I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1126 Child Marriage (First and Bigger Chapter)

Xia Chujian gasped.

Qilu then gave more explosive search information.

[Qilu]: According to historical records, after this hairpin was made, Master Lu presented it to the then high priest of the Su family.

[Qilu]: The high priest of the Su family gave it as a betrothal gift to his fiancée.

[Qilu]: In the five thousand years since then, this hairpin has been circulated in the family of the high priest of the Su family. It was originally a special betrothal gift for daughters-in-law.

[Qilu]: But thirty-nine years ago, this hairpin was given by the current high priest Su Yanxing to his twin sister Su Shuangluo as a coming-of-age gift.

[Qilu]: Nineteen years ago, Su Shuangluo gave this hairpin as a gift to the newly born Ying Wuxin.

[Qilu]: And Ying Wuxin is the biological daughter of the patriarch of the Ying family and the niece of Ying Chenbi, the wife of the high priest Su Yanxing.

[Qilu]: The reason why Su Shuangluo gave such a precious hairpin to the newly born Ying Wuxin was because Ying Wuxin's aunt was Ying Chenbi, who was not only Su Shuangluo's sister-in-law, but also her best friend.

[Qilu]: Moreover, according to Qilu's speculation, there should be a little meaning of arranged marriage.

[Qilu]: Then in the case of the extermination of the Ying family nineteen years ago, along with the tragic death of Ying Wuxin's parents, this hairpin also disappeared.

Xia Chujian was shocked.

She hurriedly asked: "Qilu, where did you find this information?! I don't think this information will appear in the public search of the Star Network!"

Based on Xia Chujian's experience of playing the Star Network for so many years, these family secrets belonging to the top nobles of the empire cannot be retrieved by ordinary Star Network.

But Qilu said in a childish voice very seriously: "... Master, these data were indeed found by Qilu on the Star Network."

"Except for the child marriage, it was Qilu's own speculation."

Xia Chujian was silent for a while, and said: "... In the future, when you read small online articles, don't load them into your database, and don't use them as the basis for your reasoning."

Qilu said "Oh", and quickly displayed the source of the data he searched on Xia Chujian's eyepiece display.

[Qilu]: This is some fragmented information that Qilu retrieved on the Star Network.

[Qilu]: From the data analysis, this information comes from the same person, who has been posting online for seven years without interruption, trying to find a little clue related to the Ying family's murder case.

[Qilu]: This person is very careful and cautious, and uses a different network address to log in every time.

[Qilu]: However, from the frequency of words and tone of this person's speech, Qilu believes that this is the same person.

Xia Chujian watched Qilu attentively as he gave clues.

Sure enough, all this information was found by Qilu on the Star Network.

It seems that the person who posted each time used a different account and network address, and each post was very short, and never caused a huge sensation.

So it has never been on the hot search.

But judging from the style of those posts, Xia Chujian also agreed with Qilu's inference, that is, these posts scattered over seven years were indeed posted by one person.

Because the wording style is consistent.

Xia Chujian read them one by one.

The first year.

"Does anyone know about the Ying family's murder nine years ago? I want to hear..."

No one responded to this one.

The second year.

"I heard that the Ying family's murder ten years ago was particularly cruel. The whole family died, including the stable groom... In the end, only a baby survived. How is this possible? I don't believe it."

No one responded to this one.

The third year.

"Has anyone seen such a hairpin?"

Then there was a picture, which was exactly the same as the jade hairpin worn by the noble lady they were going to protect today!

And the phoenix was carved vividly, especially the two eyes.

It happened that the jade had two natural black spots at this place.

It should have been a flaw, but after being carved into the eyes of a phoenix, it became the finishing touch.

It was as if this piece of jade was born to be carved into this phoenix.

Still no one responded.

In the fourth year, there were no posts asking questions, but this time, someone responded to the post asking the question above.

But Qilu and Xia Chujian both thought that this reply was actually the poster using another account to ask and answer his own questions.

The content of the reply was quite long.

"Huh? This hairpin is so beautiful!"

"I know, I know!"

"I've seen photos of this hairpin!"

"I've looked up information. This hairpin was made by Master Lu, a famous jade carving master five thousand years ago."

