Sister Cai agreed with Xia Chujian and said excitedly: "They don't regard Li Fu as a relative at all!"

"Li Fu's body is still warm, and they are thinking about letting their youngest son please Li Fu's fiancée!"

"Ah! Disgusting! Really disgusting!"

At that time, they all saw the way that Li Fu's younger brother fawned on Bai Cuiwei.

Fortunately, Bai Cuiwei was not interested in him and ignored him.

Sister Cai looked angry.

Song Mingqian hurriedly took Sister Cai's hand and comforted her softly.

Xia Chujian said: "Bai Cuiwei is not a good thing either. It would be good if Li Fu's younger brother could catch up with Bai Cuiwei. The two shameless people should be locked up and not come out to hurt others."

Ye Shijie, Song Mingqian and Sister Cai looked at her together.

Sister Cai said excitedly: "If you can talk, just say more! I love to hear it!"

Xia Chujian's mouth twitched, and said: "I sincerely believe so."

Ye Shijie smiled and shook his head, saying: "Okay, don't talk about others."

"Li Fu is our teammate, not Li Fu. His family has nothing to do with us."

Song Mingqian said: "Although according to the previous rules, if our bounty hunters die because of the mission, the team members are obliged to take care of their families."

"But let's forget about Li Fu's family."

Sister Cai and Xia Chujian nodded together: "Okay, no problem!"

Everyone doesn't want to see the faces of Li Fu's family again, it really affects emotions and endocrine.

They would rather die in the mission than be vomited to death by these people.

Seeing that everyone had reached an agreement, Ye Shijie said, "It's already half past two. Should we go eat something together?"

Xia Chujian remembered that she had to see a lawyer, and hurriedly said, "I have something else to do. Captain Ye can just take me somewhere."

Song Mingqian and Sister Cai said, "We have something else to do. We have to return to Yuanxing immediately."

They came back specifically to attend Li Fu's funeral.

Everyone got on the aircraft again.

In the aircraft, Xia Chujian suddenly said, "Just now in that cemetery, someone seemed to be observing us, maybe monitoring us."

Ye Shijie said, "You felt it too? I thought it was just my illusion."

Song Mingqian and Sister Cai nodded, "We felt it too..."

Xia Chujian said, "Then let's see if they will catch up."

The aircraft circled around the city for several times, and no other aircraft was seen catching up.

Ye Shijie felt relieved to send Xia Chujian to the address she gave.

Because that address was Quan's Law Firm, Ye Shijie, Song Mingqian and Sister Cai were not worried about her safety.

Xia Chujian got off the aircraft, waved to them, and walked in alone.

Quan's law firm is a building with more than 100 floors.

It is located in the top business district of the imperial capital.

Xia Chujian sighed at the bottomless wealth of the four nobles while walking into the elevator.

The elevator quickly took her to the 67th floor.

She carried an ordinary backpack and came to the front desk of that floor like a high school student who had just returned home from school.

"Hello, I'm Xia Chujian. Your lawyer asked me to meet at three o'clock."

The front desk checked the records and directed her to wait in the No. A conference room.

At three o'clock, an elite lawyer walked in and said with a smile: "Are you Ms. Xia Chujian?"

"You are as beautiful as in the photo."

Xia Chujian thought to herself that she was almost blinded by such polite words.

She didn't care, nodded, and said: "I'm Xia Chujian, may I ask what the will you are talking about is?"

The lawyer held a large sealed envelope in his hand.

He read out the will in front of Xia Chujian.


Name: Li Fu, formerly known as Li Fu.

National number: 23592876792466-953.

Date of birth: Beichen calendar year X month X day.

Residential address: No. 77, Building A, Chaowai Building, Beichen Xingdi City, Beichen Empire.

Executor of the will:

Name: Quan Ce.

National number: 349532256677888-821.

Date of birth: Y month Y day, Beichen calendar year YYYY.

Residential address: 67th floor, Quan's Law Firm Building, Beichen Xingdi City, Beichen Empire.

Text of the will:

I, Li Fu, now 28 years old, live in No. 77, Building A, Chaowai Building, Beichen Xingdi City, Beichen Empire.

I hereby make this will and declare the following:

1. Distribution of assets:

Movable and immovable property: I have only one immovable property under my name, which is my current residential address, located in Chaowai Building, Beichen Xingdi City, Beichen Empire. No. 77, Building A, a fully decorated house with a total area of ​​350 square meters.

This property shall belong to Ms. Xia Chujian.

All funds in my bank account shall belong to Ms. Xia Chujian.

All items in the safe deposit box rented by me in the bank shall belong to Ms. Xia Chujian.

I do not own any stocks, funds or other financial assets.

