I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1139 Starting point and end point (second monthly ticket)

Chapter 1139 The starting point and the end point (second update monthly ticket +)

Ye Shijie took them to Li Hanxi's house.

This is a three-story building with a small courtyard.

Compared with other places in the neighborhood, the area is smaller, and the yard is negligible.

There wasn't even a house number in front of the door, just a cold "931" house number.

There were no funeral decorations in the yard, but there were a few more people in plain clothes than in other places.

There were two more people standing guard at the door, and a stooped servant wearing a servant's uniform.

This man must be very old, but he still works here.

He checked the invitation card presented by Ye Shijie, bowed and said, "Mr. Ye, Mr. Song, Ms. Ping, Ms. Xia, please come this way."

He gestured to move out of the way.

The two men in black standing guard at the door also moved to the side.

Ye Shijie took Xia Chujian and them into the yard.

The small yard is all paved with cement, and there are no lawns or flowers and trees that are common in single-family houses.

The four of them walked to the front of the small building in a few steps.

There is only one step in the small building, and everyone quickly arrived at the living room on the first floor.

After entering, it felt a bit like a funeral, but not much.

The curtains in the room were replaced with elegant ivory white.

There is a long table on the wall opposite the living room, with Li Fu's portrait on it.

There are two candles lit on both sides of the portrait. In front of the portrait is an incense burner with an incense stick inside.

In front of the long table, a woman in white stood quietly.

That incense seemed to have been put on by her.

Xia Chujian looked at the man's back carefully and guessed that this man was Bai Cuiwei.

The man turned his head and looked at Ye Shijie and his group with surprise but not surprise.

This person is none other than Bai Cuiwei.

Her eyes quickly passed Ye Shijie and landed on Xia Chu's meeting, and then looked at Song Mingqian and Sister Cai without any trace.

She nodded towards Ye Shijie and said, "You are here."

"You are Afu's best friends. He must be very happy that you can come and see him off for the last time."

Ye Shijie said officially and politely: "My Lady Bai, if you can come and offer incense to Li Fu, he will be very happy too."

"Would you like to leave a hairpin for Li Fu to be buried with him?"

According to the customs of the Beichen Empire, if an unmarried couple separates in life or death, the fiancée can bury one of her hairpins in her fiancé's coffin as a companion and to complete the unfinished relationship between husband and wife.

This means that Bai Cuiwei is indeed regarded as Li Fu's widow.

Bai Cui smiled reluctantly and said, "Actually, my relationship with him is not what you think..."

That's not what she said last time she and Li Fu went to Xia Chujian's house.

This means that once a person leaves, he will not acknowledge his fault.

Xia Chujian said calmly: "It doesn't matter what we think. What matters is what Li Fu thinks."

"He is no longer in this world, so his thoughts cannot be changed."

"Noble Lady Bai, do you think so?"

Dead people cannot lie, those who lie can only be living people.

Xia Chujian was implying that Bai Cuiwei was lying.

A flash of resentment and embarrassment flashed in Bai Cuiwei's eyes.

She hurriedly lowered her head to hide the cruelty that suddenly emerged in her heart, and whispered: "He and I are not destined to be together, and there is nothing we can do about it."

"I was also surprised by what happened that day... If I had arrived earlier, I might have been able to save him."

Xia Chujian said: "Really? Is it really an accident? That's too coincidental..."

Bai Cuiwei's face remained normal, but the corners of her eyes were a little red. She whispered: "That's the truth. If you don't believe it, there's nothing I can do about it. - Farewell."

She hurried out the door.

Li Fu's father, Li Hanxi, chased him out at this time and said enthusiastically: "My lady Bai, why don't you sit down for a while?"

"Li Min, come and see Lady Bai off quickly!"

A man who looked similar to Li Fu also walked out of the living room next to the living room and said with a smile: "My lady Bai, I will take you out!"

Xia Chujian looked at this man, then at Li Hanxi's face, and thought, it turned out that Li Fu and his father looked very similar.

So like his father's half-brother, he looks similar to Li Fu.

They are all very tall, with rough and very masculine faces.

However, although Li Fu's younger brother is also tall, he is not as tall and powerful as Li Fu.

Just tall and thin.

But when he chased him to the door, Bai Cuiwei waved his hand as if to shoo away flies, and said impatiently: "I still have something to do, so there's no need to send him away."

She almost stepped out of the courtyard and came to the outside.

An aircraft appeared in mid-air.

Bai Cuiwei flew into the air and entered the aircraft.

Then the aircraft entered stealth mode and flew away with a whoosh.

Xia Chujian saw it through the window of the living room of Lihanxi's house, and felt a little confused.

How could Bai Cuiwei's aircraft fly over Lee's residential area?

Didn't Ye Shijie say that this is a no-fly zone?

Not only are flights prohibited, aircraft from outside cannot even be parked within the Ritchie neighborhood.

Could it be that the Bai family, from which Bai Cuiwei was born, is so powerful that even the Lee family is afraid of it?