"He is the first master to leave his name on jade carving!"

"It is said that 'if the jade color is not beautiful, it will not be treated, if the jade quality is not good, it will not be treated, and if the jade nature is not good, it will not be treated'. All the things he produced are fine products!"

"Later, he presented this carved phoenix hairpin to the high priest at that time."

"For five thousand years since then, this hairpin has been in the high priest's family as a betrothal gift to the next generation of the high priest's wife."

"But thirty-six years ago, it was given by the current high priest to the high priest's sister as a coming-of-age gift."

"After the high priest's sister got married, she gave this hairpin to a baby as a birth gift."

"This baby is the best friend of the high priest's wife and the niece of her sister-in-law Ying Chenbi."

"Nineteen years ago, the Ying family was massacred. This hairpin, which was kept by the Ying couple for their little daughter who was not even one year old, also disappeared."

Xia Chujian was surprised to see this and said, "It turns out that someone has been investigating the Ying family massacre nineteen years ago!"

"Could it be that the noble lady wearing the hairpin has a close relationship with the Ying family massacre nineteen years ago?"

Qi Lu said, "Master, Qi Lu doesn't know if there is any relationship."

"This poster later used different accounts and network addresses to post several more posts."

"But two years ago, he never posted again."

Xia Chujian looked at the information Qi Lu retrieved for her.

After the fifth year, this poster began to offer a reward.

"Anyone who can provide clues to the Ying family massacre will be rewarded."

This one was posted twice in a row, and then it was never posted again.

Qilu also said: "Master, in fact, this information has been deleted on the Star Network."

"Qilu searched for deleted information from the root database at the bottom of the Star Network."

"Qilu found that any information with words related to the 'Ying Family Massacre' will be regularly deleted on the Star Network."

"The person who posted this may have realized this since the year before last, so he stopped posting."

Xia Chujian watched silently and suddenly said: "Qilu, I think I can guess who posted these posts."

Qilu said: "Master, who do you think it is?"

"Qilu speculated that it was the posts of Ying Wuxin or Ying Chenbi, the only two survivors of the Ying family. What do you think, Master?"

Xia Chujian said with certainty: "I think it was Ying Wuxin."

"From the words of these posts, You can tell from her tone that at the beginning, it was obvious that she was still a child. "

"She didn't know when she knew her life experience, and she began to tremble on the Internet, trying to track down the murderer herself."

"She should be ten years old that year, and she may have known her life experience from some channel."

"The hatred of exterminating the family is irreconcilable, and she must want revenge."

"But she has no manpower, or the people around her can't help her, so she has to find a way herself."

Qi Lu said: "The master is right. But at present, in addition to Ying Wuxin, the wife of the high priest, Ying Chenbi, is also interested in the Ying family extermination case. "

"Why did the master determine that it was Ying Wuxin, not Ying Chenbi?"

Xia Chujian said: "It's very simple."

"Ying Chenbi is the wife of the high priest, and the resources in her hands Source, much more than the orphan Ying Wuxin who lives under someone else's roof. "

"If Ying Chenbi really wants to investigate, as the wife of the high priest, she will definitely not just secretly post on the Star Network to seek help."

Qi Lu's childish voice was a little thoughtful: "Master is right, so these posts are all posted by Ying Wuxin."

"Master, do you want to search for 'Ying Wuxin'?"

Xia Chujian said: "That's not necessary."

"She is also a poor person. She has so much to bear at such a young age. I won't make things worse for her."

Qi Lu said: "Master, don't you want to help her solve the case?"

Xia Chujian said: "We are just here to be the substitutes for the substitutes in the security, not to investigate the case..."

Qi Lu said: "Then the master, do you want to send the head portrait of this lady to Ying Wuxin?"

Xia Chujian He said in a deep voice, "Later."

"Qilu, don't you think this is a bit strange?"

Qilu said, "What's strange?"

Xia Chujian said, "Since this hairpin is an important piece of evidence in a murder case, how could someone wear it so carelessly?"

Qilu said, "... Could it be that this hairpin has been resold many times?"

"Does the current buyer still not know the bloody source behind this hairpin?"

