I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1123 A scene I dare not even dream of (second update)

Ye Shijie was also in a somewhat subtle mood.

He didn't expect that Li Fu was so well hidden.

[Ye Shijie]: Li Fu really showed that he understood the nobles' stuff, I thought...

Xia Chujian was so excited watching the excitement.

She replied.

[Xia Chujian]: So Li Fu is not Li Fu, but Li Fu! Li Fu deceived us so badly, hahahaha!

Then, she saw Li Fu's life before he became a bounty hunter on the hot search.

Seeing this, she felt extremely sympathetic to Li Fu.

Although there were only four people in the team's private chat group, it seemed that there were many group members, and the messages kept refreshing the screen.

[Xia Chujian]: How could Li Fu's stepmother be so vicious? ! Such a young child was kicked out of the house directly!

[Xia Chujian]: The Li family is such a noble family, but they can't afford to raise a child? ! Such a vicious stepmother actually exists in reality! I thought it was made up by a small online novel...

[Xia Chujian]: There are many plots about dealing with this kind of vicious stepmother in small online novels. I want to give Li Fu some advice! Cats are rubbing their hands.JPG.

[Ye Shijie]: Chujian, don't mess around... This is someone else's family affair, don't rush to fight for justice.

[Xia Chujian]: Captain Ye, Li Fu is also our teammate. I treat you all equally! If you, Captain Ye, are treated unfairly, I will also fight for you!

[Sister Cai]: I believe this! But Li Fu is an adult now, Chujian, you'd better discuss it with him... But, fighting against vicious stepmothers, I like to watch it!

[Song Mingqian]: Sister Cai, don't encourage it... Chujian, Captain Ye is right, Li Fu's situation may be more complicated, let's not make things more complicated for him.

[Ye Shijie]: Li Fu can get an invitation letter from the royal family with his own ability, even his vicious stepmother doesn't have an invitation letter, so do you still think he is being bullied?

Xia Chujian snorted and continued to reply.

[Xia Chujian]: I am just setting off the atmosphere. What's wrong with Captain Ye and the money for sending life? It seems that you are afraid that Li Fu will live too comfortably...

[Song Mingqian]: Chujian, don't talk nonsense! The revolutionary friendship between Li Fu and me is as strong as steel!

While they were discussing fiercely, Li Fu's father Li Hanxi, that is, the family of the Li family's branch, were all in their living room, staring at the live broadcast screen on the virtual display screen on half of the wall in amazement.

Li Fu's stepmother's face suddenly turned pale and she covered her chest with her hands.

Her three sons complained angrily: "How could this bastard Li Fu have an invitation?! Why don't we have one?!"

"Dad, are you biased? Give him the invitation?!"

Li Fu's father Li Hanxi frowned and said: "If I had an invitation, wouldn't I go by myself?!"

"It's said on the hot search that it's a separate invitation from the royal family!"

The stepmother's daughter said with a bitter face: "Mom, it's said on the hot search that you are a vicious stepmother..."

Li Fu's stepmother was so angry that she trembled and said: "Go and say that I'm not a vicious stepmother! It's because he didn't study well and skipped school that your father drove him away!"

Li Hanxi looked at her, snorted, walked into his bedroom, and closed the door with a snap.

Then, he opened the virtual display screen, found a number that had contacted Li Fu before, and sent him a message.

[Li Hanxi]: Ah Fu, don't be angry, it was Dad's fault before, I apologize to you. Go home, you are my first heir.

Li Fu, who was just drinking the royal special nutrient solution, almost spit out a mouthful of special nutrient solution when he saw this message!

His mouth twitched, but he turned a blind eye.

However, he did not walk around in the square, but just found a secluded place and ate quietly.

Only by eating can he stop his mind from thinking about random things.

At the same time, he was looking around, trying to find where Bai Cuiwei was.

Bai Cuiwei was born into the Earl of the Bai family, and was also invited today.

That was his playmate since childhood, a childhood sweetheart in the true sense.

After he was driven out of the Li family by his stepmother, the two had no contact for a while.

But later he became a bounty hunter of the Dark Night Hunter, and achieved some success. Only then did he meet the grown-up Bai Cuiwei by chance.

From then on, he was out of control...

Li Fu thought of Bai Cuiwei, and a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

At this moment, a royal chamberlain came over and said politely: "Mr. Li, the Crown Princess invites you."

Li Fu was stunned: "The Crown Princess? By the way, this eunuch, do you know why the Crown Princess sent me this invitation?"

He also asked Bai Cuiwei this question, but Bai Cuiwei asked him to ask the Crown Princess directly.

