I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1150 Not suitable for children (first and bigger chapter, please give me a monthly ticket)

Liushun is a household robot, but Xia Chujian gave it the authority to control the smart home system of the entire manor.

Naturally, it includes various indoor and outdoor monitoring systems.

The image it projects now is a combination of surveillance cameras from all angles outside, and the images are re-edited and sorted out.

At this time, Xia Chujian was descending rapidly.

As the altitude of the aircraft got lower and lower, Xia Chujian suddenly discovered that there were two small combat aircraft in the sky above her manor!

The two aircraft were in stealth mode, but the electromagnetic shielding they released was not strong enough, so they were easily captured by the radar system of Xia Chujian's small bat fighter.

This was the first time Xia Chujian discovered the electromagnetic detection and anti-interference functions of this small bat fighter!

This is amazing!

Xia Chujian touched the control panel lovingly.

By the way, he quietly locked the two small combat aircraft that were invisible in the air.

At this time, the two small combat aircraft did not know that they had been locked.

The people in the aircraft were concentrating on calibrating the firing coordinates of the micro-missiles.

A pilot was cursing: "Where did this little broken manor come from! It actually has such a powerful air defense system!"

"Which powerful family in the empire is this?!"

Another person said timidly: "Brother Yaoyang, could it be that the backstage here is very powerful? Do we really want to do this?"

The pilot named Yaoyang said proudly: "Backstage?! Who has a bigger backstage than us!"

"The above said, kill them all! No one will be left alive!"

As he said this, his finger pressed the launch button again.

Just when the missile was about to be released, their aircraft was hit by a missile first!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A series of earth-shaking explosions occurred in the air!

The missiles in the aircraft were blown up one after another, and the entire aircraft was blown into ashes in the powerful gunpowder equivalent!

Xia Chujian did not hesitate and aimed at another combat aircraft.

After the people on another combat aircraft found that their teammates' aircraft had been bombed and their own aircraft had been locked, they made a prompt decision and quickly jumped out of the aircraft.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Another series of explosions!

The aircraft behind them was instantly blown to ashes!

Those who flew out were obviously high-level gene evolvers.

They had already changed into conventional mechas in the aircraft, and at this moment, they were like three-meter-high steel giants, roaring towards the manor under the clouds.

It can be seen that they carefully avoided the manor's air defense system and landed ten meters outside the manor wall.

The range covered by Xia Chujian's air defense system is the position above his manor.

Theoretically, they cannot cover the airspace outside the manor wall.

This shows that although the air defense system is not omnipotent, it can ensure that any air attack entering the manor airspace can be completely intercepted!

So after these people came out of the aircraft, they chose to land in the outer area of ​​the manor.

Moreover, they were at least three meters tall, with a black iron color, and wearing very impressive conventional mechas!

Xia Chujian took a glance and saw that there were a total of twenty-three people.

There were too many people, and their positions were also scattered. It would be too wasteful to use missiles, and the efficiency was too low.

Xia Chujian decided to kill them with her own hands!

She gave a command to the mechanical intelligence of the small bat fighter, letting it stop in mid-air, and then she jumped out of the small bat fighter.

When she came out, her Xuannv Qingyao titanium mecha had already wrapped her whole body, and the mechanical arm switched out the Judge No. 1 sniper!

As soon as she left the cabin, Xia Chujian raised her mechanical right arm and pulled the trigger at the conventional mecha killer closest to her!


A bullet hit the man's head.

But the bullet couldn't get in at all. The man just flashed slightly, fired a volley of bullets in his hand, and then fell down faster.

Xia Chujian's figure spun like the wind, effortlessly avoiding the volley of bullets in mid-air.

But because of this obstacle, the man had driven the mecha down to the effective range of her sniper rifle!

Xia Chujian saw that the conventional mechas worn by these people could even defend against the bullets of the Judge No. 1 sniper, and she felt a little anxious.

Even if she could shoot one by one, she couldn't penetrate these people's mechas!

What to do?

Then use rocket launchers!

Xia Chujian was able to connect to the defense system of her own manor at this time.

Her family's full defense system not only has an air defense system, but also those fully automatic intelligent machine guns on the wall, and at least four rocket launchers!

