I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1138 Unfathomable (first and bigger chapter, please give me a monthly vote)

After hearing what Grand Duke Li said, his wife Rong Chunqiu's face was uncertain.

But soon she relaxed and said easily: "That's nothing."

"Since it is a war of annihilation, the power of the army will definitely be greatly enhanced accordingly."

"Therefore, the right to speak of our Rong family will only increase, not decrease."

Li Zhichang has always known that his wife's character is extremely stubborn and cannot be persuaded by words.

He looked at her for a while, shook his head, and stopped talking.


On the screen of the live broadcast room, the audience saw the Crown Princess Tan Taijing helping the Queen to get on the luxurious aircraft belonging to the royal family, and then flew back to the palace.

This live broadcast ended here.

Netizens were still unsatisfied and launched one hot search topic after another on the Internet, all of which revolved around the relationship between the Queen, the Crown Princess, and Lady Jiuyi.

# The Queen doesn't seem to be as fond of the Crown Princess as before... # .

# The Crown Princess is still as filial as ever! # .

# With a daughter like this, what more could a husband ask for! # .

# Guess whether the queen will return to her parents' home tonight? # .

# Have you forgotten that there is another person in the palace... # .

# When the queen returns to the palace, who will be in charge of the affairs of the inner palace, the queen or Lady Jiuyi? # .


Xia Chujian casually looked through the hot searches and thought they were all meaningless gossip, so she stopped paying attention.

She would rather check the book she was following to see if there was any update today.

Just then, someone sent a message to her school account.

[Quan's Law Firm]: Are you Ms. Xia Chujian? We have a will here that is related to you. Please contact us through our friend request for an interview.

Xia Chujian was so surprised when she saw the message that she couldn't close her mouth.

Whose will?

And it's related to her? !

Could it be a liar? !

Xia Chujian thought of the classic scams on the Internet about the so-called "descendants of the ancient royal family of a certain planet" and was suspicious.

However, there was indeed someone around her who had just passed away.

Li Fu.

However, Li Fu had his own relatives, and they were direct relatives. He was not an orphan as everyone thought before, so if it was his will, what did it have to do with her, an outsider?

Besides, the other party did not say whose will it was, so what if it was not related to Li Fu's will?

Besides, what if Li Fu did not make a will?

Thinking of Li Fu being kicked out of the house, he worked as a bounty hunter and earned a fortune.

If he did not have a will, then all the wealth he earned over the years would go to his direct relatives, that is, the father who kicked him out of the house and ignored him!

Then the ones who got all the benefits were his disliked stepmother, stepbrother and stepsister...

If Li Fu was still alive, he should be going crazy now!

And Xia Chujian felt that her blood vessels were about to burst just thinking about it!

She couldn't help but look at the account that sent the message again, and found that it was actually the official account of Quan's Law Firm.

She looked at it again carefully, and even asked Qilu to check it to confirm whether it was a disguised official account.

After Qilu confirmed that it was not, Xia Chujian sent a message directly to Quan Yuxun for insurance purposes.

[Xia Chujian]: Chief Quan, I received a message from "Quan's Law Firm". Can you confirm whether it is true or a scam?

Then forward the message.

It was around 2 pm on Beichen Star.

She waited for more than ten minutes until Quan Yuxun invited her to a video call.

Xia Chujian pressed the answer button.

Quan Yuxun appeared on the virtual display.

He was in a virtual background, and I didn't know where he was.

Quan Yuxun looked a little tired. He rubbed his eyebrows and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "I just asked my secretary to check. This message was indeed sent by our Quan Law Firm, the branch located in Beichen Star."

"There is indeed a will that is related to you."

"You will know if you go to this address when you are free on Monday."

Quan Yuxun sent her an address.

Xia Chujian was relieved.

If the address was sent to her by the other party's number, she would not dare to go!

There are too many tricks of scammers nowadays, and it is hard to guard against them, so she did not guard against them.

Change should be made in response to changes, just ignore it.

Now that Quan Yuxun proved that it was true, she would also go on Monday.

It happened that she took a day off on Monday and went to Li Fu's funeral in the morning.

I was free in the afternoon.

She replied: OK, I will go to your firm for an interview at 3 pm on Monday.

She also ignored the other party's request to add friends.