Xia Chujian said, "It's possible."

"If so, we can start with this noble lady and find the seller of the year, and we should be able to find clues to the murderer."

Qilu's childish voice was filled with joy: "Master is right! Master is so smart!"

Xia Chujian just curled the corners of her lips and turned her attention to the person living in the hotel room opposite.

The curtains of her French window were not drawn, and she was sitting on the sofa reading a book.

The graceful neck was like a beautiful white swan.

Under the light, this hairpin was breathtakingly beautiful and brilliant.

Xia Chujian took out the sniper rifle from the gun box and assembled it quickly.

The gun in her gun box was still the Judge No. 7 sniper rifle.

This sniper rifle is far inferior to the most powerful Judge No. 1.

But as long as it is not in extreme circumstances, Xia Chujian can make Judge No. 7 have the same effect as Judge No. 1.

She set up the sniper rifle on the crown of the tree, just to see if there are people who are blind and really want to kill this noble lady.

And in front of her, there are two or even three lines of defense.

One is from the most powerful security organization in the entire Beichen Empire.

One is from the team that is a substitute for this security organization. Xia Chujian doesn't know where they found it.

And their team, representing the Night Hunter, is a substitute for the substitute.

Xia Chujian thinks that if someone really wants to kill that noble lady, they are so far away that it is difficult to really rescue her effectively.

So in the room of the noble lady, Xia Chujian thinks that there should be another line of defense.

Their team is actually the third substitute, not the second substitute.

The so-called best security organization in the country is the first substitute.

Xia Chujian was a little curious about what kind of security personnel could enter the room of the noble lady and protect her closely.

After a night, the sun rose in the sky and the sun spread all over the earth.

The temperature also began to rise sharply.

Xia Chujian silently turned on the constant temperature function of the mecha so that he would not feel hot.

Ye Shijie, Song Mingqian and Sister Cai, who were guarding below, were soon sweating all over.

Ye Shijie said to everyone: "It's dawn, and we don't need to be on guard together during the day."

"Let's divide into groups."

"When you are not on guard, go back to the aircraft and rest."

"This damn heaven is too hot."

Of course everyone agreed.

Ye Shijie said: "Chujian, you and Sister Cai go back to the aircraft to rest for four hours, and then you and Song Mingqian will take over."

Song Mingqian is of course no problem.

This is to let Sister Cai rest first.

Xia Chujian and Sister Cai packed up the gun box and came to their own aircraft together.

After entering, Xia Chujian fanned herself with her hands and said, "It's so hot."

"We can't do this."

"Why don't we try another way? There are four of us, and each of us can be on guard for six hours, and a day will pass."

"If we stay up all night like this, do you believe that when the killers come, we will be so sleepy that we can't even open our eyes?"

Sister Cai said, "Yes! Let's divide into groups!"

"But Chujian, who do you think that lady is?"

"She looks so noble! It's the kind of nobleness that is really born, not the kind of nobleness that you work hard for!"

Xia Chujian: "..."

Why can't she feel the nobleness that is born with her?

Besides, isn't the nobleness that you work hard for more noble and glorious?

Xia Chujian opened her mouth, but seeing Sister Cai's excitement, she swallowed her words and didn't interrupt Sister Cai's analysis.

Cai Jie concluded, "In short, I think her status must be very noble!"

"Even higher than the noblewoman of the Quan family, Quan Caiwei, or at least the same level!"

Xia Chujian pondered and said, "We can analyze it. If this person's status is really higher than Quan Caiwei, who could it be?"

"The nobles with higher status than Quan Caiwei include the duchesses of the four nobles, the generation of Quan Caiwei's elders, and the crown princess and the queen."

"The appearance of that noble lady is completely different from the crown princess and the queen, so we can rule them out first."

Cai Jie said, "...Could it be that she is wearing a human face mask?"

Xia Chujian said, "That makes sense. But is it necessary for the crown princess and the queen to wear human face masks and act as bait directly in such a dangerous place?"

Cai Jie: "...It seems impossible."

Xia Chujian said affirmatively, "Of course it's impossible."

"So they can be ruled out."

This is the first bigger chapter!

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