I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1149: Using the opponent's strength to defeat him (second monthly ticket)

Chapter 1149: Borrowing Strength to Fight (Second Update Monthly Ticket +)

Xia Chujian asked Qilu angrily: "Where is it?! Where is the launcher of the laser beam weapon?!"

The launcher of the laser beam weapon is very large and cannot be handled by one person. There must be a device like a launch pad.

Qilu immediately followed the direction of the opponent's electromagnetic navigation lock, deduced in reverse, and quickly locked the opponent's position.

In the dark night sky, Qilu's electromagnetic detection system indeed discovered the outline of a medium-sized combat aircraft!

Qilu said: "Found it! Master, wait a moment!"

Qilu then entered the community air defense system it had previously controlled.

Once inside, Qilu's childlike voice became murderous.

"Master! Our community's air defense system is actually controlled by other mechanical intelligence!"

"Qilu does not allow this community to have mechanical intelligence that is even more powerful than Qilu!"

"Come on—! Kill it!"

Xia Chujian: "..."

The degree of anthropomorphism of this mechanical intelligence has become more and more sophisticated recently, so what is it going to do?

Xia Chujian frowned and asked, "...what's going on?"

It took a while for Qilu to reply to her, with a childish voice filled with the joy of victory: "Master! Qilu has won!

"The mechanical intelligence that previously invaded our community's air defense system has been eliminated by Qilu!"

“And added an alarm system to it.”

"In the future, whenever any other mechanical intelligence intrudes, it will immediately call the police!"

Xia Chujian: "..."

She quickly understood what Qi Lu meant, and praised with lingering fear: "Qi Lu is still awesome!"

"If this intruding mechanical intelligence is not eliminated, we may be in trouble..."

In vain, she had planned to use the community's air defense system to operate it again...

It seems that her tactics have been figured out!

Xia Chujian squinted his eyes and thought to himself, don't be afraid of old tactics, as long as they work!

Can such a high-end tactic as invading the air defense system be accomplished by any machine intelligence? !

Xia Chujian sneered and said: "Qilu, the coordinate position of the laser beam weapon!"

Soon, a line of data appeared on her eyepiece display and was also input into her mecha's navigation system.

Xia Chujian drove the mecha, instantly accelerating to the first cosmic speed, and arrived in front of the medium-sized combat aircraft in the blink of an eye.

She stretched out her arm and rested it on the aircraft's radar antenna.

Qilu quickly entered and destroyed the data navigation system of this medium-sized combat aircraft in less than one-third of a second.

Controlling these systems takes time.

But it only takes a very short time to destroy them.

The people in the aircraft also immediately discovered that there was a problem with the navigation system.

Without repairing this system, their laser beams will no longer be able to control the direction in which they fire.

As for the villa area below, they all knew who lived there.

If you accidentally shoot into someone else's house, you may not even be able to protect the person behind them!

Therefore, they had to spend time trying to repair the data navigation system at this critical juncture.

Xia Chujian took advantage of this time difference to retreat quickly and quickly returned to his villa.

She found a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher from her equipment.

Without delay at this moment, he raised his shoulder-type rocket launcher and aimed it at the engine position of the medium-sized combat aircraft in mid-air.


A rocket shot out!

With a bang, it hit the opponent's engine.

With a huffing sound, the medium-sized combat aircraft could no longer remain invisible and revealed itself in mid-air.

A raging fire broke out in the engine area, and the entire fuselage turned sideways ninety degrees.

At this moment, the laser beam that had been programmed to launch was already on the string and had to be fired!

A laser beam with strong concentrated energy was shot out of the launch pad of this medium-sized aircraft uncontrollably.

Because the entire circuit system of the aircraft was attacked, the radar navigation system was completely destroyed, and the aircraft rolled over ninety degrees. The laser beam that could destroy everything was shot into space outside the atmosphere so gorgeously!

The skies above the imperial capital were closely guarded by two interstellar fleets and a space fortress.

This gorgeous laser beam shot into space and almost encountered the patrolling small airship of the Fifth Star Fleet!

The pilot on the airship immediately issued a distress alert that the Imperial Capital laser beam was attacking them!

The attack from the imperial capital is dealing with the interstellar fleet in space. Someone on the ground must be rebelling!

The captain of the Fifth Star Fleet was furious and immediately ordered a counterattack!

Space weapons from the regular army of the Space Star Fleet are naturally many times more powerful than this ground laser beam!

In the blink of an eye, the ion beam bomb from space quietly broke through the atmosphere and hit the medium-sized combat aircraft in mid-air.

There was a loud bang!

The sky above this super high-end community once again exploded with blood-red fireworks and a thick smell of sulfur.

And there are also experts in the medium-sized combat aircraft.

When they realized there was a problem with the aircraft's data navigation system, they immediately made two decisions.

One is to remain in the cabin and repair using a laser beam weapon.

One is to send a person to jump out of the aircraft, fly directly down, and use shoulder-resistant rockets to deal with Xia Chujian.

