Grand Duke Li asked in a friendly manner, but Xia Chujian could feel the indescribable pressure through the screen.

This is the momentum of the real top figures of the four nobles!

Xia Chujian watched intently.

Then, on the live broadcast screen of the virtual display screen, Grand Duke Li and his wife Rong Chunqiu walked up the steps of the small building together.

The royal servants kneeling on the ground looked up at their backs and wanted to say something, but they were tongue-tied and couldn't say anything.

The black-clothed people brought by Li had already stood in groups of three or two in various places, looking around vigilantly.

It seemed that as long as anyone dared to break in, they would pull out a gun and shoot three times in a row without any reason!

This is also the quality of being a top security personnel, or a professional killer...

Xia Chujian himself is a bounty hunter and is very familiar with this momentum.

Bounty hunter is actually another euphemism for professional killers.

After the old Duke and his wife of the Li family entered the small building, the live broadcast did not continue.

The anchor and the security personnel were all guarding the door of the small building.

The live broadcast page was silent for a while, and there was no barrage.

The entire empire was holding its breath, waiting for the follow-up.

At the same time, the head of the cabinet Quan Juntai, the five chiefs of staff of the military, the speakers of the upper and lower houses of the Senate, and the chief inspector of the Special Security Bureau Huo Yushen, the crown princess Tan Taijing and Jiuyi's wife Quan Jiuyi were holding an emergency meeting.

Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess had a pale face and said: "Whether everyone agrees or not, I must let my mother out!"

"Don't worry, everyone, when my father wakes up, I will bear the punishment for disobeying the order!"

The speaker of the Senate of the Senate is surnamed Li, named Hengchang, and is a member of the Li family.

He said calmly: "Your Highness is about to ascend the throne. It is against the constitution for the Queen not to attend the coronation ceremony."

The speaker of the lower house, Kang Bosheng, also said: "Your Highness, we have to make decisions in an emergency. The incident at the Royal Sanatorium has indeed threatened the Queen's safety."

"According to the Constitution, when life safety is threatened, the Royal Order can be considered."

This means that there are no consequences for violating the Royal Order.

The Crown Princess Tan Taijing said gratefully: "Thank you for your understanding!"

Then he looked at the Cabinet Commander Quan Juntai and the five military chiefs of staff: "General Commander, all the chiefs of staff, what do you think?"

Quan Juntai said calmly: "This is a private matter of the royal family. It is not convenient for us, the Cabinet, to intervene."

This is to stay out of it.

The five military chiefs of staff all said, "We agree with the general commander. We, as outsiders, should not interfere in the affairs of the royal family."

The Crown Princess Tan Taijing nodded, "That's it. I will go to the sanatorium now to take my mother back to the palace!"

Huo Yushen, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "According to the decree of His Majesty before he fell into a coma, Madam Jiuyi has the power to execute anything related to the royal family."

Quan Jiuyi originally had a gloomy expression and looked so depressed that she didn't want to talk.

Seeing that the situation was hopeless, she seemed discouraged and wanted to withdraw.

Unexpectedly, Huo Yushen actually stood by her side and supported her...

Quan Jiuyi quickly glanced at Huo Yushen, raised his head and said: "Since your majesty has entrusted me to handle these matters, I think the queen can come out of the royal sanatorium, but she doesn't have to return to the palace."

"You can change to another sanatorium, or go to Li's private hospital."

"The queen is sick and needs treatment. Treatment is the most important thing."

What she said means that the queen can leave the sanatorium, but she does not agree to take the queen back to the palace.

The Crown Princess Tan Tai Jing glared at her: "Madam Jiuyi, have you forgotten that the Queen is my mother!"

"My mother is ill, she should go back to the palace for treatment! How can she go to those messy places outside!"

Li Hengchang, the Speaker of the Senate of the Senate, coughed heavily: "Your Highness, let's go to the sanatorium first..."

The Crown Princess Tan Tai Jing knew that she had spoken out of turn, and smiled at Li Zhichang: "Speaker Li is right, I will go now."

The Crown Princess Tan Tai Jing hurriedly walked out of the meeting room and flew towards the aircraft parked in the air.

As soon as she entered, she ordered: "Go to the sanatorium."


Ten minutes later, when everyone was in the live broadcast room, quietly waiting for the Grand Duke Li and his wife to enter the small building to see the results of the Queen's daughter, the Crown Princess Tan Tai Jing also appeared in the live broadcast room.

Because she also came to this royal sanatorium in the suburbs of the imperial capital.

She was wearing a black military uniform with red edges, and she said coldly to the royal servants at the door of the small building: "Get lost! I want to take my mother home!"

The servants looked up at her tremblingly, and then ran away quickly.

The Crown Princess Tan Taijing said loudly: "My mother! Grandfather! Grandmother! I'm here to take my mother back to the palace!"

She walked up the steps quickly and entered the small building.

The live broadcast room was boiling again at this time.

The barrage began to fill the entire screen.

