Meng Guanghui said: "You may not believe it, but when I started searching for micro wormholes, I searched the entire Guiyuan Star immediately."

"Not a single micro wormhole was found!"

"Even if there are two miniature wormholes somewhere on Beichen Star!"

Xia Chujian was shocked: "Beichen Star is there?! It's too dangerous here. I want to return to Yuanxing!"

Meng Guanghui hurriedly said: "No more! No more!"

"Now Beichen Star has stepped up security measures and scans 24 hours a day."

"As soon as there is any sign, we will deal with it immediately!"

Xia Chujian patted his chest, pretended to be relieved, and said with a smile: "That's great!"

"It's really quick to destroy the wormhole as soon as there are signs of it appearing."

"It's just a little expense to you Huo Shuai..."

Meng Guanghui: "!!!"

He smiled and nodded and said, "It's indeed a bit handsome!"

"But there is nothing we can do. Who made his genetic evolution level high?"

“It’s called the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!”

Xia Chujian laughed for a while and then said: "No wonder, so many universities and scientific research departments have moved to our home planet."

Meng Guanghui said: "Yes! Now it seems that only Guiyuan Star is the safe rear area!"

"Don't tell me, I want to buy a house for my family on Guiyuan Planet..."

"Oh, it's a pity that it's too expensive. Now unless I sell my house on Beichen Star, I can't afford the house on Guiyuan Star."

Xia Chujian said: "Boss, if you only want a small house with three bedrooms and one living room, I have extra here and can transfer it to you at the price before the price increase."

Meng Guanghui was very surprised: "Really?! Three bedrooms and one living room are not small!"

"There are only three people in my family: me and my parents. Three bedrooms and one living room are enough for our family!"

Xia Chujian said: "I bought it for a set of 100,000 yuan for the fine decoration. You..."

Meng Guanghui frowned and said, "I have researched the housing prices of Guiyuan Star. If it is that kind of finely decorated community, it should be 300,000 yuan before the price increases, right?"

"Now it has increased to six million a set..."

Xia Chujian said calmly: "I'm lucky. I bought it when the house price in Mulan City fell to its lowest point. It's one hundred thousand yuan. I can show you the transaction certificate."

Meng Guanghui still didn't believe it: "...Is it really that cheap?"

Xia Chujian simply sent a screenshot of a house transaction to Meng Guanghui.

Meng Guanghui believed it after reading it, but he was embarrassed and said, "But if you sell it on the market now, one set will cost six million."

"I can't take advantage of you with a set of 100,000 yuan."

Xia Chujian blinked and said, "In that case, according to the previous market price, a set of 300,000 yuan, you can pay in installments."

Meng Guanghui gritted his teeth and said, "Then I'll give it a try and take advantage of our first meeting."

"I'll buy one from you for 300,000 yuan. When I have money, I'll make up the difference for you!"

Xia Chujian said: "It's really not necessary. I have several houses like this..."

Meng Guanghui really didn't know what to say, so he silently transferred money to Xia Chujian, and then agreed that when Meng Guanghui's parents went to Guiyuan Star, Xia Chujian would ask her own family, that is, Yingying, to help her contact and take charge. Transfer procedures and transfer of smart door keys.

Meng Guanghui was so grateful for seeing Xia Chu that he almost bowed to her.

This made Xia Chujian feel quite embarrassed.

She calmly changed the subject and said, "Boss, have you read the news? What's going on with the Royal Sanatorium?"

"Queen, are you still in that nursing home? Nothing happened to the Queen?"

Meng Guanghui sneered and said, "The queen is indeed still in that nursing home..."

"Any fool can see what the royal family is up to."

"But don't worry, the Crown Princess is going to ascend the throne. Even if she doesn't want to take the Queen back, Lee will not let her succeed."

Xia didn't believe it at first sight, but in the afternoon, she believed it.

Because the head of the Li family, the Grand Duke, who never appeared in public, came forward.

He personally went to the Royal Sanatorium and took out his daughter, Queen Li Feng'en.

His action was actually broadcast live this time.

The entire Beichen Empire's star network hot search exploded again to the point where it almost went down.

Xia Chujian sat on the sofa with great interest, pulled out the virtual display screen, widened his eyes as if following a big drama, and watched the luxurious aircraft taking off into the sky and arriving at the valley where the Royal Sanatorium was located.

Then, extended versions of antique mechanical cars drove out directly from the luxury aircraft.

The doors of the Royal Sanatorium opened on both sides, and the convoy drove straight in, as if entering a deserted land.

Soon, the convoy stopped in front of a small building deep in the woods.

Xia Chujian's eyes widened.