Personal belongings:

All jewelry, antiques and collectibles owned by me shall belong to Ms. Xia Chujian.

All items in my aircraft and house, including but not limited to decoration, furnishings, electrical appliances and daily necessities, shall belong to Ms. Xia Chujian.

Other assets:

Any assets not specifically listed in this will, if they belong to me after my death, shall also belong to Ms. Xia Chujian.

2. Executor:

This will appoints Quan Ce, a lawyer from Quan Law Firm, as the executor, who is responsible for executing all the terms of this will and handling all matters after my death, including paying estate taxes, settling debts, and distributing estates.

Special terms:

I am not married, have no fiancée, no girlfriend, and have no biological or legal children.

After my mother died young, I was kicked out of the house at the age of eight and had to support myself. My father did not fulfill his obligation to support me, so I have no obligation to support him.

In accordance with the law, all my property belongs to me and I have full control over it.

3. Signature statement: I have made this will with a full understanding of the contents of this will and confirm that this will is a true expression of my free will.

I hereby declare that this will is my only and latest will, and all previous wills and will appendices are hereby invalidated. "

After reading it, Lawyer Quan Ce showed the will to Xia Chujian.

There were also Li Fu's signature as the testator, the date, and the signatures of two witnesses below.

The two witnesses turned out to be Song Mingqian and Ping Qiong!

Xia Chujian was very surprised.

These two are really tight-lipped!

Today they have been dealing with Li Fu's funeral together, but none of them mentioned this matter...

In addition, there is also a statement of heirs below.

The executor lawyer Quan Ce pointed to the statement of heirs below and said: "If Ms. Xia Chujian has no objection to this, please sign here and show your ID so that we can verify your identity. "

The following heir statement mainly stated that the person was the legal heir of the will, and explained that if Xia Chujian, the heir, died before Li Fu, then the property would be inherited by Xia Chujian's direct descendants.

When Xia Chujian saw this, she wanted to adopt Wu Fu and Xiao Jiuxiang as her direct descendants immediately...

Unfortunately, legally, they were now adopted by Xia Yuanfang, not Xia Chujian.

Quan Ce waited for Xia Chujian to read it all and approved it before instructing her where to sign, and then checked her ID, leaving Xia Chujian alone in the meeting room.

Xia Chujian only felt that the whole thing was absurd and unreal at this time.

Why would Li Fu leave all his property to her ?

According to his obsession and secret love for Bai Cuiwei, he was willing to die for her, so why didn't he leave all his property to her?

Wouldn't this make her remember him forever?

Xia Chujian was a little panicked, not knowing whether she should find someone to discuss it.

But she didn't know who to talk to.

Quan Yuxun couldn't be told, because this was a business undertaken by his law firm, and it seemed a bit strange to complain to him.

Her master Su Buyan was too busy now, and he didn't even have time to sleep. She didn't want to disturb him with these trivial matters.

Then there was her leader, or her aunt.

But these two people were also very busy now.

Thinking of this, it seemed that the only thing she could say was Song Mingqian and Sister Cai.

But at this moment, Song Mingqian and Sister Cai were either having dinner with Ye Shijie or had boarded the interstellar spaceship, preparing to return to the distant star.

They couldn't have a video call.

Xia Chujian thought about it, but she couldn't find anyone to talk to, and she felt a little frustrated.

She wanted to go to Li Fu's house later and talk to Qilu.

Qilu was smart and knowledgeable, and he spoke well. She always liked to chat with him.

And she wasn't afraid that he would "leak secrets".

Thinking of this, Xia Chujian felt hopeful again.

She read the will from beginning to end in the conference room.

This time, she found that the will was drafted not long ago.

To be precise, it was him. A week before they took the mission.

Xia Chujian frowned.

Did Li Fu have the determination to die from that time?

Song Mingqian and Sister Cai might not have thought of it at that time...

Because in their bounty hunter business, it is normal to make a will.

Each of them has a will.

The only difference is when to update their will.

Xia Chujian sat in the conference room with mixed feelings until the executor and lawyer named Quan Ce came in again.

He opened a file bag, poured out the contents, and said: "Here is Li Fu's death certificate. You can take this certificate and this signed will to handle the property handover matters."

"You need to transfer the property and the bank account balance. Oh, and this, these are two smart keys."

"One is the key to the house, and the other is the key to the bank safe."

The key to the house is exactly the same as the one Li Fu gave her.

Xia Chujian looked at the two keys and couldn't help asking: "What's in the bank safe? ”

The executor and lawyer Mr. Quan Ce spread his hands: "We really don't know."

"When handing over a bank safe, there is only a key, which is the only token."

This is the first update, and there will be a new update at 12:05 noon.

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