I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1127 Mission Impossible (Second update with monthly ticket)

Chapter 1127 Mission Impossible (Second update with monthly ticket +)

Xia Chujian continued: "The remaining ones are only the duchesses and elders of the four noble families."

"The old duchess Rong Chunqiu of the Li family is already over seventy years old. The age difference is so big that even a human face mask cannot make up for it, so it is definitely not her."

"The old duchess of the Quan family died a long time ago and can be ruled out."

"The elders of Quan Caiwei's generation also include the first, second and third wives of the Quan family, as well as her aunt, Lady Jiuyi, who are all about the same age as the noblewoman who needs protection."

Xia Chujian continued to analyze: "The Su family currently has only one high priestess' wife, and she is a member of the Ying family. It is unlikely to be her, because If it was her, she would definitely not wear the hairpin on her head. "

"This is too obvious."

"Among the remaining Zong family, we can exclude the old Duchess of Zong and Madam Su Shuangluo of the Zong family's first house, for the same reason as the wife of the high priest."

"The Zong family also has the second wife, the eldest princess, and the third wife of the Zong family."

Xia Chujian was silent for a moment and said, "Could it be the second wife of the Zong family - the eldest princess Tan Tai Jinyu?"

Sister Cai was confused and yawned, saying, "You know too much!"

"Are you tired? I don't care who she is, I'm going to sleep."

As she said that, she entered her room in the aircraft, closed the door, and began to sleep.

Xia Chujian's mouth twitched, and she also entered her room.

After she entered, she did not rush to sleep, but started chatting with Qi Lu.

She was still wearing a fully enclosed helmet and said, "Qilu, what do you think?"

Qilu said, "From a statistical probability point of view, it is more likely that this person is the eldest princess."

"But why would the eldest princess hide here and let so many people protect her?"

"This doesn't make sense."

As he spoke, Qilu searched the whereabouts of the eldest princess Tan Tai Jin Yu on the Star Network.

He soon found her location.

"Master, the eldest princess Tan Tai Jin Yu is currently in the lower house meeting room of the Senate, listening to the debate there."

"Because today is the first time that Councillor Zong Ruo'an has spoken on stage as an elected councillor."

Zong Ruo'an is the eldest princess Tan Tai Jin Yu's most beloved and proudest son. There is nothing wrong with her being there.

Qilu even sent a live photo released in Councillor Zong Ruo'an's office to Xia Chujian's eyepiece display.

Xia Chujian's mouth twitched, and she stopped thinking about who this person was. She just said, "Okay, I know this person is not the eldest princess, okay?"

"I don't care who this person is. Anyway, after seven days, I will take the money and leave."

Qi Lu said, "Master, good idea! No need to make trouble."

Xia Chujian thought that she could take a few screenshots of the video of this noble lady and let Qi Lu send them to Ying Wuxin anonymously.

Then she also went to bed.

After Xia Chujian and Sister Cai slept for four hours, they talked to Ye Shijie and Song Mingqian who were still on guard outside.

Xia Chujian said: "Captain Ye, Sending Money, Sister Cai and I have discussed that the four of us should take turns to be on guard, six hours each, how about that?"

"Anyway, we are substitutes for substitutes, so there is no need for two people to be online at the same time, right?"

Ye Shijie asked Song Mingqian: "Mingqian, what do you think?"

Song Mingqian thought for a while and said: "I think this is a good idea."

"It's ten o'clock in the morning now, Captain Ye and I are going to rest."

"Chujian and Sister Cai, who will take the first shift?"

He meant the period from ten o'clock in the morning to four o'clock in the afternoon, which is exactly six hours.

Xia Chujian said, "I'll do it."

"Then it's Sister Cai, from 4pm to 10pm."

"Then what?"

Song Mingqian said, "Then I'll do it, from 10pm to 4am."

Ye Shijie said, "This period is particularly difficult, so I'll do it."

"Song Mingqian, you'll do it from 4am to 10am."

Song Mingqian and Xia Chujian both agreed, but unexpectedly Sister Cai said hesitantly, "Chujian, from 10am to 4pm, I'll stand guard?"

Xia Chujian blinked, not quite understanding, but since Sister Cai asked, she must have agreed.

In fact, she was happier because she could continue to sleep.

She had just slept for four hours and she didn't sleep well.

Xia Chujian said, "Okay! No problem! Then I'll continue to sleep!"

Sister Cai smiled and said, "Thank you Chujian for your help!"

After Xia Chujian fell asleep, Sister Cai and Song Mingqian had a private chat.

Song Mingqian said, "Sister Cai, you don't have to stand guard now. You can have a good sleep."

Sister Cai said, "I want to be with you at night."

Now that the guard time has changed, Sister Cai and Song Mingqian can be together from 4 pm to 4 am.

Song Mingqian felt a warm current in his heart. Without saying anything, he sent Sister Cai an emoticon pack saying "I love you".

Xia Chujian slept until 3 pm, got up and drank a tube of advanced nutrient solution, and then changed shifts with Sister Cai.