The eunuch smiled and said: "Of course, the Crown Princess is optimistic about you. In fact, not only you, the Crown Princess sent more than a thousand special invitations this time, all of which are young talents like you."

Li Fu was relieved and said with a smile: "So that's it! So that's it!"

He followed the eunuch to a side hall next to the main hall.

At the same time, there were more than a dozen young people of about his age walking there.

There were men and women, and they all looked flattered.

Li Fu just glanced and recognized several people's names.

They were not very familiar, but they knew each other barely.

Because they had the same identity mark.

That is, they are all unpopular branches of the rich and powerful nobles, and even come from outside the family.

Li Fu seemed to understand the intention of the Crown Princess, which was to start controlling the aristocracy...

But he just smiled and shook his head, thinking that the Crown Princess's move might be useful to others.

But he never thought that he could fight against the entire Li family.

And among the young talents who were won over by the Crown Princess, he was the only one who was truly from the Li family of the four nobles.

Others, although they were also from noble families, as long as they were below the four nobles, they were just like ants in front of the royal family.

As long as they get the support of the Crown Princess, these people can really do great things in their own families.

Except him.

But he didn't think that Her Highness the Crown Princess was so stupid that she wanted to rely on him, a peripheral member of the Li family who had no power or territory, to confront the main vein of the Li family.

You have to know that the main vein of the Li family is very remarkable now!

And the Crown Princess's own outside family is the Li family.

Her biological mother, the queen, is Li Fengen, the eldest daughter of the old master of the Li family.

And the queen's sister, Li Fengci, the second daughter of the old master of the Li family, married into the Quan family and is now the mistress of the second branch of the Quan family.

Even if Li Fu had a hundred guts, he would not dare to provoke such a behemoth.

It was too cheap for Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess to buy his heart with just an invitation letter.

Li Fu thought clearly and waited quietly outside the side hall.

The young people in front of him were called in one by one.

When they came out, their faces were all ecstatic.

Li Fu was the last one to go in.

He stepped over the threshold of the side hall with a bit of curiosity.

But when he came out, he was in a trance and almost tripped over the threshold.

After coming out, he met his father and stepmother's family in the square outside.

He was very surprised, but his father said proudly: "It was the Crown Princess who invited us for your sake!"

"Afu, you are valued by the Crown Princess, you must work hard until your death!"

"Our whole family is proud of you!"

Even the stepmother who looked down on him before apologized hesitantly, saying: "Afu, I was bad-tempered before and shouldn't have ignored you."

"Go home, you are your father's eldest son, and this family will be yours from now on."

She said it reluctantly and almost cried, but she had to say it.

Because the Crown Princess had sent someone to warn her.

If she dared to try to monopolize the family's property and give it all to her children as before, the Crown Princess could order her husband to divorce her!

And she knew her husband's character very well.

As long as he could get close to the Crown Princess, he would do it even if he was asked to kill her!

In this panic, the stepmother also compromised.

No matter how good the family property is, it is useless if you don't have the life to enjoy it.

But Li Fu was not happy at all.

That night, he was like a puppet, led by his father and stepmother to greet relatives and old friends.

When he knew that their family was invited by the Crown Princess with a special invitation, even the old head of the Li family, the Grand Duke, sent someone to invite Li Fu and his father to talk.

The old Duke of Li glanced at Li Fu sharply, then looked at Li Fu's father and said kindly: "Don't do such stupid things in the future."

"The son born by your first wife looks promising, how can you throw him out and ignore him?"

"Do your best in the future. There are many vacancies in the Li family. When you go to see Hanhai tomorrow, tell him that it was me who said so and let him arrange a position for you."

Li Hanhai is the first heir of the Li family, the eldest son of the old Duke, and the elder brother of Queen Li Fengen and the second wife of Quan Li Fengci.

Li Fu's father was overjoyed and almost kowtowed to the old patriarch.

The old patriarch looked at Li Fu again and asked with a smile: "Afu, come home in the future and don't make a living outside."

"We are a big family in the Li family. We don't need you to make money to support the family."

"Go to your uncle, I will let him cultivate you well."

The promise to Li Fu was even higher than the promise to Li Fu's father!

This is also as it should be.

Because Li Fu is young, there are infinite possibilities in the future.

And Li Fu's father can already see the end of his twilight years.

Li Fu's heart was pounding.

He didn't expect that things would develop to this point.

This was a scene that he had never dared to dream of when he was young.

But now it has come true, but it makes him feel so panic and trepidation.


After this night, the entire upper aristocratic circle knew that the Li family welcomed back a prematurely deceased eldest son of the original wife who was driven out of the house by his stepmother in his early years.

And this person is called Li Fu.

This is the second update. There will be new updates at 5:00 a.m.!

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