This is not the kind of shoulder-fired rocket launcher with much less power!

It's a real rocket launcher!

Since the bullets can't penetrate these conventional mechas, let's try the power of those rocket launchers!

Xia Chujian followed the rapid descent, and was about to operate her home's defense system to aim at a conventional mecha killer, when she suddenly saw a fierce fire attack outside the wall of her manor!

It was not the fire from the defense equipment in her manor, but several war tanks drove out from the nearby woods!

They were war tanks with the logo of the Special Security Bureau!

Xia Chujian was overjoyed.

It should be the extra rescue arranged by Huo Yushen!

Xia Chujian no longer worried that she was alone and could not stop the twenty-three conventional mecha killers!

On the ground, the war tanks sprayed firepower and hit the conventional mecha killers.

The firepower of the war tanks was more fierce than that of the sniper rifles, and was about the same power as the rocket launcher.

In addition to machine gun bullets, there were also war tank barrels, which fired shells from time to time and hit the conventional mecha killers.

But Xia Chujian found that these two things combined still could not knock down the conventional mecha killers.

On the contrary, these killers who often wore conventional mechas could also maneuver and flexibly fight against this kind of war tanks.

One of the conventional mecha killers was particularly swift.

He even rushed to the top of the tank in the face of the powerful firepower of the war tank, grabbed the hatch, and the mechanical right arm was already aimed inside, ready to shoot!

Xia Chujian suddenly increased his speed to the first cosmic speed, and in less than one-third of a second, he came behind the conventional mecha killer.

The mechanical arm was raised, and a dagger flashing with cold light slid across the palm.

The mechanical right arm of the conventional mecha killer that had just been stuffed into the war tank was cut off by her.

Without the arm, there was naturally no way to pull the trigger. The fatal shot that was about to be fired into the war tank was intercepted by Xia Chujian.

Xia Chujian didn't care about the situation inside the tank, and slashed the neck of the conventional mecha killer.

A huge mechanical helmet rolled down with a snow-white knife light.

The killer's head was also wrapped inside.

Blood rushed into the sky, and Xia Chujian raised his leg and kicked it hard, kicking the body of the conventional mecha killer off the war tank.

Just when she dealt with this most ferocious conventional mecha killer, other conventional mecha killers had broken through the interception of the war tank and climbed up the wall of the Xia family manor.

The fully automatic intelligent machine gun on the wall detected traces of hot weapons and immediately shot at those people.

Da da da da! Da da da da!

The first batch of conventional mecha killers who climbed over the wall were blasted off the wall by powerful firepower.

But their mechas are particularly bulletproof. Although the machine gun bullets have left concave bullet marks on the mechas, no bullet has been able to break through the defensive shell of the mechas.

They were blasted out of the wall purely by the kinetic energy of the bullets.

After the first batch of people who climbed over the wall fell, the second batch quickly made up.

This time, they learned to be smart and no longer carried any hot weapons. They were wielding cold weapons such as swords, spears, and halberds in their hands!

They climbed over the wall with cold weapons, and the fully automatic intelligent machine guns and rocket launchers installed on the wall were indifferent.

It is obvious that the mechanical intelligence of these weapons is not smart enough and did not correctly judge the danger of these people.

It seems that these people are planning to use cold weapons instead of hot weapons!

This is indeed the limitation of the defense system of Xia Family Manor.

Hers was a private residence, so it was impossible for it to be like the defense system of the imperial government, where any moving object could be set as a sniper target!

According to regulations, her private defense system could only snipe intruders with hot weapons!

Seeing seven people climb over the wall and enter her yard in the blink of an eye, Xia Chujian's eyes turned red.

She immediately drove her Xuannv Qingyao Titanium Mech, flew off the war tank, swept over the wall, and entered the yard.

As soon as she entered, she pounced on the group of conventional mech killers who jumped off the wall and entered the manor.

This time, she no longer held the one-foot-long retractable crocodile dragon tooth dagger, but the longest long-handled dagger that could be used as a sword!


The snow-white sword light was like a meteor in the sky, and it would leave a trace when it slid past.

A blood-colored dagger shot out.

Xia Chujian's sword was as fast as lightning, and the sharp sword edge cut the hard conventional mech like cutting tofu.