If her quantum optical brain account is not added as a friend, it cannot send her a message.

The only loophole at present is that it can be forwarded through the school account.

Her school account cannot set these permissions by herself.

Of course, not everyone can know her school account, so it is still very safe and there are not so many spam emails.

Xia Chujian exchanged a few words with Quan Yuxun again. Seeing that he looked very tired, she was also very tactful and didn't say much, and hung up the video call.

Quan Yuxun ended the video call, then looked at Quan Jiuyi in front of him, frowned and said: "Aunt, why don't you come back, it's not fun to stay in the palace now."

Quan Jiuyi looked dissatisfied, raised two thin eyebrows, and said angrily: "Why should I come back?"

"I will leave as soon as Li Fengen returns to the palace. Don't I have face?"

Quan Yuxun looked at her and said word by word: "If you don't want to cause trouble, you'd better endure it."

Quan Jiuyi's heart jumped, wondering if Quan Yuxun knew something...

But she kept that matter secret, and no one knew it except His Majesty.

Now His Majesty is also seriously ill and will soon "ascend to heaven", and no one knows it.

Thinking of this, Quan Jiuyi coughed and said: "Okay, I will endure it."

"But I won't come back. I want to take care of His Majesty. Only by staying by His Majesty's side can I feel at ease."

"No matter how domineering the queen is, she can't reach His Majesty's bedroom."

Quan Yuxun said faintly: "Aunt, His Majesty is already unconscious... Several critical illness notices have been issued..."

"Even in the palace, the county magistrate is not as good as the current one. You have to think clearly."

These reminded Quan Jiuyi that once the queen returned to the palace and took power, there would be no place for her.

When Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan was still alive, Quan Jiuyi had the emperor's support, and the queen could not defeat her no matter what.

But now the emperor is seriously ill and unconscious, and is about to die, and the queen is the most important person in the harem.

Even if the crown princess Tan Tai Jing is in the harem, she cannot go against the queen.

But Quan Jiuyi has been used to being the only one in the world since she was a child, and with her extraordinary appearance and unique figure, she is always successful in the crowd.

She chuckled and said meaningfully: "I know, but I understand your majesty better. As long as your majesty is still alive, that bitch can't make any waves!"

Quan Yuxun said calmly: "Aunt, that's the queen, you can't say that to her."

Quan Jiuyi snorted: "If it weren't for my father and elder brother's strong opposition, the person sitting in the queen's position now would be me, not that bitch!"

Obviously, after so many years, Quan Jiuyi is still very dissatisfied.

Quan Jiuyi's father and elder brother are Quan Yuxun's grandfather and father.

She murmured, "Axun, why do you say that? Why don't your grandfather and father allow me to marry the emperor?"

Quan Yuxun thought, of course I know, but I can't let you know.

He, his grandfather, and his father all knew Quan Jiuyi's character very well.

She was rebellious, but incompetent.

The more she was not allowed to do something, the more she would go against it.

But this understanding was gained after they had learned a bloody lesson.

When Quan Jiuyi was young, they thought she would be obedient.

Later, they found out that she was not obedient at all.

She fooled them all!

When they opposed her marrying into the royal family, she obeyed on the surface, but secretly, she went to Beichen Star in the name of recuperating in Kanli Star, and began to "secretly" with the emperor who was still an ordinary prince and the second heir at the time...

When they found out, everything was too late.

What could they do?

Quan Yuxun's grandfather and father were planning to kill Quan Jiuyi to prevent her from dragging down the entire Quan family line.

As a result, Quan Yuxun's grandmother fought to the death and committed suicide to save her daughter.

Since the death of Quan Yuxun's grandmother, Quan Jiuyi's mother, she felt a little regretful and understood who was the best person for her.

She quietly reconciled with the Quan family, returned to her own home, and no longer disobeyed her father and elder brother.

But then there was a sudden turn of events.

The emperor, who was obviously the second heir, became the first heir and was named the crown prince because the first heir, the eldest princess, gave up the throne and married into the Zong family.

Then he married Li Fengen, the eldest daughter of the Grand Duke of Li, as the crown princess.

A few years later, the old emperor passed away, and Tan Tai Hongyuan directly succeeded to the throne as emperor, and at the same time canonized the crown princess Li Fengen as queen.

The next year, the queen gave birth to the eldest prince, who was the first heir to the throne who had passed away.

