but after a while, it gave Li Fu a few more shots.

In a dinner full of the empire's ruling class, a seemingly ordinary person suddenly had the same attention as the heirs of the four noble families, so this person was no longer ordinary.

Sure enough, the Star Network began to dig up who this person was.

But after searching for a long time, he couldn't find his information anywhere.

This made him even more mysterious.

However, soon, someone began to reveal the news in the live broadcast room.

"Oh my god! Isn't this the son of the original wife who was kicked out of a branch of the Li family?!"

"Ah?! The person above knows this?! How come they even know this?!"

"My cousin's brother-in-law's aunt works in a branch of the Li family."

"She recognized him and said that the couple had fought many times because of the son of the original wife!"

"Please explain clearly, how come the original wife broke into the Li family?"

"Oh, that's right. The original wife of the male owner of this branch of the Li family died of illness at an early age, leaving behind a son who was less than one year old."

"Later, the male owner remarried, and this second wife gave birth to three sons and a daughter for the male owner."

"The son of the original wife is said to have bad behavior and was uneducated and was kicked out very early."

"I didn't expect it... The family of the branch of the Li family didn't get an invitation letter, but the son of the original wife did!"

"Huh? That's not right. , I just counted the fifty places for the Li family this time. They are all nobles from the main branch of the Li family. There are no extra places for the son of the deceased original wife from the side branch!"

"Then where did the son of the deceased original wife from the side branch of the Li family get the invitation?"

At this time, someone broke the news and said, "Did you see the badge on his chest?"

"At this dinner, everyone who entered had a matching badge to show the guest level."

"It is said that there are eight levels in total."

"This badge is a special invitation from the royal family!"

"In other words, he got the invitation by himself! Not by relying on the title of the Li family!"

"It was mentioned before that it was a side branch. Of course, he couldn't get the invitation by relying on the title alone."

"The main branch only has fifty places, who has time to care about the side branch? !"

"But who is he? Why can he be favored by the royal family?"

As everyone was speculating, Li Fu unknowingly became a hot search.

Moreover, the name on the hot search was "Li Fu", not Li Fu, and the topic behind it was "The son of the original wife of the Li family's side branch who died early was kicked out of the house by his stepmother when he was underage!"

This hot search even directly topped the list, and there was a small "explosive" word.

Xia Chujian, a "cyber child" who grew up on the Internet, certainly did not miss this explosive hot search!

She pretended not to see the previous hot searches for Quan Yuxun, Su Buyan, Zong Ruoning, Zong Ruoan and Huo Yushen.

But the hot search for Li Fu really shocked her.

She was also watching the live broadcast, and when she saw Li Fu's image appear in the live broadcast room of Imperial Royal Media, she thought she had seen it wrong, and even rubbed her eyes.

Then she pulled a private chat group and sent a group chat message to Song Mingqian, Sister Cai and Ye Shijie.

[Xia Chujian]: Hey! Are you also watching the live broadcast of Imperial Royal Media? That 'Li Fu', is it Li Fu? !

[Song Mingqian]: Watching! It must be him! I would recognize him even if he turned into ashes!

[Ye Shijie]: ...I saw...the people in the live broadcast room said he was from the Li clan...

[Sister Cai]: Oh my god! Is he really from the Li clan? ! Although it is a branch, it is still the Li clan!

[Sister Cai]: I didn’t expect that my teammates are from the four noble families! (Proud face)!

This is the first update, and there will be a second update at 5:00 pm!

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