Song Mingqian and Ye Shijie also fell asleep in the single room of the aircraft.

After Sister Cai came back, she did not go back to her single room, but went to Song Mingqian's single room.

Xia Chujian had already come out of the aircraft and squatted on the top of the tree.

Qilu had already controlled the mechanical intelligence of the aircraft, and it knew everything that happened there.

It secretly typed a few lines of children's graffiti on Xia Chujian's eyepiece display.

[Qilu]: Master, after your teammate Sister Cai returned to the aircraft, she did not go to her own single room, but went to Song Mingqian's single room.

Xia Chujian: "..."

She felt that Qilu was too nosy, and whispered: "Okay, this is someone else's privacy, don't peek."

[Qilu]: ...Oh, then Qilu withdrew from those single rooms.

Xia Chujian: "...Good boy."

So the four of them took turns to be on guard.

There was no trouble for six consecutive days.

This day is Thursday, and it is also the last day.

From now on, until tomorrow Friday at six o'clock in the afternoon, their mission will be completed.

Without any surprises, the 20 million will be in the pocket.

Xia Chujian is even thinking about whether she should buy some more industries on Guiyuanxing after taking the dividends.

For example, ask Su Buyan for help to customize the large instruments that her aunt needs.

When Xia Chujian takes over the shift, it will be four o'clock in the afternoon.

She will persist until ten o'clock in the evening, and then basically everything will be fine tomorrow.

The four of them were very surprised that the mission was so easy to complete.

But in addition to being surprised, everyone was a little uneasy.

They always felt that this mission was not so simple.

They always had this feeling at the beginning, but nothing happened, and their vigilance was gradually worn out.

Not only them, but also the substitutes in front of them, and the security personnel in front of the substitutes, all slacked off a little bit like this.

In the evening, Xia Chujian was wearing a sniper rifle and a Xuannv Qingyao titanium mecha. She switched to the forest camouflage color and almost merged with the trees.

In front of her were layers of forests, and in the deep and light green, there were large and small red flowers.

They bloomed all over the mountains.

Because the altitude here is relatively high, the mountains are often surrounded by clouds and fog.

The six-story, winding hotel in front of her looked like a green ribbon in a fairyland.

Xia Chujian looked ahead, and the upper right corner of the eyepiece display showed the countdown for her mission.

Just as the sky was getting dark and the countdown reached nine o'clock in the evening, Qi Lu's slightly panicked childish voice sounded in Xia Chujian's helmet.

"Master! There is a sudden large-scale magnetic field interference here!"

"Radar detection failed!"

"No! Master, get down quickly!"

Xia Chujian didn't have time to ask what was going on, and her body had already sunk very quickly into the tree.

She was originally holding the Judge No. 7 sniper rifle on the top of the tree.

Now in a hurry, she threw away the sniper rifle, and the mecha directly exerted force and sank down into the bushes.


The sound of a bullet cutting through the air passed over her head.


Xia Chujian's heart sank, and she said, "Someone shot down the sniper rifle on the top of my tree!"

She quickly switched the Xuannv Qingyao Titanium Mecha to stealth mode, and then switched to the Judge No. 1 sniper rifle from the mechanical arm.

Because of the sudden large-scale magnetic field interference, the network connection was greatly affected, and Xia Chujian could not contact the teammates who were still resting in the aircraft.

Xia Chujian planned to go back to the aircraft to reunite with everyone.

She shuttled through the jungle in the dark night.

There was a sudden earth-shaking roar from the six-story hotel on the mountain in front.

The entire one-kilometer-long hotel exploded from the middle.

The black and red flames soared into the sky and soon burned fiercely.

A magnificent and elegant hotel was blown into two parts.

The fire quickly gushed out of the hotel, and the night wind blew, and the flames rolled directly into the woods near the hotel.

Xia Chujian was not afraid of the fire.

Her Xuannv Qingyao Titanium Mech was fireproof, but she didn't know if she could continue to be invisible in the fire if the fire came.

So she left quickly, drove the mech, and flew to the outside of the woods.

There was a spacious apron in the open area outside the woods, like a natural fire isolation zone.

Xia Chujian soon came to the aircraft of her team.

Sure enough, the roar outside had awakened everyone in the aircraft.

The aircraft door opened wide, Xia Chujian jumped in, and saw Song Mingqian and Sister Cai holding a submachine gun and a sniper rifle respectively, looking vigilantly in the direction of the door.

Xia Chujian didn't dare to speak, fearing that the other party would shoot immediately under high tension.

She remained invisible, bypassed the two people, entered her single room, removed the invisible state, knocked on the door, and said, "It's me, I'm back."

Song Mingqian and Sister Cai raised their hands and shot as if they were conditioned reflexes.

Then they realized that the voice came from behind them, and it was Xia Chujian's voice.

Sister Cai sighed, turned around and said, "Chujian, you're back? What's going on outside?"

Xia Chujian said calmly, "The hotel suddenly exploded and was blown into two pieces."

"I don't know how the lady we want to protect is now?"

This is the second update, May monthly ticket 3900+.

There will be new updates after 5:00 pm!

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