When the queen was pregnant, Quan Jiuyi rekindled her old love with the emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan.

This time, her father, the Grand Duke of the Quan family, and her brother Quan Juntai remained silent and turned a blind eye to her behavior.

Quan Jiuyi announced that she would not marry and planned to be a aunt in the Quan family until she died.

The Quan family was so big that it could support a aunt who did not marry.

The Grand Duke of the Quan family and Quan Juntai felt that they had been too harsh in the past.

So Quan Jiuyi and the emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan both had a rebellious mentality, and the relationship between the two people who had "reunited" became more and more like dry firewood and raging fire.

Then as long as they turned a blind eye and no longer openly opposed it, the hottest dry firewood and raging fire would become dull and finally extinguished because of the loss of "fuel".

But they didn't expect that Quan Jiuyi's "secret love" with the emperor would last for so many years...

Quan Yuxun kept that "Quan Yuxun smile", but he was thinking in his heart that if he didn't know the reason why his grandfather and father stopped him, he would really think that there was "true love" between his aunt and the emperor...

However, where is the reckless true love in the royal family?

If there is, it is probably because there are reasons behind it that they don't know.

In fact, let alone the royal family, even among the four nobles, couples who get married because of true love are rare.

For example, the Su family, who is a family of high priests, insists on the principle of not getting married without true love.

But the result is that over a long period of time, there have been several times when the Su family almost became extinct...

Until now, their descendants are pitifully few.

This generation of Su family high priests only has two siblings, Su Yanxing and Su Shuangluo.

The next generation of Su family heirs are also only two siblings, Su Buyan and Su Buyu.

Before this generation of high priests, the Su family had always been a single-lineage line, almost passed down for hundreds of generations.

But fortunately, they are the high priest family, and there must be some unknown means.

So every time everyone thought they were going to die out, they were able to give birth to a child.

No matter whether it is a man or a woman, as long as they are of the high priest bloodline, they can inherit this title.

But if it is a girl, she cannot marry, she can only marry a son-in-law, and the child must take the mother's surname.

This requirement is not difficult.

To be able to be a son-in-law to the high priest family, even the men from the four marquis families are vying for it.

There is no need to search for families below the marquis.

Quan Yuxun thought of this and stopped thinking about it. He said calmly, "Aunt, it's useless to dwell on the past. Let's think about how to overcome the current difficulties."

"Have you ever thought about what you would do if His Majesty the Emperor really died?"

Quan Jiuyi hesitated and said uncertainly, "His Majesty the Emperor is less than sixty years old and is a high-level genetic evolutionist. He won't die so soon, right?"

Quan Yuxun smiled but said nothing.

Quan Jiuyi said angrily, "I think that even if I die, the Emperor may not die."

"If that's the case, why should I think about the future? Anyway, as long as His Majesty is still alive, I will live better than anyone else."

Quan Jiuyi was so stubborn that Quan Yuxun didn't persuade him anymore.

He nodded nonchalantly: "Since aunt has made up her mind, you don't need to come to me again in the future."

"You are the elder, I am the younger, even if I am willing, I am powerless to help you with ideas."

Quan Jiuyi looked at him deeply and said: "I don't have any requirements for you, as long as you can promise me that when the time is right, you can help me stop your grandfather and your father, and don't bother me."

Quan Yuxun raised his eyebrows: "This is simple, it must be what aunt wants."

Looking at Quan Jiuyi's back as he left, Quan Yuxun silently lit a candle for this aunt in his heart.


Monday soon arrived.

At 8:30 in the morning, Ye Shijie drove their team's aircraft to pick up Song Mingqian, Cai Jie and Xia Chujian respectively.

The four of them went to Li Hanxi's house together to attend Li Fu's funeral.

The aircraft stopped at a public helipad about two miles away from Li Hanxi's house.

Then the four walked to the neighborhood where the Li family was located.

That is a really large area. In the downtown area of ​​the imperial capital where every inch of land is valuable, there is actually such a piece of green land that is "hidden with merit and fame" as a residential area. The background of the Li family is really unfathomable.

This is the first and bigger chapter! There will be a second and monthly ticket extra chapter at 12:05 noon!

PS: Since it is Monday and the end of the month, you can also vote for the recommendation and monthly tickets!

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