First, she swung her sword horizontally, cutting off their heads in unison, then cutting off the mechanical arms of the four men, and finally cutting off their mechanical legs.

The four men didn't even make a sound before Xia Chujian chopped them into "mechanical cylinders" without arms, legs, or heads, and kicked them out of the wall one by one.

Xia Chujian then swung her sword and rushed towards the three conventional mecha killers in front of her.

The three men were quite far apart.

She couldn't kill all three of them at the same time with one sword.

She had to start from near and go to far, first dealing with the one closest to her, then the one in the middle, and finally the conventional mecha killer who was about to run to the steps of her house.

She also cut off the head with one sword, then the arms, and finally the legs.

Blood spurted out of the conventional mecha, staining the green grass in the front yard with blood. Not to mention ordinary people, even experienced bounty hunters would feel a little uncomfortable when they saw it.

Xia Chujian was so angry that she had only one thought in her mind: If anyone dares to touch my family, I will kill his whole family!

It took Xia Chujian less than a minute to kill the seven conventional mecha killers who broke into her house.

Not only did she kill them, but she also cut off their mechanical arms and legs, and finally threw them out of the wall one by one.

Her move not only completely shocked the conventional mecha killers outside who were still trying to climb over the wall, but also stunned the special security officers who came to reinforce.

Xia Chujian was so angry that she climbed over the wall and killed the remaining fifteen conventional mecha killers.

The snow-white sword light danced in front of her eyes, and her black and silver figure seemed to be coming, flying in the sword light.

One sword cuts off the head, two swords cut off the arm, and two swords cut off the thigh at the same time.

In the end, twenty-three regular mecha killers with only their main torsos remaining, wearing mecha shells, were neatly placed ten meters away in front of the wall of her house.

Xia Chujian stood in front of the wall of his house holding a long sword in his lowered hand, and sneered: "No matter who dares to attack my family, I will destroy his whole family!"

Time went back to a minute ago, when Xia Chujian fell from the sky and started killing bloody people on the screen on half the wall. In the small room in the basement, Xia Yuanfang used quick eyes and quick hands to cover the eyes of Wufu and Xiao Jiuxiang.

Sanzong covered Sixi's eyes.

Aunt Chen covered Yingying's eyes.

Upon seeing this, the teacup dog Awu and the little fat Jiu Aquan covered their eyes with two puppy paws, and the other covered his eyes with two small wings, but they secretly peeked through the gaps between their fingers or the edges of their wings. .

Only Liushun stared blankly at the high-definition video on the opposite wall, and the entire machine's intelligent processor was about to shut down.

This, this, this... the parenting program it secretly downloaded is not suitable for children to watch!

Liushun finally reacted, turned around suddenly, and saw that Xia Yuanfang, San Zong and Aunt Chen had all taken measures. It quickly slid its feet and slipped behind Xia Yuanfang. It stretched out its two mechanical arms, one on the left and one on the right. In front of the teacup dog Ah Wu and the little fat Chiu Ah Quan.

Its palms were so wide that it blocked the entire bodies of the two little cuties.

Ah Wu and Ah Quan, who were still secretly peeking, suddenly became unhappy.

Awu immediately scratched Liushun's palm with his puppy paw, indicating that he wanted to see.

Liushun refused: Not suitable for children! Not suitable for children!

But at this moment, A'zhen let out a soft cry, and the sound sounded like a heavy hammer coming, hitting Liu Shun's hemispherical mechanical head.

Liu Shun immediately judged that if it did not obey the instructions of these two little animals, its body would be gone...

As a result, Liu Shun's two mechanical palms became display screens and continued to play the scene outside.

The teacup dog Ah Wu and the little fat Chiu Ah Quan were watching attentively, as if they were ready to explode at any time, and rushed out to help Xia Chumei.

But Xia Chujian really doesn't need their help, she can really handle it by herself!

In the small room in the basement, everyone, humanoid and small animal, was deeply proud of Xia Chujian!

What she brings to everyone is an absolute sense of security!

Of course, for her enemies, it's hard to say.

This is the first larger chapter. Please vote for me!

It’s the first day of September! Hey guys, here comes the guaranteed monthly pass!

There will be a second update at five minutes past twelve noon!

PS: When you forget to set it...

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