But think about it again, Li's family is Li's family, and Li Fu's father, Li Hanxi, was not from the main lineage of Li's family.

Only because the ancestors four generations ago were closely related to the main lineage of the Li family, he was able to live here and enjoy the title of nobility.

Li Fu's generation is already the fifth generation.

When it comes to the next generation of Li Fu, they will have nothing to do with the Li family. They must move out of the Li family's ancestral home and no longer enjoy the title and status of nobility. They will be just ordinary citizens.

But in the Beichen Empire, the status of citizen is also the dream of hundreds of millions of civilians.

There is no way. The starting point of others after being downgraded is already your end.

What hope is there for such a day?

Xia Chujian sighed and said nothing.

She stood at the end of the line, behind Sister Cai, and burned incense for Li Fu.

There were already five incense sticks in the incense burner in front of Li Fu's portrait.

Ye Shijie, on behalf of the team, gave Li Hanxi a gift from his team.

It was a deed for a cemetery.

The cemetery was not in a particularly good location, but it was not bad either. It was of medium price and the advantage was that it was permanent.

As long as the Beichen Empire exists, someone will take care of Li Fu's cemetery.

Just such a small piece of cemetery cost them 500,000 Beichen coins.

This was collected by the four of them.

Originally, Sister Cai said to send the money directly, but Song Mingqian suggested to send the cemetery directly, so that the money could be used for Li Fu.

Sure enough, when Li Hanxi opened the red envelope and saw the deed of a cemetery, his face froze for a moment.

But he quickly recovered and said with a smile: "That's great!"

"I have many children in my family. Apart from the little trust fund of the family, there is no other income, and there is no money to buy a cemetery."

"I originally wanted to cremate him and scatter his ashes into the sea."

"Now that we have a cemetery, it will be convenient for us to pay tribute to him in the future."

Ye Shijie said: "I don't think anyone else will pay tribute to him. Why don't we send his coffin to the cemetery together?"

"Our team wants to shovel a handful of soil for his cemetery with our own hands."

Li Hanxi's face turned red, and a swear word almost slipped out of his mouth.

This team is really cunning!

How could he bury Li Fu in the cemetery...

He was just thinking of reselling this cemetery by the way, and he could make another sum of cash!

He knew how expensive the cemeteries in the imperial capital were!

Li Hanxi swallowed hard to swallow the dirty words, and said with a wry smile: "... This... I'm afraid it's too late..."

Ye Shijie said: "It's not too late. The four of us can carry the coffin for our teammates."

"Our aircraft is parked on the public helipad outside. As long as we carry it over, we can get on the aircraft and then transport it to the cemetery."

Li Hanxi looked at Ye Shijie with his mouth open, as if he had not expected that there would be people who came to pay their respects and took the initiative to help carry the coffin for burial!

While he was stunned, Ye Shijie had taken the deed from him and said: "If you don't say anything, I will take it as your consent."

He looked back at his teammates and said: "Together?"

Song Mingqian, Sister Cai and Xia Chujian immediately said: "Together!"

Everyone in Li Hanxi's family was stunned and forgot to stop them.

They just watched Ye Shijie and the other four carry out Li Fu's thin coffin, which looked very cheap.

They left Li Hanxi's house and walked on the small road in the Li's block.

Li Hanxi's family did live in the corner of the Li's block. Along the way, although they met a few Li's clansmen, they just watched coldly and no one said anything.

Of course, no one stopped them.

Ye Shijie, Song Mingqian, Xia Chujian and Cai Jie quickly carried Li Fu's thin coffin to the team's aircraft.

The aircraft took off and flew towards the cemetery.

Soon, the aircraft stopped in front of the cemetery.

It was still the four of them who carried Li Fu's coffin out and came to the cemetery they bought.

There was already a pit there.

Just put Li Fu's coffin in and shovel the soil back.

The person who dug the soil before was a robot hired by Ye Shijie.

But now, the four of them shoveled the soil back one shovel at a time.

This cemetery is really very small, not much bigger than a coffin.

They quickly filled the soil back, and then asked the robot in the cemetery to come over, cap it with stones, and then erect a tombstone.

The four of them bought incense, paper money, flowers and some paper funeral supplies for the memorial service in the cemetery, and burned them in front of Li Fu's tomb.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when everything was done.

The four of them were busy for several hours and didn't even have lunch.

Of course, they didn't have an appetite to eat.

After everything was done, Li Fu's tomb looked brand new.

Ye Shijie then explained: "I originally wanted to give the tomb deed to Li Fu's father and let their family take care of it."

"But after seeing their family do things, I was worried, so we just did it."

"I don't want them to resell the tomb we bought for Li Fu with the money we raised..."

Xia Chujian nodded and said: "Captain Ye is right! I think Li Fu's cheap father is capable of doing such a thing."

This is the second update, June monthly ticket 300+.

There will be new updates at 5:00 a.m.!

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