She must be blasted to death in that villa!

Therefore, someone jumped out of the aircraft in advance and just escaped the ion beam attack from outer space!

As for the laser cannons of the air defense system of the community below, they should have locked onto the sudden intrusion of small and medium-sized combat aircraft in mid-air.

It was only that the other party also had masters of mechanical intelligence and invaded the community's air defense system in advance, which gave them this rare opportunity to lock in the villa of Xia Chujian's home.

Now after being "antivirused" by Qilu, the community's air defense system is finally able to operate normally.

Soon, based on the opponent's firepower, it locked onto the heat source of a shoulder-resistant rocket in mid-air, and activated its laser cannon.


A highly cohesive ultra-high temperature laser beam shot out.

Not only did it instantly light up the night sky, it also cut the man who was flying rapidly downward with a shoulder-resistant rocket launcher in mid-air into thousands of pieces. He was killed by the ultra-high temperature before even a drop of blood could be shed. The laser condensed into countless glass balls.

Then, they were all evaporated by the residual heat from the space ion beam bombs above, and not a single one fell to the ground.

The medium-sized combat aircraft above the man had been bombarded by ion beam bombs from outer space, turning the sky into fireworks.

It was disintegrating into tiny pieces and disappearing into the bright night sky.

No matter who is in this aircraft, it has been vaporized by the high temperature.

Xia Chujian was still not relieved. He just snorted and drove the mecha into his hangar.

The hatch of the small Bat fighter opened automatically, and Xia Chujian flew in.

She sat in the driving position, the hatch was closed, and the entire small bat fighter instantly entered a stealth state.

Then he started the fighter plane, accelerated to the second cosmic speed like lightning, flew directly out of the atmosphere, and arrived outside the atmosphere.

She escaped the outer atmosphere of the space fortress and the surveillance of the two star fleets, and flew some distance into deep space before entering the space jump.

Because space jumps will produce certain magnetic field fluctuations, she is worried that the interstellar fleet and space fortress stationed outside the atmosphere above the Beichen Star Imperial City will find some clues...

It turns out that she was overthinking.

The two interstellar fleets were now targeting the Imperial Capital on the ground for surveillance.

Their captains were all in contact with the command room on the ground to see if anyone had launched a rebellion in the Imperial Capital.

No one paid any attention to what was going on outside the atmosphere.

After Xia Chujian detected that there was no tracking, the space jump began.

Fifteen minutes later, she had appeared in the star field above Mulan City on Guiyuan Star.

There is no Starfleet station outside Mulan City's atmosphere, just a lone space fortress.

Xia Chujian flew this small bat fighter to and from Beichen Star and Guiyuan Star several times, but they didn't observe it.

This time, she successfully entered the atmosphere and sped towards her manor.

At this moment, Qilu's child voice sounded in her fully enclosed helmet: "Master! Liushun just sent a message saying that someone is besieging our home!"

Qilu's childish voice was full of anger, and it was impossible to hear the background of electronic synthesized sounds.

Xia Chuji also felt nervous when he saw it, and hurriedly said: "Tell them to go hide in the basement, and tell them that I have arrived and will annihilate all the bad guys outside!"

The Qilu Gang sent the news to Liushun.

In fact, the news about Liushun was sent out five minutes ago.

But Xia Chujian was in the space jump at that time and could not receive any electronic information.

She didn't receive the message until she exited the space jump mode and contacted the Star Network.

After Qilu sent the message, Liushun responded quickly.

[Liu Shun]: Got it! We went to the basement!

[Liu Shun]: Master! Awu and Aju were about to rush out to fight the bad guys, but suddenly a group of people appeared to help us!

Qilu presented Liushun's news on Xia Chujian's eyepiece display.

Xia Chujian said hurriedly: "Let Ah Wu and Ah Quan be good and protect everyone in the basement."

"I'm back, it's not their turn to take action!"

Qi Luxiong confidently sent the news of Xia Chu's meeting to Liu Shun.

Also on the last sentence "I'm back, it's not their turn to take action", bold and black plus three exclamation points!

In the basement of the Xia family manor on the edge of the Alien Beast Forest in Mulan City, Xia Yuanfang gathered everyone in the strongest small room in the basement.

She held Wu Fu and Xiao Jiuxiang in her arms, and on her shoulders stood the teacup dog Awu and the little fat Jiu Aquan respectively.

Sanzong hugged Sixi and sat next to her.

Aunt Chen took Yingying and sat on the other side of Xia Yuanfang.

Liushun slid around the room, "broadcasting" the live video outside to them, and conveying to them the news of Xia Chu's meeting.

When it was known that Xia Chujian had returned, there was a burst of cheers outside, in the basement room, mixed with Xiaosi's happy barking.

Liu Shun simply used himself as a projector to project the situation outside on a wall of the small room.

This is the second update, monthly tickets in June are 1500+.

There will be a new update at 05:00 in the evening!

Dear children, the last half day, monthly ticket, monthly ticket, monthly ticket!

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