This small building is almost exactly the same as the small building that Li Fu blew up that night!

So in this royal sanatorium, there are two identical small buildings? !

Are all the houses in this nursing home the same?

Of course it's impossible!

Soon, the camera changed and she saw the castle in the royal sanatorium.

Each one is a stone castle with its own characteristics. The differences are obvious and they are definitely not the same.

So why are there only two small buildings in this royal sanatorium that are exactly the same?

Xia Chujian also realized that one of the small buildings had been razed to the ground by a bomb, so except for those insiders in the sanatorium, the audience had no idea that there were two identical small buildings here?

Xia Chujian's mind was like a storm.

She looked at the virtual display screen intently.

On the virtual display screen, the doors of the extended antique mechanical cars opened one after another, and tall and burly security personnel dressed in black walked out one by one.

They all looked like high-level evolvers.

They stood in various directions.

Then the door of the car in the middle of the convoy was opened.

Two middle-aged men in the same black came out, opened the door carefully, and helped out a vigorous old man from inside.

He had a head full of silver hair, sharp eyes, and was well maintained. He looked at most sixty years old.

But Xia Chujian knew that the old man's eldest daughter, the queen Li Fengen, was over fifty, so the old man was definitely not sixty.

He was at least eighty years old.

Because he is a genetic evolutionist, he looks at least 20 years younger than his age.

This is the bonus brought by genetic evolution, not by makeup or surgery, nor by maintenance alone.

The live broadcaster introduced that the old man is the Grand Duke of Li, Li Zhichang of this generation.

Then, two middle-aged women in black came out of the car.

They bent down and helped a tall, stern old woman out of the car.

The old woman had very deep nasolabial folds on her face.

Her facial features should be very good, but because of these two deep nasolabial folds, she has a kind of uncompromising stubbornness and arrogance.

If you ignore this high-handed momentum, you can see from her charming eyebrows that she should have been a great beauty when she was young.

The live broadcaster then explained that this old woman is the Grand Duchess of Li, the biological mother of the Queen - Rong Chunqiu.

The Grand Duke of Li smiled and turned back, stretching out his arm to Rong Chunqiu.

Rong Chunqiu smiled at him elegantly, and gently extended his hand and put it on his arm.

The two old men stood in front of the small building with their arms linked.

Several people dressed as eunuchs rushed out of the small building and hurriedly bowed and greeted them.

The Grand Duke of Li said kindly: "Excuse me, can you let us go in and see our daughter?"

"We are here today not as the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Li, but as a pair of parents who love their daughter."

"We want to see if she is still alive..."

On the live broadcast display, Xia Chujian saw that there were so many comments that they almost covered the entire virtual display.

"Ahhh! What a sin!"

"Although the queen is over fifty, she still has her parents who love her!"

"I envy the queen so much! She is the so-called winner in life!"

"The person I envy most in the whole empire is the queen! She was born in the top nobility and is loved by her parents!"

"She married the crown prince, and then successfully became the queen, and she has a son and a daughter!"

"Now my daughter is going to ascend the throne and become the empress!"

At this time, everyone seemed to have forgotten that the queen also had a bad husband - His Majesty the Emperor...

And this His Majesty the Emperor also had a "legitimate" mistress, who was now "in charge of internal affairs"!

The queen, who was originally forgotten by her husband in the sanatorium, suddenly became the most envied lucky woman!

Grand Duke Li spoke kindly, but the royal servants were almost paralyzed by fear.

Their waists were almost bent to the ground.

The leader said, "Your Excellency Grand Duke Li, the Queen is fine, just a little frightened."

Grand Duke Li nodded: "That's good, can I go in and see my daughter now?"

The royal chamberlain frowned and whispered, "Excuse me, do you have the emperor's handwritten order?"

"The Queen is following the emperor's handwritten order to recuperate here..."

It means that without the emperor's handwritten order, they can't make the decision.

The Grand Duchess of Li said lightly at this time: "Really? Then did Her Royal Highness leave the sanatorium with the emperor's handwritten order?"

Of course not.

The Crown Princess Tan Tai Jing left the royal sanatorium after Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan fell into a coma due to a serious illness.

How could there be an emperor's handwritten order?

The royal chamberlain knelt on the ground with a plop, lowered his head, and no one dared to speak.

Grand Duke Li stood in front of them, smiled and looked at them for a while, then said: "I said, I am not standing here today as the Duke of Li."

"I came here purely as an old father who is worried about his daughter and loves her."

"Now, my wife and I want to go in and take a look at my poor daughter, okay?"

This is the first update. There will be a second update at 5:00 pm.

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