I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1124 Phoenix No. 1 (first and larger chapter)

After the charity dinner of the Crown Princess Tan Taijing, Li Fu saw the hot search and the waves of inquiries and jokes from his teammates.

He did not reply to everyone, nor did he move back to the place where the Li family lived as everyone expected.

He still lived in the small large flat he had just bought.

This was a new house he bought in Chaowailou Community, near the imperial palace in the capital of Beichen Star, after spending almost all his savings.

It was renovated not long ago.

He watched the sunrise on the terrace alone in the morning and the sunset here in the evening.

The rest of the time, he was wiping his eating tool - sniper rifle.


Days passed one by one, and there was still a week before the start of school on September 1st. Xia Chujian, who was like a fish in water, had already obtained 160 credits!

This means that as long as she wants, she can graduate at any time...

Because this accelerated learning mode is too suitable for her!

And it is not the kind of book knowledge assessment, all practical results, and simulated confrontation in a virtual network environment.

For her, it is a piece of cake.

Sometimes she could complete the assessment of two courses in one day and get 32 ​​credits directly!

If she followed the previous progress, she would need half a semester to get 32 ​​credits.

But Xia Chujian also knew that this kind of crash course of learning did not lay a solid foundation.

Just like playing a game, she passed the level quickly, but if she encountered those levels in a real environment, she might be at a loss.

After all, no matter how realistic the virtual environment is, it is not real, but virtual.

The ever-changing and unexpected things in the real environment cannot be completely simulated by mechanical intelligence.

Xia Chujian is very clear about the gap between virtual and real.

Therefore, Xia Chujian did not apply for graduation, but planned to continue to take the major she was interested in, receive special military training, and consolidate the courses she had passed, especially the elective courses related to star destroyers.

Anyway, she didn't have to pay tuition, and the living expenses had been deposited into the school's account. If she didn't continue to study, she would suffer a loss.


This day was Friday.

The school closed half a day early, giving everyone more than a week off, which will last until the Monday after next.

The Monday after next is September 1st, and the school will officially start.

This is to let everyone go back and have a good rest.

The reserve special training throughout the summer vacation is really serious.

Not only Xia Chujian, almost everyone has become darker and thinner, but also more energetic and capable.

The momentum is completely different from the first day of the freshman year.

At that time, they just came to college from high school.

Now, they seem to have experienced a war, even if it is a virtual war.

With such reserve cadets, the school and the military can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Only they know what kind of tragic battles are ahead, waiting for these college students who have just finished their freshman year and started their sophomore life.

Xia Chujian returned to her villa near the school and cleaned herself up first.

She planned to return to Yuanxing to spend the last vacation before school starts.

From now on, there will be more than a week off!

The Monday of the week after next is September 1st, the official start time of the school.

She packed her luggage and was about to go out when Ye Shijie invited her to a video call again.

This time, it was still a group video chat.

Xia Chujian clicked it casually.

"Hello, Captain Ye, hello, Qian, Sister Cai, and Li Fu."

"Huh? Li Fu, oh, no, it should be Li Fuli, the eldest son, shouldn't you go back to the Li family and be your noble son?"

"Why do you still want to be a bounty hunter with us poor people and earn this little hard-earned money!"

Xia Chujian laughed and teased.

Ye Shijie, Song Mingqian and Sister Cai also looked at Li Fu in surprise.

Since the last palace banquet of the Crown Princess Tan Taijing, the most popular target person on the entire Star Network is Li Fu.

What "the son of a wealthy family turns prodigal"!

What "the eldest son of the original wife counterattacks and slaps the shameless stepmother"!

What "Li's senior management has a keen eye for pearls"!

He was praised as a Buddha born, and two Buddhas ascended to heaven!

However, the strange thing is that Li Fu's identity as a bounty hunter has not been exposed under such widespread online popularity.

Of course, it is mainly because Xia Chujian and his team members are not so bored that they want to use their teammates' privacy to earn that little traffic.

And the Dark Night Hunter Association also protects the true identities of its members strictly.

Li Fu himself has never told anyone in the Li family how he survived outside all these years.