Xia Chujian was impatient to see so many people talking nonsense, so she directly banned the barrage.

This way she couldn't see the barrage.

After waiting for another half an hour, finally, the Grand Duke and his wife of the Li family came out of the small building.

The Grand Duke of the Li family still had a kind face, but the Grand Duchess's face was not so serious.

She smiled slightly, and her elegant look seemed as if she was a queen.

Behind them was the Crown Princess Tan Tai Jing, who was holding the Queen's arm and slowly walking down the steps.

The queen wore a long green dress, with her hair loosely pulled into a bun, with a plain white magnolia flower hairpin inserted into the bun.

Her face is very thin, her figure is also very thin, as elegant as a shadow, her expression is melancholy, and she still looks sick.

She didn't even look at the princess, Tantai Jing, but looked ahead. She didn't smile until she saw her parents.

She said softly: "Father, mother, can I go home and stay for a few days?"

Grand Duchess Rong Chunqiu immediately said: "Of course, you are my daughter and the current Queen. Who can not allow you to return to your parents' home for a short stay?"

"Really? Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess?"

She looked at the Crown Princess Tantai Jing, and the way she spoke was actually a bit aggressive.

Xia Chujian didn't see it. At this time, the barrage covering the entire display miraculously disappeared.

Because the official of the live broadcast room has banned all barrages.

The Crown Princess Tantai Jing looked very polite and said with a smile: "Grandma, my mother can go back to her parents' home to stay at any time."

"But the mother's body has not recovered yet. Gu Xiang wants to take the queen back to the palace for diagnosis and treatment by the chief physician."

"If the chief physician says that the queen's health is fine, I will immediately send the queen back to her parents' home."

The Crown Princess Tantai Jing puts the Queen's health first, and no one can fault her for this statement.

Duchess Rong Chunqiu nodded and said, "Okay, I am also worried about my daughter's health."

"Then can I go back to the palace with His Highness and the Queen? I also want to hear from the chief physician about my daughter's condition."

The Crown Princess Tantai Jing smiled and looked at Grand Duke Li as if asking for help.

Grand Duke Lishi said kindly: "Please don't embarrass Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess... What are you going to make trouble for?"

"The queen returns to the palace for diagnosis and treatment. It won't take half a day and she will go home in the evening. Right? Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess?"

The Crown Princess Tantai Jing said with a smile: "That depends on the diagnosis and treatment results of the chief imperial physician."

"Of course I hope that my mother and queen will be healthy and free from illness and disaster."

"If everything goes well, we will indeed be able to send the queen back to Lishi in the evening."

Rong Chunqiu's face darkened, as if he did not expect that the Crown Princess Tantai Jing would dare to let her touch a soft nail.

Just as she was about to speak, Grand Duke Li suddenly said: "Let's go, I have something else to do and I have to go back."

With that said, he walked towards his car first.

Rong Chunqiu pursed her lips, glanced at her daughter, Her Royal Highness, reluctantly, then turned and left.

She knew that her husband had made his attitude clear.

If she continues to pester him, he will not support her...

And it's being broadcast live now, so she can't let everyone see the joke.

Rong Chunqiu sat in the car and waited for the door to close before she said displeasedly: "Zhichang, why don't you take your daughter home right away?"

"We at Lee's have the top medical cabin and the best doctors. Isn't it better than the chief physician in the palace?"

Li Zhichang said calmly: "I don't want to hear such words in the future."

Rong Chunqiu was furious and said: "You are just too timid! What about the royal family? It's not about the faces of our four nobles!"

Li Zhichang drooped his eyelids and said in a slow but serious voice: "Chunqiu, you are becoming more and more presumptuous."

"Have you forgotten that our Li family is the least powerful among the four nobles?"

"The top three nobles combined are not as loud as you!"

Rong Chunqiu snorted: "Those people are all hypocrites!"

"I just say whatever I want!"

"I am from the Rong family, I am very powerful in the military, and I am married to your Li family. What are you afraid of?"

Li Zhichang sighed and said: "...the military...if it were before, I really wouldn't stop you."

"But now, do you know what the military is facing?"

"How many people do you have in the army? This time, probably more than half will be lost!"

Rong Chunqiu frowned and said, "What do you mean? You mean, they are really going to the front line?"

"But we, the Rong family, are all middle and upper-class in the army and will not fight on the front line."

Li Zhichang sneered: "Now it may be a war to destroy the country! Tell me, are there any people in the army who don't go to the front line to fight?"

Rong Chunqiu was shocked: "No way?! How can it be so serious?!"

Li Zhichang said: "Don't you know that the Eastern Divine Kingdom and the Cimanelli Federation have been destroyed?!"

"There are only two habitable planets left in the Principality of Southern Cross, and they have agreed to be incorporated into our empire."

"So the Principality of Southern Cross has become history."

"After seeing the fate of these countries, do you think the Zerg army of 'Daughter of Divine Blessing' Wen Renzhao will be so easy to deal with?"

There will be an update at 05:00 p.m.

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