The people of the main branch of the Li family did not ask.

Because in their opinion, this is something that does not need to be asked.

Even if he was kicked out of the house, it is just a matter of supporting one person. Is there any need to ask? !

They all thought that Li Fu's father would not ignore him and would not give him financial support.

After all, he was kicked out of the house when he was a minor, but parents have the obligation to support their minor children.

If they do not support them, the children can directly sue such parents in court and ask for compulsory execution.

So no one had ever doubted how the underage Li Fu lived after he was kicked out.

Li Fu's father felt guilty and guilty, and he didn't dare to ask his son how he survived all these years.

In addition, Li Fu still did not move back home after his life story was exposed, which also blocked the attention of many people.

Some gossipers really wanted to explore how he survived all these years, but unfortunately Li Fu did not give them the opportunity to explore.

So various factors intertwined, Li Fu's most important identity as a bounty hunter was gorgeously hidden.

Xia Chujian teased at this time, and Li Fu felt very kind.

He didn't like being looked down upon, but he didn't like being treated like a monkey.

Xia Chujian was the best this way, saying whatever he wanted, and not stabbing people in the back.

He smiled and said, "I am Li Fu, and I will never change. As for the 'Li Fu' mentioned on the Internet, what does it have to do with me?"

Then he said to Xia Chujian, "Chujian, I have to go on a long trip in a few days. Please take care of my house for me."

"I'll express the key to you."

Xia Chujian nodded and said, "No problem, but do you still need keys for houses now? Aren't they all smart locks?"

Li Fu said, "I have both antique locks and smart locks installed here."

"I never use smart locks, just antique locks."

Xia Chujian agreed.

Then she looked at Ye Shijie and said with a smile: "Captain Ye, do you have something to talk to us about?"

Ye Shijie smiled and shook his head: "Why do I say I have something to talk to you about? Can't I talk to you if I don't have anything to talk to you about?"

Xia Chujian said with a smile: "Captain Ye has always been a person who never comes to visit for no reason. Everyone is busy, so let's make it short."

Ye Shijie laughed: "Chujian still understands me."

"It's like this, I do have a task at hand, but it's not issued by the Dark Night Hunter Association."

"It was introduced by a friend."

"The task is to help them protect an important person, but we are not the main force. The main force is said to come from the most powerful security organization in the empire. We are just their substitutes."

Xia Chujian's mouth twitched and said: "Substitutes for substitutes, how much money can you give?"

Li Fu, Song Mingqian and Sister Cai also looked at Ye Shijie with bright eyes.

They are bounty hunters, of course they talk based on money.

Whoever gives more money will take the task from them, of course, the premise is that their own safety is guaranteed to a certain extent.

None of them have S-level gene evolvers, so they will not take tasks for S-level gene evolvers.

But below S-level gene evolvers, they can now choose tasks at will.

Ye Shijie smiled and said, "Don't worry about the money. My friend is very generous and will never treat you unfairly."

Xia Chujian smiled and continued to ask, "Then how much is it? How much is the deposit? How to pay later?"

It was a completely business tone.

Ye Shijie was slightly displeased.

He said he was his friend, so Xia Chujian was a little too fussy.

But Li Fu, Song Mingqian and Sister Cai all supported Xia Chujian.

They almost said in unison: "This is also our problem."

Xia Chujian added: "It's not that I don't believe Captain Ye, but this mission is not issued through the Dark Night Hunter Association. Whether the other party can pay on time is even more important."

Ye Shijie smiled faintly and said: "Since you believe in me, are you still afraid that the other party won't pay?"

"I can put it here. If the other party doesn't pay, I can pay it myself."

Xia Chujian looked at Ye Shijie and said faintly: "Captain Ye, this is meaningless. You are embarrassed to advance the payment, but we are embarrassed to accept it."

In the end, if they are asked to do favors, it will be a big loss.

She might as well return to Yuanxing for vacation.

Ye Shijie stared at her for a while, and suddenly laughed again, shook his head, and said: "Xia Chujian, Xia Chujian, you are really... exactly the same as I imagined!"

"Don't worry, I have thought about all the problems you mentioned."

"I will discuss with my friend to see what he thinks."

Xia Chujian nodded: "Then wait and see."

Everyone hung up the video call.

But less than ten minutes later, Ye Shijie called everyone for a video call again.

This time, Ye Shijie said directly: "My friend thinks it is better to go through formal channels."

"So, he has posted the task on the Dark Night Hunter Association."

"This is a B-level task. In fact, the danger level is not that high, but because the other party bids high, it is considered a B-level task."

Xia Chujian became interested: "How much is it? Can it be rated as B-level?"

Ye Shijie clicked "Accept" on the task interface of the Dark Night Hunter Association's official website.

Everyone received the task release message from the Dark Night Hunter Association.

"B-level mission: As the second backup, protect an important person for the client, codenamed Phoenix No. 1."

"Mission location: Beichen Star, Imperial Capital, Hot Spring Hotel."

"Mission amount: total price 20 million Beichen coins. A deposit of 2 million, 20 million has been remitted to the official account of the Dark Night Hunter Association."

"Mission time limit: protect the important person for seven days. After seven days, as long as the important person survives, you can get all the salary."

"If the important person dies, you can get half of the salary."

After reading the mission introduction, Xia Chujian was very interested and said, "Even if the mission fails, there are still 10 million to be taken!"

"Then how much do the main security personnel get? Hundreds of millions?"

Song Mingqian said, "Almost. We are the second backup, which means there is another layer of backup before us."

"According to the current market price, if the second substitute also needs 20 million, then the first substitute must be at least 50 million."

"The main force must be at least hundreds of millions."

Xia Chujian sighed and said, "We haven't received a task with a target of hundreds of millions, right?"

Sister Cai shook her head: "No, never."

"But it's pretty good to be able to take on a task worth 10 million."

"Chujian, since you went to college and went to Beichen Star, although our team also went to Beichen Star, we really didn't receive any good tasks this year..."

"They were all small fights, and we almost ran out of money."

Ye Shijie said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry for everyone. In the past year, I took on a few private tasks to repay favors, so I neglected everyone."

"For this task, I will give up the dividends. I'll give it all to you."

Sister Cai was suddenly happy: "Really?! Captain Ye keeps his word?!"

Song Mingqian felt something was wrong and quietly pulled Sister Cai's collar.

The two were video chatting with everyone in the same place, so they could do small things in private without being discovered by everyone.

Because the virtual display only shows the area above everyone's neck, it's very pure.

Sister Cai understood, but she couldn't take back what she said, so she had to add a sentence embarrassedly: "Captain Ye has this intention, but you still don't have to share it with everyone."

Unexpectedly, Xia Chujian argued: "Captain Ye has said that he wants to share it, we can't not give Captain Ye this face!"

"Come on, let's thank Captain Ye together!"

Xia Chujian also pretended to bow to Ye Shijie.

Li Fu, Song Mingqian and Sister Cai laughed.

Ye Shijie also laughed, but the smile only flashed on his face.

Li Fu looked at the content of the task and suddenly found that the task only said to protect an important person for seven days, and did not say who this important person was, and did not say which seven days it was.

He raised this doubt and said, "I will be busy next because I also took a private order."

"If the time of this task conflicts with my private task, I am afraid I can't participate."

Xia Chujian also said, "Today is Friday, and in nine days, we will officially start school."

"If it is after September 1st, I am afraid I can't participate."

She looked at Song Mingqian and Sister Cai and said, "If I can't participate, I will give my share to Sister Cai."

Sister Cai laughed like crazy when she heard it: "Hahahahaha! Really?! Really?!"

Li Fu also said, "If it conflicts with my time and I can't participate, then give my share to the money for life!"

Song Mingqian was also very surprised and laughed the same "hahahaha" as Sister Cai.

Xia Chujian and Li Fu smiled at each other and thought it was very interesting.

This is the first bigger chapter!

There will be extra chapters for monthly tickets after 12:05 noon!

PS: It's Monday again, remember to vote for the recommendation tickets of the treasures!

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